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Everything posted by misery12

  1. Things do sound quite complicated in the past, but you can move on..Believe me when I say, people have made it through much harder times. If you do not cut yourself anymore, right there it shows great improvement.. and if you still do.. then try various methods of stopping, such as elastic bands around the wrist, snapping it whenever you want to harm yourself. Or change your daily habits, which bring these depressing feelings to you. In the long run, things should get better, you're only 24, not even 1/3 through your life.. if you're not happy with yourself right now.. just start over.. new job, new house.. so on. Leave the past memories behind, because they seem to bring nothing but pain. Soon enough, you should begin to feel better. Hope this helps.
  2. Hahah man, Josh I can relate to that in a way. It has happened to me once or twice, but I am not sure if my girl notices, she might.. meh We just joke around with stuff like that.. like if she's sitting on my lap, I will lift her up, and re-arrange my 'package' and say, okay thats better, and she'll just say 'loser' or something like that (in a joking way of course) just try not to take it so seriously, I am sure there are things that she does which are embarrassing too.. just have to go with the flow..
  3. Wow.. I don't know much about gangs, but I can definatley say, Why would he ever want to be in one?? And what do you mean by, "is it worth it". Is what worth it? He doesn't gain anything from being in the gang, but probably the only thing he gets is a death sentence, if he does anything wrong. If you love him as much as you say, you should start trying now.. to get him out of it .. and if that's not possible, try telling the Police about the Bloods, annonymously.. so the gang is shut down, and he is safe to come home. That's all the help I can give.
  4. This is my opinion, you two seem to have a lot of fun together, despite the kissing issue. So I wouldn't be worrying about anything, it's all about a comfort level man. You have to find that level with you two.. me and my girl don't kiss too often, we do sometimes, but it's not like if we don't it's the end of the world.. because i've found our level, and I know what she likes, and so on.. we do it when we can (been together 5 months) so it doesnt seem to bad.. dont sweat it, you clearly will get other chances.
  5. Well my friend, If I was in your position, which I have been before, I would do this. I would one day, while you're talking , invite her over.. you'll probably be nervous, seeing how it's the first time you have invited her, but if she says yes, you know she's interested. So by doing this, it solves both your problems.. 1) she realizes that you ARE interested in her, seeing how you invited her over. 2) this gives you two a time to be alone for once, and a perfect oppurtunity to kiss her. By the sounds of it, she will not hesitate to accept your offer. Hope this helps!
  6. I don't really remember my first kiss, probably because it wasn't too 'magical' you could say. But my first kiss with the girl I am with now, was on new years, and we both had a little to drink, but we both knew what we were doing, she actually started it.. so I just went along for the ride, and things grew from there.
  7. Yeah I understand what you're saying. It seems to me that the boredom is becoming mutual between you too. So I am sure that he will be very relieved if you try to 'spruce' things up a bit. Also, try not to kiss so much, don't just do it for the sake of kissing him. My girl and I, only really kiss when we're alone, never in public, that's just the way we are. Maybe cut him off for a few days.. but don't ignore him, just don't give him an open oppurtunity to kiss you. In a few days, he should give you a nice good one, you haven't had in awhile, if you're getting me. Things should be fine, just try to go with it, things will fall as they may in the end.. and never feel that you have gotten yourself into a daily thing, where you have to kiss him or he thinks something is wrong.. if things are like this, you two need to talk. Otherwise, good luck!
  8. Well man, with my girl .. I just kind of go with the moment. Things aren't awkward between us, so I have the pleasure of screwing around when I kiss her and things like that. In your situation, just try to go with the flow, kind of follow her, because it's really weird/creepy when you kiss someone, and all you feel is their mouth open. So if she begins to french you, just sort of go with it, but don't over-do it. I am sure there is a forum on here somewhere about 'how to' kiss. So I just gave you the basics, also don't sweat it, girls like confidence in guys, and one area you don't want to lack confidence in, is the kiss. Hope this helps.
