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Everything posted by Maverick32x

  1. im jealous... but congratz anyway
  2. she probably wanted a chase... and you folded too quickly... my advice stop asking your friends to talk to her about you... and just ignore her.... i dont think this is "stooping down to her level" i think its just not worth it for you to push it.... GL
  3. Are you still in love? or is it just comfort and habit? Its possible that you only want to keep this relationship going because its something you are comfortable with...... how many other girl friends have you had before her? (serious ones) if the number is low... you might want to reconsider what you are looking for in a girl......
  4. el oh el.. this is just one of those posts you dont even NEED to write!!! obviously she likes you!!!!!!!!! good luck
  5. she isnt even of age to drink..... and imo being invited over to drink might not had been her idea of a good night? Being a college student myself i know all about drinking, and what alot of girls might interpret that as..... maybe she was just being cautious? and you might of tried saying just a movie... and than offer a drink?
  6. i like girls that are really outgoing, but if they arent willing to spend some time w/ me, i probably wouldnt date them.... and by spend time w/ me, i dont even mean alone, it could be a group of friends, but nothing is worse than going out w/ a girl and her friends, and she just completely ignores you thanks sweetheart
  7. im having the EXACT same prob , and i actually came her to complain/look for advice also. This girl and me were really close, and i keep hearing from all her friends how much she likes me (i dont even ask them to tell me this stuff.. they just come up and tell me) and shes told me how much she likes me... but now that we go to diff schools, i cant even call her on the walk back from the library to my house (20 min walk) and its frustrating as hell!!! since she always tells me how she is going to visit.. than shes busy... than she wants me to visit her.. but she is going home that weekend... and than i try to talk to her to see if she wants any sort of future, and she just leads me on >_ lol, not sure that it helped at all.. but i know what you are going through, and i would say cut the crap and just try to get some honest answers out of her, cuz games are fun for about a month... than they just get old and annoying.. and 99% of the time i just leave.
  8. ^ also, do you leave messages when you get her voicemail? or do you just try to call again later? I dont see anything wrong w/ leaving a message saying that you might want to do something Saturday, and to have her call you back if she isnt able to come or something.. that way she is more or less foriced to talk to ya
  9. i have a feeling if this girl is interested in you.... she will all of a sudden become alot more elusive... and will try to get you to chase her.... i for one find this annoying, since id much rather toss your feelings and thoughts out on the table, and than sort through them, instead of trying to figure out, guess, and post on these forums about stuff like this!!! either way, she probably will act diff around you if she is interested side note: I will NEVER tell a girl that im interested in about things that i like.. or dont like... since i hate when they blow it out of porportion... just like i would never tell a girl i was interested in that i dont like getting alot of phone calls.... since the last thing i want is for her to never call me!! (just for future reference~)
  10. oh man.. PLEASE cut this guy some slack!!! i have a feeling that this is probably what the last girl i was with thought of me haha. i was just so amazed that she would spend time with me (im usually a confident person, but she was just so amazing) that i would kinda freeze up on dates. Like.. sometimes it would be really good, and we'd hold hands and cuddle and w/e.. but sometimes i just would reconsider if she really liked me and stuff..... and well... im sure it looked like how are describing it >_ well.. she gave me enough 2nd chances and we are working out a real relationship! so im sure this guy was just nervous, and you should go easy on him and show him some signs you are interested instead of just letting him make all the moves.
  11. had a GF like this.. i guess its the whole "danger" thing they are into.... just dont get caught >_
  12. lol do it man... keep us updated i dont know if your school has it, but i took an ab class. and i was like.. the ONLY guy there.. it was AWESOME... and i swim a ton so i really didnt need to go.. but it was hella fun, cuz it was sooo easy to start a convo w/ a girl... "why am i the only guy here?" 8) worked everytime....
