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Everything posted by venus777

  1. you can't get infected from a handjob, but a blow job yes. is she being treated too? cause if she still has it in her throat or in her vagina, there you go.
  2. I reread everything.... i hadn't noticed your post about how his friend abused you and he blames you for it. It's totally unhealthy. Also, the relationship is not an open relationship. Open relationships include honesty about who is sleeping with who, there are AGREEMENTS that both people agree to, it's not one way. Also he would have to be honest with the other women if it were to be open, which he is not. Also open relationships aren't supposed to be this unhealthy. I wish I could shine you a mirror and show you how you are grovelling for him, begging for him, I guess you already know that. But you can't do that anymore, you are totally losing all your sense of self-respect AND self-worth, giving him everything, wishing him the best even though he is treating you like ****. No, **** him, he doesn't deserve ANYTHING. He is an *******.
  3. i couldn't talk to him. the problem is a lack of demonstrated interest, me pressuring him to express interest only makes the situation worse. and what my friend said at the time doesn't bother me, just bothers me she might still be mad, actually pretty sure she is.
  4. doubtful you'll leave him til you figure it out for yourself this is bad for you and you deserve more. but you gotta know it, gotta feel it, gotta kick it with some friends.
  5. i was feeling like this guy i've been casually dating wasn't that into me. and when i went to a party last night my friend paired me up with a friend of hers, she said she loved both of us that she wanted us to make out. it sounds immature, i know. but we did, it was lots of fun. he wanted me to go to his house with him, but i said no. honestly, i wasn't into him as more than just make out material. he was a little too hesitant for me and not very confident. and he was tooooo available, not enough suspense. and when i got home all i could think about was the OTHER guy. and i sent him an email while i was drunk saying i thought he wasn't that interested and me and what was my problem being into guys not into me, but not being interested in guys that are interested in me. and the funny thing is, he called me in the morning. i'm not sure that he's already checked his email. but it definitely shows he's interested in me, we're probably gonna hang out this afternoon. so i dunno. i feel silly. on top of all that my other friend is mad at me cause i didn't want to leave the party cause i was making out with that boy. she wanted a ride home and they ended up getting a cab. she hasn't called me back, so she must be mad. i called and left a message, sorry for being lame, in the future we should drive separately. but still. i've always been on the other end of the stick, and had to stick it out or take a taxi. does it seem fair that she is mad at me?? the ironic thing is, when we were in dancing with another friend, i drove that time too, and she was drunk and the other friend wanted to go home but this particular friend didn't want to, so we stayed, even though the other girl was really tired. so it seems like a double standard... and also, when it took me a while to make out with that boy, she said "if you don't make out with him, i will" and started dancing with him. hmmph. btw, this boy he wanted to make out with me clearly, but didn't know how to, so i just went up to him and said "when are you going to make out with me anyways" and kissed him. sigh. i was drunk. clearly.
  6. yeah, i'd agree with that too, just stick it out, and have some fun!!
  7. i haven't been through that, but I just wanted to throw you just some words of support, or empathy, what you are going through sounds so painful and difficult. that's really a very hard thing to go through. i don't know what else to say really, except to stay strong.
  8. you should follow your intuition. if you aren't ready to move in with him and your relationship isn't stable and you already had a bad experience, you've already proven the case to yourself moving in is a bad idea. my point is that your con list is long and your pro list is short, only consisting of saving $, not worth it. you can find a different roommate.
  9. well, the first verse is about like, what if i was as tough as i behave, the second refers to the layers and complexity of the mind, goes on to talk about how the past is a part of the present, waking moments, because i'm always going through realizations, but they are always different realizations, none of them is in fact truth, because they are all wrong. it is not only my past that affects my present perspective, but also the past of humankind. and that past is not really clear either... my truth dogmatic is referring to the way that i tend to believe so strongly in my values, my ideas, but they are all based on my perspective which is so mixed up and based a lot on illusions, i fool myself, i think that i have the truth, but do i? how can i if other people have different truths than me? and i fool myself again and again and again. the last part is just like saying i'm following blinding lights but my ears are what is ringing, like my senses themselves are all messed up too, yeah its a weird poem, i guess.
  10. I think it'll be totally fine. At least you didn't miss a pill that'd be different. I think you did the right thing by continuing taking the pills.