  9. Hey, I have been with my girl for about 5 months, and I am falling in love with her. We're really happy together, and she shows me that everyday. But, sometimes I feel a little jealous, just when she talks, and laughs with other guys, which she doesn't do often. I know this is a sign of insecurity, but the thing is, I am not insecure really, and I do have a lot of trust in her, mainly due to the fact that we have been through so much together that I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, and throw it all away. Everyday we hang out together, and I am usually the only guy she talks to, (not including class). I just wanted to know if it's okay to feel this way sometimes, because it's always just harmless flirting (if that) and I do it too, so it's nothing I have to talk to her about. It isn't even high on my priority list to sort this out, but I would just like to know if this is okay, and any ways to deal with it. Thanks a lot
  10. I am not that big of an expert, but I can see that if he breaks up with you, in an email, that doesn't show too much love. He probably did love you at some point in the relationship, but if he is willing to end it this way, those feelings are gone now, I'm guessing. Break-ups are always hard, but you will get over it, and it's nice to know that he is still inviting you as a friend. It shows that he does care about your feelings. You shouldn't stress over this too much, if he isn't going to contribute to the relationship anymore, you shouldn't have to either. I say take up his friend offer, you may even get back together. It's worth a shot. Hope this helps.
  11. So, I 've been with my girl for about 5 months or so, and I am now beginning to realize what love does feel like, I am not saying I am in love quite yet, but I am getting there. Anyways, She went out with this guy in September, for a couple of weeks, and then dumped him later on. Her and all of her friends, call him a player, because he has gone out/liked all of her friends. Every so often I will see him talk to her, or them talking, but this is quite rare, usually like once a week or so. I really trust her so I shrug it off, and I know she likes me. Today I saw them walking down the stairs together, but I had to drive home quickly, so she waved as I was leaving. I think that she is just being nice to him, because whenever we're on the topic of him, she usually doesn't say anything, or says something like, "he's a loser". And it's not that I don't trust her, I think I am more worried about him, He is one of my friends, but I feel that he would go for any girl, despite if she's in a relationship or not. I would appreciate some input on my situation, I know it's not serious, but anything will help, thanks!
  12. OKay, thanks for all the help, really cleared up somethings.
  13. I agree with DN, if you want to keep it casual, just say something along the lines of "maybe i'll call you sometime, if that's cool with you'' and I don't find it weird if the girl asks the guy, when I first started going out with my girlfriend, I was a little nervous to call her, but then she just calls me a lot of the times, so don't worry about it.
  14. Hey , I have a pretty basic question. I was just wondering what the average age of first having sex is. I am with my girlfriend for 5 months right now, and I'm not expecting to have sex anytime soon, I would, if she was ready though. I really care about her feelings and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I guess I am just curious, and I know that every relationship is different, but please reply. Thanks.
  15. Well, it doesn't seem that you are having problems with the guys at all. Maybe you should just sit down with your mom, and have a nice mother - daughter talk with her, she should respect you for that. Maybe she won't totally give in, but chances are she'll realize that you like this guy enough to stand up for what you believe in, and she'll give you a chance. She's your mother, you should be able to talk to her about anything that is on your mind, including boy troubles. Just go for it, what's the worst that could happen.
  16. Okay man, I am 15 too, so I can relate in more ways than one. I am in a current relationship with my girl, about 5 months, so I know what you've been through. Where you stand right now, it does seem that she has some feelings for you, but is a little scared of committment, due to the fact of her parents, mostly. That explains why she gave you her email instead of number, so just be respectful of that. If I was in your position, I would keep going at it, you clearly think about her a lot, which you should. I know it's hard, but the best thing you should do is tell her exactly how you feel, you wouldn't think it, but it will make you feel so much better, just getting it off your chest. She might say she likes you too, and then in time, she'll invite you over, to meet her parents.. and if her parents like you, you're all set. All I can say is, it won't be easy, but she does seem to give you some signs, so I say go for it, what's the worst that can happen, if she doesn't respect the fact that you told her how you feel, then she isn't worth it, but I doubt she'll say that. Good Luck Man.
  17. It sounds to me, that she just enjoys the sport of flirting, and didn't think much of it, and probably expected that you wouldn't either. It also seems she has moved on, and if she has, there is no use waiting for her.. Hope this helps.
