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  1. No annie24 my cousin still doens't know about this and I can now say I fell for his sweet talk like an idiot, im just mad now, after all that wild talk, after all he say, that he love me, after everything he would tell him, about how he felt when my cousin cheated on him, he was having a set up the whole time to dump me. Just found this out, cuz I just got an e-mail from him and no it wasn't a Merry Christmas note nor a love letter, it was a short letter and him saying to stop all the calls and that he got enough trouble already, he proceed on saying he's going to travel to Egypt and make a living there, the letter ending he saying "Well I gottta go now and don't think I'll be seeing you, I dunno" The ending to his letter was "Bye, Bye, have a nice day". Grrrrrrrrrrr and I really thought he love me, can't believe I was so blind by love. Yes, Hope75, u were right, he was a no good player with no respect, grrrrrrrr, just so mad now and at the same time starting to feel guilt also for even helping him before. And like I mention before, my cousin is unaware of this, if she founds out, for sure she'll stop talking to me, she trust me and yet I have betrayed her. I don't think there's any way she can find out about this, so can I just leave it that her and not tell her about it? Really wish I had listen to u all, just that I was blind the whole time. And yes some_guy282, I really thought that we both would be living happily ever after, I even thought we both would have a future together. But no, all that I wish was shattered.
  2. Hey, U may all remember me from the last posts about him cheating on my cousin on August cuz she cheated on him first twice and he doing it in revenge and me knowing this, but both me and him having it as a surprise, having my cuz seeing him in bed with another girl and me pretending I'm all shock and supporting my cuz. Anyways so after the break up, we started dating, just that month on August and it's been now a month since he's mt b/f and we did say the "L" to each other, but I dunno wut to think of him now, he's been acting distance. It's been now a week since he doesn't seem to be call, he didn't even come to say Merry Christmas, and he was suppost to come to my house and we would be spending that wonderful day. I did e-mail him just now hours ago saying how I missed him, no response, also called on his cell phone, no answer. No, I hope it's not true that he's going behind my back, let it not be true, I love him, always had a crush on him ever since he was with my cousin.
  3. Yes we been dating for 3 months but we were not g/f and b/f then, but we would still date and did make out of many occasions and it's been just a few days since he ask me if he wanna me to be his g/f. And yes just a few days before being my b/f, he did wanted to get his ex back to see if she'll fall for that trick (him begging and crying for his cheating) and forgive but at the same time he beeing my b/f, while yes I would agree him chetaing on her again but this time with me. Well like I have say before, we both dislike my cuz, she's a snob and an annoying braggard, I disliked her more when she met him and me always wanting him. So ok no, I don't feel bad for her and yes we're not gonna do that joke anyone, we been wasting time on that, instead we're gonna keep our relationship a secret and well when it's time we'll tell her we're g/f and b/f. And no, I haven't lost respect, like I say in my other post, I have always have a crush and love him, but never had the chance to be with until, until I finally did. I love him and he does too, I know he does, he's honest and sincere with me.
  4. Hope75 says in love after dating for a few days? Nope not a few days, we been dating for 3 months ever since they broke up.
  5. Yes it was wrong wut she did I know and yes, we forgot about the plan, we don't care about it anymore. But Shorty u gotta understand, I have always have a crush on him, always love him ever since my cuz met him and back then he wouldn't even pay the least bit of attention to me, he was serioud with her. But my b/f (now her ex) told me he loves me, I love him too. We're in love.
  6. Then he would be a player. Seriously how can he be still in love with her if she cheated twice. It iwoudln't make any sense, if he was in still in love then why would he be my b/f, it wouldn't make sense.
  7. Ok today just an hour ago, he finally ask, wow, they're finally g/f and b/f. Off course he the begging again and even try bringing flowers and my stupid cousin threw them, I was there behind the door, herad the convo. she say to him "I don't wanna see you again, here're you're stupid flowers, so don't come back". That's wut I don't get, she cheated first and he took her back twice, so shouln't she be doing the same. Well I told him to forget about the plan already but he insisted and did it, I kept telling him "It isn't gonna work, she won't take you back, remember we both saw you when you were with that girl at your house", he say "let me try one more time and if not, then yea forget this plan. Yea, like I figure it wouldn't work, it didn't. So ok, we forgot about it already but my cuz doens't know that he's now my b/f. Finally after all these years, me waiting. So now we agree on not dating others and he say you won't cheat like he did on my cuz.
  8. Yea, he postponed it to this week, adding it a few days more, though it was gonna be today, but ok, I'm waiting.
  9. Yes, he's gonna ask me, he say he is sometime this week, I'm waiting.
  10. So update on this, he decided to try his plan today just 2 hours ago and yes he did beg my cousin for forgiveness (a real fake one) and also a fake cry like we had in the plan and guess wut, IT DIDN'T WORK, no she didn't wnet for it, she told him "Go to hell and leave me alone, it's over" and say bad stuff to him. Off he didn't care, now he told me he's gonna ask me today. Finally I'll be his g/f. Oh and we decided on frogetting baout any plans. I won't work. But I also agree that if he's to be my b/f, then he can't be dtaing nor seeing any one else, I would agree to this also. We would be exclusive.
  11. It takes time, it's when the person cares for the other and vice-versa and decided to be more than just friends or more than a simple date. It's when both of you know each other better.
  12. So if he's using me, has no feelings for me and is only doing it to get back at her, then does that mean he still loves her, has still feelings for her?
  13. but Melrich wut about her who have cheated twice on him over a make-out session, got caught and he forgave her on both occasions and that was when he stilled had feelings and loved her. And yes he used to be a kinda quite and shy guy when she met him. Obvioulsy the cheating must have changed him. But I mean wouldn't it be like kinda funny she now forgiving him, taking him back and not knowing I'm his g/f. In case off course LOL, I can't tell her I'm dating him, that woudln't make any sense.
  14. Whether the begging and crying plan works and she takes him back or not, I'll still be his g/f. But thing is we have a good laughing time talking bad about her, esp. when I tell him all the secrets she was told me, wut on earth does she thinks, that I'm her sister? We both dislike her, and off course she doens't know I feel that way, she must be thinking on there to help her out when she has problems, LOL.
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