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Everything posted by Dgirllamius

  1. Heh, well I can understand why then! Just tell him that you don't want to be friends with him because you don't like the way he acts. Simple.
  2. Shove a sock in her mouth lol Why is talking so much a bad thing? I always assumed it was good to be able to talk and keep doing it...unless what you're talking about is totally irrelevant then yeah...maybe. What I can't stand is when people talk and you try to get some words in and they just carry on. Stupid people
  3. First of all, why don't you want to be friends with him? What has he done that makes you think that he will be a bad influence on you?
  4. Get rid of him. He is lying skum and doesn't deserve your trust. I'd kick him to the kerb....he sounds like a right moron if you ask me
  5. Heh, when I'm interested in a guy, I say stuff to that guy about him...but make it seem like I'm talking about someone else. She might be doing the same, I don't know. Just talk to her, tell her how you feel
  6. Hmm, I'm not sure it would work. Personally, if a guy was going to break up with me, I wouldn't want him handing me letters explaining everything. I'd want him to be honest and tell me to my face. A letter shows lack of communication and makes you look small and pathetic. I'd just tell her everything to her face, rather than be sort of shallow and explain it all in a letter.
  7. If I wanted a guys number, I would ask if they wanted to do something together later on. Then say you're in a rush, can I have your phone number so we can arrange it? I'm not sure, that way worked for me once...and thats only because I've only ever done it once...but I got his number, and we became good friends. Shame it didn't last
  8. Not all relationships lead to sex, or any sexual acts for that matter. One of my old best friends whom I was very open with and she was with me...she was with this guy for a good two years and all these did was kiss and hug. They never did anything sexual...and I mean nothing...so it's possible for people to go ages without anything sexual. All I was basically saying was this guy can do what he likes. It's his life and no one should interfere with it. If he wants to be with this girl, then let him! It's not the end of the world and it's certainly not breaking any law or rules for that matter. If they are both sensible and talk about things before doing it, then who is to say this guy can't be happy with a girl he likes?!
  9. I've done it like that.... Mind you, I was on the pill at the time and I never lost that much blood...but the thought alone was disgusting. Never had any real problems. He used a condom and we never made any mess
  10. The first time is always the most painful. My first sexual experience was exactly like yours....it simply wouldn't go in and well..to be honest...it's happened a lot more times afterwards too. I just put it down to the fact that I'm not aroused enough (like..I mean...not wet enough down there...) for it to be easy to get in. Basically, the female fluids (...not sure what else to call them...) are like a lubricant and if your body isn't producing them then it'll make it harder to get in. As Empathy said...try some lubricant but sometimes, this can cause problems with condoms and make them weak...but I'm sure you can buy condoms which already have it on...especially made crap if you know what I mean
  11. I still, sadly, think about my ex from time to time. I think about the good times we had, the bad times and all that stuff. I miss the company, I really do. He was always there when I needed him (literally) and he started to feel like he was part of me...like he was the missing chapter in my book of life...but then he left me and everything just felt...empty. There used to be a time when I'd think about the times we had together and cry about it...but I can't shed a tear for him now. I can feel the tears build up in my eyes, but I can't shed up. I don't miss him as a person, I don't miss him at all. I miss the company. I miss having someone by my side. I miss waking up in the morning and knowing he was there....it feels weird waking up and being by myself....even though I hate him for what he did to me, and I'll never forgive him if he ever came back into my life. You've got to learn to let go. If you two were meant to be together, the break up would have never happened and you've got to accept that it's over. I probably would have never gotten over my ex if he didn't run up a phone bill that was £721 and was also under my name. That hit me hard...he tried to hit me where it hurt but I bounced back. I'm happier than I ever was with him and I admit that. A friend of mine reckons I still love him, but I can honestly say I don't. I just miss the company of a significant other You'll get over it in time...when you meet someone new and they can fulfil your dreams and make you happy.
  12. I don't think it's possible to have friendships with someone you've been out with. Theres only one guy I've been able to keep a steady friendship with but thats only because we were together for a week lol. It didn't hurt on my side, but his side it did...but I think he's getting over it now. I'd cut all contact off from this guy. He did a bad thing by cheating on you and you didn't deserve it. It'll hurt you even more if you stay friends because you'll always be thinking "What if". I do the what if thinking about my ex a lot...what if I didn't do that, or what if I tried a little harder. I can't bare to see him anymore, nor be friends with him, especially after what he did (he didn't cheat, he just robbed me of my trust and money).
  13. Not really.... He's from the UK...and as soon as she turns 16, it won't be classed as statuatory rape. And seeing as he has already passed the 16 mark, no one can get them into trouble, but thats only once she's turned 16. Some of my girl friends had sex at 14 (including myself) and we never got pregnant. It's because we took precautions. We were taught in school between right and wrong, what to do etc and how to have safe sex. School don't encourage it, but if you're going to do it, then it's best they're told at a young age (even though most people in this country don't take any notice and go out and get pregnant anyway, but that's usually the townie/chavette girls that do that...mainly because they don't have one brain cell, and no, I'm not being insulting towards these types of people...). Anyhoo, there's no use telling this guy what he can and can't do. If he likes this girl, and she likes him too, then why can't they be together? They don't have to have sex, but they can if they want IF they talk about it and do it properly
  14. There might be a small possibility that the stuff in the Clearasil has made your eyebrows go a different colour. And it could be the sun also, but if you live in a place like I do, then sun is very rare
  15. You can take the morning after pill 72 hours after intercourse....but the sooner, the better. If you leave it dead on thre 72nd hour or something like that, then the likeliness that the morning after pill has failed is more likely. You can also have a coil fitted up to 5 days after intercourse. It's always best to do things soon after it happened.
