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Everything posted by Maverick32x

  1. I dont know about books, but whenever i feel like I'm not being "true to myself" i like to either go for a long bike ride.. or a long car ride or something.... and just THINK. I use to swim alot, so i used to have alot of time to think than.. and it really helped me sort my life out... not that I've had a similiar problem, but it usually helps me when i feel like something isnt right in my life.... also, try to be 100% honest with yourself... nothing worse than lieing to yourself about stuff;; good luck ^^
  2. this may sound REALLY weird.... but i had a really similar problem... and i had found some sort of hyponotism CD that was supposed to allow you to take short breaks/naps and feel revitalized..... but it really helps for relaxing me and going to bed.... sometimes i remember what was said on the CD's to help me relax... maybe search online for something similar... a CD that induces hyponotism/relaxation.. or something like that.... ive lost the CD long ago, but i still remember it on nights i cant go to sleep;;
  3. me thinks there is more to the story!!! have you tried asking your parents why they dont like her?
  4. well, if you want to keep your ego intact... i suggest not talking to him, and being done with it... if you are willing to put yourself out there and see what happens... send an email.... There really isnt anything at stake besides maybe feeling a bit rejected.... from someone that you barely know.... i guess for me its not a big deal... ps: the ball TECHNICALLY is in his court if we were keeping track....
  5. he's your ex... you arent together... he can do whatever he wants now.
  6. Sometimes its better NOT to look at this sorta stuff as a "game" and to try to determine whos court the ball is in.. because usually its just going to get confusing.... From what i understand a guy started talking to you.. he wanted to see you.. you left on a business trip..... you mentioned you are coming back... you havent heard from him..... it really isnt too complex... i don't think you are being too pushy by simply seeing how he is doing, and casually mentioning that you are in town.... again.. you really dont have much to lose from this... the world wont come crumbling down if the guy thinks you are coming off desperate.... and the alternative is you never talk to him, and you eventually just disappear from his mind.. the end.
  7. why not figure out how much the house is, and just divide the bills that he is slowly catching up to 50/50? so.. lets say the house is $3,000 and you paid it all in cash. and it costs about $1,000 a month to keep everything in the house.. groceries.. repairs.... utilites.. ect (cheap house!) why not have him pay like $800 a month... you pay $200, until he catches up to paying about $1500 more than you in bills over a course of however long you guys agree on... which would cover half of the house payment.. and make the house half yours... and half his... I guess thats kinda confusing it makes sense in my head >_
  8. i dont think it would hurt to send another email..... just let him know you came back to town today... worst case scenario is he just ignores you again... and its not like you had a very meaningful connection previously OR, you could wait a week and see what happens? are you planning on sticking around town for a bit? or heading out again?
  9. well, we had kissed plenty during our "together-ness" and i guess ripped my heart out is kinda overexagerating, but i really did like her, and i had girlfriends in the past that i kind of didnt care THAT much about... just saw them as a friend that was nice to have around, and that i liked.. but didnt really feel as strongly towards them as i did towards her... and i never was rejected before her lol. But ya, forgetting her is defintly the best strategy, thanks for the advice
  10. Well, welcome to E-NotAlone. And hmm.... how long ago were you guys hanging out and talking? and how long has it been that shes been withdrawn?
  11. you arent going to stop girls from liking your Boyfriend.. if hes faithful... i don't see any reason why you would try to end their friendship.... if i were him i would see it as pretty outrageous and i would be pretty mad at you if you pushed the issue.... However, if you get a feeling that he is cheating... you might want to try to look into that....
  12. if you arent going to have an abortion (if she ends up pregnant) i would suggest adoption... there is no reason to mess up a child's life because of your mistake. not to mention your own..... I really really REALLY doubt that at your age you would be finacially able to support a child.
