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Everything posted by Dgirllamius

  1. I've posted about this before and it seems to be getting worse and worse. Basically, I have been with my boyfriend for 10 months now though we are in a long distance relationship...however we do try as hard as we can to see each other and thats usually every fortnight. Everything is fine when we are together, in fact things are fantastic. I am never happier when I am with him but there is one thing that bugs me about him...HIS PARENTS! We only have so many means on communication, and I guess that we are lucky to sometimes have it. We talk via text messages, msn, on xbox live and on the phone. I guess you could say we could be blessed in the communication department because we are always talking - theres never a dull moment until his stupid parents butt in. It started a few days ago. I was talking to my boyfriend on my xbox (we do this because we find that we don't hog the internet so others can't use it and we don't hog the phone either so we thought that this would be the easiest option, plus we like to geek it up on Halo...anyway....) the other night and we were on it till 5am. We were talking about various stuff, like what we're going to be doing in the future and stuff like that. Then his dad has to butt in and start ranting and raving about how he shouldn't have been on his xbox at such a silly time. I would completely understand if he was 12 years old but seeing as he is 19, I'm sure he is old enough to make his own decisions, right? My parents don't moan at me for staying online into the early hours of the morning and I try and keep quiet when I do - just to be considerate and so does he. We usually talk in whispers if we are talking at such a rediculous time. So...he's 19 and I am 21 and we are being treated like 12 year olds. They take away his ethernet cable so he can't go on xbox and they lock the door to the room where the computer is. Isn't that the sort of thing you do if you have a CHILD - take their things as a punishment? It's the sort of thing you do if they are 12 say, but not when you're 19 and old enough to make up your own mind. So I'm kind of stumped. I love my boyfriend to death and I would do anything for him but I feel that our relationship is going to fail because of his parents. I don't want our relationship to fail because I believe I have found someone I can love and trust, unlike any of my previous boyfriends. I just can't go on knowing that I might not be able to talk to him for days just because his parents are being selfish. What can one do?
  2. Every single person on this planet deserves to have a private life and it seems they cannot give him a private life. They always butt into our phone conversations (whether it be putting a glass up against the wall or using another phone to listen in), they read our chat logs, they read his mail and they got through his wallet. They've even been through mine in the past which they are definitely NOT allowed to do seeing as they are NOT my parents. You see, he pays rent. It may not be enough but for what he gets a month, it's what he can afford. The only thing that this really goes against is food, use of electric, water etc. I've even heard it come up in conversation that the money he gives goes towards their bills. Not electicity bills or gas bills...but luxery bills such as Sky TV, the Internet, a caravan they have bought which is worth £30,000. The thing I don't get is that they don't want him using the phone or the Internet to talk to me, yet they give him £30 so he can come down here every weekend. If they hated me so much, why do they give him the money to come here? That's a bit Irish, no? But seriously, this has got to stop. We are both entitled to a private, just like everyone else in this world. He even got kicked out last night because he asked to use the phone. That is how silly, selfish and disgusting his parents are. They don't deserve to be parents. Also, you would expect a middle-aged woman to not text a 20 year old girl abusive messages, no? Well, she did and they got very abusive which resulted me into phoning the police and reported her to the mobile phone company, and having my mobile number changed. This is how silly and pathetic them two really are, and they think that they are in the right. Yes, he may live with them but there are only so many rules he has to abide by. Them telling him he cannot have a private life is NOT one of them (sorry about ranting, but I really do hate them)
  3. I would expect it if we were 12 years old but seeing as I'm 21 next week and he's 20 in a few months, it's kind of pathetic. I don't know what it's like where you live, but in the UK, you are classed as an adult at the age of 18 and parents have no right to tell you what to do anymore. My mum never tells me what to do and if she did, I would tell her where to go but with his family, it's so much different. They think they have control over him just because he's living with them. He's allowed to have a girlfriend, right? Well, I know I won't have to put up with this much longer as we are both moving to Plymouth in September so we can be together. I'm going to university there and I'm going to have my own place so he will be able to join me and we will be able to have our own life together. It's just now that I can't put up with the way they are acting. I mean, it's only 4 months to go but thats 4 months too long. I want September to arrive because then will no longer have a say in what we do. We will be living in our own place and living on OUR terms, not theirs and if they don't like it, then they can go jump. I just