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Everything posted by kellbell

  1. Oh that's normal, being around all those adorable little kids all day while being totally in love with your boyfriend. Believe me, kid are not cute and adorable all the time. My niece is cute and all but as they get older, they really test your will and patience and she will be 5 in a few weeks. And I only watch her once a week so I can't imagine putting up with it 24/7, and it's always different when it's someone else's kid. Get your life together and get your education first. I wanted totally different things when I was 19, so things may change for you in a couple of years. One thing at a time.
  2. Hi there, I don't think these feelings are wrong. They just are. Sometimes women get those spurts of maternal instincts where they really want a baby. Very normal and they pass, but the come and go. That happened to me when I turned 25, wham!! I REALLY wanted a baby but it was out of the question. I was still in school, bartending, living at home, not enough money. It would be fair to myself or the baby if I brought into such unstable cicumstances. Plus I was not, still not married. It's my dream to be married first. Why do you think you want a baby so much? There could be all kinds of reasons for wanting one. But as you probably know, babies cost a lot of money and you have to sacrifice a lot. Of course, I think you should wait. Maybe you should examine the reasons why you feel this way and take it from there.
  3. I agree with someguy, best way to go in this situation. Too much gossip going on there, best to get out that crowd.
  4. No, don't sit around and wait for her. No way dude. Forget her, she kissed another guy in front of everyone, made a fool out of you in front of yours friends, talks crap about not wanting a relationship to all her little friends, etc. When a girl says that, it usually means she doesn't want a relationship with YOU. Sorry to break it you. You derserve to be with someone who values other people's feelings and committment. Take care and wishing you well.
  5. Hey there Lion-Guy, Hey sorry my previous post was tough but I can't stand when people dangle carrots in front of the dumpee, and that's what your ex did. It's wrong and it causes the dumpee a lot pain and confusion. I am so sorry about your grandma. That's tough. To answer your question about NC, usually it's both but it can vary depending on the situation. Since you and your ex are good terms, I would let her do the initiating. And wait a few days before responding, like you did with that nice hello email. That should be enough. It's good to see you made some progress and thank you for the update. Take care.
  6. As far as asking this girl to the dance, we can't just rely on fate to do things for us, sometimes we need to give it a little push, ask her to the dance TONIGHT! Beat the other guy to the punch. If she likes you she will say yes. If she likes the other dude more, she may suggest doing what you all did last year and hang around him more. You will never know until you ask. As far as your friends go, enjoy each and every day likes it's your last. I know it can be sad and scarey at times knowing all will end in 18 months but you can still can keep in contact with them. I mean it won't be like your college days but you will still have them in your life. Like GettingOverIt wrote, try doing your work in stages instead of trying to do it all at once. Ask her to the dance ASAP. Good luck with everything and let us know how everything tunred out.
  7. He is saying those things to get a rise out of you. You have totally taken control of the situation by not contacting him and trying to move on with your life and it's bugging the heck out him. He was hoping you would continue to cry, beg, and plead for him to take you back, especially after you knew he had a new girlfriend. When that didn't happen, he panicked. Don't fall for it. You are doing the right thing, continue NC, and try to stay strong.
  8. Yes, that's what I love about this site the most!! And there are so many people here with great advice and support, and it is interesting to read others different takes on things and their personal experiences.
  9. Ailec1987, true people do say that but it doesn't matter what they say, they were caught. Actions speak louder than words.
  10. You can also buy an ovulation test to see when you are ovulating. You can buy one at a drug store.
  11. From a female point of view, Don't ask for her number, I have had that happen to me before and I was very put off by it. I either said no, gave the wrong number (wrong I know but I was young and stupid) or asked for the guy's number instead with no intention of calling him. Instead, ask her out for coffee. And see how things go there. Good luck and take care.
  12. Good for you too OCD. I remember your post yesterday too. Cheers to NC!
  13. Hey I remember your post last night. Good for you for being strong. I am so glad you had a blast for Halloween, I did too. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
  14. Yes, I have to agree the sexual aspect is very important to a relationship and so is the attraction. But you are so young, it shouldn't be the dealbreaker. Go out and have fun!! Enjoy being young and BE SAFE!!
  15. Hi Sweetheart, Yes, I followed your posts all summer and into the fall and you were definitely on a rollar coaster of emotions. I sounds like you did a lot of thinking and soul searching and reach an epiphamy. (sp) Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a lot of heartache and pain to reach this point but that's what makes us stronger and wiser. Good for you for coming to terms with things that happened to you in the past year. You are defiantely on the right path of emotional and mental recovery. Keep us informed on how you are doing. Hugs to you.
