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Everything posted by itsallgrand

  1. What sort of training and conditioning do you do? If you aren't already, you should definetly incorporate a basic boxer-specific weight lifting program. I have seen many boxers in the gym training. I could look for more info on that if you are interested. Don't take this the wrong way, but I can tell by the fact that you asked 'how much should I bench' to indicate that you haven't learned a lot about lifting/strength training yet. That's okay, you're so young and have a lot of time to learn! By the way, I wish you all the best in this pursuit. It's getting psyched!
  2. Oh yes. I have. It felt like a big step too. Finalized things in my head because there is no reason I could 'run into him' or see what he is up to.
  3. Do you have a professional trainer? A little more info might help people out to help you better. I'm not a boxer, but I've done some bodybuilding. I would think with boxing the amount you bench wouldn't be as important as the skill/strength/response you would be building. If you're serious about this pursuit, I really do recommend hooking up with people who have sucessfully gone the path you are going. something to get the thread going...
  4. Because of your reasons for wanting to contact him (you miss him - have hopes still?) I agree with the others. Concentrate on your exams. However, I disagree with being pleasant with him if you write him a letter or contact him. Why would you? He dumped you and you think he did it in a jerk-way (and I tend to agree). Perhaps he knows something you don't. Perhaps this was the best way he could make himself say good-bye so further hurt is avoided in the future. Time to move on. I know that is hard. Good luck!
  5. gradle, I hope you're feeling a little better. Accidents and such have a way of shaking people up and going through intense emotions. Deaths, weddings, and other events do it too. Try not to be too hard on yourself or worry too much about it. It will pass, I'm sure. Did you ever notice that after accidents and funerals, people seem to get all 'crazy' and riled up? Some people turn to drink, some to someone's arms, some keep it inside. I agree with Heretic - you were used to going to j. when you had a problem or needed support, so that old mechanism was sprung. It's okay. Take care of yourself.
  6. That WAS advice. Not sarcastic at all. I'm betting even she knows her answer is in her question.
  7. Not only that, but there is only so much sperm a man can make. lol. Try an experiment: Come as often and as much as you/he can within a short period of time (like speed ejaculating) .....eventually, you/he will 'come' but there will almost nothing coming out. Just tiny wetness. He can contiue to orgasm even at this point; if his body can keep up. I imagine the Mister needs a break after that but it is fun. Men are unique in their rhythms of sensuality and orgasm, just like women. There are so many ways to enjoy oneself without orgasming ....... I'm trailing off. It's Spring. One should not start threads like this without expecting tangeants! :splat:
  8. Hello..... What did you think about my dissident opinion? I seem to be drowned by voices of "You must focus on this relationship". Do you want the relationship to work? Realistically, can it? Did the two of you figure out the mechanics of it beforehand, or did you jump in within thoroughly resolving the past problems? Did she ever atone for her mistake in a way that is satisfactory to you, or do you secretly harbor resentment? Don't brush these things under the table. It'll explode in your face. If you two are meant to be together, it will all work out in the end. peace
  9. Bad Boi ? What the hell is that? Like a life raft that doesn't float properly? Get real. You need other things to think about. I bet your parents don't want you dating yet, right.
  10. Normalman, I think you need to honour your feelings and instinct in this. If you are feeling 'not right' about getting back together right now, and you have serious doubts/reservations...I really do think you need to roll with that. There may be some good reason for that, possibly not, but either way you need to know before going forward with the relationship. You have personal power and are responsible for making sure that you enter this relationship with positive energy and hope. If you're not there yet - you aren't there yet. And possibly you are not meant to get back with her? There is no rule that says you need to continue seeing her - not at your expense, or if you feel you have to 'stuff' up feelings etc. People break up for a reason. I have to say.....I would not take her back....because I feel that way too 'if she ran to someone else before, what says she won't do it again?'. My 2 cents.
  11. No, orgasm. I meant PRE-MARITAL councilling. They jumped in and skipped all the parts that need to be addressed BEFORE getting married. So, they need to do it now. They may be legally married, but they are not there communication wise!
  12. Holy crap. Get ye to pre-marital councilling!! Runnnn!! Those are BIG BIG issues. Needs addressing. Perhaps you are your wife can move forward and spend a lifetime in a happy marriage together. Perhaps you two jumped the gun and would be happier parting. Either way, you need to figure it out, yes? And your wife deserves to know these things, in a safe and loving way. Good luck.
  13. I'm not in a similiar situation - do you still want some advice? It might be better than someone who is embroiled in the same scenario. Objective eyes.