wish I had some sort of solution from now until then because I know it's going to work once we're in Plymouth. We'll be 300 miles away from them and both our mobile numbers will be changed and if we do get a landline, it'll be ex-directory and they will not be able to find us. We've even considered changing our names so they don't. I am happy when I'm with him. I am happy when he's with me and he's not at home. I feel sorry that he has to put up with such nasty, wicked people. I just wish I could do something and I know the only thing I can do is if I invite him down to Plymouth with me and I already have and he's said yes so thats the plan. I just wish they'd back off because they don't seem to realise that once he's gone, he's not going back and he's said that to me and I will be there for whatever he wants to do in life. I'm not going to give up on him just because of them because me breaking up with him is what they want and I don't want to give them the satifaction. Wow, sorry about writing a whole essay there, but I feel I had to let it out. I'll be at university for four years and who knows what'll happen after that? I want to settle down with him and start a family. I know I shouldn't be saying that at my age but I want to be with him for the rest of my life. Sounds corny I know, but I don't want people like them interfering. It's even on the cards that I'll be emigrating to Australia...that's been planned for years and I want him to be happy, but I want to be happy too and I know we will be once we've moved on from them and started our own lives together, not apart
  4. I personally think it is classed as cheating but thats just me Everyone has different opinions I'd talk to him about it, see whats going on and try to sort something out
  5. Wow it's been a long time since I've come here. I feel like I've been able to cope with lifes problems but this problem seriously makes me want to rip my hair out. So where do I begin? It's hard to tell really but I suppose I better explain the situation. I am in a long distance relationship that has been going on for 6 months. I spent a lot of time at his getting to know his parents and what they're really like. I quit my job in January to be with him and start a new life where he lives. I have a feeling I did this too soon, but theres nothing I can do about it now. Anyway, I was living with him for about 2 and a half months. We were strapped for cash one month and were unable to pay the full amount of rent to his parents. This was when the argument started and we were both kicked out. They didn't even give me a chance to explain that I would be able to get them the rest of the money the next day but no, they're just to impatient and they have get things when THEY want it. So I guess this whole thing started around March. I came back home and he stayed where he lives and ever since, his parents have been poking their noses into our business. Now, I would understand if we were 15, but I'm 20 (21 next Saturday) and he's 19 (20 in November). We are adults, are we not? According to them, he has to tell them everything e.g. when we argue, what we have argued about. The reason to why they think he has to tell them everything is because he lives under their roof. Everyone is entitled to a rpivate life, right? There have been times where he has asked to use the phone and they have got so nasty towards him that they have threatened to kick him out. I have also received abusive text messages on my mobile and I had to resort to phoning up my mobile service provider and asking for a number change. I was so close to reporting her to the police for what she was doing, but I didn't have the nerve to do so. So to sum it all up, I've had numerous amounts of phone calls from his parents shouting down the phone, hurling abuse at me and every other word they say is a swear word. If it's not one word, it's another. There have been several occasions where he hasn't been allowed to use the computer to talk to me, they have taken his mobile phone away from him and hidden the home phone away from him, just so he is unable to talk to me. I know his parents have a problem with me, all because I didn't pay the rent on time. As I said before, I could have got it to them the next day but they didn't give me the chance to even explain this. In conclusion, they cannot butt out of our relationship. His mum is a nasty piece of work and doesn't deserve to be a parent and his dad is the biggest &%*(%$&*^& in the world. They are the sort of people who think that shouting and swearing is the answer. When you argue with them, you cannot get a word in and the best thing they can do is kick you out of their home. that is their solution, they WILL NOT sit down and talk about things... So, this is obviously making me upset, stressed and angry. What am I supposed to do when we are 130 miles apart? I no longer have a car so I can't go up there and get him and take him away from all this and he never has enough spare money to get a coach ticket to here (he cannot drive). What can I do to stop them from interfering because it's tearing us apart
  6. I know someone that this happens to when he gets drunk... Though, I think yelling at him was a bit uncalled for...
  7. No it wasn't him. Although I was only with my ex for a short time, we did see each other a lot
  8. Nope. As soon as he found out it was about him, he told me he never wanted to speak to me again and logged off. He also hasn't told me why in the messages I havebeen receiving from him recently....the way he speaks is as if to say the break up never happened, like he never got angry and that he's just forgotten about it...
