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  1. Thanks for all the input guys. My gf will be here on Friday, and I'm getting pretty excited about it! Safe sex = the best sex.
  2. Hi all, It's been a LONG time since I posted on these forums (June? July? Can't remember), and I'm now in a LDR. My gf will be coming to see me on December 8th (the day after my birthday, actually and it'll be our first time meeting in person. We both want to have sex, but I can't even begin to describe how terrified I am of getting her pregnant. She's not on the pill, but we were planning to go to the pharmacy together to get condoms, and I have a few questions about them: 1. How reliable are they really if used by themselves? I've read anywhere between 95 - 99% effective, but is that with spermicidal condoms? 2. If we do get spermicidal condoms, would it be wise to get more spermicide to use? I really want to kill those suckers dead. 3. Is it safe to ejaculate inside her with the condom, or would it be a better idea to pull out of her (slowly, of course) to make sure even more? Well, that's about all I have, I think. I love this girl, but I don't know how well it's going to work out between us in the end (the distance is exceedingly difficult for me, seeing as how she lives on the opposite end of the country), and I don't want to make her feel used if we have sex, and then we break up in a month or two. Answers to my questions and general advice is much appreciated.
  3. As some of you know, I was supposed to see my ex on the 8th and go see Pirates of the Caribbean with her. She ended up canceling the meeting, and I kinda shrugged it off because I didn't really care. I have officially reached the point where I no longer care if we get back together or not. Our contact lately has dropped to very limited, and I just don't care. That's not to say that I wouldn't like getting back together, because I would, but if we don't I'm perfectly fine with it. I'll still be around, and I'll give periodic updates/advice.
  4. As some of you may or may not know, I'll be seeing my ex on the 8th. When she first said yes, I was extremely happy, but now that a week has passed, my excitement has faded, and I kind of feel like I don't care whether we get back together or not. Part of me still wants to, because of how much I loved her, and I still love and care about her quite a bit, but I tend to think that if we don't get back together, it won't bother me nearly as much as I thought it would. Maybe it's because things are going so well with the girl I met in late May (we're going out tomorrow to see Superman, actually), but I can't really say for sure. Time is a very strange thing, to say the least.
  5. Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing her, even though there's another guy in her life right now (different from the first one). I don't think they've known each other long, and if she's able to see how happy I am and how much I've changed and all that, this other guy might be in trouble. Anyway, I plan on just having a fun time with her, with no mention of the relationship, the guys she's been dating, or any of that stuff. I kind of have a feeling she expects me to bring that kind of stuff up, and when I don't, she'll probably appreciate that a lot.
  6. Luckily, I don't expect anything. I think that when I see her, I'll know one of two things: either we'll be able to start working towards reconciliation, or I'll know for sure that everything is over, and I'll get some closure. I'm hoping for the former, of course, but if everything really is over, I think I'll be able to handle that.
  7. Well, I last spoke to her last Friday, after which I kind of fell of the face of the earth. I'm the one who initiated contact tonight, and our conversation was going exceptionally well when I asked her out, so that may have helped as well. We're still talking, and our conversation is very light and casual, which is how it needs to remain for a while.
  8. Yep! No serious conversations at all! If all goes well, I think she'll be willing to see me more, and after three or four "dates" I'll see if she wants to get back together. The 8th can't come soon enough. In the meantime, I'll keep doing my exercise, weights, and working on my tan. I want to look good when I see her.
  9. "Things" = our relationship. I promised her a while ago that I wouldn't talk with her about it unless she wanted to, and I intend on keeping that promise. Also, like I said, I'm not going to tell her I want to get back together, nor am I going to tell her how I feel about her. I just want to focus on having a good time with her, like we used to. I want her to have a positive experience when we're together, which I think I'll be able to accomplish if I keep my head.
  10. That's right, everyone, my ex agreed to meet up with me on the 8th. We're going to go see Pirates of the Caribbean, and I think we're going to have a lot of fun. She's slightly concerned that it might be awkward, but I'm not worried about that. She asked if we were going to talk about "things," and I said no, so that made her happy. I plan on keeping things very light between us, acting happy and all that stuff, and I have a feeling that things might be fixable between us. I'm not making any assumptions, but my gut feelings have been right about everything since May, and my gut is telling me that things might be okay between us. Wish me luck, everyone. I'll keep you updated, as always.
  11. Good post, iceman. I've been doing a LOT of healing and other such things since my ex and I broke up, but I feel that the time to try and reconcile with her is growing near. Wish me luck!
  12. Thanks guys. I am being very, very careful with how I approach this, because I was in a bad way for a little over two weeks. I'm still very much in love with her, but I'm going to be very cautious and guard my heart, as you suggested Kell, but I'm feeling pretty good right now.
  13. Some of you have been following my story and helping me get through everything, and I want to say thank you. While we're not together again, I have a feeling that we will be. My ex is single again (I guess she finally got sick of the other guy...he was such a tool), and I'll be calling her in the next several weeks, as planned. I've done a lot of growing and gone through a lot of change since the breakup, as has she (she's lost 10 lbs, which is something she's wanted to do for a long, long time), and I think we can start working at getting back together soon. I still have her blocked on AIM, and I'm going to keep it that way for a at least another day, and maybe two, because I want her to keep wondering what I'm doing and that sort of thing. I'll be taking things nice and slow, because I don't want to push her away, but I feel like I'm finally able to go after what I want. Wish me luck everyone! I'll keep you updated!
  14. My good man, I never once felt that the relationship wasn't right. I started taking her for granted because I felt that she would always be there for me, and now that she isn't, I realize that what I was doing was wrong. As for it working both ways, you're right. She should've helped me instead of letting our relationship dissolve the way it did, but I was her first real relationship as well, so she didn't understand those things. She might now, but I don't know, since we haven't talked about anything "heavy" in nearly a month.
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