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Everything posted by MyNinja

  1. i know exactly how you feel. I have this crush on a guy at school (college)and I don't know what to do about it because he's 30 and I'm 20, but i just can't seem to get over him. The best thing that i did was everyday i would go to a different area of the school to see other people and not hang around the building in which his classes are. This trained my mind to focus on other people instead of this one guy.... this may not be the case for you, but I would suggest trying to be around other people if you want to end this crush, but if you want something from it do as the others said and go for coffee, lunch or something and just talk causally and feel the vibes around you. Just don't expect anything becuase the outcome may not be what you had in mind wether it be good or bad...(i hope i didn't go off the topic here! lol) Good luck anyway, hun.
  2. you should ask yourself this: "Am i getting this surgery to please my man, or am I doing it for my own personal happiness"? If YOU appreciate your size the way it is regardless of what someone else thinks, then i see no strong reason for such a costly surgery. I'm not trying to discourage you because in the end you'll make your own choice anyway, I'm just saying think about how this will make you feel in the future whether you're with the guy then or not. In my own personal opinion, i think you should have high self-esteem because you are unique in your own way and you shouldn't judge yourself, your bodily appearance by someone elses' appearance. It seems the person with the blonde hair wants it black and the personn with the black hair wants it blonde. That's fine and all, just don't let things like breast size get to you. You are no less of a woman. I didn't mean to preach to you, i just felt the need to say it. Good luck with your decision though!
  3. fisrt off, I am sorry to hear about this problem Communication is definitely the key here. I know you may have heard it a billion times, but it's the honest truth. When you both have time set him down and tell him what's on your mind. (avoid the bedroom for this talk, maybe even the house altogether. Go, maybe, to a restaruant). When you're speaking to him try not to use "you should", "i wish you would..." etc. This language is very defensive and he may become hurt, angry or confused. Instead, say things like, "i feel...", "I think we should try..." etc. Give it a shot and see how he responds. If he still is confused about how you are feeling then explain to him your deep feelings as you did with us. Believe me, with what you wrote I could almost feel you pain. I'm sure he would too. Good luck!
  4. thanks for posting this. Im sure those who are going through the blues would find this informative and helpful. Good lookin' out!
  5. okay, first of all your ex never should have compared you to other people because we are all built differently. We should be proud of what we have. there's a difference between being "fat" and being "solid". You aren't very tall and that may be the reason, but that doens't mean one is "fat". From what you've described i would go with just being solid
  6. I am so sorry that happened to you, hun. I know how you feel along those lines and like everyone else said, just forget him. if he can't be open and clear with you, then he's not worth wasting your time over. There are waaaay, and i mean way too many other better, brighter and more desireable things to do then try to figure someone out. People always get hurt in these situations and end up losing all of their self-esteem and self-respect, usually over someone who doesn't give a **** anyway!! Keep your head up and good luck!
  7. thanks alot and I would be interested in those books....
  8. hey everyone, It's been awhile since I've posted because my internet is down, but anyway.....I'm a second-year college student who doesn't know where she belongs. I mean I'm ALWAYS alone. It's not like I just sit around and wait for someone to notice me, I mean I just can't seem to keep people interested in me enough that they would say, "hey, wanna go to the movies or stay the night over?" I've never heard any of those words before from anyone. Sometimes I think I'm a boring person that no one wants to be around. I play piano, I'm a cartoonist and I can hold a decent converstation. I'm shy in some ways, but it's not obvious and it isn't stopping me from doing more....or is it??? At times I become speechless and can't think of anything to say and the silence kills me. I just want someone to call my own. I want to be able to say, "Dad, I'm going to ____'s house for the night, call you tomorrow!" I don't know what I'm really saying here but I just need someone to talk to. I have this recorder and I listen to myself talk to see how others hear me. I sound like any normal college student. Maybe Im just not confident enough in myself or somethin' hell, I don't know! That's why the title reads "I don't understand me" because I don't. I tried seeing a counselor about this and it didn't provide any relief of any kind. I felt like I had a mental disorder or something. Even the way I dress is different. One day I'll wear something something preppy, the next I look like a punk or the next day I'll dress sexy. I just don't get this inconsistency...I'll stop talking now...hope I didn't confuse everyone. thanks
  9. not uncommon at all. Give it some time because you're still very young and there will be plenty of guys you will come accross and maybe develop a crush on. I don't want to see you getting your heart ripped out of your chest, and trampled on. when i was a soph. in highschool. i developed a crush on the RA that was like 7 years older than me, but it quickly surpressed when i started to notice other guys. Don't worry about it too much. If this is what God wants of you believe me, you'll know!
  10. welcome to enotalone, you're not alone, I suggest you take a great amount of your timt thinking about who you are and what you want out of life. Besides your sexuality, what is your interests, hobbies? These types of things tell alot about a person and i suggest take some time out to learn about the patterns of your mind. I know it sounds far fetched and intangible, but it seems like your at the stage where you're "finding yourself". Lots of people go through this stage and get confused about lots of things about their past lives, purpose in life etc. Hope this helped
  11. Pray and try to go on with your life. Nothing's worse then dwelling on the past when you must go on. if it really bothers you, just talk to her about it and it will release that tension.
