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sir sirloin

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Everything posted by sir sirloin

  1. Notice nobody disagreed with the advice in step 2. Read carefully. And don't use your imagination to put in words that aren't there. I never said don't be affectionate. I never said don't show your appreciation. I just said never say the words. Words without the actions to back them up are hollow and hypocritical. Words backed up by actions are redundant, anticlimactic and self-serving. The original question was how to keep a woman interested in the long term. The answer is if she is sure of herself with you she will become bored and look elsewhere. If she isn't then she will keep "trying" and most of all she will be thinking about you.
  2. To that I respond with a George Bernard Shaw quote power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.[/i]
  3. My guess is you weren't fired, they dissolved the position or some nonsense. Everyone is too afraid of wrongful termination suits to actually fire anyone these days. I don't know how it works in california but if you worked within the last 18 months in maryland you qualify for unemployment. My guess is california is just as liberal about it. If you had other jobs recently that weren't under the table then you should be able to qualify. You should call your unemployment office and talk to someone about opening a claim. And if you do get it, send me a thank you note
  4. I'll assume you are facetious as the medium of internet forums don't convey tone very well. In my interpretation of the original post the gentleman and his spouse had an implied agreement about contraception. The chosen method was birth control pills. His wife unilaterally chose to break this agreement because she felt like it. She has him by the nards in a legal sense. No matter what the outcome he will have to pay for this for the next 18 years. Chances are his beloved doesn't respect him anymore. If she did she wouldn't have pulled a stunt like this. Now he has the choice of living with her and the fruit of his loins or getting a divorce. If he lives with her there is a good chance sex will stop because now that his wife got what she wanted she doesn't need a sperm donor anymore. And he will have to spend the rest of his days supporting her and his unwanted child. If he divorces then if he doesn't get reamed with alimony he will get it with child support. In short because this man was stupid enough to trust this woman the life he chose to lead was shattered. Hence my original post. In modern times marriage is one of the dumbest decisions a man can make.
  5. There is nothing that makes something really funny as fast as some fussbudget saying "Thats not funny! I am so offended!"
  6. 1. Cut all heavily processed food from your diet. This is the stuff with weird colors and has hydrogenated oils or high fructose syrups. If possible cut out caffiene as well. 2. Exercise daily. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it every day. Just do those and after two weeks you will feel better.
  7. 1. Some of us like smaller breasts 2. It doesn't matter if we are with the hottest chick in the universe we WILL look.
  8. Reason number 7263 not to get married.
  9. One tip you neglected was where you find your women. I recommend anorexia support groups. That way you know the women will be both thin and have low self esteem. You can't lose!
  10. The best thing about being fired is you get on unemployment! Woohoo 6 month vacation!
  11. Nope, I'm absolutely a beta male. I'm not particularly good at anything and don't have any ambitions beyond avoiding pain for the day. My kind wasn't meant to breed because it would weaken the species. Beta males are meant to die protecting the herd or in futile battles with alphas. I've failed at life and don't have anything to offer a potential mate. I know the things I need to change about my self to become more desirable and I refuse to do them. I'm fairly certain I will spend the rest of my life alone and as I get older it is becoming easier and easier to accept that fact. I did play alpha for a while and had a spectacular relationship with a wonderful girl for about a year so at least I'm not going to die a virgin.
  12. Yoga classes? I have no idea, but let me know when you figure something out!
  13. 1. Never tell her you love her 2. Always have something in your life more important than she is
  14. Original poster that is a spectacular way to ask a guy out. Another good one is write your name and number on a piece of paper, say "Lets pretend you asked me for this" and hand it to him.
  15. It is a bit hard to accept but there is a hard truth in your post. It isn't your family specificly. People don't care about each other. The problem is that we are hardwired to seek the attention and approval of others of our species. That is why there are so many professions where an "attention service providor" is paid to pretend to care about their clients. Therapist, masseuse, personal trainer and * * * * * are good examples. It feels good when someone is interested in us, it validates that we have value and have something to offer. People who aren't as attractive or socially successful(I wouldn't lose any bets if I claimed most of the people posting on this board fall into that category) have trouble finding others who will listen or pretend convincingly to care about them. Not getting that validation manifests itself differently in differnt people but the end result is the same. We become frustrated and isolate ourselves further by being "who we are" because who we are isn't something that makes people want to get closer to us. Rather it serves to drive people away. edit: the filter appeared to remove the proper spelling of ho' - is there a list of naughty words I'm not supposed to use somewhere so I can know what I am and am not allowed to say?
  16. Once a cheater always a cheater
  17. Looks are the only thing people have to go on when they initially meet someone so of course they are important. When women talk about "spark" and "magic" or whatever what they are really saying is "He didn't make me horny." This is entirely based on physical attraction. Looks are indicators of genetic fitness. The primary indicator of fitness in human males is height. There are secondary indicators like muscle mass, symetry, hair. Women who are receptive see these indicators and are triggered to want to procreate. Thus the "magic" or whatever they hell they call it. The human species is only about 10k years old and agricultural society is only about 5k years old. We are all justifying our survival behaviors imprinted from millions of years of evolution by modern social standards that are only a few decades old. Younger women because they know they will be able to produce many offspring focus on genetic fitness. As women get older and each child counts more they focus more on social fitness.
  18. I'm going to copy this thread to add to my growing pile of examples as to why I will NEVER EVER get married.
  19. Hah....notice the first word in most of the descriptions is "tall".
  20. Never leave messages, never use any communication medium other than the phone, only use the phone to make dates.
  21. Write your name and phone number on a piece of paper, walk right up to him and hand it to him. Then say "Lets pretend you asked me for this" and walk away. If he doesn't call and ask you out then he may need to "ripen" a bit.
  22. I would never commit to anyone who I didn't know was sexually compatible with me. And you can't know that without having sex!
  23. Stop watching television. You can download all of the good shows off the internet. And conveniently on the internet you can block all advertising! If you absolutely have to watch television join the 21st century and get a pvr so you can skip all of the commercials. Advertising is deceptive and should be avoided whenever possible. I wish I had adblock software in my brain just like I do on my web browser.
  24. "Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way." You aren't american but I'm sure it still applies.
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