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Josh G.

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Everything posted by Josh G.

  1. Not being the girls bf, I wouldnt really see anything wrong about this. If I was her bf, and you guys were just casual friends, Id think it was nice, But if you guys ALWAYS talk and hang out, Id start wondering.
  2. Hey, I think that you might have a chance there, I dont know for sure, Only what you told us, But defiantly, Start flirting with her more, MAke more eye contact, Get a little more intimate and deep in what you guys talk about, and good luck! (just out of curisosity, What did you get her for christmas?)
  3. So, it should just come natural and no more pressure, Ok thanks for the replies.
  4. Ok, today, me and my gf exchanged presents at the end of the day, then she was getting on her bus, and right when she said goodbye, we both kinda looked at eachother, then leaned in and kissed! Finally, its what ive been waiting for! Now I got a question, after the first kiss, do people start kissing frequently right away, like everyday? So would it be normal if I started just giving her kisses? Im so happy, Ive been like flying all night now! (also, if we say anything about it, should I let he rknow, she is the first girl I kissed?), thanks in advance
  5. Ok, the whole speech tning is great, for when u want to ask her to be your gf. There is something i realized, cuz i used to be just liek thta, think up everyhting to say for something u think is a big deal, but ure gunna realize soon, a date is just a small thing, u guys r just going to be chilling at a movie. just go up and say, hey im goin to the movies this weekend, u wanna come, act real casual, should go good, good luck!
  6. Hey, About 2 years ago, I used to be over wieght too, I started working out, running, and participating in a lot of physical activities, whcih is the key to losing wieght, along with a healthy and SAFE diet,btu I know how hard that can be when you lose your will power or you just give in to yourself, so somethings that are just as important and go hand in hand wiht them are: self esteem, other people, confidence and happiness. You have to find a way to boost your self esteem, when you lose a few pounds congradulate yourself, give yourslef a reward (not food) and really feel proud of yourself and pat yourself on the back. Get other people to encourage you, tell your really close friends and family and your bf, you are on a diet, tell them you would like there help, and they will encourage you. Believe in yourself, dont think you can do it, KNOW that if you try and put your mind to it, u will succeed. And something very hard to do, but very important, is stay happy, be happy with yourself and what you look like, know that there is going to be hard times, but you can work through these and its perfectly normal. If at first you dont suceed, try again, and learn form your mistakes, but if your not happy, it will be more difficult to go through this, maybe go dancing wiht your bf in a new outfit after you lose a couple pounds to make yourself feel good. Good Luck! Hope that helps a little bit, Josh G.
  7. Ok, heres the deal, There is something wrong with me right now, both physically and mentally, Im not sure what it is, but here are all my symptoms: I cannot sleep, Im lucky if i get a couple hours a night, this is been goin on for 2 weeks, extreme loss of appetite, I dont eat breakfast, or lunch and a very small dinner, and im not hungry, black outs, blurred vision, low concentration, lack of energy, ( I am usually very active, I used to work out 3 times a week, but I havnt felt like doing it for awhile now, I just forced myself too and finished 5 minutes ago, but couldnt do it for long), I get stressed ot very easy, and Im always stressed now, I flip out on people really easy, I never used to flip out on anyone, Im not acting myself, lost my sense of humour, have hard time talking to my friends and family, and dont like to be around them, I dont have enthusiasm for anything right now, I havnt worked on my car in awhile, and I feel sad alot of times. I dont think its depression, because there is nothing extremely serious going on or traumatizing in my life right now, I think Im going to go to the doctors and get osme blood work done, has anybody else felt this way or experienced anyting like it?
