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Everything posted by SkyFire

  1. Don't go. If you do go back with your ex, you will end up breaking up again in a short amount of time. She dumped you for a reason bro.
  2. Dude, no excuses. You dont want to be his friend, end of story. Who knows what will happen man?
  3. People make mistakes. Call her and apologize to her.
  4. The guy wanted to get the chick away from you cause he likes you, lol... This dude sounds like a huge drama queen, are you sure you want friends like that?
  5. guys who get laid the most are the guys who are confident in themselves and who don't give a damn what women think of them, the guys who are sexual, masculine and exiting. But let me tell you; getting laid not an accompishment my friend.
  6. Dont get too drunk dude, it can seriously affect your game. Plus, hangovers aren't a good thing.
  7. Could be 2 things; Shes bored with her BF and wants you Or, her bf's not giving her enough attention, and she's just messing with you to make up for it. I say go for it, if taking chicks from bf's is your kinda thing. I would personally wait until she breaks up. But judge by actions not words.
  8. Dude, listen to me. Dont plan on anything. Go to the party, and go with the flow. Usually when you plan before something like this, it never happens as planned. Just have fun.
  9. I am personally against it. I still talk to some of my exes on occasion, but only when I see them around. you cant really be "friends" with an ex, you are bound to either fall for him again, him fall for you, or both of you fall for eachother.
  10. Everything's worth fighting for if you do it for the right reason, think about this
  11. SkyFire


    There's a reason behind everything. "To every action, there is a reaction". I don't believe in such a thing as luck.
  12. Excellent point. That's how I came to learn alot of stuff out of life, looking at other people's mistakes. However, I concentrated this post solely on the point that as long as people learn from THEIR mistakes, don't feel down about them and try harder, they will succeed.
  13. Pretty nice Also, be spontaneous. If you have an idea to do or say something, dont be afraid to. Learn to be funny. Loosen up your body language; head up, chest slightly out, good posture, etc.
  14. Logic and reasoning? Dating isn't like math. If you haven't noticed, there's alot of illogical things going on with it. Dating is a game if you see it so. If you fail and get shut down (rejected), you don't think that it's the end of the world and keep going for other girls. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "you have no game"? Let me rephrase. Game is someone's skill with dating/attraction.
  15. In a way, it is a game. "game" is someone's ability with women.
  16. So many people are scared of making mistakes. People are afraid of being rejected, of failure. There is always 1000 excuses to facing up your fear. But, someday the time WILL come when you CAN'T run from fear, when it's now or never. Time when you can't run back to the forum, post about your problem, and go back. And THAT time, you will be absolutely helpless. One of the biggest things Ive learned in life, is not to be afraid of mistakes and failure. Without mistakes and failure, you cannot improve or grow. Of course, when you try to change your old habits it will feel unnatural and weird. But you are trying to change, for the better. In the end it will be worth it. When it comes to girls, believe it or not but I've gotten rejected by alot. It is the fact that I make the best of it, and learn from my mistakes, which makes me improve my game. Somewhere down the road, you will stumble. When you become better, people will get jealous of you and try to bring you down. There will be times in life when life has beaten down on you so much, you feel like you can't go on. But you can't. You will pick yourself up, and you will keep going. It all depends on the way you look at things; if you see failure as FAILURE and not try again, then you will fail. If you LEARN from your mistakes and keep trying and improving, you WILL eventually get where you want to be. All it takes is perseverance and the right attitude on life. So don't be discouraged when you fail or make mistakes; learn your lesson from it, and continue living your life, because you only get one.
  17. no dude. You simply... got a pimple on your penis. Happens to me too.
  18. being a tall guy (6'0), it doesent reallyl matter for me. However it is a turnoff when a woman is taller than me (rare).
  19. I advise that you don't have sex, because you ARE still only 13 and your bf is not much older Im assuming, and I doubt he is responsible enough at that age to handle it. Kids having sex at the age of nine is not going to happen unless humans somehow evolve, reason being is because they don't hit puberty until about 12-13.
  20. When a girl says taht, 99 % of the time it means she doesent like YOU
  21. Suck it up. Stop blaming girls for your personal problems. Rejection is something that has to be dealt with.
  22. Was she your girlfriend? If so, this so called "friend" is not your friend. If she wasn't your gf but simply a girl you wanted, then she picked your friend over you, then ooh well. Don't get pissed at your friend about this, just move on and find other girls.
  23. SkyFire


    What do you need our help with? Ask out the one you like more.
  24. Um... if your girl is a straight chick, she should be rather turned on
  25. Hm. You're right, cardio doesent help bulking. Running is not a part of bulking, since it takes alot of calories and more than size, gives you endurance. Choose one or the other my friend. Compromise never helps anyone.
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