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Everything posted by MewSkitty

  1. There are a select few men out there who are narturaly good people like that. I should know, I'm one of them. I treat weman as my superior and make their life the best I can make it. I do what they say without question.....yet right now I have a cripppling socail anxeity so I have yet to have an irl relationship. But the people I meet online say I'm perfect. I'm sure this guy your with could be just the same, or he could be an excelent actor. Only time will tell.
  2. I think we came to a compramise with the PO Box thing. I need to email her to ask if she got one yet. I have a PO Box, but I still just give out my street address. I don't want to have to go through the trouble of remembering the PO Box address.
  3. I sent one last letter to Monica, if she dosen't respond, then I'll just give up on her. As for my current GF, she knows everything about me, even about my atemted suicide. She still loves me even after knowing everything that's bad about me. I don't want to give up on her. Right know I'm trying to build up the courage to call her and talk with her parents and see if I can fix the problem. I'm just so scared that everything will go wrong.
  4. I've always been skinny. I usualy stay around 90 lbs, but the past year I've gained 40 lbs! Now that it's gotten warmer I ride my bike daily, and so far I've lost 10 lbs. I'm now at 120 lbs. I guess not moving and drinking more than 2 pops every day can make you gain a lot of weight.
  5. I know how you feel. Being a virgain and being around people that aren't makes you feel out of place. As for me, right now I will only date a virgain. It will be that way until I get married and lose mine. Everyone has their own views on this.
  6. I read all these posts and stuff. I'm so happy you didn't commit suicide. You see, I'm just the same way. I have a misreable life and no friends or anything. Also, I'm a vergain, and will be until I get married which won't be until I'm like in my 30s or something. XD I have a seriese of mental illnesses, and becasue of that I get depressed and suicaidal all the time. It's like a period for me. XD But look at me right now....I'm happy. Happy becasue someone is still alive. Also, I too am a nerd/geek. I was teased a lot. But I did something to make the teasing fun. I would pretend to agree with them and if I did, they stopped teasing me and just ignored me. Read my sig: "The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It's what one dose with the gift of life that makes them who they are." That is my favorite quote. I like to share it with others becasue it has power in it. Life is only worth living if you look at the good. If you look at the bad all the time you will only feel bad. Hell, I'm suprizes I even bother to live the way my life is going right now, but I have yet to give up. I never give up. I have only one thing I'm good at, and that's the Yugioh TCG. Hell, I recently had a over 500 duel win streak. I have dueld hundreds of times in my life, but I very rarely lose. I might have what it takes to win the world championships in Tokyo Japan. See, look at what's good, not what's bad, and you will know the power of life. If you read this, please PM me. Cause when I feel down I will need someone who has survived this like you have.
  7. I don't want to call Jesse becasue I might get her in trouble and that's the last thing I want to do. Her parents don't need more reason's to keep her from me.
  8. I know how you feel. Jesse's parents won't let me even speak to her. It's been about 5 months now, but I'm still not going to give up. If you truly like this one guy, try everything you can to make your dad see that there will be no harm. Also, sometimes you have to wait for things you want.
  9. If she dose get a PO Box and I get to send her letter's, it's going to feel odd becasue I don't even know her name. o.o
  10. I know it's a little late to do anything about it, but I want to know what went wrong in my first relationship so I don't make the same mistake in the one I'm in now. I met Monica on a forum back when I was 14 and she was 12. We met on June 1st 2004 and I was just minding my own business with my thread about interpreting dreams. I have a nack for it. Well, she posted saying she had a dream she wanted interpreted, and she didn't want to post it for everyone to see so I had her PM it to me. I told her what her dream ment, and we started talking. From that moment on all we would do on that forum is talk to each other through PMs and we'd send like 200 a day. Well, after about a week she started acting different. She seemed to get more shy around me and started hinting there was someone she liked. Well, I knew that she liked me, it was so obvious, but I didn't like her just yet. I didn't want to make her feel bad, so when she said she liked me, I told her I liked her back. We continued to talk, and then one day she just stopped coming to the forum. Well, I had dozens of her PMs saved, and while I was loney and wondering were she went, I would reread them. It didn't take long for me to relize I was getting feelings for her too. Well, back when we were able to talk, she gave me her mailing address so I could send her a present for her birthday. Well, normaly I'd just throw an address away, but something told me to keep it. well I did, and after 3 long lonley months of missing her, I sent her a letter with my email. Well, her mother got the letter and emailed me saying Monica was in trouble for going on an anime forum and talking with strangers (me) and she said that if I was to talk to her again I would have to proove I was who I said I was. Well, I did and was able to talk to her again. Since her mother called me, we decided to just talk on the phone instead of emailing each other. Well, the first night I called to talk to her, she was too nervous to talk to me. It wasn't until the third night that we actualy talked for the first time in a few months. Well, for the next few weeks I'd call her and we'd chat about books and stuff, and even if I wasn't interested in what she was talking about I still listened to her. Well, anyways, we talked about stuff, but she said she didn't like talking about our relationship. So, to keep her happy I never brought it up. Sometimes she'd bring stuff up that were related to our relationship, but only once did she directly talk about it. Well, after 1 1/2 years of being in a relationship, on Augest 30th 2005 I call her (I would always call her, never once did she call me) Well, I called her, and she was different. She seemed distant. Well, she eventualy said that things wern't working out and she just wanted to be friends. I was devistated and tried everything I could to try to make her think twice, but after about a 2 hour phone call I knew it was over. I felt anger welling up inside me, and I knew she was hurting because she hurt me and I didn't want to hurt her more so I decided to go through NC for about 2 months. Well, when I was ready to talk to her again I sent her a letter. Well, just to let you know, when she broke up with me I got so depressed I tried to kill myself. I was in the hospital for a few days. Well, in my letter I montioned this. I got no responce. I then emailed her mother and she said she read the letter but had nothing to say but that she was sorry for me. Well, I sent emails and letters and to this day I have yet to get a responce. I seen her mother logged onto MSN but on away once. I still have her old phone number, but I haven't tried calling it since the break up. She said she still loved me as a friend, but just didn't want to be BF and GF. I thought this was true, but it's not because she won't even talk to me now. What did I do wrong? And should I try calling her old number? I miss her a lot and still love her some. Although I have a new GF now and we both love each other very much and talk about our relationship all the time, but her parents won't let me talk to her now. I need help. I have the phone number of both girls, but I'm too scared to call either one. Any advice would be helpful.
