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lost and lonely

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Everything posted by lost and lonely

  1. I say it depends on the situation as well. I always said the same thing about my ex. when we were just friends....it was a way of I guess kinda hiding my feelings....and she said the same stuff..said I was like a big brother. I think alot of people say stuff like that cause their scared of letting the truth be known, for fear of rejection.
  2. my suggestion's. whey protien shake after workout, your body absorbs nutriets at a quick pace during this "window" after lifting. depending on your current build ect. adjust % of carbs, protien and fat in the diet.....ie. if you need to lose some body fat..up the protien and lower the other 2. try and consume some protien before bed...cottage cheese is a good choice for that time, because of the type of protien it is it breaks down gradually and gives the body a slow steady stream of protien during sleep to keep the nitrogin balance in a postive state for healing, and re-building of muscle tissue. upon waking consume a protien source again...ie. eat some eggs for breakfast. try and keep a alot of good quality food on hand. eggs, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, chicken, lean beef.....I like to keep some chicken breasts cooked, and re-froze..then if I get food cravings, I can easily heat one up rather than order a pizza. sorry it's so long..but this is a topic I could go on about for days. if you want any more info I'm always willing to help.
  3. if you both want differednt style 3somes..talk it out, and see if your both willing to do that...I wouldn't give her an ultimatum though. also...I have had fmf 3some..yeah it was fun, and I enjoyed it...but...1 not as good as I really had imagined...I'm sure if I did it again it would prob. be better, as I now know what to expect. 2 do not do it with a 3rd party that you both know well. it can destroy friendships. my girlfriend at the time, me and one of her best friends were the particapants. their friendship disolved over it. and we had a few fights over it as well. so..be carefull.
  4. I tend to disagree. I know I have always had a hard time with break-ups....me and my ex broke up over 8mnths ago...and I'm still crushed...her...she had a new man in very short time...and acts like I never existed....so, it's not just guys that do that. some people are cold at the emotional stuff...some are not. I wish I was.
  5. I feel for you...My ex dumped me just over 8 mnths ago....and still all I can think about is how badly I want her back. I'm still a mess and she had someone new in a few short weeks.....I've always wondered?..why can some people move on so easily and others..well can't? I'll offer the same advice everyone seems to mention NC..the fact that you live far away should make that easy...just remain in NC...keep yourself busy with friends, school, work....and def. take some time for yourself. I made the mistake of remaining in contact, and only have been trying true NC for the last while...which is very hard as we work for the same company, and workout at the same gym....not saying hi, or even smiling to her is touph, but I know it's what I have to do. look at the positives...obviously your a strong young women...your ex is the loser in this situation. you can make it...just don't let him know you still hurt, and focus on YOU. good luck to you.
  6. thanks everyone.....I know I've gotta change my mindset....and I'm trying.....it's kinda funny..when people realize that I'm not that confident in myself, and don't think too hightly of myself...they are shocked....when it comes to work, sports, the gym...I have a tonne of belief in myself....but...take me out of my confort zone....I feel like I'm a loser.......so I'm tryin to change that.....and with all your help, as well as my friends...I beive it will happen. thanks.
  7. when she goes home how far away will you 2 be from each other? have you told her how you feel? how long till your done as well? I'd say talk to her, let her know how you feel...then go from there...but..no I wouldn't end it.
  8. I was wondering..of anyone that is or has become friends with an ex...what was the situation? I mean.....was it a mutual break-up...or was one party hurt...ie dumped for another. as well...does it make a difference if the two of you had a close friendship before the relationship? Me and my ex were very close friends before anything occurred between us......eventually I got dumped....we still talk the odd time....part of me wants to try an become good friends again.....part of me figures why bother. yes i still love her, and always will...however no I do not ever see us as a couple again. really is it ever worth becoming friends with an ex?? I don't want to try, and find it was all a waste of my time.
  9. to cooldude1234....trust me if your doin that many with weight...your doin them wrong...your probably employing your hip-flexers rather than your abs. if I do them wrong, I can do them non-stop with weight...but..when done right..I'm dyin after like 15......so trust me, your doin them wrong. and just for your info. I'm a certified personal trainer, with just over 7% body fat...so, I know what I'm talking about. as well..when doing abs, one of the most important things is the order. always do your lower abs 1st, followed by obliques, then the upper, as well always do some low-back exercises when working abs.
  10. how does one build their self confidence. I have always had a problem with my own slef image. everyone that knows thinks I'm crazy, I have a great job, my own house, and everything materialistic one could want. deep down I know i'm a goodlooking guy...or my friends girlfriends and wives wouldn't want to hook me up with their firends. I'm in good shape, love the gym, and it does show....but.......i still see myself as a loser. I see myself as unattractive, unintelligent, not funny...ect...ect....ect.....how do I get that crap out of my head.....and see what others see. deep down I know I've got a hell of alot goin for me....but....I can't see it....and it holds me back, and makes me very shy. how does one get these bad slef images out of their head??......I'm willing to try pretty much anything.
  11. 1st off...if your doing sets of 50...your doing something wrong.....if done correctly world class athletes (say Jordan) can only do about 20-25.....when doing them..try closing your eyes, and squeese as hard as you can ....you have to achieve a mind & muscle connection for real results......it's all about intensity within the muscle rather than reps and stuff.
