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  1. I have been dating a guy for all of two weeks. I do not know what is going on, but I think he might be losing interest in me. He says he comes on really strong to begin with, and that he did. We have been out more than we should have for knowing eachother for such short time. I've already met some of his friends. Here is the delema: We had plans for last night, his friend's car broke down and he had to go pick him up- not a problem, he's a nice guy, but I was just getting off of work and he couldn't wait five minutes for me and this was one of the friends that I have already met. So, he says he will call me when he gets the guy home in about an hour. It took an hour and a half. He calls and we make plans for that night, Friday, because he tells me that he has plans for Saturday; which, by the way, we made plans to see eachother then on Monday. We were going to meet and then he calls telling me he did not know about one of his best friends bachelor party happening Friday night, and he couldn't miss it. So now he say he will some how make time for me Saturday- like it is some big chore. Everything seemed great until last night, and now, who knows? Does this boy like me at all? Should I go out with him or just move on because of his disrespect? Should I talk to him about it? Honestly, I am not mad at him, just myself for being so stupid. I don't do well when others take me for granted. help please
  2. Either go to a good salon and get them to fix it, or search a bit for different styling tips. Sometimes it really is not the cut, it is just the way it is styled. Also, maybe add so highlights to emphasize the parts that you do like and lowlights to de-emphasize the others. Above all it will grow back. If anything, invest in pretty pins and pin it back as it grows out.
  3. If you are happy with yourself, that is all that matters. I commend you for being yourself, don't ever stop!
  4. Its not you. You are only 15, there is plenty of time to find a boyfriend. And you should choose wisely when you do pick one. Don't just jump into something with someone you don't really like because "everyone is doing it." That is how a lot of young girls mess up their lives. Don't push it, your time will come.
  5. I'd say talk to her about it again and giver her as much time as she needs
  6. So, he finally called. It has almost been six days. Sadly I didn't get to talk to him. He called at 4:30 in the morning, I didn't really feel like jumping out of bed and rushing to my phone at that time. Maybe I was better off without him calling. Talk about disresepectful, calling someone in the middle of the night that you don't even know. ( I know i sound like a very critical person, i finally get what i wanted, but then that isn't even good enough. Seriously think about it, its wrong! And very few people would even think of doing it; well, except for him.) He also didn't leave a message, he is the only one I have given my number to lately that has been "unaccounted for," that is how I know it is him. Should i just wait until he calls again?
  7. So how long should I wait before I just forget about it? I am thinking a week and then I will just put in my head that he will never call and forget about it. Guys, how long have you waited to call a girl? do you sometimes just not call? Usually, guys call me the next day and sometimes even within a few hours. It has been 4 days. This baffles me.
  8. I don't get it, Why would a guy ask for your number and then never call? ( This is the first time this has ever happened to me) Let me give a bit of background. I was walking around a store, and I caught his eye, we ended up in the same isle he kind of looked at me and started to walk away then all of a sudden he stopped and turned around. He started with "I don't usually do this but..." ( why do guys always say that?) He said I was beautiful, this led to that and he got my number. He seemed nice and sure of himself and we had a nice little conversation, but he never followed up. I know he could have lost it or been really busy, those possibilities aside, does it make any sense to go to all that trouble? Will someone please enlighten me on the workings of the male brain!
  9. I gave him my little gift and now he is a bit too interested in me. i guess that is what i wanted, but i didn't think that my offering would be taken so seriously. I almost wish i didn't give it to him. Is there something really wrong when you are more afraid of someone asking you out (he did) than not?
  10. I have kind of been flirting with a guy in the food court of the mall I work in for a while and each time I visit he seems a little more interested. On christmas eve he gave me a little christmas present. I don't really know what to do. I am a really quiet/shy person, not the best with interpersonal relations. I get really freaked out really quick, so it is easier for me in the end to do nothing. But I do like him and I don't want to screw things up. I was thinking of giving him a new years present. Is this okay? then what next? thanks for the help, I certainly need it!
  11. Look deep inside and follow your heart. It sounds cliche, but the only way you can be happy is if you go where your heart leads you. Is it more important to have status or love? Just ask for the highest and greatest good for all that are involved and your situation will unravel itself in time.
  12. If you really love her, do whatever you can to get her back. If the final destination is marriage, just make her happy and propose. If she does say no, then at least you've tried and you will not be wondering "what if?".
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