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Everything posted by jaiva

  1. I've done a little research on this. Men can achieve an orgasm very quickly and then they have to take a break to regain their erection. It takes forever for women to achieve an orgasm but once they've reached orgasm they can last for a long time having multiple orgasms. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  2. Use link removed to find out about sexual positions. But you should tell her that you aren't circumcised. I don't think she'll care but talk to her before you have sex so it won't be a surprise. Jaiva
  3. jaiva

    Sex Tips

    The best thing would be to ask her what makes her happy. Try things out and see how it makes her feel. You all should talk about sex before you actually try to perform it. Jaiva
  4. Well, I have a thing about having my breasts touched, kissed, and sucked. Every person is different. So the best thing to do is ask her. The more comfortable you are with each other the easier it'll be to talk about sexual things and how to make it better for each other. Jaiva
  5. I read somewhere that the excitement of sex or orgasms can have an effect that type of effect on your body because all of the blood rushes to your genitals. I'd still go to the doctor about it though. Jaiva
  6. Well, It took forever for my ex to give me an orgasm. We tried a lot of different positions and a lot of giving up before it happened. I think that maybe you should give it time and don't give up. Continue trying to please your gf. Jaiva
  7. I was tired and bored after my ex went a whole hour. There is no way they went 3 hrs. She's totally stretching the truth. Jaiva
  8. I used to pray and wish that I would die in my sleep so that I wouldn't have to face the world another day. I didn't have the courage to kill myself, so I guess you can call me a coward. When I would wake up the next morning I would be upset because my prayers were't answered. My life seemed like hell. Everything seemed to go wrong, everyone was against me it seemed, I couldn't do anything right. I had teachers telling me to get my butt in gear or I'm going to fail their class, I had the school social worker trying to tell me that she's going to put me into a mental hospital because I was maladaptive, I had my mother telling me that she was going to press charges on my then 20 year old ex-boyfriend and she she was always yelling about my grades. I always seemed to be able to help the few people I called friends with their issues but even they seemed to be against me. I had a friend who I could no longer deal with at the tme she always brought extra bad news, I had a friend that turned on me because if my beliefs on homosexuality, and I had a friend that I was told I couldn't talk to because he was a boy and I had a mentor who wouldn't talk to me. Who was I to turn to. The boy that I wasn't supposed to talk to was really upset. I would say screw them and be friends but then I would say I'm supposed to be obedient and tell him we couldn't be friends. Well, I finally said screw them. I decided I needed a friend. He's helped me see the light and helped me deal with all my past hurt which was causing the depression. My friend and I are now lovers. I love him with all my heart, mind, and soul. So maybe once you find a friend whether of the opposite or the same sex that you can talk to who has enough wisdom to help you deal with all that things that are causing these emotions then you'll be otay. But until then I'm willing to help you figure out all the questions you have going through you head, because as of right now my head is pretty clear. Hope I can/have helped in some way. Jaiva
  9. We were put here on earth to experience life, the good and the bad, and then share our experiences with others and stop them from experiencing the bad or help them through experiencing the bad. I believe it is selfish because when a person takes their life they are only thinking of the pain they feel or what is going to happen to them. They aren't thinking of the people they'll hurt or the people they were to help. It depends on the person. I don't know what I would want if I were in severe pain. But I think I'd want to live life until my time is up. I don't want anyone to make the decision to end my life. I would just want to have my pain medication until I die on my own. I believe there is and after life and I believe if you live life helping people then you will have a good after life. I don't believe that anyone should disregard anybody's beliefs everyone has their own mind and their own free will to believe whatever they want and noone should tell them their flat out wrong. I loved a person before and I truly love the person I'm with now but whether I was in love with the first person is a different question. I though I was in love with them but compared to how I feel now I don't think the person is comparable to the one I'm with now. Hope I helped to answer some of your questions. Jaiva