  12. well...in Canada...14 is the age of consent...so...it's not illegal....wrong...yes...but...not illegal.......maybee he does it just to mess with all his friends??, or for the attention. if he's not havin sex with them or anything like that...it's probably just to mess with you guys???
  13. can anyne really explain females. I always see girls staying with guys that treat them like garbage.....and leaving guys who treat them with respect, and as an equal.....maybee they get bored, and want to be slapped around, and verbally abused??....I hope not, cause there is noway I'm ever gonna go that route. I think all nice guys know where your coming from...but can't help explain it. guess the saying is true "nice guys finish last"....I just hope we actually get to finish.
  14. dude..I'd be worried.....I went thru a similar type situation with my ex. and well...now she's with the other guy......I've always said males and females can't be friends..at least not "close"...when 2 people get close personally feelings develop...it's human nature.....so...just be mister romantic, and try whatever you can think of to keep her with you, and only you..........sorry if I've got you lookin on the bad side of things...but...you've got be prepared for the worst..but...still try for the best. good luck to you.
  15. she doesn't feel comfortable talking about that stuff with you....and thats understandable.... but..I also know how you feel.....similiar situation here....broke for 5mnths ..she has someone, I don't...and we talk once in awhile, we are also planning on getting together 1 day over the holidays, and I don't want him around.....not sure how I would react.....would make it auckward, and hard.........but I still wanna try and become friends again.. I think you are both just being normal, so...don't let it bug you..or at least try and not let it.......your both in kindof a feeling out stage.... hopefully all works out, and you 2 can become friends again......good luck with everything.
  16. things do improve...but....it takes time.....it's been 5 mnths for me....and I'm still a mess....my ex g/f moved on and had someone new in less than 2 mnths.......that makes the pain that much worse.....I know where your coming from..it's hard not to ? everything....but....your right...you have to try and stop that, and show them nothing. I also know the step forward then step right back routine....do that all the time.... I wish I had some advice for you....but I really don't. I just keep remembering I was single when I met her, so maybee I'll find someone that I connect with that good again....it'll just take time. just remember...people go thru these break-ups all the time...if they can survive, so can you. good luck.
  17. the fact that we were best friends for almost a year makes it harder....cause I miss that connection alot as well.........we did everything together. I'm also friends with her older brothers (we all work together), and now she works for the same company, so I see her alomost every day. I honestly feel the fact that we didn't see each other as much (as we were used too) in the end led to this, we worked different shifts, and I just plan worked alot (6 days a week for a bout 6 months in row)........I know I have to move on.....and I am....had dates with a hndfull of diff. girls....but......I've just never had a connection with another like I had with her. but....it's over...so...I must move on. now....is possible for us to regain the friendship?...or should I just forget any thought of that as well??? thanks for listenin guys, and the advice.
  18. I really hope it all works out.....it's hard though. she is the only person who I was ever completely in-love with. we kinda grew apart....with the jobs we had we didn't get to see each other much.....so...it was bound to happen I guess, it's just....deep down, i feel that if she had started working at the same place, like 6mnths, or a yr ago.....we woulda never drifted......I know I've gotta move on, and I'm tryin......just, never had this deep of feelings for anyone before, so...now that she's gone, it's hard....real hard. while with me, she got into working out, and eating right (it's a big thing to me)....and now....she looks fantastic, which makes it harder.....why can't she just get fat?...ha....ha.....would probably make it alot easier.... how can one person, have such an effect on another???...makes very little sense to me. it's a little easier now, and hopefully it keeps getting better. she wants to try to be friends...but...I don't know if I will ever be able to handle that.
  19. hi..this my 1st real post. my g/f dumped me back at the start of July, we were together for 1.5 yrs, and best friends for about 8 mnths before. she said she just wasn't in-love with me anymore, less than 2 mnths later whe was in another relationship, with a guy that was her friend from work, her friendship with this guy always scared me (cause of the way we had started out)..but she always said, they were just friends...now I'm not so sure. this all really sucks, a week before she dumped me, we were talking about our future together, things like who would be in the wedding party, stuff like that....then a week later..it's over. I can honestly say that I have never felt so in-love with anyone evr before...something with her just clicked we could talk for hrs on end, about anything, or even about nothing at all. since we broke up, we talk once in awhile, she recently started working at the same place .....I know contact between us is making it harder on me....but...I can't completely pull away.......I miss her so much, not just as my future wife, but I also miss my best friend. I've been trying to move on...I have been on few dates, with diff. girls....but....none of them capture my heart and stuff like she did. I have a busy life, work, sports, tonnes of friends...but.......all I seem to want is her. how can I get on with my life.....I mean it's been 5 mnths.....why can't I stop thinking about her, and missing everything. any help would be great. thanks.....sorry it's so long, I'm kindof a rambler....as you can see...ha...ha
  20. they may act as friends..ect...but deep down, one or the other has feelings beyond friendship......one of the only ways these seem to work is if they are friends because one is dating the others friend........lets face facts...if a female is attractive a guy is going to think about sex with her (unless she is off-limits)............it's really too bad, we could really learn alot about each other.
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