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  1. what was the lie? maybe that has something to do with it cause u decided not to talk to her as much anymore. she could be pissed that u called her drunk
  2. not to try to make u weiry and all, but that happened to me. i asked the girl out to ice cream and she rejected me. it hurt, but im definitely over it and u gotta take a shot. all girls are different
  3. out of the blue definitely works. try to get a read on whether she may be interested in doing it, but dont ask her directly. then, when u guys are alone, just do it while she's in the middle of a sentence. it works really well and her tongue is already moving
  4. obvioulsly ur the only one who really knows whether ur gay, bi, straight, whatever. i had these same feelings for a guy but never experimented. i kind of seem to regret that now, but dont do anything just b/c i say i should have. its different for everyone. if u do experiment with this or any other girl, thats the only way u may truly find out, but make sure u dont hurt ur bf in the process
  5. I often times take time out of my day to masturbate like most other guys. I do not have any sexual partner and figure I'd rather do this than have wet dreams. How can I limit the time I spend masturbating but still get the best possible feeling?
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