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Everything posted by SkyFire

  1. I dont masturbate often because masturbation kills testostarone. I need the testostarone because I constantly lift and am gaining weight. I have never actually researched the topic, but I noticed I tend to recover from workouts faster and have more energy if I dont masturbate.
  2. Forget about her. She doesent respect you. STop wasting time and move on
  3. You come up to the hottest girl you see and try to talk to her. Who cares if you mess up? After a few tries, you'll see its not so hard.
  4. Romeo and Juliet? Romeo was a little *****. He was NOT a man. More guys need to embrace themselves as men and start acting like it. Romeo should be the ideal example of how NOT to act.
  5. You need to man up, and stop taking crap from this *****. Have some self respect for yourself. You dont have to put up with any of her problems. You dont have to put up with her. She is a manipulative attention hag. Next time she tries to pull her crap on you, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND DONT LET HER. Seriously. Overcoming shyness is attacking it head on. It is harsh, but it will get the job done. Go up to 10 beautiful girls and ask for their number at the mall. This wont get rid of shyness, but it will help deal with rejection. Develop a life. Start going out more. Start talking to people more. Walk straight, looking the world in the face. Get more hobbies. Find something you totally love in life and embrace it. Start talking to girls, ask them on dates. Go to the gym and get in good shape, get some nice clothes. Self improvement, my friend.... If you need more advice, PM me.
  6. Guys dont get eachother presents? Where the hell did you hear that? I always buy my friends something for their Bday, guys or girls.
  7. Youve got the wrong attitude man. Stop getting brainwashed by these dating sites. They are made to open up your mind. REAL experience comes from actually doing, in this case dating. There arent any rules. Dating is supposed to be a fun game, not a mission impossible. Until you get that in your head, you wont succeed with it. PM me if you want advice.
  8. The wide world of self-improvement... waiting to be explored...
  9. Its too late to start a relationship, unless you want it to be long distance. Your time is up, you should have made your move sooner. But if it will make you feel better, ask her out.
  10. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Overcome your shyness before asking her out. Get comfortable with talking to people. Or just ask her out and see what happens..
  11. Ah, finally. You can search for my self improvement threads, I made a bunch. This is my formula for success: Know what you want, Learn how to get it, and go get it. Apply it to your situation. Youve got the right attitude bro, good luck. If you need help, feel free to PM me, I went through the transformation that you are talking about.
  12. or maybe he just really cant make it and has other plans....
  13. Dragonforce, Destruction, Napalm Death, Grind bands, Pantera, mostly anything from my metal collection.
  14. They say it for the same reason girls say it.
  15. Wrong. You can change your personality. I went from being a shy and scared of people to being very social. Change your person into the person you WANT to be. When in doubt or facing a problem, act what your best self would have done. Would your best self be shy? There ya go. Shyness can be overcome. PM me if you need help bro.
  16. Hey bro, I HIGHLY advise you not to quit college and try to make a living off music. Making a successful band is alot of hard work. I suggest finishing your schooling first.
  17. Have you ever felt it? An overwhelming desire to do something. Whatever it might be. I love playing guitar, and writing my own music. What makes me try to achieve more and more, is watching people who are way better then me play. When I see my favorite band on stage, it makes me burn on the inside. It makes me want to get better and better. I learned that, motivation cannot come from words alone. At least not online. As I discovered, two things motivate you the most. Action, and a good kick in the behind. If you wont do, motivation will never come. A year ago, I started lifting. At first, I hated it, I had no motivation at all. Then, I started to notice results in my body. I was still skinny, but I was getting bigger. Also, people started to notice the change, and treated me differently. This fueled me. That is the easy way to get motivated. The hard and painful way, is to get a good slap by life. Once you do, you will suddenly realize the error of your ways. You will realize that you need to start doing. So next time you want to do something, stop procastinating. Stop saying to yourself "im not motivated enough". Motivation will come from action. So will success. Because tomorrow may never come. -Skyfire
  18. People DO have other plans you know...
  19. Why dump? Correct the problem. Aside from what has been said.... have you ever considered that you.. really.. might.. be bad in bed? That might be the reason he said it in the first place.
  20. Yes, write them down, then do. You must do. Once you start doing, motivation will come. Believe me.
  21. To live a life of happiness and accomplishment. To be truly free. To be your own person.
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