  16. Hi there Outgoing, A post came up like this one last night and I responded to it. I will paste the link here. link removed Yes, she is giving mixed signals because you two have different wants out of this sitaution. She wants to maintain the friendship to ease the guilt of breaking up with you and still is able to be friendly and you want her back. Does not mean she wants you back. But that's why NC is so important to the dumpee, so you don't get mixed in a whirlwind of emotions and start from sqaure one when she pops back in your life or when you pop back into hers. It's up to you to take her new number but maybe it's best you don't so you won't be tempted to contact her, via texting or calling. Sorry you are going through this, break-ups are never easy. Take care and all the best to you.
  17. We went through this yesterday, get a blood test from your doctor. Yes anti-biotics can mess up your cycle and can make your BC less effective. That happened to me years ago, I had strep throat, took anti-biotics, and my period skipped November but came the first week of December. But if you took 2 home preggo tests and they came out negative and you still have a reason to worry, get a blood test. Plus worrying and stress can delay your period too. Best of luck to you and take care.
  18. Hi there, From what I have learned, being very stressed about something and worrying a lot CAN delay your period. So as hard as it sounds, I would try to relax and calm down because it can make it worse for you. Ok, you and your man were fooling around and stuff got kind of steamy. You gave him a handjob and a little precum got on your hand and then later you touched yourself down there. Well, the chances of you getting pregnant that way is very slim to none. Even if you did have the pre-ejaculation fluid on your fingers, the sperm can't live. They thrive on heat and the right circumstances, such as getting into the vagina, making the journey to the fallopian tubes, etc. Even if they make it there, thousands of them die on the journey and very few make it to the egg, and even then, they die there to. It's a very delicate process. I am gathering you and your man are very young between 15-17. Before you and your guy engage in such behavior, become familiar with the procress of pregnancy and what it takes to get pregnant. If you have no idea what your are doing then perhaps you might consider educating yourself. Also, I would get on birth control pills and use protection in the mean time. I am gathering your periods are irregular because you are young. Which makes your behavior VERY risky. Because you don't have a sense of your cyles or where you are at during your cycle on a given month. This should be a lesson to you and your boyfriend, don't mess with stuff you that you don't a full comprehension of what your messing with. Take things slow, use good judgement, and BE SAFE!!! Take care and all the best to you.
  19. Hi there, I am sorry you are going through this. I always believe that you will never know your partner is cheating until you actually catch them in the act yourself. True, there could be signals, signs, and fishy stuff but all that could be coindidence or innocent. Bottom line, if don't have trust with your partner, you've got nothing. Take care and good luck.
  20. I caution dating him because you mentioned he has not changed at all. I am not sure dating him would make any difference. Abusers have a meticulous way of bogging you down, compromise your self-esteem, thus making you dependent on the person. I would focus on your son and getting you life back on track first then worry about him. I have a feeling the reason why he is calling you is because you are making it on your own without him even though your mom is helping and he wants something from you. Like I mentioned before, be very careful. Take care.
  21. I don't think she gave you mixed signals at all per say, you guys have different wants in this situation. She may have broke it off with you but still was able to be nice, doesn't necassarily mean she wants to get back together. She is somewhat feeling guilty of breaking up with you, hence why she contacts you and hangs out with you from time to time. Plus It seems to you that she is giving mixed signals because you are still in love with her, want her back, and reading too much in what she does and says. That's why it is crucial for you to do the NC as way to insure you won't receive mixed signals and be able to move on. Take care and good luck.
  22. Sorry GettingOverIt, I guess I got a little over zealous. But I still agree with the statement. I guess because of my personal experienece, I am a little biased by the whole thing which goes with KayRay's post, it just depends on the circumstances and the people involved.
  23. Hey there, I am sticking by what I said in a previous post on your situation. Stay away from him. He is very selfish, only cares about his needs, and messes with your mind. He wanting what he can't have. Bottom line. You are so much better without him.
  24. Forget your friends, this is YOUR life, NOT theirs! Some friends they are, true friends wouldn't make you feel like poo and second guess yourself. Be true to yourself and next time if you get into a situation like this, just remember how you felt last time and what you told us today. You can do it, just look at my siggy. It's true.
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