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Everything posted by mikeca

  1. I dont know if your like me, but I'll go through moods like listening to a certain lyric in a song its like ya...Screw them...but then after on my own its like damn i miss them..its a rollercoaster.
  2. i can relate to the anniversary thing...it was a year ago on the 24th of may just coming up around there corner. So far it hasnt affected me just yet ive been in NC for 3 weeks but I 'had' the idea to send her some sort of text/email on the anniversary date (she always said i didnt remember things) but thats most likely a futile idea.
  3. "if shes the one...she will be" thats a perfect example. I wasnt thinking like that at first but now its more relaxed and if it happens then I guess it was meant to be if not...then I should be out finding that person not hung up on my ex
  4. amen to that. people tend to forget themselves in a relationship atleast I did, it became us/we instead of me first..(well more like her first heh) and i ended up losing her and myself. The only difference now is I can be sure i can get myself back. but her I dont know.
  5. yeah I've been in NC for the last 3 weeks, She broke up with me in march but wanted to remain friends, after a few emails where it seemed like things were almost 'back together' kinda mode I told her I couldnt be just friends. It seems to be one of those one person cares about the relationship more than a career while the other is more career driven
  6. link removed goto the forums..great people to talk with even if your not a body builder its nice to have the information
  7. its seems like quite the opposite people tend to post about...I'd just like to see some discussion about it myself. link removed
  8. Well i guess it depends. You can see it as a time to reflect..he/she is own there own making their own memories as are you..then they begin to wonder why your not there making memories with them..but if they dont think that. then its clear its over and who knows you may have a summer rommance
  9. phoenix69 everytime I hear your story of 2 weeks of nc and back together it makes me smile. Its been about 3 weeks now but I feel better about myself. And if that day comes that she wants back into my life we'll see..cant get ahead of myself
  10. From your words you a strong person I can tell. You know what you must do and how you must act. Good luck, I hope everything turns out for the best.
  11. I was so hung up over my ex the last couple of month I havent really being getting out. Out of the blue I finally went on a rcmp (police) ride along and to my surprise there was a girl going out on the same night. We talked and have hung out now (only since friday) but she's been amazing. She's helped me over the hump. We've been together only 3 days and she leaves in a week but its perfect 'rebound'. Builds up the confidence and self-esteem out there knowing people are still interested in me. I encourage all dumpee's to try something new, sign up for a new sport or try hanging out in a different place who knows who you'll meet
  12. yeah you kinda forget about some friends when your in a relationship because it takes alot of hard work to make it last...but you'll meet new people I counted 3 as well hah
  13. Stupid hollywood...thats exactly what I was thinking after breakup..it worked in the movies so it will work in life right? haha especially when all the girls are like "why cant my bf fight for me like that" some of the stranger ones popped in my head...lets see: 1.) surprise her at work with flowers / write song/ sing @ work 2.) do that scene from a movie* outside her window with a boombox but instead of peter gabriel playing Shaun Mullins "Rock-a-Bye" 3.) cnat think of another one haha
  14. basically it comes down to you. not matter what everyone says. I got asked the question if my g/f(ex) cheated on me whould I take her back? at the time I was considering saying yes because I do love her completely. But its also one thing to say and another to do.. do you feel comfortable knowing your friend has been 'close' with your ex? Could all three of you hang out and you could litterally not think of it at all? or worry when its just the two of them in a room? if you answered no to any of these I think atleast one would have to go.
  15. I dont think you blew it. You know what you want and you followed it. Once again the ball is in her court. You've put yourself out there again and if shes the one she'll pass it back But if its no, then NC again. You cant live on her terms it will tear you up, I might have to face this one day, I just hope I can move on as well. NC Strong!
  16. i'd like to think of it as you were both single again just like when you first met..did you care who she/he kissed then?
  17. every little storey about finding hapiness again after a break up is inspiring. I still hope. But I'm gonna continue to improve myself anyway and who knows what will happen in the future..I didnt see her coming the first time, whos to say it wont blind side me again?
  18. My pain subsided after a few months...NC has helped it even further...I'd use to break down at work whenever I'd hear certain songs but now I'm stronger and I realize that without this pain we would not cherrish the happiness.
  19. I was a huge james blunt fan..before the cd I saw him on snl (ironically with my ex) and saw the sorrow in his eyes as he sang that song...damn I still enjoy it though.
  20. I recently changed that around..we broke up in march and I was down! like all the bad stuff /work etc keeping talking with her as 'friends' but always told her how much I loved her. Then I said my goodbyes and started NC healing myself first but still hoping that it might show her what shes missing. But if not I've come this far.
  21. ya msn has changed the way ppl vent I remember just before the break up her name was " you can only rely on yourself" then after it was a simple "guys suck"
  22. thats a stab in the back. Both their hands are on the knife. You dont want to be with someone who will sleep around.
  23. they play this one...just tears my soul up.. daniel bedingfield - if you're not the one *dont download if your not ready* I've heard it alot at work and it still catches me off guard with the lyrics. and of course the U2 - One / With or Without You just gotta take it one day at a time.
  24. we're almost in the same boat my ex-gf said that she couldnt see us getting back together again. Basically all you can do is better yourself, Im doing NC on the chance that she will come back. For me I base on everything throughout the relationship vs. those words because if she doesn want to make it happen again, she'll wont even remember that and just remember us. And either way your moving on, I havent reach that point yet but after awhile we wont even wonder about exs's anymore.
  25. I kinda fun it funny the similarites in each person's storys..how all of us can be so different yet when it comes to relationships/breaking up we all do that same stuff...I really hope you can work everything out
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