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Everything posted by mikeca

  1. well today would be the 1 year anniversary. Honestly its been a better day than I thought, didnt think much about it..(until November Rain played on the radio) then it began to cross my mind. I remember the first moments of that night..and in just about 1 hour from now we kissed. I'm kinda smiling because she always said I didnt remember things. Today for a bit...after the drive home..it felt like last year..as if I was gonna come in the door and give her a call to see whats up. ah..if im anything im definitely still a romantic
  2. it wasnt so much the job or money, just kinda complaining about it..with the two jobs going full time I made a little bit more than her. I'm kinda concerned what this would do for NC if I'm in there everday again, she feels my presense around her. which negates the past month of nc..
  3. I think im going to wait a little bit longer before going in...at the end of this week would be our 1 yr anniversary so I dont want to go in there with this in my mind.
  4. Well heres a recap..for the last 8 months Ive had the thoughts to quit my job. My g/f at the time knew I was capable of more than just working at a grocey store. (heres a small recap ) In the end of the relationship there'd seldom be a night where I didnt complain about the work, or the workers. One time it got so bad we took a break from seeing each other and she eventually broke it off. I feel this job had a major part in our relationship ending. I also feel that I should try to find other work.. however heres the kicker. I've been 1 month NC after explaining I couldnt just be a 'friend'. My ex works in the place where youth can go to look at job board for all of town. Id like to go in now and then but I'm really still interested in getting back together with her. I know I have to improve myself in my career paths but I'm not sure if this will affect my NC. I also dont want her thinking im only going in there to see her. Advice?
  5. Thats a great piece of advice. I've changed myself (for the better) these last months since the breakup. I've joined 2 sports leagues, playing a new sport in golf. Focusing on my career paths. Hell I want to learn another language now too.
  6. Well heres the scenario...been thinking of quitting for a long time. I work in a grocey store as a general clerk. paid just under $11/hr. Been there four years. I didnt think much of it until I believe it was one of the underlying factors of my ex breaking up with me. She got so angry one day when I kept complaining about my far from stellar colleagues. I live at home and im looking into going back to college. I have a few bills to pay a month but I still have a part time job at a bank to sustain me. I'd just like to hear some of your thoughts before I make a decision. This might be the shake up I need.
  7. Yeah its been 3 months since the break up for me, and just the other day I was listening to tunes going out the highway...next thing i know im halfway to the next town. There are some tough moments but its just a moment. When she gets back that will decide alot of things..if she starts showing an interest into a relationship you should seek some more advice, alot of people tend to forget nc will not bring them back...but it may put you in a position where you can address what went wrong and start a new life together.
  8. whoa whoa whoa!...no alchol...thats like fuel for the heart-ache fire. But I like all other have been in your position..you start feeling sleep is the only time you'll be fine. All I can really say is it will subside eventually. But in the mean time you have to keep yourself busy doing things you always wanted. Hang with friends, take some courses, learn a new language (thats next for me) just improve yourself, focus on you. There will be days you will feel it more than others. But and i hate using this.."time heals all wounds"
  9. heh like the title suggests just one of those nights...I had a dream about her and what I would like to happen if I ever get to see her again..Since then its like the radio hates me..one reminding song after another...plus the work music is the same. I found this song by theory of a deadman - since you've been gone..some great lyrcis in there in how i feel. Today at work I was wondering what it would be like if I dont get her back, ive been motivated that some day she will call after the nc and i will get that chance again. Even though I know it probably will not happen. I've made alot of progress since the 3 weeks nc. Just a little moment of weakness I guess. Then I get motivated again after hearing boys of summer which my signature holds the lyrics that get me going... Thanks for reading the rant.
  10. well in a situation where time is a factor but the feelings are real I bet he just misses seeing you. I mean you two musta shared alot and the fact that he is moving...thats a bad situation..
  11. thats a dangerous path to go down...I see alot of her reasons in my ex's statements...it went from begin together...to just seeing each other...to breaking up all very quickly. I dont know what advice I can give you...i went with it till the end and then fought it...but it hasnt worked out for me.
  12. I think thats a great point. NC has helped me re-develop myself but I know im not yet at the point where I can comfortably break nc and talk to her just yet. I think NC is just a part of a long process of trying to get your ex back. Its a hard road to go down but in the end your so much better for it.
  13. I hope you two can work out any problems that transpired in the past and move forward in a new reelationship. You give me and everyone else hope that one day we can all post she's back.
