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Everything posted by redbabymama

  1. if you really want your relationship to work out, it will. in fact i would pray about it if i were you. thats what i did my boyfriend made a mistake once to, but i realized yes it was his fault, but there were some other issues surounding that.i fogave him, but not entirely because its kinda hard to forgive people entirely...if you want the whole story send me a private message.but for you and your groom to be have a happy life and... Good Luck!
  2. let her know how important she is to you, tell her that you love her and you made a mistake and that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. tell her that you are sorry and you will never do anything that stupid again.what the hell?
  3. whatever you do, do not tell her husband! their marriage is none of your business. also i commend you on being so forgiving...i am going through the forgiving stage with my boyfriend right now. you really love your fiance', and i can tell you want it to work, so good luck !
  4. girl, tell him how you feel! mabey he will listen. if you really love him try to get him back! if he felt like he was not a good boyfriend mabey you should try to boost his confidence and tell him how much you love him and you want him to come back. but if he doesnt respond, give him time to cool off... if love is reallly there, he will come around! Good Luck!
  5. just ask her out right,"what is going on?". but try to be more gentle than that ,ask her what she is looking for in a boyfriend,you know drop little hints. but if you dont like to play guessing games just come out with it," we have been friends for almost a year now," (it was almost a year right?) "so we ought to be straight with each other. i kinda have feelings for you , do you consider me as boyfriend material? if you are not that forthcoming, right in a letter! anything just try to figure her out! Good Luck!
  6. first of all, im not saying that you are a slut, but having sex with someone who is not your boyfriend is kinda slutish. my advice is to to tell him that you dont want to "do it" because you are involved, but then again you and your b/f have only been dating for a month...have yall made any kind of commitment? n-e-ways, if you can not TYPE the word SEX, than you are not mature enough to engage in that kind of behavior.take it from me i know, i made that mistake and now im pregnant. please hold off having sex as long as you can. its not worth getting babies or sick over. Good Luck!
  7. how to make the first move? just one day out of the blue, lean over and SMACK! just plant one on him! thats my advice hope you like it. P.s.-Nothing else but kissing! you hear me? you better! Good Luck!
  8. I know exactly how you feel girl. lord knows i would die for my boyfriend, i love him that much! sometimes i am very mean to boyfriend and pull up past issues for no reason at all! but i am about to go to counciling for that, mabey you should too. Also PRAY! that always helps, that is what i am going to do tonight! helping you guys out means so much to me and it brings a certain peace to my life. you dont need to hang or depend on any of the losers at your school any way, just do what you do best and if you need someone to let your feelings out to, i am always here. you can just click PM at the bottom of this message to send me a private message.stay strong! Good Luck
  9. this sounds like one of those romantic movies when the man flies over seas to tell the woman how much he loves her a demand that she come back home with him and they live happily everafter. well we know that real life does not work like that. by all means PLEASE send her the letter, even if she does not feel the same about you, you would have at least got it off your chest. Good Luck!
  10. well i have mixed feelings about this one.if i were you i would give her a little time to look over her life, but some girls like to test boys to see if they will still pursue.its a test to see if you really like her. i have pulled it once or twice, its a very iiresponspible thing, but we all go through that iiresponsible stage! Good Luck!
  11. dont worry honey, this guy sounds very ginuwine. just give him time to get over his ex because 4 years is a long time. in the meantime the best thing for you to do is to help him get over her buy being extra nice and listening to his problems, but not all the time because then you will become a pushover, and thats not what you want to be! so just give him some more time because i have a feeling your friendship will turn into more if you play your cards right! but dont rush things to quick because then he will think you are a nut! Good Luck!
  12. i am so sorry about your misfortune, but the truth is the truth. try writing her letters or poetry to let her know that you care.or mabey just plan a lunch together at a nice eatery.if she still doesnt respond, try going to a counciling service, it might be good for the both of you, and she might have some things on her mind that you never thought she would.if that still does not work mabey you DO need to leave her alone and let her work out her issues, because obviously this really has nothing to do with you. Good Luck!