  12. wow, im sorry that happened! do you need to talk about it so you can feel better and calm your nerves?
  13. thanks everyone for your responses. i would never consider online dating myself because, to me, it seems like im not good enough to got out and meet someone the natural way
  14. why on earth would someone want to spit during sex anyway??? I know people do some strange things when aroused, but spitting, totally kills the moment! Yes, like everyone else said, just talkt to him about it, with some humor. He should be understanding of it since it bothers you.
  15. hi everyone, i was just wondering what everyones' views were to online dating? Do you see it as too impersonal? Artificial? Exciting? i just wanted to know because i was surfing the web today and a bunch of dating sites apeared and i never really thought about it until today!
  16. hey thats a good idea! from there you can start a great conversation with him and probably get somewhere! no need to be nervous, just be casual and most importantly..... BE YOURSELF!
  17. wow, this is really something you have here does this obsessive person live alone? i suggest he gets mental treatment from the hospital because you guys can't take care of him forever. a line has to be drawn somewhere, you two will drive yourselves crazy and miss out on the life you well deserve. your roomate shouldn't feel any guilt by getting him the help he needs. Has she considered it? If she keeps on trying to do this by herself something serious WILL happen. That's when the guilt will set in. Persons with mental instability need professional attention because you don't know what is going on in thier head and what harm they can do to themselves and others around. please seek mental treatment for him. it's the best thing you/she can do right now. it may seem brutal but it's for the well-being of his health, not to mention you and your roommate. I give her a big thumbs-up for haveing such a big heart.
  18. ejaculation itself is an involuntary reaction, meaning that you consciously can't "make" yourself ejaculate. One also needs to know that not all females "ejaculate" and it's nothing similar to the male ejaculation. just out of curiosity, why do want this??
  19. First off let me say that her actions towards you is not your fault, it was her problem that she didn't try to talk to you. You did the initiating and you should give yourself a pat on the back. Please don't let this incident stick with you and determine your future relationships with other people. I had a similar problem with a girl i knew. i would talk to her like she was just another human being, which she is. I found out that I didn't fit her "click" of people that she liked to talk to and she didn't want to let me down hard, so she just ignored me. I didn't have any social difficulties with her at all. I sense that the "becky" girl just had too high standards about her social life s well and didn't know how to tell you without letting you down. either way, what she did was low and immature, not your fault. she hd to go to someone else to tell of what she thought of you instead of telling you directly, obviously she's lacking in the social skill. I can tell you're a great speaker because strory wrote to us all. Great writers usually mean great speakers, but sometimes they can have some difficulty expressing themselves and can be mistaken as being shy or a wallflower. just pratice speaking to all sorts of people, some might be nice others might be complete jerks, but don't take too personally because everyone communicates differently. good luck
  20. he has shown interest in me before be inviting me to his room to talk awhile back, also he gives me some serious eye contact and a nice smile when i talk to hin, but that could mean nothing.. i hardly see him nowadays because he's joining a faternity and he's been really busy with finals and everything else... it's hard to hang out with him because he's always gone or with his friends...and it would be awkward for me to be with him at the time when he's with his buddies,.. this is all too confusing for me
  21. First off im sorry that you're in this situation.. wow, it's really hard to say what's going on in his head at this point since the emailing started. Why he isn't responding? unknown to mankind! I would say just keep emailing him so he'll at least know that there's a communication line in tact. Maybe he just hasnt checked his mail lately or maybe he's trying to let you off in the most delicate way, but that would be immature. I also think that since you dismissed him because of the driving factor that he's finding it very difficult to make a decision about taking you back. Do you have his phone number? if you do i would call him just to see how he's doing, not jumping to the subject of the lack of responses to quickly...good luck and hopefully you two can find some common ground
  22. I FEEL FOR YOU!! i can relate to you in every way. i never been out with anyone and im dying to know what it's like!! if i were you, i'd muster up a glass-full of courage and when you two are alone just tell her how you feel and would like to take her to dinner to get to know her better, if she's willing. if you initiate if will show her that you are a mature and decent fellow, which im sure you are. maybe you can try leaving her a nice note if the talking thing is just out of your field! good luck
  23. okay here it is.. I like this guy in my dormitory( we've known each other since the beginning of the semester). The problem is: IM SCARED out of my wits to tell him. Why? This will be the first time i ever asked someone out. Im totally inexperienced, never in my life had a boyfriend. what did i do? at first i thought it was just an infatuation or silly "high school" crush, but obviously not since i can't get the guy out of my head! thanks for your comments
  24. you missed my point, im not saying plants are more important he, i was using a metaphor about the fact that money is only one element in life and that there are much better things in life to know of.
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