  13. christians only date other christians!?!?! i better tell my brother!! BRB!!!! sorry it didnt work out
  14. meaning?.....;; if she wanted to keep the friendship going.. why would you stop talking to someone over the schoolyear that you had previously talked to EVERYDAY over the summer... (not just me calling her)
  15. a women cant really force her vagina into you.,... >.>
  16. hmm.... well, you might be a bit too pushy it seems? if im reading the stories right... do you not talk to her on MSN anymore? you could try to just call her and say you were reminded of her when you saw and than proceed to ask her how shes been, and see how friendly she is about the whole situation.... if she seems open to talking to you, you could try to set something up.... she just simply might not be interested in you though ;;
  17. how long is "awhile back" sorry if you mentioned it and i read over it;;
  18. Jail should be the LEAST of your concerns.... they arent gonna send you to prison for it...... you should be more worried about her....
  19. I think you should take one step at a time.. find out of shes pregnant: if she is.. go to your nearest Planned Parenthood and figure out your options.. it should be all confidential... you can also call... and if i remember correctly when i had called, they even gave out codenames so incase your parents picked up the phone, they could just say it was a wrong number.... there is no reason to start stressing out just yet.
  20. I will try to make this kinda quick... but there has been this same girl in my life for quite some time.. 3 years now.. and ive always kinda liked her.. and last year (in some of my old posts) we were sorta together.. and things were looking really good.. her friends (like im in 8th grade or something) told me that we should date and i should ask her out and stuff... and i did and i got "maybe" which to me sounded like "no" but she assured me that she really wanted to see what it would be like since we were going to diffrent colleges (though even only 30 mins apart) i felt she didnt want a relationship.. guess just a summer fling.... well she went to school.. and we never talked after about a month... i started getting over it.... and now this summer i was pretty determined not to fall into the same garbage as before.... however.. we work together.. which means i would run into her eventually no matter what. Well of course i do, and she talks to me like we hadnt skipped a beat... and im sitting there the entire time wondering.. "what is going ON!?!?" and im still friendly of course, but deep down inside im thinking you basically ripped my heart out.. stomped on it.. and now we are FRIENDS?!?!? But i guess im good at hiding my feelings because almost EVERY time she signs online i get an IM right away wanting to talk and stuff.... but never hang out... It seems like she will defintly talk to me whenever i see her in person..... i can almost guarentee that if i talk to her in person... she'll talk to me online.. or text message or something.... why?!?! Well, the thing that made me write this was the fact that she called me the other night at liek 2am just to talk..... why?!! We hadnt talked on the phone at all this summer.. since i was determined not to call her....
  21. anytime my back hurts alot, i think laying flat on a wooden floor or something really helps.... maybe its just me?
  22. oh ya, you can buy over the counter pregnancy things
  23. No, there isnt a pill for it to my knowledge... and the last thing you should be doing is getting angry at her, or anyone else.. you make choices.. and you live with them.... deal with whats happening now, not what happened in the past. Do you have any older friends that can drive? or you could take a Bus/train downtown if you are close enough? usually in a city there are some places to get tested confidentially.
  24. law trouble eh? well you have to be 18 in order to give consent... but seeing as that you're both the same age.. it would have to be a pretty evil judge to sentence you on rape charges. I guess it is possible, if her parents really dont like you, or don't want her daughter to be scarred with it... i had something similiar happen to me when i was 16.. she was 17... and we ended up having an abortion.. and before that ever happened i was 100% against such a thing.. in my eyes it was a horrible crime.. but when you are put in the position of ruining the rest of your life.... well.. you really dont have much of a choice.. i felt.... There are alot of places you can go for that sorta thing if it comes down to it... but try not to freak her out, since if you freak her out.. i will try to sidestep the technical details.. but basically she'll be late on her period cuz her hormones will be really messed up cuz of the stress... good luck man the one good thing that came from it for me was that i ALWAYS use a condom no MATTER WHAT.
  25. it happens man. Ive had the EXACT same thing happen to me. It happened when i was with the girl for a long time, and i was REALLY into her.. so.. that never helps You just gotta make it count next time.. (no pressure
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