  13. im sorry to say, but Heretic is right! Watch Lifetime once in awhile!
  14. well you guys remind me of a couple that i know. here is what you should do next time you see that something petty is about to arise just say "baby,i love you lets not do this today,nethier one of us needs the stress."And that should do the trick! Good Luck!
  15. i agree with kailey. i am 14 years old and i am pregnant.my babys father is locked up and i cant even talk to him.we are still togther.you and your childs father need to come together and determine what is going to be best for you and your baby.I am going to keep my child because i look at it like this, my baby did not ask to be in this world.do what you think is right and keeep us posted if you want to e-mail me you can at email removed
  16. i am experiencing that problem too.My doctor said that it normal nasuea and it should go away around your second trimester.Sometimes i feeel really hungry but when i go to eat someting i only eat a few bites, but before i could eat everything.
  17. I am in the same situation, only i am a lot younger,14 to be exact, only me and my babys father are still together.I did not ask to be pregnant but i am and I have made the desion to keep my baby, because it did not ask to be here, but it is and now i have to deal with it. I am not here to pass judgment on you but before you do anything go to link removed and read up on all you need to know!It is a very helpful site.I am pro-choice, so whatever you decide is up to you! Good Luck![/b]
  18. Thank the lord someone finally got on here and knew what they were talking about.listen to Colls, he always gives good advice.I posted a similar message up, and he gave me wonderful advice.dont listen to these assholes ,excuse my French,who dont know what they are talking about.You have received some very bad advice.For much better advice click on my story"Hi!Im 14 and 11weeks pregnant." Good Luck!
  19. Honey, stay a virgin as long as you can because when you give it up, there is no getting it back no matter how much vinegar you soak in(yes, people do it),no matter how many surgeries you go through you cant recapture it! Hold onto it as long as you can! its not even that deep! Its not all its cracked up to be!I should know, im 14 years old and pregnant.so dont make the same mistake i made.plus there are diseases out there,so if you do have sex PLEASE, PLEASE protect yourself!
  20. Honey, this man sounds perfect! But i do see what you are talking about!Something is not right, Is he involved in any illegal activities that you know of?He seems like a truly kind and ginuwine person but i believe mabey the reason he does not want his friends to know about you is that he's either has a reputation for being a bachelor, or he is leading some kind of secret lifestyle.I dont recommend being a stalker, but try following him or just plain out asking him what takes him so long on his outings to "go get some milk". Good Luck, and keep us posted!
  21. Thanks for the information, not that I need it because i do not have panic attacks, but it is nice to see some one take the time to type something up like that in effort to reach other people! I commend you! I believe that God is going to bless you pretty soon, and take away any stress you are going through right now, just bear with him, because he always bears with you!
  22. You are very sad. You need to grow up quick, fast, and in a hurry, because playing these two guys is not a very wise thing to do. Eventually it will catch up with you.Heres some advice : write down the pros and cons of bot Mike and Cam. Which one do you truly like the best?better yet, which one do you mostly feel you could spend the rest of your life with?Hurry up and decide before you get caught and there will de serious problems! Good Luck!
  23. well, if you are sleeping down stairs and shes sleeping upstairs i dont see a problem. Their must be some trust issues in the relationship that you need to address.But if your ex is always around, you might want to talk to her about some visiting arrangments.Like when she has company you go do your thing, and vice versa.I hope this information will help! Good Luck!
  24. well, you do have yourself in a jam.i know if it was me i would hate it if my boyfriend moved in with his ex.well how are the sleeping arrangements? are your beds next to each others? i wish i could help you but i really dont know what to say to you write now.i PROMISE i will get back to you later. good luck!
  25. well, Ill have to say, you are one determined person.Sending her roses is a nice gesture, but Im sorry, it will not make her fall in love with you.Sorry.The best thing to do is just write her a letter,if you are to shy to do it face to face,and just tell her how you feel about her and request that she learn to trust and love you all the way. If she doesnt respond to your satisfaction, either except it or leave it. I am so sorry you have to go through this. p.s.- something that always works is prayer.try it sometime.
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