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Everything posted by mikeca

  1. Another success story maybe people will stay true to NC because of this.
  2. hey another mike, I can relate to alot of your feelings, especially about doing everything together..thats one of the harder things I found to let go.. the memories of everything, even just the little things she did I remembered. now its been 2 months NC and I'm finally at a point where I let it all go. Know this, theres going to be some hellish nights where you feel like the only person in the world but as you may know, your not alone.
  3. Are you sure you want to get back together? taking substance in her pain doesnt sound much like love.. seems like you got the attitude "I've shown her"
  4. Nice going scruff, I remember reading your posts through the past months, you definitely remained in control and it would seem you ex responded to this.
  5. theres always one moment that still gets me down...lying in bed and she says " dont ever leave me " ...makes me kinda laugh at the same time..
  6. hey I imagine theres times were im out and I look very happy liked nothings bothering me...but 'looks can be deceiving"
  7. hmm..i think its counter productive when you both start to realize little changes in each other and when perhaps an ex starts to inquire about these changes (in a genuine way) I mean if someone is ignoring me completely how will I ever find my feelings for them?
  8. hmm...it sounds to me that your both kinda testing the waters here a little. I guess you wont be able to find out his intentions until you see him and guage his reactions to things, but I wouldnt talk about the old relationship, instead of its what you both want, start something new
  9. opiate, I see alot of my situation in yours. people often tell me I was like a hero to my ex as well. (Alot of bad bf's before me) they now tell me that I gave in to early, gave her all that she wanted and her interest in me peaked...then it could only go down. I think I didnt stimulate her angry/argumentative side enough, and now I know that, its a shame we have to find out this way.
  10. for some reason whenever I feel down about the breakup I listen to music and the "boys of summer" have an interesting lyric that I enjoyed...its in my sig
  11. its all been said here, give her the space she wants, respect her wishes.
  12. nicely done, way to show her the calm collected breakee gets them everytime
  13. you could be william shakespeare with that letter but if she is in that mindset it will all be in vain. stay strong..respect yourself first.
  14. I agree with the nothing response...put yourself in her shoes...shes already desperate to email you so she can finally feel better have you as a friend...and if you dont reply....like it goes your starting to be missed..
  15. I hit the blues about 24hours ago...it was 1 yr ago we went out as "us" and its the only picture i have of her is from that night....but like i said 24hours later I'm normal again.
  16. one thing to keep in mind...the old relationship is Dead & Done, so dont start thinking about reopening old times, you must step into this as a new man seeking new relationship.
  17. Most people will say it shouldnt matter, but its a natural reaction to miss something youve had for so long, but also know that you cannot go around feeling that way, listen to some music, go for a run, just keep your mind off it for a few moments then it'll pass
  18. could you honestly be happy for her when she finds a new man? and begins to see you less and less?
  19. I've just been on here alot since the breakup and the NC and thought I'd summerize what I've learned from all of this. For us (the dumpees) we run through our relationship happy as can be and then we get crushed, because apparently we never saw the 'signs' or some other reason. I find we go through alot of clingy/pleading/professing our love kind've behavior, and in heinsight its a horrible thing to do to ever get them back. Its my opinion those who can keep there self respect and self love will put them back in a position to achieve together again status. Right after a breakup we tend to lose ourselves even more, we've put so much into being 'us' we tend to forget about ourselves. I noticed that through my relationship looking back. They say love is about sacrifice and about working through the tough times. Which brings me to this. I feel that NC and not showing one once of emotion past the initial breakup is the best course of action for getting yourself back, and then perhaps your ex. How can they ever find you again if you can't find yourself? I've changed over the past months, for the better career wise and emotionally. I still would like to be with my ex again, but not because I "miss her and love her so much". Its changed to a ok now that I know myself better lets give this a try under the new me. start a new relationship since the old one didnt work. I will continue to have my good and bad days and date other people should the opportunity arise. And for those who read this and think wow, hes gotten so much better i'll never get there. You must realize that I too feel your pain and I will probably have days where I thinking about contact, but we all do. But its what we choose at each moment that shapens us. I am making it that if I ever feel sad, I will never again show it in front of her. For all she knows I'm the happiest person even if I am the contrary. Good luck in love to all of you, and I hope I didnt waste your time.
  20. Ya I'm having that same kind of day...must be something in the air...all I could think about right now is the courtship...all those movies...taking it step by step slowly getting to know each other. its more just annoying rather than hurting right now...its like damn...just stop thinking of it.
  21. I can vouch for this...back after 1 month of the breakup we were still 'friends' but i began to not email back, and lord behold she emailed me one night saying she missed me and that she'd "do" me ( damn i missed it if i was home not to mention she felt I could not live without her, but...in a drunken stupid I email a similar msg, and lost the power. I wish I had found this forum then but oh well.
  22. most likely she was just seeking some attention, everytime i read one of these posts it makes me wonder what I'd do when she calls. most likely just let it ring.. and then see if theres any effort to get ahold of me, sounds like a good plan.
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