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Everything posted by Maverick32x

  1. man, ya it sounds like depression..... your best bet is to try to talk to a therapist.... If you are still in school there should DEFINTLY be someone there to help you out Depression isn't as simple as a lot of people think... It isn't just a funk that you can get yourself out of sometimes.... the proffesionals at your school will defintly be able to help you out
  2. hmm... this is pretty hard to tell... how long have you been feeling like this? I dont remember exactly but if its been more than 2-3 months it could be clinical depression ;; but regardless of what it TECHINCALLY is.... if you feel REALLY sad.. its VERY possible that you have depression..... I can defintly see how the last year would make you lazy, but a sudden change in lifestyles like you describe and a lack of energy (among other things) are usually signs of depression... maybe you should try finding something that you are interested in? that might improve the social aspect of you life, and find you a girl and some close friends
  3. I have a friend that you could say is.. "in touch with his feminine" side... and i basically go shopping with him!!! he knows what looks good, what doesnt... ect... and it actually WORKS!!! of course, if i still don't like it, i wont buy it... but we go shopping twice a year (beginning of every semester) for a couple new shirts /pants, ect... and it really does wonders for your look... cuz my clothes used to suck
  4. bluefin, you are VERY correct!!! it TOTALLY depends on the situation~ I notice it when I'm down at school, girls are more attracted to someone arrogant and pretty much a big jerk.... but when I go home, away from college life and bars/parties, taking a girl out somewhere nice, and being all "chivalrious" (is that a word?) goes a LOOOONNGGGG way, and if i even THOUGHT of treating a girl with anything less than respect, they wont even give me a second glance..... It has to do alot with whether you are attracting women or girls....
  5. good work I hope everything works out
  6. I don't think i ever said i would be doing her a favor by sleeping with her... I actually was never planning on sleeping with her in the first place... I'm sorry if my original post communicated that..... But yes, I'm probably going to talk to her tomorrow about it so that she knows what shes in for, and it wont be TOO ackward if she tries to make a move~
  7. i actually kinda like that haha
  8. haha you're not shallow, its a good plan Riley, I had no intention of having sex with my ex-gf, i just realize that she WILL attempt for it.. since she usually does when she drinks... a little background.... me and my ex-gf have been friends for the past 5 years, and are practically next door neighbors... we have been through ALOT together, so simply "putting her on ignore" is not a viable option... or something that i want to do..... The options that i feel i have are to either tell her about this girl before she comes down, and stress the fact that we wont be doing anything but hang out (I live in a house) or just simply say "no" to sex when she is here..... this has nothing to do with "nookie".. I'm 3rd year in school.. I've had more than enough "nookie" and am more interested in finding someone special instead of the usual one night stand... and i didnt think any of your advice was harsh, i mostly agree with all of it~
  9. ..... no... just no...... I think its the most ridiculous thing for a guy to ask a girl for a kiss.... "Hi insecurity!!" You'll know when the moment is right!! why dont you just snuggle up to a movie and kiss her.... Don't use that "want to know if im a good kisser" line either... its not very good, and she probably will say no if shes already said no before when you asked....
  10. Ok, so i wrote a post a little bit about a girl i was interested in, and things have been moving in a very positive direction, and we arent "together" or anything, but we are becoming pretty close friends, and I'm pretty sure there could be something in the future, but i'm not in any rush to get there.... However, my Ex-GF is planning on coming down to visit me at school here..... I didnt invite her, she invited herself since she "wants" to see me... and at the time she asked to visit i really didnt have any problems, since i wasnt that involved with that other girl, or anyone for that matter.... I don't want the girl I've been hanging out with a bunch feel like I'm just using her, or have her on the side.....Even though there is nothing significant between us, I still don't want to jepordize anything.... With that being said, I know my ex-gf will want to have sex with me (as usual) whenever she drinks, so should i tell her before she comes down here not to expect anything... or should i just resist it when she comes down here?? I know i don't 'owe' that girl anything, but I still don't want to be that guy!!!
  11. hmmm...... well i dont know if this is what you are looking for... but a canadian psychologist (Siegal) had a theory about drug addiction.. and i'll try to simplify it for you..... basically.. when you take a drug your body is given a stimulus.... than you react to it (euphoria or w/e you feel when you smoke) Well, you usually do it with your friends, or in a specific spot and your mind begins to associate taking the drug, with the people and the place you are at... so whenever you see the people and places you are at, your body begins to 'prepare' for the drug..... SO, what begins to happen, is your body associates the people/place ect.. with the moments right before taking the drug....... (which is also how you build up tolerance) SO, in conclusion, i guess it could be possible you associate being with him, with the biological effects of the drugs... lol, sorry i just learned about all this last week so its still fresh in my mind!!! I have the same sort of addictive personality.. which is why i dont smoke or do things that harm me too much..... (drink like a fish though ) i think you are simply attracted to him ALOT, and you just have alot of respect for him as a person, which could equal attraction
  12. hmm... if you can afford airfare, and to survive a bit with your girlfriend... i think you can do it, since you sound pretty miserable where you are.... however, if you are going to run out of money when you get to your girlfriend's.. thats probably not a good idea... you might be better just trying to suck it up your dignity and just working at a really lousy job for a month or so until you've saved up enough money... I know thats not what you wanted to hear, but you need to make sure you have enough money to move out there.... and find a job.. and get paid..... before you run completely out of money!!! There are loans and such i'm sure you could take out.. but i really dont know how that all works good luck buddy~
  13. Jalys... keep those comments to yourself please...... The advice to save the emails and such is probably a very good idea, the last thing you want to do is get the short end of the "divorce stick" if that makes any sense.... She WILL attempt to tell you that she has changed, but I would defintly suggest standing your ground and being VERY firm about it... you dont need this in your life...... Good luck man...... find someone who is worthy of your love
  14. hmm... she sounds VERY unfaithful, and it seems that you have recognized this yourself already. The relationship seems to be crumbling due to the lack of trust. What made you look for her Myspace? or through her emails? It seems to me that you are a bit suspicious of her, and for all the right reasons!!! If the you don't think the couples therapy is going to work out.. you might be better off divorcing before children and such....