  16. I take it you're from the UK because you said GCSE's I was 14 when I started my GCSEs because you're doing them over 2 years (year 10 AND 11 so I wouldn't instantly assume that just because they said they were doing their GCSEs meant they were in year 11....) I came here a while ago to ask for some advice in a similar situation. There's a guy I like at work and he's 16 but I'm 19 and also the whole "falling for them before you knew their age" is the same too. I liked him from the moment we started chatting, and I seriously thought he was my age and then he told me he was 16. He is so mature for his age...and all I got from people was that "it's illegal for someone of your age to date someone under the age of 18" and I'm like "WHAT?!? Since when?". There's no "law" to say that you're not allowed to date this girl. If you like her, and she likes you, then why not?! Sure, there will be problems, but you can overcome them in time and soon everyone will get used to the fact that you ARE a couple and that you're happy.
  17. I think he's just open minded and wants to try new things, which is alright. Nothing wrong with that! Just ask him why he wanted to do it because you were a little freaked out. I doubt it's nothing anyway so I wouldn't worry. I know loads of guys that are willing to do things like that e.g. my ex wanted me to give him anal with a dildo (gross) but he defintely wasn't gay
  18. I don't think they are 100% accurate because my mate was pregnant, took about 4 pregnancy tests and they all said that she wasn't when she blatantly was.... I think the best thing to do would be to go to a doctor...
  19. If you didn't break up on bad terms the first time, then you should be alright, but you should be extra careful this time round. I still had bad feelings for my ex, and we didn't break up on bad terms...we just couldn't be together because of the distance. Anyway, after about 4 months, we did get back together and everything was good, if not better, but we broke up again...on bad terms. It all boils down to what happened last time. It's all about what failed the last time and what you could do to improve this time.
  20. Might be best to go and see someone who knows a lot about law e.g. a lawyer, solisitor etc. I've been through a similar situation with a phone bill. The phone contract was in my name, and my ex boyfriend was using it (all funds would be deducated from his bank account). Anyhoo, after we broke up, he ran up a £721 phone bill which puts me liable. If I don't pay for it, then I get put on the "black list" meaning I will never be able to get a loan, mortgage or anything but it's been 7 months since the event happened and the phone company haven't stepped forward for their money. Hopefully, they've written it off because they know the situation and that they are 50% to blame for the fraud. Men are idiots, and to be honest, I wouldn't trust joint bank accounts, joint loans or anything where your name is on a contract and someone else is paying for whatever. They best thing you could do is probably just pay it off, even if you can't touch it. It will give him the chance to gloat, but will help you in the long run. You won't be tied down on the black list which is hard to get off of.
  21. I've been through it...well...vice versa actually. I was with this guy for about a week (yeah...I know, not very long). We'd only just met...didn't really get to know each other before hand or be friends for a little bit and see how it progressed. So, we went straight into the relationship, didn't spend anytime to get to know each other properly. There was so much about me that he didn't know about, and there was so much about him that I didn't know. So, we went out for a drink, and he got totally drunk. He told me something I didn't want to hear. I wondered whether it was worth it, so I decided to call it off. I didn't want a relationship anyway...I simply wasn't ready. There could be many reasons to why she doesn't want a proper relationship with you. It might be because of the same reason as me, I am still hurting from my last relationship, or she enjoys being single and isn't ready for commitment...or it might just be because she does want to get to know you as a friend. I know for sure that I would want to get to know a lad before I went out with them without knowing them. I think you can learn so much more about someone by being friends with them rather than lovers. I don't know, thats just my honest opinion...but if you hang in there, it might turn out all right for you
  22. I agree! Some people grow up faster than others. I mean, I have a friend the same age as me and she is quite mature for her age, and then theres me...I'm not the most mature person you could meet. I am young at heart, I like to have a laugh and basically make a fool out of myself ... something a lot of my friends of my age wouldn't do. I don't think it matters how old or how young people are. I think it's all down to maturity, personality etc that makes the difference. I mean, if I was a mature person, I wouldn't want to date an immature person. I can be mature when I want to be but I can be immature at the same time...I don't know which is worse lol. Age is just a number and a number is nothing (god why can't I take my own advice?)
  23. Just because she never talks about "him" doesn't mean he doesn't exist. I never talk about my boyfriend (if I have one that is) with my friends at work or friends in general to be honest. I like to keep myself to myself and maybe she is the same? Why don't you find out from her? There was this guy who liked me at work, and the way he found out if I had a boyfriend was to say something nice like umm, I don't know and then you say "I bet your boyfriend would do that for you" and she will most certainly reply with "I don't have a boyfriend" or "No he wouldn't/yes he would". Best to find out if she has one first and if she doesn't, you can make a move...and if she does, then you can work out what to do to let her know how you feel
  24. Well, if you believe that she has been understanding about everything else, then she should be OK with hearing "I love you". She might feel a little bit awkward about it to begin with, considering you have only been together for a short time, but you say you've known each other 2 years beforehand so I don't see why she should be scared. You only live once, take a chance
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