  18. It seems to me, that this guy has some serious self-confidence issues. You have the right to look at whoever you want, however you want. Just be respectful of your boyfriends feelings. If he can't stand your flirting, then maybe you two aren't meant to be. I've been with my girl for about 5 months, and I still love being with her. Some times you have to do things you really don't want to, but if it's too much for you to handle, then just let him go..
  19. I agree with DN. This is always a good sign.. but you have to make sure they were saying good things about you, not negative things. And if they seem to like you, that can only make the relationship with your girl stronger, seeing how you've now made an impact on her, and her parents. Good Luck, Hope this helped.
  20. What I would do, if I was in your position, is talk to him, he knows you liked her first, and kept liking her for so long, so he should have enough respect for you, to lay off. If he wont stop it, then he wants to be with her, more than he cares about you, obviously. Then, talk to her about it, alone. She should pick you, considering the times you two have hung out together, compared to the times they have. Either way, things will even out in the end, like they should have. If she picks him, and it's not suppose to work, it wont.. and she will realize what she had with you. Hope this helps!
  21. Hey, this is not about me, but about my good friend. He is not officially with this girl, but they are.. 'together' I guess you could say. Anyways, They always just walk around school together, every day.. which I would find very boring after awhile, and at least once a week, she gets in a bad mood, and they have a fight. And he puts up with it. So yesterday I told him to tell her how he felt, and he was telling me all this stuff. Like "yeah she can't treat me like that" and now the next day they're all over each other. This is not what I would want my relationships to be like.. And they tell each other that love one another, which I find immature, because they clearly don't, because I don't find myelf 'loving' my girl yet.. Im close, but not yet. And I am just wondering if this sounds healthy.. and do you think they'll get bored of each other, and he sometimes tells me that he gets bored when she talks to him for like 3 hours on the phone, and I wouldnt want someone saying that about me.. so I am just kind of relating, please give some input, thanks
  22. Hey Thanks a lot JynX you seem to be the only one half interested in my topic, because I guess you can relate to my situation. But yeah, I totally agree with what you said, and we are compared to the first paragraph, I know things are getting better, everyday I am happy to be with her, and it feels awesome to know she feels the same. Thanks a lot for the help
  23. I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months or so, and everything is going good, but sometimes I just feel that I am always starting conversations with her, but that's just because I say 'hey' to her quickly whenever she comes online.. Sometimes she says it to me first .. I actaully dont really keep track, but today she had volleyball until 8 or so, and then showered, and then went off, but I have a thing that tells if she is reading my AWAY message, and she did as soon as she got home, and before she left. So I know she was thinking of me.. We're at the point where we don't need to impress each other anymore, but its good to knkow that she is thinking of me.. I guess I am asking for advice on how to make it feel more balanced.. her talk to me, I talk to her.. maybe tomorrow will be different because she's free after school, so do you think I should just wait until she says hi to me.. or what? I know it's not that serious, because last night I told her how much she meant to me, and she replied sayingthe same thing, and seemed really happy. SO I know we're good, I jjust want to fix this little thing, any advice is greatly appreciated. thanks!!
  24. yeah that did help me! that suits us, I can really relate Jynx I have one question though, is this a good point to be in?? because I acutally don't feel like I need to impress her anymore.. and that is a good feeling. I know we will kiss whenever it happens.. it's not like there is a schedule or anything.. you have some good advice.. please reply to this too.
  25. Hey, yeah she's okay.. first she had strep throat for like 2 weeks.. she got better then she has had a sore throat for a while too, nothing serious. And she isn't mean... she just sometimes calls me a loser and stuff like that.. but she's joking around, we do it all the time.. it's cool, it isn't that bad, because then she goes and paints me an awesome picture unexpectidly.. which makes me feel so good. And she said I mean a lot to her too! We just haven't kissed because .. 1) she's been sick, and 2.. just the right time hasn't come up.. I use to be all into the moments when we were alone.. but now. I just love spending time with her, and her family.. its really fun. I just love being there.. so kissing isnt that big for me.. we will have our times.. and I mean I would kiss her , but just not at school and not in front of her parents.. I guess I am just wondering if this sounds good, and do we sound healthy.. we hang out everyday at school, and everyday that she doesnt have v-ball, and the season is over soon, so we'll be spending even more time together, plus our relationship is just starting up.. So, that's basically it, I'd love to her your input. thanks
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