  11. hey, i'm a community health worker, yo, your doctor should explain this to you. probably the infection you have is gonorrhea, and the only way you can get rid of it is to have your girlfriend treated too. chlamydia and gonorrhea are two TREATABLE infections that you two could be passing back and forth if you both aren't getting treated at the same time and abstaining from any sexual contact (including oral sex) til you've been treated. both chlamydia and gonorrhea can infect the throat (then how she gives it to you, or back to you, however it worked out) but gonorrhea is more common in the throat. definitely your gf should be treated, it can cause serious problems in women, namely pelvic inflammatory disorder, which leads to sterility.
  12. thank you, i wrote it about a guy i'm dating that doesn't share much about himself, he shy, keeps things inside, and it drives me crazy....
  13. If my pores Closed shut As I live them to be Infinite layers Betray me The labyrinth of my mind, history blurred superimposed inside of waking moments Friction in the movement of time My truth dogmatic slips from me Grasping, I fool myself Grasping, I fool myself Grasping, I fool myself I follow blinding lights My ears ringing Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. yup, that story sounds pretty scandalous you just said. you can't trust him after that. or you. ... what goes around comes around...
  15. I think not listening is a big one. Not having anything to say in reply to things I say that I feel are important. Being rude. Plus, it moderately annoys me if he leaves trash around without cleaning up after himself... but in general its a combination of things, attraction (physically and mentally) being primary.
  16. Mustering In me the strength to speak my mind, I hesitate, waver, my words hanging thinly in the air, Fear of what? I challenge myself. Fear of being rejected? But wha-wha-what? If my words coming from my tongue, coming from the breath in my lungs, from the pulse in my soul, if those words result in my impending Rejection Well then, would I ever be accepted or would I, would I be swallowing Unacceptance, Silence, letting myself become the weaker half of who I Am. And I know, from being beaten down, that Love is not from without But from within, and does not depend on the words of love From another But from my love For another. And my, my breath is caught, stuck, frozen in my throat, Fear of, of making demands on another and Trampling the freedom to be who they are, but, but All I want is to Know You. For you to share with me Your thoughts, For you to scream at me Your passions, Your hatred, Your anger, Your love, Your sorrow, For you to **** me with your words, your eyes, your lips The expression on your face. I am grown enough woman by now to know Sorrow. To have felt its sharp edges with my finger tips. I am intuitive enough woman by now to know The illusions I weave with my own dreams. I am strong enough woman by now to know That pain is the bridge we cross to wisdom And that no words could Ever do me permanent harm.
  17. lol, yeah, i know what your talking about (with the men), so silly. but so, if someone has had more partners, and is older, they might give them the vaccine? if the person has the virus, would the vaccine hurt them?
  18. hey i heard that the vaccine is only going to be available to teens. is that true?
  19. i work as a community health worker and a medical assistant with colposcopy (where women go for abnormal paps). They can't test men for HPV, only women, so he can have that and not know. Don't let him pressure you into not using condoms. Also women DO get pregnant with birth control or condoms, both together is a wise choice if you don't want to get pregnant. Also, do you trust him 100% to NEVER cheat on you, EVER, because once you don't use condoms it can be very hard to start using them without it just seeming like something in your relationship has changed and you've stopped trusting him. Plus, things like herpes and genital warts, they don't turn up sometimes for years, but they can turn up all of a sudden, and at a very inopportune time... Not to scare you, but it's true, it freaks me out.
  20. Burning mystery You You who walks in and Walks right out You who does not talk But keeps it all sealed up tight You whose silence burns me To open you all up And I who walks in must Walk right out Self control was never one of my strong points I guess Ahhh, but your silence speaks but many words all in order like splashes of paint From far away perhaps one sees the picture well But when one is all up close it doesn't make any sense To me, But I never made much sense anyways I guess And you who walks in walks right out And I, I'm just left here to wonder why.
  21. how old are you? are you from another country? it sounds to me like he is mistreating you. he is cheating on you, planning to leave you if his ex leaves her husband. that doesn't make you feel very secure does it? he says you aren't attractive enough, puts you down. that isn't right. he is both physically and emotionally abusive. You HAVE to leave him and regain your dignity. I don't know if you will, sometimes it takes a lot for people to do what is right for themselves.