  15. well, phobias are learned responses, so odds are something happened..... no phobia just "is". for example, you aren't born being afraid of dogs, you get bitten when you are young, and you associate danger with a dog, and sometimes its very irrational, which results in a phobia!! Something could of happened when you were very young and your conscious mind doesnt remember, but your unconscious mind has it ingrained.... thats if it IS a socia phobia..... it possibly could be a dissocitative disorder... however you seem to be way too young for it to be classified as this..... Its onset though IS caused by a traumatic experience in your childhood... so its more than possible.... As for your "spacing" out you describe, that would be depersonalization, it is "semi-normal" and alot of people experience an episode or two, but if its a continual, than ya, its defintly a problem ;;; I'm an amateur psychologist, so take everything with a grain of salt!!! go see a REAL psychologist!! If those diagonosis are accurate, than you won't be taking any drugs, but your best bet would be to go to a psychoanaylist and try to determine what the cause of all this and for your social phobia, a behavioral psychologist in my opinion would help if its a PHOBIA!! if you're just shy, i think you can work through it just read that you had seen a psycholgist... according to the DSM, if these things are "distressing" to you, interrupt your regular life and are very persistent, than its classified as a problem..... all psychological problems arent fixed by drugs... if you feel your dissociation is a major problem, look for a psychoanylist.. they hopefully will help you out
  16. I think as long as you still are pretty physical with the person, they wouldnt feel rejected... If she tried to kiss you and you said no, i think that would probably make her feel kinda rejected... but if you guys kissed and all that... I doubt she thinks she got rejected
  17. is the old topic on this... and i have a little update for everyone~ and that would be that we ended up kissing and cuddling and stuff last night!! And recently I've been kinda telling myself that its not a good idea to pursue her, and I just wasn't getting the feeling she was very interested in me... but she seemed like it last night haha. I'm a REALLY bad judge of shy girls I think..... So, ya, I guess things are working out pretty well, I need to kind of break down her shyness a bit more.... I don't want us to just be "make out buddies" so we'll see
  18. tell the bouncer... simple as that..... its unwanted harassement.. and you've made it VERY clear that you don't want him to do it anymore..... also, make sure you dont do it in a "joking" way... I've seen a lot of girls just kind of laugh itoff, and it usually just reinforces his behavior... so be SERIOUS. get mad!!! lol good luck;;
  19. i'm struggling with this same thing!!! I've been out of a relationship for about the past 3 years.. and it was just a HS relationship (which lasted almost 2 years) but i have yet to have a "mature" relationship.... and i want experience with it!!! and i'm thinking about pursueing a relationship with a girl that I pretty much think is awesome, and alot of fun.. but don't really see myself marrying or anything... i dunno? i might be wrong.... so ya, sorry that wasnt much advice, but i'm curious as to what people think as well!!
  20. im pretty scared of spiders.... if i have no choice i'll kill it... but its a pretty well known fact amongst people i know that I freaking hhhaaattteee them... and i dont think people think im a big wuss for that? maybe they do... =\ oddly enough one of my fav. superheros is Spiderman too... what gives?
  21. real quick question... has he been proffesionally diagonoised with this? Or is it a self-diagonosis? I'm starting to look more indepth into the DSM at school, (which is basically the textbook used to determine if a person has an mental disorder) and ALOT of the stuff in there is pretty archiac..... And there is alot of controversy about alot of whats in it! for example homosexuality was just recently removed from it as an mental disorder~
  22. well, you could start with asking him what his intentions were of coming here.... maybe explaining that he needs to get a job and get to know people... and maybe tell him that his actions are a bit scarier.. and if things get really bad, just get a restraining order against him and you can call the police if he ever comes around. Basically I'm getting the feeling that this guy is pretty much a Stalker, and you need to deal with it.... and instead of worrying about "hurting his feelings" you need to start looking out for yourself a bit.
  23. you cant run from something like this.... you claim you don't respect someone who doesnt take control of their life and DO something (or seem to infer it) you NEED to talk to him about it... it feels like this isnt something you can eventually forget about...
  24. I dont mean to judge.... but wow.. SCARY!!!! I have NO advice for you!!! but i can atleast say i'm REALLY SORRY and i would be really scared if that happened to me!!!! I guess really try to disuade him or something, because that is the craziest thing I have EVER heard in my life!!! If his family is here, I guess it would be for the best if you tried to talk to him about it ASAP!!! Good LUCK!!!!!
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