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Everything posted by Kurodashi

  1. You actually like this guy after knowing he cheated on his gf with two different girls? Thers this little saying that I always ignored until it hit me in the face and hurt like hell: "Once a cheater, always a cheater" If he's doing it to her, damn straight he'll do it to you. You should take this as a lucky escape. I wouldnt try and pursure him from a romantic perspective... but certainly, if you want your friends back... ring him and actually speak to him. Apologize and tell him you want to be friends. I strongly discourage getting anymore intimate with this guy... he's got his fingers in all the pies, and trust me, he's probably enjoying it too.
  2. INFP Introverted 22 Intuitive 38 Feeling 50 Perceiving 67 * slightly expressed introvert * moderately expressed intuitive personality * moderately expressed feeling personality * distinctively expressed perceiving personality I guess any could be right though, if you adapted it enough...
  3. I'm sorry you found my comment offensive. that wasn't my intent. I was just telling you the truth, alot of my girlfriends fake it. I can't do anything about that. Its just the truth from my perspective.
  4. Sniffing vinegar works with me. it might not work for you, but try it out anyway. It could just be my allergy to vinegar lol. But sniffing vinegar makes me produce WAY too much saliva, and I might even drool! lol. Apart from that, keep your fluids up. If it gets too much to bear, ask a doctor.
  5. I have had my lip peirced before, and I actually found that painfull, but a good pain. Though, I do bite my lip alot. I HAVE heard that tongue peircings dont hurt as much as eyebrow etc, however since it's a muscle, it'll take a long time to heal completely. You'll have to learn to talk without a lisp, and it'll swell for a while. Also, very important, if you do get it done, spend the extra money and get someone with 5+ years of experience in peircings (preferably not someone who does peircings AND tattoos - Just someone dedicated only to peircing. Make sure you dont have a main vein/atery running down your tongue, as if they peirce that, youll be going through hell and itl be EXTREMELY bad. So pick your peircer carefully also!
  6. As goddess said, it's a good way to show your partner that theyre doing something right. Its also easy enough to enjoy it if you have to keep quite (say if youre sharing a house with other people). But if you do that for a while, when you eventually are aloud to moan it'll make it more exciting. Thats about it. In fact, holding your breathe is probably more enjoyable.
  7. Well, I dont know about other girls. But 4 orgasms in one go isnt hard for me personally if it's the time of the month Im horniest/most fertile. Usually just after her period or when she is ovulating her body tells her to do it lots, I guess this is a reason for this. Every girl is different however. For me personally, I can't orgasm with penetration alone, I need to use my hands on the clitorus as well. Thats a personal thing, every womans different I guess. As for a maximum.. I think 10 in one day would be for me. At a push. But NOT in one session lol. I think twise is a good enough achievment. Just remember, alot of girls cant orgasm on JUST the penetration alone... and... alot of girls fake it WELL. lol
  8. I have found that this is the same as with a RL relationship offline. If a guy pressures you into doing ANYTHING sexual... regard it as such. Wether it be on the phone, chat - anything. My ex was a little like this. He'd try it on in person, online and on the telephone. So if he's desperate to get his kicks on the phone, treat it as though he trying to lure you into bed in person. Because trust me, if he places these sexual kicks so highly, then he wont be any different in the flesh. If it were me (and its not), I'd tell him when I didnt feel comfortable with it. If he chucks a tantrum or hangs up with you - dont put up with it! You really dont have to. Its emotional black mail. It's saying - "If you dont satasfy me in this way sexually, then I wont talk to you at ALL". Thats unfair, and for reaons like that - if he keeps up that behaivour you should REALLY reconsider wether its worth it for you not JUST him!
  9. Try weight watchers. I joined up with them with a negative outlook and I still lost ALOT of weight. Mind you, once I left I put it all back on. You just need a support group. Some people around you, who are going through the same thing, to cheer you on as you loose weight..and to inspire you when you havent. Its worth a thought, and their online forums are usually free if you can't afford to go to the actual meetings.
  10. From my experiences in life, to spite your weight, most people feel the same way. I always saw myself as large, and such, never approached a guy. After guys approaching me, I gradually found that some really attractive people are too shy also. Dont feel down on yourself because of your apprearance. God knows, I did, and I found out that no one else but me even cared. The BEST way to get a nice girl, is treat her like a princess. Now, this helps if you lack confidense of your physicallity, but it doesnt mean all men shouldnt try this. If you can think about how much that girl means to you, then show it in your actions - you're set. For a while... imagine yourself as a sexy thin and handsome man - the way YOUD idealise yourself. In other words, FORGET your looks. Then act like you are the best looking man around. You know why Im suggesting this? Because confidence is THE sexiest element a person can have. Not to mention, Im sure you're being hard on yourself. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. Make them love youre personality, and the rest will follow suit.
