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Everything posted by annie24

  1. Hey there - well, when you start feeling bad, just think of the things that are going well in your life. Like you said, the driver's license... new opportunities. Or, go read a book or watch a movie, or call a friend. Focus on the things that make you happy, as opposed to unhappy. About the ex... Well... here's the thing.... didn't she JUST turn 16? Different people reach their maturity at different rates. Maybe she's immature, or maybe she just wasn't that into you. You'll have to come to terms with that. Sometimes, no matter how awesome and good-looking we are, there are still people out there who aren't in love with you. All the time, you hear of beautiful actresses and models that get cheated on or dumped. As for feeling jealous when you see other couples....I just wrote this on someone else's post this week... if there's anything that eNotalone has taught me, it's that there are plenty of people who are unhappy in their relationships. Tons of people on here write about how unhappy they are in their relationship, but I'm sure to people on the outside, they look like just another happy couple at the movies or at dinner. Mis, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.... Don't worry about your friends - just... you know... work on yourself And take care of yourself and be happy. Focus on your schoolwork when the academic year starts again. Maybe then you'll get super high grades, get into a great college, and you'll meet the love of your life in the dorms. Take care
  2. That's exactly what I was going to say!!!!! Go watch the movie and you'll see what we're talking about....
  3. well..... you have to tell him. Either that, or keep going out with the guy. I do think you should take him somewhere public. Tell him you don't like him romantically. Tell him that there are probably 50 other girls that would love to go out with him, but you're just not one of them. Chances are that he'll agree with this statement, and leave you alone. good luck
  4. I've often found that the guys who say that they "don't like games" are the biggest game players of all!!!
  5. Oh sweetheart - I am glad that you see the light. I think that there are a lot of men out there (and plenty on eNotalone) that would really appreciate a good and loving woman such as yourself. Wow - I can't believe he yelled about the pizza and popcorn and movie! What a jerk! He has some serious serious problems - it sounds like he needs a psychiatrist, not a love in his life. How could he say that you are brainwashed for wanting a family? If no one had families, that would be the end of the human race! Like Kurodashi said, I hope you never meet a man like this again. You are an amazing and wonderful woman, worthy of a man who loves her back equally. Please keep us updated. Take care -Annie
  6. ahh... don't be too upset. I lived in SF for 6 years, it was ok, but I wasn't in love with it. I preferred SoCal. Yeah, like Hope said, C is just a fling. Can't think of him as more, as you'll be leaving. I know.... you get used to being called, and always having plans for friday and saturday night... it sucks, being single, but hey... you have all your friends to look forward too! There are a lot of great things about being single. Enjoy it while you can - I bet some other guy in DC will snap you up quickly
  7. Hi and welcome to eNotalone. Well, when he slipped up, he said "when I move in 3 months..." at least that indicates that he IS planning on moving. When you talk to him, don't be accusatory. Maybe just ask what he meant by that. Like, did something happen with his job search? Give him a chance, there could be a good explanation. Because, obviously, it's august, and he's not here, so something is up - maybe his boss talked him into staying at his current job longer... Ultimately, actions speak louder than words, and I think you'll know if he wants to move in with you when he actually does it. Good luck
  8. Ah. Look what happens when you get what you wished for Ok, you could just tell him flat out that you don't like him. But, I think it may be easier if you try to let him down easy... like tell him that you have asked your parents permission, and they are not allowing you to have a boyfriend (because you are a very traditional girl), and that you are very very sorry, but cannot disobey your parents. He'll try to say no, we can hide, or introduce me to your parents, but you will just have to be "firm" and say, "No, I am sorry, I asked my father, and his word is final." And by the way, yes, I did use this excuse once when I was 20 It worked.... eventually. He kept calling, but I never answered.... eventually he gave up. I hope yours does too!
  9. My guess is that you feel insecure because she is your first everything, and you aren't hers. But, that does not make you any less special, or your relationship any less special. We all make mistakes, and one of hers was dating that guy before. Maybe not so much a mistake, as a learning experience. Yes, like you said, the previous relationship wasn't good. If it were good, she'd be with him, and not with you. Never forget that.
  10. Wow - I am glad to hear you had a great time! Camp is a really good suggestion. I've found that everyone has something to offer, even if you don't feel like they are your soulmate or best friend at first. Everyone has an interesting story - just listen. Enjoy their company.
  11. Hi and welcome to eNotalone. This is a common problem many women have. There are lots of tips online, masterbation "how to" guides. Just go slow, maybe drink a glass of wine, have him give you oral, or finger you gently - tell him what feels good. Relax. Don't focus on "getting the orgasm" - instead - just enjoy the moment. If you are tense, you won't orgasm. Good luck
  12. I wouldn't just not show up. At least leave a message on the answering machine. Yeah, if you're not enjoying the job, why bother? Just be professional about how you quit the job. Good luck.
  13. I think the next time you talk to her, bring up your new gf casually. Like, "sure, we can meet up. A group of people are meeting at the bar at 8 PM, I may be a little late, because I have to pick up my gf, but I'll be there. Wanna meet up?" I think that way, you're letting her know that she's not going to get you back (if that's what she's looking for - most likely it is.) And, she also knows that you're being a nice guy. good luck
  14. Yes, call - no texting Worst case scenario: he tells you he's no longer interested. Well, then, you'll know where he stands, and you can move on. You seem really into him, so you'll have to get in contact with him, else, you won't be able to stop thinking about him. It seems likely though, that he'll be happy to hear from you. Good luck! I hope it works out.