  13. what a good story!!! I would say call her and do something fun. I dont think you would be THAT pushy..... but either way, looks like you are hitting it off real well w/ this chick, keep it up
  14. Maverick32x


    playing games... man.. such a bad thing, but if you want to get a girl, it works.. my advice: It all has to do w/ confusing the hell out of the other person. If you are already friends w/ the person, tell them that they you will call them... and dont........ randomly stop talking to them.... like.. not by being mean... but if you work w/ them.. or see them at school, you can casually say "Hi", but dont get into conversations with them. If you previously were friends with them and talked alot, this will make them ask "whats wrong?" and of course you respond w/ "nothing" and just keep confusing the hell outta them till they dont know up from down, left from right. i know you said you dont want to be a bastard and play hard to get, but you have to be in order to play hard to get. You will be a jerk, and you probably will feel bad.. this means you are doing it right.... cuz its a bad thing... and you WILL Feel like *** afterwards!!!!! Thats all there really is to it.... its a horrible thing to do though >_
  15. ok, thanx i'll try my hardest
  16. dam.... you got my number i dont think she is that high of maintence though, but as for partying... yea..... but are we thinking just to kinda let it cool off.... and just kinda keep looking around? (as hard as this sounds i think i coudl pull it off )
  17. ya, i actually hate sorority/frat girls/guys, and EVERYONE thinks its really funny that i fell for this girl >_ I'm sure its me looking through rose colored glasses, cuz i think she is "diffrent" , and is alot more than a pretty face. Which i think is pretty possible, cuz most girls i date are pretty smart and stuff, im usually not one for the dumb blonde girls >_
  18. ok, heres the situation link removed if you want to read it all heres it in a nutshell been chasing this girl for almost a year, finally we kissed, and starting going out on dates and stuff. well, her friend mentioned that i should ask her out, and she told me it was a good thing that she was talking to me about this and stuff. so i was just like.. ok.. figuring the girl was pretty into me already. Well, i asked her what she thought of us dating, since we go to school about 30 mins apart, and she was leaving for hers in about 2 days. And she seemed to want to try it out, and stuff, and she told me she really liked me, but didnt want to start a relationship that would cause probs for us later on... so i kinda assumed she was lieing, but after talking to her same friend, she told me that the the girl i was interested in me and thought the night went amazing, and was telling the truth about everything, and when she found out that i thought she wasnt interested she like.. flipped out and stuff, and wanted me to know that she really did want a relationship to work out.... WELL!!!! its been a couple days sinec she left for school, and the onyl time ive talked to her is online.. .which imo isnt very intimate.... it just is... w/e.. for casual friends..... so ive called her a few times..... but she is never there to answer.. and i doubt she is avoiding my phoen calls.... cuz from what i understand she is busy w/ soririty stuff..... but i dunno.... if you like someone alot wouldnt you make time for them to just call and see whats up? atleast I would... but ya, it seems like everyone i talk to about her, they always tell me the same thing, that she is REALLY interested in me, and that she really likes me, but she is just really afraid of getting her hurt broken, and that i need to take it easy and have patience.... so my question is.. what do i do??? i dont want to be that guy that calls too much, and is annoying.... but i do want to be in her life... is she still playing lame games like shes been doing for forever... ps: i can almost promise she will drunk dial me 2nite (she told me that this was going to be their only free night from soririty stuff, and that they were all goign out to the bars, and i know she calls me whenever she drinks) so should i mention anything in her intoxicated state like.... hey, whats the deal why dont you call me?!?!?!!! lol just a thought
  19. meeting people in college is the easiest thing in the world. Especially being a freshman, everyone WANTS to make friends!! so just be out going, and try to know as many people as you can. The more people you have connections with.. the easier it will be to go to a party and be able to socialize with whoever is there... the more you socialize, the more confident you'll be ... the more confident you are.. the easier it will be to get girls. if you are really concerned with a girl's past, you will probably have some trouble finding someone.. not saying that everyone fools aroudn w/ people.. but alot of girls at school seem to have no problem having a one night stand atleast once or twice.... also, alot of girls might not WANT a relationship their first year in college... you might be better off being friends.. and forming a strong relationship.. THAN pushing for dating..... either way, good luck, college ROCKS!! and i cant wait to go back
  20. hey~ just thought id add my thoughts/support to this thread... i actually read through the WHOLE thing !! it was so sad everytime to read about how excited you were to get so far without hurting yourself.... and than to read your posts where you would have a lapse in self-control and do it. but i really think you are capable of stopping, and i cant wait to re-visit this thread and read about how you finally have completely stopped, since it defintly seems like something you can do also, it seems like you would do better with some counsoling and such. My advice woudl be to make sure that you are open to geting help. If your mind set is that no one can help you, than its goign to be REALLY hard to find help. You obviously opened up to Tigris very easily, you just need to find more people like that ps: Final Fantasy rox btw haha just thought id throw that in there... even if it was on like.. page 4 of 10
  21. well.. update number 3.... i guess i completely was off base... i thought she was just making excuses why we couldnt date.. but she honestly wanted to see how it would work out before we do.... and i found this out when her friend asked me how the night was... and i told her it didnt go so well.... than her friend proceeded to tell me that it wasnt what she heard... and that the girl i took out was really into me.. and was really looking forward to our relationship, and that she was so happy that i asked her and stuff.... i guess i mis-read that night >_ i think im too impulsive, and just kinda do what i feel is right... and i mean, sometimes it works.. my last GF i had i barely knew, but i had a feeling we would work out, and we dated for almost 2 years... so when a girl isnt like that, i just think they arent interested..... but i guess this girl is really cautious around guys, and doesnt want to get her heart broken, so she wants to make sure it is possible for us to have a relationship even when we are at diff schools before we actually label it "boyfriend+ Girlfriend" which i can respect.. since im really into her, and will give her whatever time, space ect.. she needs so the moral of the story is Girls are crazy. happy ending though, which im VERY happy about (and she actually JUST called me, and we are hanging out before she leaves tomorrow)
  22. well i asked her 2nite.. and she responded w/ she wanted to see how it was goign to work before we started a relationship.. which i can respect... but im not sure if she was just saying that to make me feel better, or if she really means it... she kept holding my hand for the rest of the night, and gave me a good night kiss.. but im still kinda bummed out about it... i'll figure out how i feel tomorrow i guess thanx for reading up on me guys. i guess this is the end of the Thread ~ Brandon ~
  23. opps, i didnt mean pop.. like.. the drink.. i meant like.. a person but i work so i can spend money and to.....
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