  14. wow..i actually just had another dream last night..it was basically what I'd love to happen. Its like it was real. Somehow in the dream I was dropping stuff off to her and she started to give me attitude about me not contacting her and not needing her, So in the dream I said something along the lines of How did you expect me to respond? then some more words then basically it was like a makeup kiss with real intensity and passion ah...its got me thinking about her again. just had to write down some more thoughts. heh maybe I had a premonition
  15. Another good theory of a deadman - make up your mind Make up your mind and I'll make up mine Don't worry about me I'll be fine Those words that you said to me why wasn't I listening I wish I hadn't met you at all. I started thinking I'll sit back and relax and wait for the morning We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time If we breakup, we'll wind up losing both of our minds So wake up, let's make up and do this for the last time Make up your mind, and I'll make up mine Don't worry about me I'll be fine The last time you yelled at me I swore that I heard you say I wish I hadn't met you at all. I started thinking I'll sit back and relax and wait for the morning We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time If we breakup, we'll wind up losing both of our minds So wake up, let's make up and do this for the last time When will we make up, will we break up. Let's wake up, let's wake up let's wake up. Make up your mind and I'll make up mine Don't worry about me I'll be fine Those words that you said to me why wasn't I listening I wish I hadn't met you at all. I started thinking We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time We'll wake up, we'll make up and do this for the last time If we breakup, we'll wind up losing both of our minds So wake up, let's make up and do this for the last time and do this for the last time, let's wake up, let's make up and do this for the last time, if we break up we'll wind up losing both of our minds, let's wake up, let's make up
  16. We took a break around the end of feb but i remember the date..march 1 was the call when we were just "seeing each other" not bf/gf. I had the dream near the end of march. We were together for just under a year. The dream actually motivated me to say either we try again as bf/gf because I cant just be your friend.
  17. yeah right away I did all the crazy stuff we tend to do when our broken hearts guide us. Then I shaped up and began NC at first I was like i'll take her back in a second but now I have my sense of self back. She will have to show me she really wants me back before I show any type of feelings again
  18. Theory of a Dead man - Since you've been gone.. just listening too now... it seems that nothing ever goes my way Since you broke my heart when you left that day There's nowhere to go so just stay with me Cuz since you've been gone, I've been beggin' you please To tell me you're not alright And you needed to come home (Since you've been gone) To tell me you're not okay And you needed me all along Since you've been gone I need to hear from you Since you've been gone It seems that every time you swear to God that you're leaving I'm down on my knees beggin' you to stay There's nowhere to go so just stay with me Cuz since you've been gone, I've been beggin' you please To tell me you're not alright And you needed to come home (Since you've been gone) To tell me you're not okay And you needed me all along Since you've been gone Please don't leave me here alone Just stay awhile Make me smile Please don't leave me here alone Just stay awhile And, baby, smile Since you've been gone I need to hear from you Since you've been gone I need to hear you say Tell me you're not alright And you needed to come home (Since you've been gone) Tell me you're not okay And you needed me all along Since you've been gone I need to hear you say Since you've been gone Don't tell me Don't tell me I need to hear you say
  19. well after the breakup...I had this one dream I was walking to the gym and she came running up to me crying saying she made a mistake and she wanted me back. Like you it was so real...when I first woke up it felt for a moment like we were together again. The night i started NC I told her I had this dream and said it would be a nightmare if it didnt come true. Still not sure if it will turn out to be a dream or a nightmare
  20. wow! I've been at that job (safeway) for 4 years now...and the last 7 months i've been saying if something comes up I'll quit...but its either i work @ 11.00hr or start somewhere new for less...thats the one thing thats holding me in still. I think its time though that I start looking harder for higher paying work. and you should too..the supermarket was good when I was in school but now its horrid
  21. figured I'd reply to this thread...had a bit of a down day today.. 3 weeks nc 3 months since breakup. Thought of her alot today..I work with one of her best friends so that and the music we play at work reminds me of it alot..i guess i shouldnt forget anniversary would be next week. ahh time to goto the gym..
  22. i think he might be using FWB. I remember my ex said fwb might work after she broke up with me and i thought it was great..I'd have her one more time do all the special stuff and then during she would realize she was for me and we would get back together. eeeeeeeh wrong-o.
  23. I support the 1000 post quest this is a great topic for all to read.
  24. Ya at first I was hesistant to start NC or use that websites advice still not sure if I made the right decision but c'est la vie.
  25. I think you need to be a bit of an * * * * * here. if she calls get right to the point. something along the lines "i'm tired of being strung along you know what i want and Im not settling for less, dont call me unless you know" maybe tweak it to fit your needs
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