  11. I let the friend of mine read this topic and she seems to understand me better. After reading your replies I kinda know how she feels. I don't want to make her feel unsafe, but I fond it hard to believe in a fear I don't have myself. The only way I could understand how she feels is if something bad happened to me online and I doubt that'll happen. I just got to learn that things can't always go my way. EDIT: After talking for a little while we both agreed on maybe her getting a PO Box. It would keep her safe while allowing us to send mail back and forth. Now all I have to do is pray that her town has a PO Box.....
  12. Don't feel so bad. Please, email me at email removed and I'll tell you something I don't tell many people. I'd post it here, but I'm afraid I don't have the time right now.
  13. I don't know if this is the best thing to do, but this is what I'd do: I'd confess that you'd been checkinging on him, and ask why he still goes to that site. The reason I'd do this is because if he's still going on a dating site he might be cheating on you and I hate cheaters. Well anyways, I'd confront him, find out the truth and the next thing I'd do would depend on why he still goes to that site.
  14. I hate NC. When my GF broke up with my I done NC for a few month, and when I was ready to talk to her agian she wouldn't reply back. If I'd known she would totaly stop talking to me I would have stayed in contect becasue we could have still been friends.
  15. I think this maybe a little over my head, but I think you should tell her how you feel about her. Also, how long are you leaving the country? If it's not for too long maybe you too can work something out.
  16. Real love takes time. Sure you may feel you love someone right away, but what makes you so sure they're the right one for you wehn you bearly know them? I have felt the "love-at-first-sight" thing, but now I know it's not true love. If you feel you love him, just give it time for time is the ultamite test for true love.
  17. This is a lot of information for just a short about of time. From another thread I learned that my belated sexual attreaction isn't bad. Also, I'm a bit of a feminist. I like the look of the male body, but I also think men aren't the best people to have a relationship with. This is all so confusing. =p
  18. I have only had long distance relationships in my life. Wait for a few months or whatever time you feel is necesary to see if you two really like each other that much. Then plan a vacation near where they live, and visit irl for a little while and see if you still have those feelings after knowing how they are in person. If you feel truly comminted, then try to move close to them. If you don't try to do this then the only relationship you can have is online, and those are missing some key things people need in a healthy relationship.
  19. One thing I've learned in the past 2 years since my first cybering experaince, is it's more enjoyable if you do it with someone you care about than someone you just met. Now, there's only two people I'm willing to cyber with, an old friend and my GF. Also, I don't see cybering with someone online as a form of cheating, while others do. If you feel that doing that with someone connects you in a specail way to where it feels like cheating then don't do it. I could go on forever about this topic, but I'll just leave this to what I've just said.
  20. I don't like asking people for help. I love to help others, but not be helped in return. I only ask for help as a last resort. Besides, I live in the middle of no where, who can I go to for help?
  21. I used to go to a counsiler, but she stopped having meetings with me because I'm so stubborn. I don't know what to do.
  22. I know my habits may seem odd, but she understands that. That's probably the only reason she still talks to me. Well, I'll give her some space for now, I'll just find other people to collect. Anyways.....I forget what I was going to say but it was something worth saying. I hate it when my brain freezes up on me.....wait I remember now: I know I have multiple mental illnesses like OCD and autism, but because of this I can find out who's truly worth being friends with. People who don't care about me will stop talking to me soon because of the weird things I say and do, but those who really care about me stay as my friend. So, you can call this looking on the bright side of things I guess.
  23. I'm glad to know it's normal for me to like Max, but one thing that bothers me is that although I like to look at porn and things like that, I hate to think of me doing things like in real life. Is it normal to feel love for a real person (in this case my beloved GF) but not be attracted to wemon sexualy at all?
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