  9. Hmm, well, I'm 20 and my mum would probably kill me if she knew I was having sex with someone. As long as she knew I was taking the right precautions, then it's OK but still... Just because she said what she did, doesn't mean she is ready. Ask her if she's ready, talk to her about it...
  10. When I was on the pill for about 7 months, I came off it because it was technically no longer needed...I was about 2 weeks late though after that it was all back to normal again
  11. The only thing that could have possibly made him angry was my MSN name ("better off without him"). Other than that, I can't think of anything else...
  12. OK so about....6 weeks ago, my ex broke up with me over the most pathetic thing. The week before we broke up, he was ignoring me. He wouldn't talk to me on MSN, he wouldn't call, reply to my texts or anything. Seriously, I wouldn't get even a text message saying hey for about three days so I knew something was up. So, I shrugged it off and decided to leave it at that. I changed my name on MSN to "better off without him" which was referring to my ex. My ex happened to sign in after about 5 days of not logging on and starting talking to me. About 10 or so minutes later, he asked what my name was all about. I said it was about him and that I was fed up with him ignoring me and that I wasn't going to put up with it. So he said "ok fine, we'll end it" and I said "can't we talk about it?" and he replied with "I don't want to hear it, I never want to speak to you again" and logged off. Soooooo...about 6 weeks later (basically, 3 or 4 days ago) I logged into my faceparty account and there was a message there waiting for me. So I go and have a look and it's from my ex. I'm like, why the hell would he message me? So I have a look and it says "I hope I ain't part of that 90% how you been? x" (basically, the 90% thing is something on my profile that says 90% of my ex boyfriends should be punished). Anyhoo, having a little think, I sent him a message back and we've been messaged each other constantly for the last couple of days. The thing I want to know is why is he messaging me after he said he didn't want to speak to me again? Does he have some unfinished business? I admit though, I still think about him a lot and I always wonder "what if". The way he speaks to me is as if we never really broke up...as if to say we just haven't spoke for 6 weeks. I just want to know what he wants...
  13. We've already met....though I don't think I said it clearly enough. We met like...a month or so ago and we got on well and everything. It's just everything that he has done for me which had made me feel this way. He didn't have to do what he did...he didn't have to care or waste his money sending me a million text messages telling me everything was going to be alright... I honestly can't wait to see him again. I've never wanted to see anyone so badly as I want to see him...I just wish it would progress into something more...
  14. I apologise now if this is in the wrong board, seeing as it could go under this one, and it could go under Long Distance too...but yeah... OK, I don't know where to begin. A while ago, I met this guy on the net who lived near me. We spoke for ages and we decided to meet. We got on well and about 2 days later, he moved up north (300 or so miles to be precise) and the only ways we talk now are on MSN, text messages, talking on the phone and email. About a week ago, I broke up with my boyfriend and I was really feeling down about it and stuff. This guy I've been speaking to was there for me. He offered me a shoulder to cry on, even though he is miles away. He said if I ever had the urge to self-harm (which I was doing), I was to text him at once and he would try his hardest to distract me from doing it. Over the past couple of days, I've really fallen for this guy. He is perfect in every way, he is always, and I mean always there for me when I need him. He's the type of guy you could never get angry at, he's the type of guy that you could tell everything to and he's the type of guy who is always there when you need someone the most. When I say I've fallen for this guy, I mean BIG TIME. He hasn't left my mind for a second since me and my ex broke up, he's all I ever think about and I go all happy and stuff when he texts me, or when he starts speaking to me on MSN. He's like the friend I never had. As much as I want to tell him how I feel, I don't want to ruin what we have. He's coming all the way back down South to see me in a couple of days and I feel like telling him then, but I'm so scared...I don't want to ruin the perfect friendship that we have. I feel like every day that goes past without him is a day wasted in my life. It's sad because I cry myself to sleep every night thinking to myself that I might never be with him and I never want to lose him out of my life. What can I do guys? I was talking to my friend about it and he said that he obviously cares about me for him to be there for me when I needed him. I just don't know what to do, I'm pretty much in love with this guy...