  8. Ok, well, I guess your right, I am going to have to talk to to her about it, I cant just start delaying things, and playing everything by ear, She online right now, So, im going to tell her, me and her need to talk about something tomorrow (its best to do things in person) and im going to see how she feels and what she wants to do about. Thanks again
  9. Me and he rare the same age, and she has been in a couple relationships before, ( I havn't) and we've been going out for a liile over a month. Thanks for the replies
  10. Ok, this is an update to my last post, link removed Well, today, right away in the morning, When I saw her, things went awesome, I couldn't believe it, it was feeling liek a relationship. After I talked to her for a bit, my frined needed to talk to me, so I turned around and talked to him for a bit, and my gf's friend that she hasnt talked to in awhile came over and started talking to my gf, I could over hear what they were talking about, even though they were trying to be quiet and they thought i was too busy with my friend, I heard her tell her friend that I asked her out, and her friend was liek"OMG, I cant believe it, hes so cute this is unbelievable (OH I kno, I wouldnt consider myself too cute, but this was a big boost for my self estem and it felt good 8) ) and then I looked out the corner of my eye, and my gf, was kinda jumpin up and down sayin "ya i kno, I cant believe it", and she seemed really happy and estatic, telling her friend that, So after her friend left, I went up to her and were were just talking, now during the field trip, things kind of changed a bit, she didnt sit near me, which was ok I guess, she sat with her best friend, so I was like ok no biggie, I was sittin by myself close to her, but then she got up, and went and sat with my friend and was having a good conversation with him, and they were laughing liek crazy (I was pretty mad at both of them at that point, especially becasue my friend knows the problems Im having And knows Im trying to fix them, and hes making everything worse) and then we kind of hung out on the field trip, but at luch, she went off with her friends, and ditched me again, kind of frustrating, but oh well I had my friends to hang out with, then, the rest of the trip, we didnt hang out at all, she kind of ignored me again, so I got pretty angry, but didnt show it (I never show How im feeling, or tell somebody if im having a problem with them), then on the bus ride back, she saw me sittin by myslef, so she came and sat with me, btu I dodnt talk much, because of earlier, and I was thinkin of a way to break up with her then, then we got to school, and she started acting awesome again. So, now I've decided, to wait a bit longer on breaking up, Im going to say something soon like, "hey when do I get to meet your dad so we can start getting together (her dad wants to meet me before she comes over), and if she kind of delays, or says, I dont know, im just going to assume, she really isnt interested that much so Im going to break up with her, and if she gives me an invitation to meet him, I'll do that, then well get together a couple times, and see how that goes. Well thanks for reading this monster post, any comments or suggestions? thanks, Josh.
  11. I dont think anybody lieks being teased, its ok for a little bit, in the beggining, but after awhile it just gets frustrating.
  12. Well, thanks for the reply, I hope I can go through with this, it will relieve alot of stress and tension im feeling. For my first relationship, this sure has been a bad experience.
  13. Ok, Im with the same girl, that I always write about, things have always been weird between us, I tried fixing them, it seemed to help, now, its going back to the way it was. Dont get me wrong, I still really, really like my gf, I hate do this, but I think it will be better, and we could remain friends. Heres my plan, tomorrow were going on a fieldtrip, got to go see some stuff, then for luch we get to roam around the city and go get fast food (wow, they must really trust 113, 16 and 17 yearolds eh?) IM going to try and hangaround her as much as I can, especially during lunch, if she seems to not notice me again, and talk to only her friend, IM just going to say, "Ashley can I talk to you about something, Ok, we were really good off as friends, I really like you, But this isnt working out good, I thought it would, but we only seem like friends, maybe were not right for eachother, everything is too akward, How about we go back to the way it was before", and then leave. I dont thik she wants to get anymore serious, everytime I try to, she keeps it at the same level, She makes it so hard, I CANT EVEN KISS HER, i dont think anytime is a good time to try. so liek i said, I dont want to do this, I really like her, this hurts just thinking about it, but maybe its better off for both of us, cuz I dont know how she feels about "our relationship", anybody got and suggestions or comments? thanks in advance, Josh.
  14. Josh G.


    Ok, it means, ill give u an example, a lady has an affair with a married man with children, his wife finds out, they get divorced, everybody is unhappy especially the children, the lady and guy, now ruinded a family, and destroyed the love they had in the home, thus becoming home wreckers.