  10. This is a very long confusing dream but I'd like to share it. I was leaving a school basketball game with my father and his girlfriend Paula. My father told this guy that called this asian a bad slang c word for asians not to say that and the man said you don't know what I called you when you were working here so my father was about to beat him up. I pulled my father away and we went home. When we got home I told Paula that she left the crumbs on the table and she got an attitude and left. Scene changed and I was in a room with my two little cousins and their mother was asking them if they wanted their rooms upstairs or on the first floor and they were asking me what they should decide. I was getting my hair braided by the girl that braids Alicia Keys hair (I don't know how I know that she braided A. Keys hair but I knew), and I was watching Fantasia sing this song on TV about a girl who's boyfriend was cheatin. Then the scene changed again, Paula and I were in a club (I'm not old enough to be in a club) Paula went to the bathroom and when she came back she was a different person. Paula was trying to get married men to date her. This was a private club and everyone that came to the club had a card with all their info on it, name, address, telephone number, etc. Paula would wait until the men would leave with their wives and she would go to their table and get their card. When Paula was talking to a guy I went in her purse and saw that she had a whole bunch of different ID's with different names and different pictures of her. So I took her cell phone and I tried to run to call the real. The fake Paula caught up with me and said what are you doing. I said I'm trying to call the real Paula. So we're outside of the club and she says you are the kid that broke into the Secret Services computer system and stole all the data. I said I didn't do anything I don't know how to do that. She says well you did it. I said I was just on the computer looking up some stuff for my dad. She said lets go. So we're walking towards the bus stop and there is this bus there and I see someone that I know from church. But I dont' get in the car with them I continue to follow the fake Paula. She walks pass the bus stop and goes into this store. I say where are you going we have to get on the bus so that we can go home. I had some money in my hands. When I walked in the store there were some guys on the second level of the store who looked like snipers but they were just shooting people to take their money. Since I had money in my hand they were trying to shoot me. So I'm crawling around on the floor trying not to get shot and I feel bullets go past my face. A lot of the workers from the store are hiding under this ledge that is supposed to be bullet proof but there are a bunch of holes in the ledge already so I don't go under there with them. Then it turns out that there is like a war in the store. The military were walking on this ledge or something and there is like a mattress that is on top of the ledge and nobody's shooting at these people walking on this ledge. I see people that are between the mattress and the ledge and they seem safe so I squeeze between the mattress and the ledge. I was praying that they wouldn't shoot me because they knew I was there because there was a bulge in the mattress. They just walked over me. Their sergeant asked them why they were jumping that section and he seen the the bulge in the mattress and made me come out. He said something about me not having balls or something. And he was saying how he should kill me but he doesn't and I see my boyfriend and the sergeant says we were made for each other. I jump on my boyfriend and I kiss him and we both say I love you then I wake up. Jaiva
  11. Your breasts are on your body. If you don't want to get any augmentation surgery then don't. It's your decision, not your boyfriends. If he has a problem then that's his problem. You shouldn't change the way your body looks for him. I'd understand if it was a weight problem and he was concerned about your health but this would be a cosmetic surgery and I dont' think its necessary especially if you don't want to do it. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  12. Trust and honesty are the most important things in a relationship. You have to be able to trust the person that you are in a relationship with. If you can't trust them then either you or they have a problem and it doesn't seem as if he has a problem he just want to be with his friends. I'm sure you can ease up by finding friends and also spending time with them while he spends time with his friends. You gotta give him a chance and show him that you trust him. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  13. I always say stick with your instincts. If you feel that you can't trust her then don't. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  14. Make sure that they both understand that you are friends with them both and that you aren't going to chose sides. You're willing to listen to each persons story but you don't want to be in the middle. Then you don't have to worry about either of them blowing up in your face. I wish you well with your baby. Jaiva
  15. Here is a website that might help you put some spark in your kisses. I hope it helps. howtokiss.info/types_of_kisses.htm Jaiva
  16. Girls like for their significant other to be involved in the kiss. A soft embrace is always nice. Rubbing her back is also nice. Hope I've helped. Jaiva
  17. I did some research on this subject last nite. I hope this website helps you. link removed Jaiva
  18. I'm not interested in it personally. But it must be popular because the proper name for it is a golden shower. If it has a real name then people must do it often. Jaiva
  19. I always like your poems. I love it when people write from the heart instead of trying to write on command. Jaiva
  20. I'm a little confused but it seemed as if there are lots of emotions shown. Jaiva
  21. You have a way with words but the poems seem very angry. Jaiva
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