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Everything posted by rosierizzle

  1. You HAVE to get help. You cannot go on living like this - you are not the only one suffering - by not getting help you are hurting your friends, family and yourself. Never feel that life isn't worth living. There is always something in everyones life that they would live for, find that thing and whenever you have one of these 'moments' think of it, it might help, I don't know, I'm no expert but please just get as much help as possible. Good Luck Rosie Rizzle
  2. It's possible that you are questioning your feelings for him because you know that he feels that way about you. Quite often when you find out that someone fancies you, you start to wonder if you feel that way about them. It's happened to me twice before - one time it went straight down the drain and we were over so fast but the second time I realised that I did have feelings for the guy and I started dating him and still am to this day. It all depends on how big a risk you are willing to take. I personally think yuo should go for it. It sounds as though you do have feelings for him - if you didn't you probably wouldn't have written this message. I think you should just be totally honest and tell him. I've learnt that honesty is the best way to go about things. Tell him now and you will both be less likely to get hurt further down the track! Go for it! Good Luck, Rosie Rizzle
  3. I wasn't sure where to post it so i just put it here. Right, I think I'm being stalked. A boy who lives over the road from me keeps following me and staring at me - it's really weird. It started two weeks ago - I was out on the road with a friend and I saw him staring at me through his bedroom window. I waved and my friend did too but he just kept staring me and ignoring my friend. The next time was two days later, we had a party for my parents anniversary and his family were invited. We didn't talk much but he still kept staring at me - at one point I went up to my room and I caught him in there lying on my bed. He's been following me ever since. I went into town last week and into the cinema - he was following me into shops and was sitting right behind me in the cinema. Also some of my things have gone missing since I saw him in my room, lip gloss, a pen, a bangle - not much but enough to make me suspicious. Does this count as stalking - he follows me at school and even some of my friends have noticed. I went to an after school tennis club - so did he, I joined the school orchestra - so did he, I walked down my road - he followed and he always stares at me. It's really freaking me out. What should I do? All help is very much appreciated, Rosie Rizzle
  4. you have to tell someone - anyone - your parents, friends, family, make sure they know and are looking out for themselves. Also tell the police - what this guy did you is illegal and he must be stopped, if he isn't he will keep doing it and he will keep on hurting people.
  5. Thanks smallworld. Good idea! I think I'm gonna do that.
  6. Thanks for the advice. But I am still confused, his friendship means alot to me but everytime I think of staying friends I think of what we could be together...
  7. It shouldn't matter how you are proposed to! The important thing is the love behind the proposal!
  8. I've been really good friends with this guy for about 9 years! We've always got along great and recently I started to feel differently towards him. After about 3 months of this I admitted I was crazy about him! He's started acting differently around me to, whenever we talk alone he's standing really close to me and he keeps sending me strange looks. I'm pretty sure he fancies me but I don't want to ruin our friendship. What should I do?
  9. just talk to him, everyone has different opinions of porn, just accept it - he's 22 of course he's gonna look at porn!
  10. It is possible that she is lying. She might be scared about being pregnant and being responsible for a child and wants help and sees the best way of getting it is by finding a father. Help her through this but don't get to close. Ask for a paternity test at birth so you can be sure. Tell your parents. If it is yours it is a very important and exciting thing - you are going to be a father and you will need all the help you can get!
  11. you have to stop. tell him that if he loves you more than "Sue" he should split with her. it would be less painful for her, you and him. it would be so humiliating for her to discover he's cheating on her. if you really care about Phil then you will have to tell him alll of this. I can see you don't deliberately want to harm anyone but you will eventually. breaking up with sue will hurt her less than discovering the affair. if he loves you more he will stay with you. but don't keep going behind everyones back. you should be able to love someone in the open. not in secret.
  12. i think you rushed into it way to fast. if you'd given it more time it could and probably would have worked but it's unlikely you'll get back with him now - sorry! give him some time, he might come round eventually... sorry!
  13. just give him a quick kiss on the cheek. if he likes it go for the lips!
  14. don't ever try to take your own life. no one should ever be in a situation (especially at 13) when they feel that life isn't worth living. lots of people think that death is the only way out of all their problems but remember there is ALWAYS another way. death is never the only option and you should never think that. tell your family how you feel and get help now. don't try to kill yourself, it would put so much strain on your family and friends. by killing yourself you would hurt them just as much as yourself, if not more. they would end up blaming themselves for not being able to stop you. PLEASE don't consider doing that again. Your life is always worth living no matter what problems your having to deal with. Get help and get yourself out of that situation. Get counselling if you think it will help. I wish you the best of luck.
  15. yeah, if you like him in that way give him your best shot but be weary. he could have just broken up with this person he met and could be looking for a replacement which is ok but don't let him treat you like dirt or anything! i've seen it happen to a friend who's bf split with her then met 'someone else' then split with them and got back with my friend coz he didn't want to be single and just chose her coz he knew she had the hots for him. amost similar situation. just don't let yourself get hurt!
  16. what? i think you need to provide more of a explanation!
  17. Why not have some practices, pretend your some girl in a bar and they have to go up to you and start up a conversation
  18. Call her up the next time you get a chance! Go for it! If you don't ask her out now and let her know your feelings now you never will and you will always regret it. Trust me, I've got a good friends who's been there, she says you constantly think, ' Where would I be if I'd told her? What if I had asked her out?'
  19. i would be cautious, if you are good friends and you 'fool around' it could ruin your friendship. There's nothing wrong with being curious, but be careful if you choose do to fool around. Talk to him first and make sure he understands exactly how you feel andn what you are ready for.
  20. if you know anything about her hobbys etc, find out something about one of them, then start up a convo about that, then you will both have a lot to say on the subject!
  21. join a club to do with your interests then you will find friends with similar hobbys, opinions and likes as you
  22. Come up with some reason to contact her via email and then just keep chatting - if you have a reason for emailing her it won't seem so weird and out of the blue. Then when your ready exchange numbers and ta da! Sorted! Lol! That was rubbish advice!
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