  15. I like kind of smaller, but with some curves, more than flat, but smooth and curvy...? Best way to describe it is, if the girl is wearing jeans that fit pretty good, but not really loose, she doesnt have a bigger one, but you can tell there is one there. just my opinion.
  16. I really think bowling is an awesome date idea, I took my gf bowling for our first date, and it was amazing, I dont understand what other people have against it either?, If you go to a good place and they have music and stuff, it makes it very easy to talk, and u just get really relaxed and your both going to have fun, I think that would be a good idea, people just can't over use it.
  17. Hey, when was the last ime you've seen a scary movie? Heres my story, I havnt seen one for years, because I knew I didnt like them and didnt want to watch them, but on one of my dates, my gf wanted to go see a scary movie, it was supposed to be a really scary movie, so I tried talking her out of it, but she was really looking forward to going so I didnt want to disappoint her, so I went, then I realized that scary movies are not bad at all, after that Ive been able to watch them, and I dont get scared, Ya, when something pops up, its goin to scare you, but just becasue you wernt expecting it, but if you think about, most scary movies have retarded plots, so go see it, and maybe you'll feel the same as me, and they wont be a big deal anymore, goodluck!
  18. Ya, like I said, I completely understand why he is doing it, but, why did he have to wait right when I was on my way to pick her up to say that? Also, I am a good kid, I dont get into any serious trouble, And i completely respect my gf, Im not going to do anything, but the problem is, I apparently look like the stereotypical jock, everybody says "I look liek a player"???? , my friends told me awhile ago, if her dad looks at me, hes going to hate me that second? so im thinkin, maybe the first time I meet him, I should wear my glasses and not gel my hair and try to look like a geek, so he doesnt feel threatened, I think if he gets a chance to meet me, he will liek me, from what she says, me and him are alike, cars tools, tho whole garge thing, dirtbikes, hes on the police committee, I wanna be a cop, so Im just goin to try and act very very polite and see how it goes.
  19. well this probally sounds a bit stupid, I just feel like posting this, I spent the last week getting everything ready for my gf to come over today, like clean up tho whole house, dinner arrangments, rides etc... I cancelled some stuff well n e ways, at the last minute, she called me up and said she couldnt make it. so later on msn she told me, her dad wants to meet me before she comes over, which I understand, but why couldnt he have decided this earlier, Im not mad a guess, just sad, I was looking forward to spending some time together, considering we never get too, just at school with 30 other friends around, oh well. (ps, apparently I shouldnt be looking forward to meeting her dad, Im prolly gonna get a really good talk)
  20. Ok thanks for the help, Wow, this site is awesome! I can get help with everyting here!
  21. well then, he just wants to be friends, its kinda how i was with my gf, she was always flirting with me and I was always flirting wiht her, but i didnt want a gf at the time, becasue i had alot of stuff going on in my life, I knew i liked her and I couldnt help but flirt wiht her, but eventually I decided I wanted her no matter what was goin on, so maybe this is wut is happening? Maybe he'll come around like I did, good luck!
  22. Well maybe "the girl" should ask "the guy" out on a date or 2, like go see a movie or just hangout somewhere, maybe she can then get a better understanding of what is going on in his head, and he may feel different about the situation, and maybe then something could happen, if the guy is shy, it always helps if the girl does a little initiating, OR maybe hes just a really friendly person? I hope that helps and good luck!
  23. Ok, my gf is really upset right now, her best frineds mother doesnt want them talking anymore, she says that my gf is a bad inflence on her daughter (which isnt true) and I need to know what I can do or say to help, maybe, there is something I can do to fix the problem?
  24. YA, some big guy that looks like lurch was doing that to my gf, I usually never get mad, but I was about to explode when that happened, N e ways, I got a little offensive about it, and kinda claimed my territory, so hes layed off, but she pretty much told me that it was the most annoying thing in the world. So wut you got to do, is start talkin more, look interested and when this guy is doin that, gove him the eye and the "im going to kill you look" and just dont let her see it.
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