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Everything posted by venus777

  1. confidence booster? do you like her? if you do, you should work on saying something and flirting back...
  2. he sounds really emotionally unhealthy. do you like HIM or the idea of what you think he is or what you'd like him to be??
  3. i don't know, i have similar problems with an artist, hahaha. i don't know, not all artists are the same of course, but it's hard. flakey artist. yeah, not everybody has the same idea of dating and it's not always clear when dating becomes "relationship". sigh.
  4. i agree too, and even though it's hard it might be good for you in the long run, you might find that those feelings stay "disappeared".
  5. well, i just called him and he says that he didn't have the dvd in his bad like he thought, he had a cd. i didn't have the guts to say "well, it would have been nice if you'd called me to tell me that". i don't like to get on people's cases. i feel like if he was just a friend i wouldn't have tripped out about it. if it was him who was sick i probably would have brought him a dvd and some oj or something. i don't know, i guess when i care about people i make more of an effort. he was at a printing place that closes at 7 when i called him, said he'd call me back. do you think i should say something? or do you think i'm just tripping?
  6. this guy i'm dating is flakey in general (artist) and sort of absentminded. but today i was sick and called him this morning about borrowing a movie, and he said he had a different one in his backpack and would bring it by. he works close to my house, so i was thinking he'd bring it by after work (he never specified), he gets out of work at 5:30, now it's 6:30. what do i do? do i call him and ask him whats up or not? it hurts my feelings that when i'm sick he wouldn't follow up on what he says he's gonna do.
  7. yeah totally understood, it'll happen soon!!
  8. hmm... you're due on the 7th and scheduled for a c-section on the 10th, that's weird cause there is something like for first babies an average of 10 days late or something. most hospitals wanting to avoid c-sections would have you come in for non-stress tests to make sure the baby is o.k. instead of doing c-sections. after all a c-section IS major abdominal surgery and vaginal, while intensive in the moment, is easier to recover from and is less dangerous... congratulations on the baby though.
  9. with hpv you can only know where you got it from if you only had sex with one person. it can take years for it to show up. condom use according to my doctor can prevent cervical kind but not external kind. ANY STD can be spread if you are touching each other and yourselves, like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etcetera, so in that sense it isn't any different. Transmission of HPV is not really entirely understood or well studied at this point, if you notice lots of info you see will conflict. but really, having hpv is not always serious and most people don't even know they have it! but since you are young, it's important to watch it very carefully, because young cervixes are more vulnerable...
  10. that's all new information, they didn't know before (about it going away). essentially saying you have hpv is like saying you have a belly button. there are differing statistics, but at LEAST 50% of all sexually active people get HPV at some point, it's just we don't care about it unless it causes a problem. very young women and older women are particularly susceptible to the virus, and treatment isn't any fun at all... but at least at this point cancer can be detected very early and prevented...
  11. well, the thing about the condoms is contentious. the hpv external can't really be prevented with condoms, but my doctor told me that if you used condoms every time that you wouldn't get the cervical hpv. but the hpv DOES resolve (the cervical kind). that's why it's possible for vaccines to exist, the body can mount it's own immune response to the virus. thus, boosting the immune system is key, and folic acid is a promising supplement for such. or just lots of veggies and healthy food.
  12. the kind that leads to cervical cancer can be prevented with condoms. for most people cervical hpv will go away, maybe within a year. it causes problems when it DOESN'T go away.... so take folic acid supplements, eat healthy, don't smoke cigarettes or drink too much, basically try to keep your immune system up and you'll be fine. i know lots about hpv, could tell you more if you need it, work in a colposcopy clinic where we look at cervixes after abnormal paps.
  13. oh well, it's more than that. i have a little sister and brother that live with my parents.
  14. So, I've like a guy for a while, we met the first week of November, been hanging out every now and then. but hanging out with him sort of sucked because he always had something to do afterwards and cut things short and didn't invite me along with his friends if he had plans with them etc. and he doesn't say much about himself. it seemed like things were getting a little bit better, new years eve we hung out, it was really nice, but then, once again, he cut the night short, said he had to hang out with his parents, later said his parents fell asleep and he hung out with his cousin and his cousins g/f. but he never asked me along. i just went home and sat by myself. ?? so anyways, it sucked. he left his comb in my car, so i called to tell him about it and we got to chatting and he encouraged me to visit my family i haven't seen in 9 years. and i went. i let him borrow my laptop while i was gone. when i got back, i called him and talked to him for a little while about what happened. he said he'd bring by my computer but he never came or called. i called him and he had been asleep. i went to his house and picked him up. he did not give me a hug or anything. he could probably see the look on my face, he was like "are you o.k.?" i said yeah, just tired, and left with the computer. i felt bad and wrote him an email the following day, just saying i felt like he didn't really like me, cause if he did he'd treat me differently, i thought, and that i knew i didn't ask for what i wanted but it seemed like i shouldn't have to ask to be treated a little bit like a lady. he did not write back, but i was not surprised as it's well established he doesn't like email as a form of communicating feelings. so... i didn't worry about it. i still hadn't brought his comb back, so i put it in an envelope and left it at his front door, did not knock or anything. i also left a poem inside of it about my experience at my parents house, and the feelings it envoked in me. it was really personal... he called me at 8:45 this morning and asked me to call him back. should i call him? if i do, what should i say? i feel like i've made myself so emotionally vulnerable to him, like i'm standing naked in front of him and i don't even know him that well... This was the poem I left him... Reflecting reflecting I drove the long way down With an empty mind 8 hours south through the rain Music bumping, I thought not of the pain Of 9 years past. My teeth clenched, I drove I drove and I drove I did not stop til I got there Beauty met me in the smiles of friends In the gentle caresses of a mother and child Sweet caring That I knew distorted By mental illness and lithium pills And sweaty dreams of my mother turning into a man Big roaches, statues statues statues of Mary, Rosaries and 5 Life Sentences to Purgatory And my heart tightens like my throat does Wish something different in this world That I could give Than what I knew and heard My diary burned, Claire is a Satan Worshipper Bad Girl Bad Girl Bad Girl And… the fists in my face my body all bent The tears ripped from my body with abandon ment Memories like reflections all distorted and confused I did not notice the empty chairs In the nonsensical world of mental delusion I was a mischievous girl with black nails And green painted lips Rejecting rejecting rejecting Rejection Fearing Genetics And the gentle smooth voice of a friend as she says I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry that happened to you I’m glad you escaped. Washes over me. I wish I were a child again So I could bury my head in your shoulder Feel sweet caresses And hear you say You Are Good. I Love You.
