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  1. Best wishes on memorial day to everyone. So far so good. Going on 3rd day without communication with her. Doing the best I can to feel my time. I don;t feel as hurt , yet, with such as beautiful day like this makes it very empty inside.
  2. Unfortunately, I did not get to read this after I left. But just to give you a sysnopsis of todays event. It seems normal, she was holding on to my arm and hands. A few tender kisses in between. The funny thing is that while we were at a friends party, one of the guest asked her to hold her baby while she grabs some food. I looked ta my beautiful girlfriend holding a baby and it was almost like a dream. At least for the moment. She tells me that she wanted one, I replied to her maybe when things settles down and I have enough to support both of you, this I promised you. We could not not really bring up the issues of what we discussed the night before because the moment seems right for both of us and honestly, I did not want to do anything to ruin it. We decided to call it a day and she said that she wanted to go see a movie tomorrow and I said yes. After the movie we might even try to go hiking someplace and maybe head back home, but this I am not sure of. She gave one big long kiss and told me she was going to call me tomorrow. Just a FYI she normally calls me everyday. This is the first time that she goodbye without saying "I love you" to me and also the first time I did not say the words as well. I would love to talk to other girls but It would not be be fair to them if this part of my life hangs in a balance. Tonight, is the first night that my phone has not rung. Right at this time she would call me to say goodnight and that she loves me. I felt like I have not seen her in ages. Next weekend she will be out of town with her friends and chances are I may not even have the chance to talk to her during weekdays. She is the only thing that I have left in my life. I have lost pretty much the things I loved and she is always there during the thunderstorm that besieges my life. Its funny how I've have given advices to friends and other people who has gone thru emotional turbulences similar to this, but somehow I just have the hard time holding back the tears. You know I know we don't know each other, but you have no idea how much your responses are helping me thru this and how grateful I am to you for being there.
  3. Thanks Heloladies ! We are supposed to meet in a couple hours and I am already a nervous wreck. I'll try to be myself, but honestly my emotion so confused and I don't want to pretend as I hate pretending. In terms of time, she was looking at maybe somewhere between 3-4 months. Yet, she does not want to lose contact in fact she encourages me to call her once in a while. But I told her that I prefer that she calls as I don't really want to disrupt her space. Last night, I pondered on about just packing all her stuff in a box and give it back to her. Part of me just want to get over with the pain and the other part of me wants to hold on and see where it takes. Naturally, a lot of negative thoughts are going thru my head. I just don't want to hear that 3-4 or even 5 months from now I probably have some sort of a conversation with and she has found someone. Yet, she insist that I am worrying way too much and everything is going to be alright and she even teased me about looking for chastity belts and she will wear it. Yes, Maybe I am wrong but my intituin is telling me something different. Monday I was going to change my phone number and I am pondering if I am doing the right thing or not.
  4. This is really distressing and confusing me whole. I have not even drank for a very long time, but tonight my emotions are such in major shambles and I thought I'd just sorta drowned it out. Tomorrow we were supposed to hang out and go see a movie and I tild her that if this was a wise idea, she said that she wants to make the best of the time we have. I don;t know what to do anymore and I really appreciate the response you have given me at this time.
  5. Tonight, My Girlfirend of 2 1/2 years decided that we both need to have a cooling off period. She need the time to devote to certain issues that she has been having. Some of this issues I have no idea what's its about. She has been very unhappy about everything her job and other personal matters. Althought, she does believes that our relationship is not the issue but it does need to cool off a bit so that she can focus more on what to do with herself. She want to just find herself right at this time, as everything seems to bother her...i.e. . She also indicated that we are indeed still together but not as much in terms of time, She still wants to marry to me in due time. I agreed with her and I told her that its would probably be the best thing we could do because I love her so much and there is nothing I rather do to make these things right. This confused me a lot because Because this just came out of the blue and I am not sure if we are breaking up or what ?
  6. Last night was the last leg of our relationship. Althought she indicated that she did not want to break up, She is really bothered with our sex life. It frustrate her that I seem to be uncaring about it, she knows full well that I have a problem with "Mr. Happy" I don't know what to do or say as this has been ongoing, I told her that being in this relationship is making her unhappy, then I will not have no other choice but to let her go. We have been together for one year and half. We both love each other, yet she has reminded me many times over to do the best I can to improve my sexual habits. The truth is I AM trying by darndenest and it somehow does not please her at all or so I thought. I am lost and confused, the last thing I want to do is deal with this as I have many areas in my life that requires my attention. Should I just let everything go and walk another path ? I asked her if she is willing to give in one more try and her response is " I don't know" at this point on we are not officialy broken up, but somehow I feel like we just did. Any advice would really help at this point on. Please help !
  7. All you need is courage and faith in yourself before you ask her out. Stop putting yourself down. So what if you have acne, you are not the only one, take care of yourself first, the girl will come in next.
  8. I never really used the term "Dominant" as most of the women I have dated fits this type of personality. I have never really have any problem as I don't see it as "who were the pants" type relationship. I actually prefer women who are dominant because it show self-reliance. Althought I consider myself an alpha male. I am secure enough to be able to take an order from a woman.
  9. CLARITY in communications. I prefer verbal communications not subtle hints
  10. Kungfumaster, Nope, you are not asking too much, not as much as my demand.. Anyway, in seriousness, all I ever wanted is really To paraphrase Nat King Cole " The greatest thing I'll ever learn to love and be love in return"
  11. Hmmm Good questions. Personaly what I look for is a woman who is more than just my girlfriend/wife, I would consider to have her as my equal partner in my life's journey. I want a woman who is compassionate, loyal, caring, controlled, competent, spritual, joyous, modest, kind, vibrant, unselfish, delightful, prncipled, energetic, capable, centered, secure, disciplined, dynamic, serene, altruistic, inspiring, warm, elegant, confident, motivitating, clean, affluent, loving, tenacious, robust, captivating, fit, brave, appealing, humble, hard working, virtous, vital, daring, charismatic, considerate, funny and romantic. If not I'll settle for lovable and cute....
  12. Just ask her out to lunch or coffee like you would to a friend. See how she response.
  13. Hi Dave, She does see's something special in you and I don't think it is an intent for her to lead you on, then again I could be wrong. I am in a situation similar to yours, Like you I kept my distance. I was crushed at first then I realized she is still young and so much more to see the world. I strongly suggest to accept things the way they are. The problem sometimes lies within us as we find our feeling is often stronger and running on high octane. Its ok as its normal feeling. It is just part of growing up as a man Dave. I learned that the best way to deal with situation such as your is simply try to stop interpreting all her moves, thoughts and actions, this often leads to confuse you more. Just go with the flow, enjoy the company and just have fun. You have already express your feelings to her, now the ball is in her court. There is nothing you can do to push things further, the more you try the further you might push her away from you. We still hang out togther and talk together, I know she knows how I feel about her. In fact, She is dating someone right now. You know something Dave, I am glad she did because as long as she is happy, that what matters to me the most. I always believe that I would rather just have her as a friend than not to have her at all.
  14. The better question to asked is, how would she feel if her "Husband" is having a fling with another woman. I would say that it would be Morally and ethically wrong.
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