  22. From the Book "When Men Batter Women" By Jacobson and Gottman. Emotional abuse-Degradation 1. My partner tries to catch me at inconsistencies to show I'm lying. never rarely occasionally very often 2. My partner tries to convince other people that I'm crazy. never rarely occasionally very often 3. My partner tells other people that there is something wrong with me. never rarely occasionally very often 4. My partner says things to hurt me out of spite. never rarely occasionally very often 5. My partner has told me that I am sexually unattractive never rarely occasionally very often 6. My partner tells me that I am sexually inadequate. never rarely occasionally very often 7. My partner insults my religious background or beliefs. never rarely occasionally very often 8. My partner insults my ethnic background. never rarely occasionally very often 9. My partner insults my family. never rarely occasionally very often 10. My partner talks me into doing things that make me feel bad. never rarely occasionally very often 11. My partner tells me that no one else would ever want me. never rarely occasionally very often 12. My partner humiliates me in front of others. never rarely occasionally very often 13. My partner makes me do degrading things. never rarely occasionally very often 14. My partner questions my sanity. never rarely occasionally very often 15. My partner tells other people personal information or secrets about me. never rarely occasionally very often 16. My partner swears at me. never rarely occasionally very often 17. My partner verbally attacks my personality. never rarely occasionally very often 18. My partner has insulted me by telling me that I am incompetent. never rarely occasionally very often 19. My partner ridicules me. never rarely occasionally very often 20. My partner forces me to do things that are against my values. never rarely occasionally very often 21. My parnter questions whether my love is true. never rarely occasionally very often 22. My partner compares me unfavorably to other partners. never rarely occasionally very often 23. My partner intentionally does things to scare me. never rarely occasionally very often 24. My partner threatens me physically during arguments. never rarely occasionally very often 25. My partner warns me that if I keep doing something violence will follow. never rarely occasionally very often 26. Our arguments escalate out of control. never rarely occasionally very often 27. I'm worried most when my partner is quiet. never rarely occasionally very often 28. My partner drives recklessly or too fast when he is angry. never rarely occasionally very often Here's how to find out if you've been abused through degradation. Give yourself 1 point for every "never" circled, 2 points for every "rarely" cirled, 4 points for every "occasionally" circled, and 5 points for every "very often" circled. If you scored between 73-94 you are being emotionally abused through isolation. Higher, then it is more severe. Emotional Abuse -Isolation. Read each statement, and circle the word that best describes the frequency with which each behavior occurs. 1. I have to do things to avoid my partner's jealousy never rarely occasionally very often 2. My partner tries to control whom I spend my time with. never rarely occasionally very often 3. My partner disapproves of my friends. never rarely occasionally very often 4. My parner does not believe me when I talk about where I have been. never rarely occasionally very often 5. My partner complains that I spend too much time with other people. never rarely occasionally very often 6. In social situations my partner complains that I ignore him. never rarely occasionally very often 7. My partner is suspicious that I am unfaithful. never rarely occasionally very often 8. My partner acts like a detective, looking for clues that I've done something wrong. never rarely occasionally very often 9. My partner accuses me of flirting with other people. never rarely occasionally very often 10. My partner checks up on me. never rarely occasionally very often 11. My partner keeps me from going places I want to go. never rarely occasionally very often 12. My partner keeps me from doing things I want to do. never rarely occasionally very often 13. My partner says I act too seductively. never rarely occasionally very often 14. My parnter keeps me from spending time at the things I enjoy. never rarely occasionally very often 15. My partner threatens to take the car keys if I don't do as I am told. never rarely occasionally very often 16. My partner threatens to take the money if I don't do as I am told. never rarely occasionally very often 17. My partner threatens to take the checkbook if I don't do as I am told. never rarely occasionally very often 18. My partner prevents me from leaving the house when I want to. never rarely occasionally very often 19. My partner disables the phone to prevent my using it. never rarely occasionally very often 20. My partner disables the car to prevent my using it. never rarely occasionally very often 21. My partner threatens to pull the phone out of the wall. never rarely occasionally very often 22. My partner forcibly tries to restrict my movements. never rarely occasionally very often 23. My partner acts jealous. never rarely occasionally very often 24. My partner keeps me from spending time with the people I choose. never rarely occasionally very often Here's how to find out if you've been abused through isolation. Give yourself 1 point for every "never" circled, 2 points for every "rarely" cirled, 4 points for every "occasionally" circled, and 5 points for every "very often" circled. If you scored between 51-67 you are being emotionally abused through isolation. Higher, then it is more severe.
  23. well, i called him and we went and had dinner. and then we went and had dinner last night too. kind of funny. i post here for advice but i can't follow it at all...
  24. WHAT I am talking about is your double standard, THAT is the issue. You judge her for sleeping with you, yet you chose to sleep with her. Duh. End of conversation, at least for me.
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