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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. I have not tried that, no. Metro. My mom tried them and they did not do much. I am not sure I want to try that though. I want to try to be drug free as possible.
  2. I have looked at that Penelope. I only have some of the features, but I more closely resemble migraines as I have the nausea and aversions to noise and light. ALso the time factors are different. My headaches last a min of 14 hours usually, sometimes up to 9 days. I do not have any significant breaks in the headaches of a few months or a few years. I have been pretty consistant since I was 25. On average I get about 10 a month or more. I have had CT scans that have found nothing wrong with the formation of my brain. I have yet to have an MRI though. It is worth looking into though. If you have anymore info on migraines etc that would be great. My mother has had them since she was 3 and my son has them too.
  3. I guess the premis is to track the number of days that I do have migraines, symptoms and severity and a search to find things that bring relief. Day one. I woke this morning with one. Once again always left sided. The left side of my head and face are numb. The sinus on my left side is in agony as well as my jaw and nose and under my eye. I am pretty unmotivated as a result even when I have a ton of stuff to do. I guess on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the worst, the pain is about 7 so I can still deal with it. My neck and back muscles are also killing me. Only on my left side mind you.
  4. Be My Light.......the personal writings of Mother Teresa.
  5. I will add some of mine soon, photography is an interest of mine too.
  6. I am sorry for you loss AVMAN. It is so hard to lose someone you know and care about to domestic violence. My mom's best friend, my "aunt" who I knew since birth was taken that way. Anyone in a violent situation I plead with you to leave !! Please!
  7. Yes, you can not write about loathing unless you feel it and you are in a dark bad depression.
  8. There is no good way to ask. If it was me I would feel cheap after. I have been in that situation and struggling to leave it behind. There is nothing that makes one feel worse than knowing you are an object for someone else;s pleasure. Sorry, but that is the way I feel about it, maybe she sees it differently.
  9. I would RUN like HELL........my husband of 13 years has OCD and my life is a living HELL......some people may say do not get impatient it is the disease, yeah well there comes a time when you have to think of yourself too, these people have more problems than just germs and it is a LIFE LONG illness with lots of ups and downs and is something which can be passed onto your kids like my poor son. It is really something to think about. This is just my personal opininon but I would run away FAST!
  10. I would call your dr about it.
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