  15. hmm... when did things change, was it after she had the baby? some women have postpartum depression if the postpartum blues don't go away as they should. or have the problems lasted much longer?
  16. 8 hours south through the rain Music bumping, I thought not of the pain Of 9 years past. My teeth clenched, I drove I drove and I drove I did not stop til I got there Beauty met me in the smiles of friends In the gentle caresses of a mother and child Sweet caring That I knew distorted By mental illness and lithium pills And sweaty dreams of my mother turning into a man Big roaches, statues statues statues of Mary, Rosaries and 5 Life Sentences to Purgatory And my heart tightens like my throat does Wish something different in this world That I could give Than what I knew and heard My diary burned, She is a Satan Worshipper Bad Girl Bad Girl Bad Girl And… the fists in my face my body all bent The tears ripped from my body with abandon ment Memories like reflections all distorted and confused I did not notice the empty chairs In the nonsensical world of mental delusion I was a mischievous girl with black nails And green painted lips Rejecting rejecting rejecting Rejection Fearing Genetics And the gentle smooth voice of a friend as she says I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry that happened to you I’m glad you escaped. Washes over me. I wish I were a child again So I could bury my head in your shoulder Feel sweet caresses And hear you say You Are Good. I Love You.
  17. i don't know, there could be more to this than everyone is saying. i dated a guy who exploded at me about stuff like that. more than anything it was abuse. it was like him trying to hurt me because he knew that we were more than that. anyways, i'd be really careful about him, he might be an abuser, and you are just beginning to see the signs.
  18. uh, that email doesn't sound AT ALL like he wants to get back together with you. i would not read ANYTHING into and move on. there is no hidden meaning. and the last time he talked he was going to call the cops on you, why would you WANT to talk to him?????
  19. yes there is a chance of getting pregnant, but it is considerably lower right after the period ended. physiologically the chances are just lower, you just cleaned out your uterus of all the lining, the egg is just going to start undergoing maturity so it can be released. anyways, the chances are lower, but it's still a good idea to get the morning after pill. but yeah, it also depends on how regular are the cycles, that's why there are higher chances for teenagers, the body hasn't set itself into a cycle yet.
  20. i agree, but i also think that if you see it as something serious, then evaluating whether it is worth making it public is a good idea (i.e. talking about the kid thing). because if you are considering moving on if he isn't interested in having more children, then you should talk about that first.
  21. my friend still hasn't called me back, so well, oh well. eventually she'll have to get over it. it really isn't that fair for her to get mad at me and for her to have mad so much of a scene at the party about me giving them a ride home in front of the boy i was making out with. i'm pretty sure if the roles were reversed it would have been fine. the irony of all of this, is that the moment i released the pressure inside of me by making out with someone, he came around. it's funny.
  22. well, it was strange cause the boy that didn't give me any attention wanted to hang out so we went for a drive and hung out by the water, we talked for a long time and made out a little bit, it was nice. he had to go and open champagne with his parents, so i dropped him off by his house at around 11. i actually had the guts yesterday though to ask him why it seemed like whenever we hung out it seemed like he always had to go so soon, and we talked about it, he said he was glad i brought it up. it's still kind of weird, i feel uneasy about stuff, like i dunno if i can totally trust him, but hey, he called me to hang out so that is moving in the right direction, so i'm just gonna chill and let him call me again...
  23. hurts YOU? or your ego? you are just jealous and pursuing this whole thing further can just cause more damage than good.
  24. you aren't starting out with a lie. and what if she made out with someone? you don't know what she is doing... when you break up with someone there is no longer any kind of responsibility to share such details. do you want her to care about it?? Because if she broke up with you because she has feelings for someone else, chances are she isn't very concerned about it... to be brutally honest.
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