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Everything posted by mikeca

  1. thats so true..i ended up meeting my future gf /xgf by chance, got back from alberta with a new ride to go ride in. long story he was going off to work and his sister was home and wanted to go for a ride...
  2. it sounds like you know what you must do to move on.
  3. I like it when a girl will go so far then kinda hover it really makes it easier for us to make the move after that...instead of..am i reading the signals right?
  4. haha I was actually just reminsicing of my first kiss, it was very comical...we werent official going out yet and I was driving around with a friend when I picked her and a friend up after the bar...so I'm dropping her off and shes in the back seat leaning when she comes rushing back in, bangs her head against mine and kiss's my cheek haha fun times
  5. I wish my solution to this was that simple, I'd easily fly to europe for love and I'm in canada :S best of luck!
  6. well sounds like you want a break from the breakup to find out what you want before coming back and *possibly* deal with the issues and get back together, maybe you should just tell her you want some time to yourself for awhile and you'll call when you ready?
  7. hey songs sometime can express what were too scared to say
  8. I straight up told my ex I couldnt settle for being just friends, told her how I felt emotionally and then that was that. Now some might say I scared her away from contacting me, well she knows how I feel about the situation so she could call if she wanted to.
  9. Well first off if it pans out well for you congrats on getting back together. if you really need to know I suggest you air out the dirty laundry right away, instead of it eating away at you however even you yourself feels partly that it is insignificant. I'd would try to imagine it as it was before you met, did you really care about previous relationships then?
  10. Heres some of my favourites and why Boys of Summer - The Atari's (version) why? for the simple fact its a fun summer song with a nice quote that relfect to me. (check sig) Wonderwall - Oasis The lyrics seem so different now after a breakup, and it talks about wanting to say so much when you cant say anything at all.. Wicked Game - HIM I'll usually turn this on when i'm in somewhat of an angered mood, its about feeling so much for someone when they dont feel it back The Scientist - Coldplay Lyrics tend to talk about the troubles of a relationship and how we wish we could just go back to the beginning with all we know now. Someday - Nickelback Feelings during the end of a relationship when you wish you could've done something earlier to change where it was heading plus there canadian Crawling back to you - Backstreet Boys now this one I hear at work all the time ( we play * * * *ty music) I hated it until I listened to the words its about realizing what a dumper has done and trying to get the dumpee back, dont let it give you false hope after all these are just songs And last but not least I find Russell Watson - Faith of the Heart / Cakes version of I will survive very inspirtational when I'm looking to be cheered up. Theres litterally tonnes of songs out there, way too many for me to list. edit.. "they play both those heaven/everything I do songs at work. It used to drive me nuts"
  11. And I can't be holding on To what You got When all You've got is hurt seems thats all shes got for you.
  12. ya this was my first real relationship...before the break up, I had no idea about being, needy/clingy/too available /not arguing and sorts of other stuff. I just figured if you loved someone you'd make then your #1 priority and be with them as much as you can. I still believe in most of it, but now I know it needs regulation and the occasional lovers quarrel is to be expected.
  13. yes, its hard to be so miserable when im looking at that avatar
  14. I think it might be necessary...i tried the friends thing for over a month, it killed me...so one day I drop by and lay it all out on the line, how i feel about whats happened and what I want out of it. since then, I have done nc and never contacted her and its been easier than wondering..oh..should I tell her...does she know? she knows how I feel about her, she needs to figure out what she wants, so until then I'm just gonna live my life and have some fun
  15. Whats the time conversion for western canada?
  16. I was hit pretty hard with my ex-gf ending things..I'm not known for showing my emotions but after that day my stone-like demeanor changed for a long time..only now people are like what are you so happy about?
  17. I suggest reading over a few of superdaves posts, hes been tremendous to many on here
  18. like the song goes. "time is on our side"
  19. Hi ladies and Gents, I written a few posts on this board to see that some people need examples of how nc helps you become yourself, so here is my story. Been broken up with my ex-gf since march 1st initiated NC may first after pretending to be just friends when all I wanted was more the entire time. Around March 18th Im out at the local club with some friends...then I see her...dancing...well more so griding with a work colleague (kinda my protege which really hurt) The whole night I couldnt stop staring and it just hurt so much I ended up writing a email to her saying were not friends after her actions but as you can tell it didnt work. So here I am today after almost 2+months of NC. Heading out to the same dance club with a warning before hand "she might be out tonight* I shake it off as i'll deal with it when It happens. I'm having a great time with my friends when she walks in, I look..."eh" is my emotional response and go back to my business. I'm not gonna lie to you and say I didnt look at her throughout the night, but it was a different look, I was more confident in my gazes and it didnt hurt as much to see her smile or dance. When I left just about 20 min ago hehe it was for 2 reasons one because I'm working in 7 hours heh and the other was because if she was looking for me ( i caught her looking at me) it creates that atmopshere of oh..where did he go? but most it was the early shift heh. Now I tell you this I still have the slightest hope that my love is enough to bring her back but I've been working on myself and doing NC and just living life without constantly thinking about her. I hope all of you who are on the fence read these words carefully and decide whats right for you. good night....and good luck
  20. excellent, hope it goes well for you, remember...expect nothing and you will be fine
  21. dont go the friend route. I did and it was seen as manipulative even tho her and I were friends before, its a bad idea, read some of superdaves posts it always helps
  22. I'd like to think that if you love someone you dont 'change' for them however you do the little things they you know they would like, because they love you for it and you can feel that.
  23. lynn. We were in the same situation. What happened for me, is I stopped growing myself as a person/individual and focused all on making the relationship work, and making her happy, but only in the short term. I see alot of the same communication in his emails as my ex-gf did. We did the whole dont talk for 3 week thing as well and that day was interesting...she said she was excited that I was calling her again but she still didnt know for sure she did the right thing, now heres my advice. GO nc, I didnt give her the space while she was in this mindset to miss me, and know it would seem shes gone, I would not even call him in 3 weeks see if you can last a few days more than a set date, like 2-3 and if he hasnt called by then you should just let him go his own way. Friends with Ben's is a bad idea, one side always feels more than the other, I thought it would be great to connect with her like that again but it would kill me after when we would go our own ways again. I hope you can find yourself in all of this, it took me some time but I'm finding myself all over again, and I think you should too. Best Wishes and good luck
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