  14. At 23 his brain isn't even done growing, either is his body. And guys are horny toads. lol. It is completely up to you. It sounds like it bothers you a lot, and I don't find that you are being unreasonable at all. In fact, you are helping to justify his behavior "he just has a very deep appreciation of girls". Yeah, well, he can have a healthy appreciation of girls without disrespecting you, or making you feel uncomfortable. You could try talking to him about it again, see if that works. If not - you need to think if this is the type of stuff you can accept in the long run. good luck.
  15. Thank You! This is what I was trying to say the LAST time Blehhh posted this same scenario. Stop torturing yourself thinking about it and get out of the house, away from the computer, and with friends/family. At this stage, you need to distract yourself with pleasant things until the super-intense feelings pass. Then you can attempt to analyze things.
  16. Personally, I wouldn't. I have rules when I am exclusive with someone, that go both ways. Everybody has boundaries. How old are you and the bf? It could simply be an immaturity/age thing. Boys are different then men. Which is he? As always, I say go with your gut.... If you can accept him for what he is and be happy, stay. If not, leave. There is this saying "When a man shows you what he is, believe him" It's a good one.
  17. I dunno Dako. I have cynical times too, but one look into that puppy face on your avatar and I believe in soft stuff again.
  18. Well, there are lots of possible reasons.... Is there any medical reason you think it may be a hormonal/phernome thing? You're a cute guy. I'm sorry you're feeling like no one is showing interest in you, because I don't really see why they wouldn't! This is just my personal observation, but I have noticed that many shy guys simply miss/dismiss advances or signs of interest by women. I know I have shamelessly flirted with shy guys - and sometimes they still do not see that I like them! It requires that super-direct "I like you and want to go out with you" approach, but that sometimes makes them awkward or embarrassed. Whoops...sorry to go on like that....
  19. I will reply more thoroughly to your question after I have mulled for a bit. For now, I want to say: I truly believe that human beings are born to have a passionate loving connection to all varieties of life. I do not expect one person to be (what i consider) god/nature/spiritual source. "Approach the world like a lover " I have experienced beautiful moments as you have spoke of. For me, the important thing to remember is that these experiences are fleeting and inconstant. As wonderful as they are, they can not be predicted or counted on. There are no specific sources - anyone or anything can draw it out, mix just right, explode or burn. It is an individual choice to live in such a way. I believe in these things, they are a part life, but there is more yet. There is loyalty, devotion, sacrfice, honour, honesty, respect, day by day practicalities. Mix passion with the other: that is what I seek at this point.
  20. Yeah, but I don't want to be a hockey bunny! lol ewww. Ditto for being the chick who is dating a serious basketball player. Not my kind of life, tyvm.
  21. I'm sorry. Your pain is still so raw. The others said a lot. I can only add: perhaps you may need some re-closure? Maybe, writing an email to him you won't necessarily send. Or perhaps having to face him. I don't know what is right for you. I do know that sometimes people need to do these things. As wonderful as it would be, we don't always get clean breaks. And that's okay. Sometimes there is leftover business that needs attending. You do need time apart no matter what, but you already know that. Good luck and remember it's okay to feel whatever you need to feel right now. This is the rocky part, it does ease, I promise.
  22. monsier, The bottom line is: You need to work out your self confidence and other issues first. It must be done, and it is important if you ever want to be happy. You can do it. You must consciously choose to do everything you possibly can to make it better, and work work work until it is done. The relationship stuff will come much more easily after that. You will not gravitate or attract people that will use you. You will have a clear head to see who is and who is not manipulating; and you won't manipulate nearly as much yourself. You can start fresh. If you want to. Good luck.
  23. monsier, Ahem! lol. No, a woman friend who YOU ARE NOT IN LOVE WITH, INTERESTED IN, FRIENDZONED, ANYTHING LIKE THAT. Okay all done. Just wanted to be sure I was clear. Simply a suggestion.
  24. You have to go with your gut. Yeah, some women say all kinds of things that they don't mean or mean in a not so kind way. But it could be genuine, or just something to say. I know for myself, I like to talk a lot. A man may do something very sweet, and I'll want to say something...anything...to acknowledge it. Sometimes it comes out wrong, sometimes I should just shut up. You really do have to go with your gut and the person addressing you.
  25. monsier, do you have any female friends? And by friends I mean truly only friends - no interest or hope of anything else. A friend like anyone else. They can be truly great for pointing the way. I know my male friends help me a lot to get the 'male perspective'. cheers
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