  11. I agree with northern lights. They're youre buddies, dont stress to just ask them out for a few drinks and a game of pool or something relaxed. Cause if you do something TOO incredible, you'll be so busy with the activity youll have no time to catch up and talk
  12. It certainly is a pity you didn't tell him the truth. I honestly believe that no matter what you should always be immediately open and honest in a relationship from the word go, otherwise problems will come up later on, when it will hurt more. Apologize to him and tell him that you didnt mean any ill harm by your lie. And... God i wish alot of enotalone members did this, but tell him what you told us! Show him how sincerly sorry you are for what happened. Im sure you can work thrugh this if you want to be honest and open from now on. Good luck.
  13. It's natural to feel that kind of feeling. In a way it's guilt. I feel that about losing touch with my old friends too. I loose touch and I get the sick feeling in my tummy because I know I probably will never see them again. But you know what? Some people say everything happens for a reason. Other wonderful girls will come along, and next time - ask for their number Dont worry, it happens to us all at some point.
  14. I agree. From my experience every guy in that area have some horror stories about treating girls like CRAP. How can you "kinda" have a girlfriend? Furthermore, how can you have a girlfriend but not be dating her? Thats a contradiction. The guys a cheater. DO NOT get involved with him. If he does it to her he will do it to you!
  15. I agree. Sex isn't that great. I'd choose a vibrator over sex ANY day of the week. However... I dont have a vibrator... so for a long time now I havent done anything. All the same, vibrator wins for me everytime. And when you know how to please youreself well - when a guy penetrates you... *sigh* I was yawning Really boring, bland, and I barely even felt it. Call me bitter, but Im happier masterbating, and I honestly dont know why sex is hyped up so much. Id only ever get interested in it again if I fell in love. As for the eating out thing. I agree on that too o_o I wouldnt go down on me, its ... where I pee from... I just dont understand anyone who actually *enjoys* that >_
  16. In addition to what Hope just said, Id also like to add that there is medication for genital herpes that lowers the chance of your partner contracting the disease. If he's not on it at the momment, maybe you could also ask him to go to the doctor about getting a percription for some, just to be extra safe
  17. I used to get pimples on my upper back. I bought a full body anti-pimple shower gell. It'll cost about $10 for one bottle, but if you use it on a sponge and wash just that ara with it it, it will go a long way. Basically, you just need to be drying out the built up oils from the area. Soap doesnt usually help this as much a pimple wash. However, consistant washing will make the oil rate go down until you can get some anti-pimple body wash. Good luck!
  18. That was so beautiful and insightful. It gives me hope for my future too. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing someone in a similar situation,come out strong and hopefull. I'm sure with the strength you gained through your horrible experiences the only way you can go now is up. And that is what you truley diserve. Thank-you immensly for making that post, it's given me incouragement to stand up to the way I have been treated also. I hope you never have to encounter a nothing yucky "Vince" again.
  19. As sneaky as it may be, write him a TXT that you KNOW he'll definatly respond. Something that you know he can't resist answering. If he answers THAT, then you can assume he found the first txt too embarrassing to respond to. Also, by doing this, if you wish, both of you can just forget that txt like it never happened. That way you can avoid an awkward momment.
  20. I think when friendships form between two straight people of opposite sex, it will always be a possibility. I must admit I always feel easier around my guy friends who are taken or homosexual, that being said you need to communicate where you stand to be fair. If you DONT want him flirting, tell him very early on, as early as you can. If you don't mind either way... recipricate any flirts or lines. But just make it VERY clear you just want to be friends, if that is what you are after. That way if he tries it on after that, you know he's a sleeze. If you tell him youre not interested and he ditches you, then you know he was just using that to get into your pants. If he sticks around regardless, he's a friend. I hope that works for you.
  21. Yeah, I agree with what's been said. Quite often someone will flirt with you even though they dont want to commit because they think its fun. They probably don't take it all that seriously, but in doing so, forget that other people do. My suggestion is to just go with the flow, don't let him use you or get with you if he's still not interested, and don't read into his flirting too much.
  22. Ever heard the saying, "Absense makes the heart grow fonder"? There's a reason that sayings so famous. Remember when you first started NC, and how relieved you were? In time, you forget the hardships and only remember the fond memories, you get over the pain and move on. However, thinking about those good times TOO much canbecome unhealthy, you'll start to give you ex a holy light, and glorify her more than she diserves. Remember the bad times, remember why you broke up, remember the hardships and all the time you wasted on petty arguments. All the happy thoughts are blinding you, remember to be fair on your heart, and be true in your reflections!
  23. You don't need to feel alone. If anything, feel free. Think about all the trouble and hurt it caused you being in the relationship... Now you dont need to worry about it anymore. You can set your sights on becoming a stronger woman, and finding a man that you will truley never have any issues with. With time, if you stay strong through this storm, you will find yourself on the other end. And it will be so lovely that you will wonder why you ever gave yourself so much grief over a man that wasnt a great match for you. Hang in there, be strong. And if you need, you can always get in touch. You don't need to feel alone, you're not.
  24. You did NOT bother us at all hon ^_^ Feel free to return and get in touch if you have any problems with the break up. And especially since I've been in your position before, don't hesitate to PM or email me if you need to talk
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