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Everything posted by jaiva

  1. I think he wasn't really into you in the first place if he left without a problem. He isn't worth it. Find someone who will love you and you only. Jaiva
  2. You both are adults I assume so you should be able to sit down and have adult conversations about your feelings for each other and any possible relationship you could have whether romantic or just friendly. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  3. Maybe she's just very confused about her sexuality. Confront her about it. Jaiva
  4. What I would do is try to find out who the other girl is and write her a letter or even call her and ask that you can meet, somewhere public of course. Explain that you don't want to cause any issues with her and that you are just trying to be an adult about the situation and inform her about what your situation (the baby). Tell her about what he says to you about your relationship with him and her relationship him. And ask that she tries to be a respectable adult in the situation too seeing as how he won't. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  5. Well, as I've told many others today, write her a letter and tell her that you hope that you haven't spoiled any chances in getting to know her better by sending her the text but you'd like to become friends at least. Jaiva
  6. Well, it seems like he wasn't faithful in your relationship b/c he's already in another relationship meaning he was dating someone else while he was with you. I would say write a letter to yourself or even to him, include in this letter how you feel about your situation. Getting your feelings out helps you to cope with it, whether you verbalize it or write it. You can even give/send him the letter. He might respond and he might not but at least he'll know how you feel. Hope I helped! Jaiva
  7. I love the poem and I like your exquisite vocabulary. Continue to express yourself with poetry. It helps to relieve your emotions when you can't verbalize them. Jaiva
  8. Well, I'm against homosexuality but that's only b/c of my teachings and past experiences. But I feel that I should love everyone b/c of who they are inside and not hate them b/c of what they do. If your family can't love you b/c you are one of them despite what your sexual preferences are than they are sinning b/c they are judging you and the Bible says that people shouldn't judge others. I have many homosexual friends and I love them because they are my friends but I try to get them to understand why they like people of the same sex, what made them have that mindset, and whether it was b/c of something they experienced as a child. I believe if you have an exceptional reason for doing what you do and you are very passionate about it no one should stop you from doing it. But I know for myself that I can't do that b/c of my moral beliefs. Hope I've helped some how! Jaiva
  9. Lottie, since he won't lick you down there after intercourse tell him to do it as part of the foreplay. But the main problem in your current relationship is communication. Tell him about your past relationship and about how you ex degraded you and made you feel worthless. If he's a good bf he'll try to boost your self esteem and try to help you rebuild your confidence. Hope I helped! Jaiva
  10. Have you ever tried approaching her face to face? I know that might be quite difficult to do. But try it, the only thing she can do is walk away from the convo and if she's any kind of lady she'll at least talk to you. Maybe she didn't receive the text, so that's why she hasn't responded to it. Hope I helped! Jaiva
  11. Since you can't talk about it write her a letter. Put how you feel about the experience and her in the letter. Give it to her and wait for a response whether it's verbal or written. I'd also say to tell her whether or not you want your friendship to end or move on to another level because of this experience. Hope I helped! Jaiva
  12. Communication is the key to any relationship or prospective relationship. So if he's too shy to make the initiative then you do it. Say hi at least. That should spark up some kind of convo. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  13. If you can't verbally talk to him b/c cause he's so called "really busy" than you should write him a letter. In this letter, tell him how you feel. Tell him that it feels to you that you feel that it wouldn't matter to him whether the two of you were together or not. Tell all of your emotions about the situation in this letter. And ask him if he wants to be in a relationship with you. Give it to him and wait for a reply. If he doesn't reply ask him if he read the letter and if he says yes and just doesn't have a response then I'd think it was safe to assume that he doesn't want to be in a relationship. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  14. I don't see a problem with the age gap and you shouldn't worry about other people say because if both of you are happy than nobody else matters. About the sex thing, I'd say wait until you are both ready to have sex. Make sure you both are able to talk about every pro and con of sex and the consequences of sex. Sex is something that should only be between two people that love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. Sex is nothing to play with and it definitely shouldn't be casual. If you all are together when you turn 18 make sure that his parents are okay with the relationship because they can press charges on you. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  15. I have a friend who I call SMILE who has a very old boyfriend I think he's almost thirty and she's about 17 or 18 and she has a horrible relationship. He's very controlling and I tell her all the time that I don't like him and he's bad for her but she doesn't listen. Because he's that old and you feel you want to talk to talk to him I want to ask if you had a loving father figure in you house while you were growing up? B/c most of the girls that date guys that much older than them or even if the guys are only 5 years older than them want a loving male figure. They are trying to fill a void and dating guys much older than them isn't the best way to do that. Think about that before you decide to date him please! Hope I helped! Jaiva
  16. I don't have a problem with the three year age difference. I was once in a relationship with a five year difference. But I would suggest that you wait until she turned 17 b/c her parents could press charges against you because you are legally an adult and she is a child. So be careful!! Hope I helped! Jaiva
  17. Tell him how you feel. Relationships are about communication and trust. Then take it easy. Every first kiss is different whether its the very first kiss or the first kiss with a new lover. Jaiva
  18. I believe if all you focus on is trying to get a gf or just a girl/woman to notice you it will never happen. I believe you have to learn about yourself first. Do a little soul searching and be content with what you have instead of focusing on the negative. Pray for self happiness and completion not just that you find a girl. Once you do all those things you won't feel like you need a girl and then you'll have one. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  19. I feel that you should tell him how you feel. Tell him you are afraid of losing him and you don't want to do that. Tell him you are still in love with him and then see what his response is. I agree. He was living with all males locked behind bars for a long time. He has to get used to being back in the outside world. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  20. That's a question that I ponder all the time. I believe that people label people because they want to make themselves feel better than others. The "in crowd" are the people who talk about people and try to put others down to raise their own self esteems. Others want to be apart of the "in crowd" so that they won't be talked about or have their feelings hurt but the words the "in crowd" might say. That's what I've observed from my junior high and high school experiences. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  21. Most people who have bad news don't want to have people all over them because they feel that the people are pitying them even if that's not what's actually happening. But you would know your friend better than I would. However, just be regular, just because he has cancer doesn't mean he's any different than anyone else, at least mentally. Just be a normal friend. You can always give him a get well soon card or something and write in there how you feel about his friendship and his life. Hope I helped somehow. Jaiva
  22. Holding a grudge or being upset with this person hurts you more than it hurts them and that's something I had to learn the hard way. It takes more energy to be mad at someone that it does to just be cordial or civil . I'm not saying that you should forget what happened but you should forgive her so that you won't be holding negative thoughts in your mind or heart. But you should also tell this person how you felt about what they did to you or talk about it with someone you trust. It is always best to talk about things that bother you so you won't be harming yourself emotionally. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  23. Yes, you can love more than one person because I still love my ex because he was my first love and I love my present bf. But I think you can only be in love with one person. There will always be qualities about different people that you'll like but there will only be one person for you. About the guy you met on the internet you don't really know him like you think you do. You don't see him everyday and you wont know about the annoying things that he do because you aren't around him to know them. Hope I helped. Jaiva
  24. I say "I love you" every time I think about how happy he makes me. Those words are important to say but only when you really truly have strong feelings for that person. Jaiva
  25. About being sore and uncomfortable, you are probably too dry so try using a lubricant. You have to know that you are beautiful in our own eyes. Don't worry about what others think of you. Everyone has something about them they'd like to change. Tell you bf that you'd like him to please you too when you're having sex. Explore your body with or without him and find out what feels good to you. Then tell him about what makes you excited. Hope I helped. Jaiva
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