  15. I cut all the time...and I have done for about 5 years, and I'm not proud to show them off. I always hide them with long sleeved shirts and jumpers etc. I do it because I'm depressed and it feels so good when I do, though the regret afterwards doesn't feel as good
  16. Well, I had my trust taken away from me by my ex boyfriend. He basically did something that could potentially put me on the black list so I'll never be able to get a mortgage etc. Anyway, I spoke to him about (I found it hard, so I turned on the waterworks) and he said it's because it easy living there (£50 a week or something) and that he has nowhere to go. He also said he hates her but he doesn't hold grudges against people and can't "hate" her. I don't know, I didn't understand what he meant, but whatever. I've sort of been put at ease, but it still makes me wonder what happens behind closed doors. I sort of trust him, but it's what my ex did to me that is making it hard. I would expect to gain in back over time, but I'm still suffering a little from the past relationship...
  17. Yeah he does, but it's nothing great. It's one of those jobs he could quit and get again back where he came from (video.dvd rental shop if that helps). Money...not sure...he has money because he has a job. I don't know. I'll just have to talk to him about it.
  18. I don't know the real reason. He's got nothing to stay down in the south for...so why doesn't he go back up north? I'm so bloody confused
  19. Well....to set the story straight... He lived in Birmingham for his whole life. I don't know how he met his ex because she lives here in Southampton. Anyway, he moved down to Southampton about 8 months ago. They broke up and he is still living in Southampton. I said to him "How come you haven't moved back to Birmingham?" and he said "It's because I don't want to let my dad know that I can't do anything on my own." Anyhoo, he's asked me to go round to his, and I really don't feel comfortable doing it, not while she's there anyway. Sure, she might be a nice girl and I could become friends with her, but it's the fact that she is his ex and he is still living with her that puts me off. All his friends are in Birmingham, so he doesn't have (as far as I know) many friends down here in Southampton to move in with. I didn't think much about it until I was at work and I had time to think. It's really getting me down
  20. I'm doing the Weight Watchers diet (the points one) and I've lost 8lb in 2 weeks It's really good. Of course, it'll slow down after a while, but at least I'm well ahead
  21. How would you feel if your current girlfriend/boyfriend was still living with their ex? Basically I'm in that situation. I've met a great guy and we've got together. He originally comes from the North and moved down to the South about 8 months ago to live with his now ex-girlfriend. However, he won't move back up nnorth because he doesn't want to prove to his dad that he is not able to cope on his own...so he's still living with her...apparently This sort of bothers me, if you know what I mean. What can I do to make it hurt less? How can I bring it up in converdation?
  22. Also doesn't help if your nervous because your muscles contract making it harder for anything to happen. Just relax and have fun
  23. Ask her what she likes and do it. If she wants you to do it fast, then do so...but if she doesn't like it then she'll say and ask for you to go slower and see if she prefers that. Just try different things and see what she likes best. Every girl is different and like different things so you need to find what she likes as an individual
  24. Well, when I mean he can do whatever he likes, I don't mean everything. I mean, I'm not saying that he should go out and rob a bank or kill someone. He's old enough to make his own choices in life. There is a line between what you can actually do (e.g. be with a girl you like, go out etc) and what you are able to do, but shouldn't (e.g. rob a bank, kill someone etc) He likes this girl. You can't control who you fall for, right? And chances are, she likes him too...so what is stopping them from being together? If they want to be together, then that is their choice and they shouldn't listen to what other people have to say.
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