  15. I think for a lot of men... well, some women too, variety is the spice of life. He's looking at women who are opposite of you, because they're different. It doesn't mean that he's not attracted to you, just that he wants to see a different type of naked woman occasionally. Imagine you had your favorite meal every day, you'd get a little tired, and you'd be ok with eating brussel sprouts instead of steak, just to have something different. Is he just looking at porn, or is he also trying to meet other women online. Just because he looks at porn doesn't mean he doesn't love you. How does he treat you otherwise? Maybe you two can watch some "soft-core" porn movies together as a couple.... just an idea.... good luck
  16. Hi - welcome to eNotalone. I think you should contact him. You're the one that said that you would contact him when you got things cleared up, so I think he was respecting your wishes by not replying "ok." You seem crazy about him. Contact him, tell him you'd like to see him and that things with your bf are over, but that you're doing fine, and you're not looking for a shoulder to cry on. Or, you don't have to tell him that, but SHOW him. Hopefully, he hasn't met anyone else in the meantime, but it sounds like he'd be happy to see you. Call him up! Good luck!
  17. Yup - have to agree with DN. There's no gaurantee at all that you won't break his heart and when he gets to uni, he'll find someone he likes better. Or lots of girls he likes better. You have to decide whether or not you want to be with him. Is this what you really want? To break up with him, have meaningless flings, get hurt, and THEN realize that he's a great guy. You already know that he's a great guy - you don't need to be hurt by another guy to tell you that. If you wish your bf were more sexually adventurous, then talk to him about it. He can be an amazing guy, but maybe just not the guy for you. And that's ok, just don't break up with him and expect him to take you back whenever you feel like it. good luck
  18. hehehe.... I know what my best friend would say to you. She'd slap you and be, "Hell no!!! You are NOT going to ask him about the *beeping* pancakes! What's the matter with you? Don't waste your time on that *beep*!" Seriously. He's a *beep*. That whole.... "Oh... maybe, one day, we can be together again" is a bunch of *beep*. Really. I mean, that's like if I said, "Oh yeah... I guess it's possible that when I go to the airport next week, I'll be seated next to someone, and it will turn out to be a guy I went to high school with, and then we'll talk in the airplane, and we'll start dating and fall in love." Sure, it's possible, but... don't hold your breath. He just wants a backup plan, and he likes to know that you're "around." Don't give him that satisfaction. Stop checking his away messages. In fact, stop thinking about him. Honestly, the more you tell us about J, the more he is starting to sound like a creep. You're too good to be wasting your time wondering about his breakfast foods. Let him have his *beeping* pancakes. You're too busy.
  19. I think a big mistake lots of girls make (myself included) is that we expect too much too soon. Let's face it - you don't really know him. It's only been 3 months. Instead of asking, "Am I wasting my time," I think you should be asking, "hmmm... do I like this guy? Is he good enough for me?" Yeah, 3 months... you don't really know someone all that well. I think that he's being wise to not rush into something he isn't ready for. If this relationship is real, then there will be no problem with taking it slow. I personally think you should keep your eyes and options open. Go out, have fun, get some new hobbies - don't be available to see him all the time - be mysterious. Because you know how it goes ... you want a guy to like you, and you try to get closer and he runs, but if you pull back, he'll run after you. So, pull back a little.... Be slightly aloof.... good luck
  20. Cyndane, if you know that, then you need to literally, get out of your own way! Don't let yourself stand in between you and your goals and happiness.
  21. Yes, like the others said, you have to let go. Would it really help you to know every sexual thing she did with her ex? The day, time, place... would that really ease your mind about the "gap?" No, it wouldn't. As a woman, I can say that when I am dating a new guy, I can hardly remember the names of the guys before him, much less anything we did. She probably doesn't want to talk about it because the past is in the past - over and done with. Remember, she's with you now! I think you're going to have to learn how to get past these feelings, because as you get older, you can't expect that all the women you meet will have no other men in their past. I'll say it again - she's with you! If he was so great, they wouldn't have broken up! Have more confidence in yourself. Good luck
  22. Yeah.... I don't like it when people treat you like their "backup plan." That's really really selfish. I hope you two work out a parenting schedule. Best of luck!
  23. S2S - You've heard the soliloque too? Yes... oh my.... I have heard it, and soooo many times! The "I can't handle a relationship right now, my life is so crazy, I had this super crazy gf last year, and now I'm just trying to figure out who I am and where I want to go in life, and I don't really know what I want and...." And this is where I say, "but... I was just asking you out to coffee... you don't have to commit to any one type of coffee. You can also get tea, or juice...." *sigh*
  24. hehehe.... yeah.... I don't know why dating college boys would be any "better" than dating an older guy with some baggage (ex, kid, fame). Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not anti-college guys or younger guys or whatever, it's just... I think it's a ridiculous thing to say, "go date a 22 year old frat boy." I think that this man you're currently with has an exciting life (probably), and has a lot of life experience and there are probably lots of things you can learn from him. Sure, yeah... you could date a college boy, but I don't see how you could grow and learn more from that relationship than with this man. Just because he cheated before doesn't mean that he'll cheat again. But, you know what he's done in the past, so it's good to keep it in mind. But, if he's being a good boyfriend otherwise, give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't think I could ever deal with dating a famous actor. It seems like there would be a lot of temptation in that lifestyle. You know... parties... beautiful actresses everywhere... the publicist wants him to date this person and not that person.... blah blah blah. No wonder so many hollywood marriages break up after like, 2 years. The most important thing is how you two treat each other. Is he respectful towards you? Does he call you regularly when he is out of town? Do you feel like he's being honest towards you and is being faithful? Age isn't anything but a number. My mom was 13 years younger than my dad and they had a very happy marriage. (My dad has died since). Just keep doing what you're doing, if it's working for you. Listen to your heart and use your head. good luck!
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