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Everything posted by SkyFire

  1. LMAO. Stop masturbating. Or at least do it rarely. Im serious. I have read studies on how it increases your testostarone, making you more active and increasing effects of workouts. Other then that, get some "sexual partners"
  2. SkyFire


    A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step.
  3. Im not a chick, but they dig it. Alot. And not only chicks, everyone else will too. Would you rather be with a chick that moans and complains all the time, or with one that is happy and fun? You just answered it yourself
  4. SkyFire


    Shyness. Many people here consider themselves "shy". Some are even proud of it and wear the name like a badge of honor. Well, what is shyness? Simply put, it is fear. For all of you who are shy, stop lying to yourselves. You are not shy. You are scared. You are scared of not getting accepted, of rejection, or of being made fun of. Also, please, do not be offended by this. If you want to eliminate a problem, you must first admit it. Now, to the harder part. In order to get rid of fear, you must attack it head on. Lets say this: Guy likes a girl. He thinks she is the best girl in the whole world. He is scared to ask her out, becasue he might get rejected and it will hurt him. So he becomes friends with her. He likes her alot, yet he is too scared that if he makes a move, because he might lose her. This process continues on and on. If the guy has made a move early on, he could probably get her. Or not. But hell, you miss 100 % of shots you dont make. As I said earlier, the only way to get rid of fear is to face it. First of all, you must train your mind. If ask a girl's number, the worst think happens is that you dont get the number. If the girl is a real B, you might get insulted. But hell, at least you did something. Even if you do get insulted, which is unlikely, you will always learn something new. You will be far more confident next time. Now: Go to a mall. Or even at school, if you see a girl looking at you, DONT LOOK DOWN! Look her in the eye! If she keeps staring, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! GO TALK TO HER! If she nervously glances at you, SAME EXACT THING! The easiest way to start a conversation is... *drumroll*... "Hey there, my name is skyfire." Now stick your hand out for her to shake, ask for her name, and start a conversation. If you see a girl checking you out at any time, go talk to her. Immideatly. However, DO NOT think of this like "OMG IF I MESS UP I WILL DIE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY". Think of it as "Oh look, there is a cute chick. She seems fun, I must talk to her". You will have even MORE sucess with this if you look good. Look for my "Improving yourself" thread in Personal Growth, it might help. After your first approach, you will see that you are still alive. You will see that it is not that bad. But it is somethign you MUST do. The first one is the hardest of them all. I speak from experience. If you are still unconfedent, think of something that makes you laugh. Then go approach. Your mind must be positive. Or you can try something new. Go out with a friend or two, and do something crazy and make sure that everyone sees it. Start breakdancing to some cheesy music, whatever. This builds confidence really well. Also, playing sports/having hobbies helps this alot too. Final notes: I know men in their 50's, yes, that old, and are still scared of talking to girls. It is sad. Please, do this for yourself. Do not be in misery and regret. How do I know all this? Because I lived it. Yes, I was scared of tlaking to people. I was scared of not being accepted. But I got tired of it, and changed it. Now for me it was alot harder. I had to make friends with people who were naturally confident, and observe them. And I learned from this. I am giving it to you guys easy. Having the confidence to approach a random stranger is a wonderful thing man. Im serious, it is so much fun. You have been given info. Use it wisely. -Skyfire
  5. No. What he said simply made me realize how much time people waste in this world. Also, the exercise thing is supposed to be likea kick in the behind for people that need it. Another thing, I believe people should not be afraid of death. I am not. I worry more about living my life to the max, so when death comes, I can die in peace and with a sense of self-worth.
  6. Bro... You have much to learn. It is not women's fault that you cant get them.. it is yours. The whole nice guy thing doesent work. But dont be a jerk either. Be the nice guy who has enough respect for himself not to treat a woman like a goddess, and who can drop her any time he wants.
  7. Actually, it matters alot more then you think. Look for my self-improvement thread in "personal growth".
  8. As my guitar teacher came over, I was completely unprepared with the things he had given me to learn. This has been a rough week for me.. but I did not take responsibility and told him straight out I wasnt ready. He asked me, what was I doing this past week.. I thought hard, what HAVE I been doing? Well, I hung out with friends alot. Every day after dschool until about 7 pm. He told me, that I wasted a week. This, for some reason, hit me hard. And it has, because I have indeed wasted a week. I have done all my studies and work, but I havent went to the gym, havent played music which is a huge part of me, and generally been lazy. After he left, I, as always, reflected. How much time have we wasted? Things such as sitting on the couch, and watching TV, when you can be doing something productive. I hardly watch TV.. once in a while for the funny shows. What do I love to do? I love to play music. I love to make people who love me happy. I love to go out and have fun. I strive to be the best I can at playing music. I am now going to try even HARDER to be the best. I want to break new ground. I shall work my behind off for this. Sure, it is fun to go out and party once in a while. It is fine to feel tired and wanting to rest. That is part of being a human. But still.. you should always be doing something productive. You should always be trying to improve yourself. Why sit on your couch watching TV when you can be outside riding your bike? There are such great things out there to live for.. you just have to work for them. We have wasted enough time. Maybe I am wasting time writing this.. maybe it was a waste of my time signing up for these forums and trying to help people out. People, I want you to do something. I will do it too. Tomorrow, I want you all to run. Just run. Run for an hour. Do pushups until you collapse. Situps, whatever. The point is, push your physical limit until you have no strength left. If you get around to doing this, post your experience duing and especially AFTER it. I conclude this by saying that time is running out. Your death creeps closer to you with every breath you take. When you die, nothing will matter. The fact that you were too shy to talk to girls wont matter. You will be remembered, or you will be forgotten. Go out there and make it count.
  9. No sex till marriage... get her really horny and see how long she can hold 8)
  10. Aw come on people.. let me see more replies
  11. Oh yes. It feels great to be independent. I am happy being single, and I would never place happiness on a girl. I agree with you, scout.
  12. I disagree. She is not interested.. a friendship will lead nowhere. Also, all he did was expreess hiss feelings towards her.. no apology needed.
  13. Both of them like you. The girl that says she doesent want a relationship wants to do you, and thats it. Invite her over to your place and hit it. Act fast though. She gets pissed at you when you talk ot the other girl because of jealocy. Pay no mind to it.
  14. Why be shy when you can be a fun-loving social animal?
  15. This might sound wrong, but trust me, it will work. Tell her you are sick of all the doo-doo and you want nothing to do with her. Proceed by not contacting her. Dont talk to her, dont call her, dont say hi. She WILL contact you. If she doesent, she doesent care about you, and you should forget her. Who needs friends like that? This WILL work man, believe me.
  16. Doesent matter. Remember, actions speak louder then words. Dump fast like diarrhea. Never talk to her/look back again.
  17. Just finished reading some of it.. Dude, I dont do half of those things and still get girls. However, I think that site's purpose is to give people confidence which allows them to learn for themselves.
  18. Do not expect anything, and have fun.
  19. Wrong. You are the guy, you have the power. Its silly to blame your girl problems on girls, if the problem is in you.
  20. Dude, trust me, its not the girls, its you. You give girls 100 % of your time, and dedicate your life to them. That is why you get cheated on/abused. You have lots to learn.. read this link removed AND this link removed
  21. Shyness = fear Thats all it is. Only way to defeat something is to attack it head on. Do what you gotta do.
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