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  1. My ex is a very busy person and we only dated for like 6 weeks but I liked her so much.. We were never really just friends.. I just met her and after a days asked her out.. ANyways, we broke up because she wants to be my friend first and she doesnt feel for me as a bf anymore.. I was her first bf though and I feel that she mad a mistake (obviously). She broke it with me by basically saying she wants to just be friends for now.. Ideally we'd get back together again but I know it's not going to happen because I've gone through this several times before. It would be nice if I had a friend or something to talk to about this but I don't and I got all these emotions bottled up and I don't know what to do.. I can't talk to Sarah.. I make her feel so bad when I talk about it.. I dont mean to though.. I just don't know what to do, I just sit here and end up crying thinking about it... I can't really get out and do much . .. no car no cool mom.. no lady friends to really talk to... Im so lost and confused
  2. Yo! I live in Severna Park.. not far from Bmore. I feel completely the same on that topic dude. Feel like ya do alot for people but don't get much in return. Same with attitudes, tho I had a confrontation where I actually went psycho But yeah, why can't be people just like chill? Btw, what private school do ya goto.. I prolly know it.
  3. Uhmm yah Francis I never said I was a hot head sheesh. Maybe you need to read a little bit more to see that I just had an outburst from stress jeeze. As for you other people, I think she's having some problems too. I've been calling her and she can't answer her phone and stuff but we did talk one time and we just tried to work it out, that's what we always do if there's a problem. Except for Francis the mental case, thanks for your help.
  4. Situation: Im a 16 year old male, she is a 15 year old female and we are best friends. I was talking with some 14 year old and we got into a religion thing and I was talking to Sam (my best friend) and she explained that I can't go off on people like that.. Btw, its not like me to get mad at anyone for any reason but for some reason this one chick just tweeked me. So the next day I asked if she was mad becuz she just kinda signed off of AIM without saying bye or nothing. She said I made her upset cuz I kinda went off on her too and she didn't do anything. Then my friend Andrea (16) told me that while I was dating this girl a few months back she slept with some dude.. Now I don't care for the girl I was dating but sheesh makes me feel bad. So I went off to talk to Sam about it and she said she knew about it but only after we had broken up. I was quite angry to know that she wouldn't tell me when she knew! She said her friend told her not to say anything... I kinda went off on Sam again w/out thinking -- I realize now that if she told me I woulda felt really bad. Yesterday I kept trying to work this out and I apologized over and over again. I didn't mean to just kinda yell at her and stuff but the anger just came out and she's the only one I've been talking to becuz she's the best friend I have. A bunch of other problems have occurred during the week but that's a different side of the story and maybe that stuff is making me all angry. Sam wants me to call her today so we can talk, but I think we're just gonna end up arguing again. This is really getting to me to the point where Im scared of her just not being my friend anymore. Any help/advice?
  5. My ex gf used to act like she would kiss me and pull back.. man was that some stuff. And yeah, she used to play with my "Tubular object" and ask if she was doing anything wrong.. Just something you can do..
  6. Not true at all. I consider myself a good guy. I was there for quite a few friends and they introduced me to my current gf. We were like wow we have a lot in common. I told her I dont smoke, drink, and that I was a virgin. She, unfortunately, was opposite of me on those topics and noticed that I had good morals. I told her that I do crazy stuff, just not stuff that messes with me, and that I just hadn't found the right chick for sex. ^^That stuff works if you ever wanna copy it, but I was just being myself and that's all you can do.
  7. Hahahaha. Un/Fortunately I'm one of those guys who is committed to his girlfriend. However, whacking off to porn is normal for a guy, I'm just not normal. Don't mind it, has to do with male hormones.
  8. Whatever, I'll try to work something out.
  9. Yes. But then wouldn't he ask what's up? Then just kinda move in like you wanted to kiss him, he'll get it.
  10. They are jerks and don't respect you. Dump the guy if he's a loser.. God, seems like you don't really like him, so why are you going out with him?
  11. Me and my gf been going out for 1.5 months. We go to different schools and we are 16. Neither of us has a car, but we live relatively close so our parents don't mind driving us. Seems fine? Wrong. These past 2 weeks have been hell. I've only seen her once and we love eachother but some how she manages to deal with it. I want to spend more time with her but she has a job and we can't always hang out because of it. Of course I have no problem with that, I just get lonely without her. Basically, how can I not feel so lonely? I talk with her on the phone everyday, but I miss her so bad. I try to do other things like get a job or play games, do hw, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
  12. It just depends I spose. I do it no more than once a day unless I really feeling bummed out haha. Sometimes I don't do it for like 3-4 days though.
  13. I can only keep eye contact with my gf. I think it's because we care for eachother. I think constant eye contact shows you have in interest in someone or you're just really into what they are saying and people just aren't like that, they only keep eye contact with someone they like. Hope I helped.
  14. If he's kissed before, then he'll make a move trust me.. just might take some time. If he's nervous and you want him to kiss you, then put your arms around him look him in the eyes, and tilt your head
  15. I like your 4, relates to me alot now. I think you missed a few important ones though: - You have no doubt you're in love - You think about the other person before yourself - Sometimes you hurt the other person and it works out because you love them.
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