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Everything posted by SkyFire

  1. Past few months have been really spastic. I was content with life, things were going good, but I was starting to get lazy and returning to some old habits. Then, a huuuge kick in the *** came and I hit rock bottom. But because of the fact that I did hit rock bottom, I got an even stronger desire to improve myself and get back to the top. And now Im better than ever. I learned a few more things along the way. And I'm going to share some. 1. People that try to walk all over you, disrespect you and bring you down, are NOT worth your time. They can help you learn your own weaknesses, but that's it. 2. Emotions are the worst thing when it comes to making logical decisions. Said it before and I'll say it again. How you feel about something, is usually far from how things really are. 3. Actions speak louder than words. If people tell you one thing and then do something that totally contradicts it, then they lied to you. 4. People ALWAYS have an agenda. People will try to use you and manipulate you to get what they want from you. ALWAYS pay attention and question everything people tell you, because people will try to use you. 5. The only real way to learn a lesson, is to go out there and experience it. Some of the things I say now, if you would have told me before, I would not believe. 6. Alot of the "problems" you think you have, don't even exist. They exist only within your head because people tend to overthink and overanalyze things. So stop creating imaginary problems for yourself. 7. People that are good friend material are extremely hard to find. In order to see a person's true character, you need to give them power, and then see how they use it. Because sometimes people are nothing like you'd expect them to be.
  2. There's an old Dream Theater song called "Learning to live", and the lyrics go: "The way your heart sounds makes all the difference It's what decides if you'll endure the pain that we all feel The way your heart beats makes all the difference In learning to live" What it means to me, is that the lessons we learn in life and what we get out of them make us the people we are today. Sometime between my ex girlfriend who I really liked, even maybe loved, cheating on me, having my band musically destroyed by another at a local gig, and questioning the things Ive been doing lately will lead me into the right direction in life, I felt inspired to write this post. There are times in life when we go from having the best time in our lives and thinking everything's perfect, to hitting rock bottom and having everything go wrong. And you can't do anything about it. These are the times that make us or break us. Encountering conflict, DEALING with it and learning your lessons out of it is the only way a person can grow. If you're out there trying new things, messing up, sucking it up and coming right back, then you're out there living life. I won't make this post long. My point is; go out there, live life, make mistakes, learn from them, and grow.
  3. Thanks for the advice guys. Yeah, Im going to take her out somewhere really fun and show her a REALLY great time. That used to always work for me.
  4. Bro, Ive had that happen to me. The first time I've ever had sex I could barely get it up. It's happened a few times after that too. It's all a mental thing. Peformance anxiety is what it all leads down to. How long have you guys been going out for? If she's your girlfriend, you should be able to talk to her about it, say that you're just nervous and it's not her fault (because she will probably think that it is). Before having sex, don't just jump into it. Have fun, relax. Don't even do anything sexual. First get the idea of sex out of your head, and then build up to it and let it happen. Don't worry so much about how well you do. This is normal man. It will pass as you gain sexual experience and confidence, trust me.
  5. Hello. I am here asking for help, not for myself, but for my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I were together for about 3 months now, and I really like, maybe even dare I say, love, her. Anyways, she has some problems. She has low self-esteem and worries alot about what others think of her. She thinks everyone will think bad of her, etc. She also doesent have alot of friends, and that worries her too. I used to be at a stage like this in my life so I know how she feels, but I've changed and my life has only gone uphill from it. She is a really good person though, very supportive and caring. She is also quite different from the rest of the girls, but in a good way. That's why I like her so much and that's why she's my GF. I'm getting really worried about her, however. I want to help her. But I don't know how to approach her about it; The truth is is that SHE will have to do something about her self-esteem, not me. I just need her to realize it. What can I do to help her?
  6. Dude, excuses. This is what I used to think, it got me no where. Start improving your game with girls bro, youre on your own.
  7. Are they players? No. But drinking to a certain extent, gives you some artificial confidence.
  8. I STRONGLY advise anyone who's sexually active, to get your partner and yourself tested before you have sex with them. I recently found out my gf lied to me about being tested for STD's after her ex bf and a few other partners. My HIV test is in a few days, I will probably know the results in a week or so. It is better to know that your partner and you are both safe and healthy than being at risk of an STD such as HIV.
  9. I believe you completely ignored the point of this post with the highlited statement. First, I never mention any "rules". The one rule that is in play, is being a man. It's a rule of nature. Men are supposed to be men. Second, you are NOT trying to mold into a woman's requirement. Confidence and decent body are things that a MAN should have naturally. And of course, this will make women more attracted because they are attracted to things that make a man.
  10. Im going to get straight to the point. Men need to stop worshipping women and sex so much, and need to start getting their lives straight. Some guys make it their life's purpose. Some guys are depressed because they've never had a girlfriend in their life, and some guys will worship women just because they have a vagina. Im getting sick of this. It is PATHETIC to watch some of my male friends worship girls like sex and hookups are the most glorious thing that can ever happen to a man. Reality check; They aren't. Sex is NOTHING compared to having real accomplishments and following through with your goals. Having women is good, sure. But it's just the icing on the cake (the cake being your life). Men who do not act like men. Women are attracted to guys who LOOK AND ACT LIKE GUYS. Period. MASCULINITY. They are attracted to DOMINANCE. This is why they go for jerks rather than nice guys. A Man isn't a dumb ape-like creature that sits on his behind all day, watches sports and drinks beer. Being a man means: -Putting his LIFE and his GOALS before women -Doing what NEEDS to be done; acting on LOGIC rather than EMOTION -Having WILL POWER, to complete your goals and push on -Having CONFIDENCE, being sure of yourself, not picking on those who are weaker -Having SELF RESPECT, standing up for yourself and your loved ones -Not being afraid to have your own ideals and be your own person, and be willing to fight to defend them -To be willing to take risks in life for a greater outcome -Not COMPLAINING, rather acting and fixing the problem -Being in good physical shape -Knowing what you want and how to get it -Having a PASSION in life -Knowing women love sex as much as men do, and not being scared to admit it -Having perserverance; "If youre going through hell, keep going" -Looking at life seriously; Acting like a MAN, not a little boy. TESTOSTARONE. The hormone that makes men work. Having an increased level of testostarone will naturally make you act and look more masculine. Thus, you will be more successful and more attractive to the ladies. Ways of increasing it are; -Weight lifting -Physical activity and strain; sports, hiking, etc. -Facing fear -Eating lean meats, eating healthy in general -Cutting down on masturbation How both of those things add up Because when men start worshipping women and sex, they aren't being men. Key is, forgetting about women for a while, and improving yourself. Constantly become better. Improve the qualities in you that need improving. Get your life together If you have your life together, women and sex WILL come. I guarantee. That is all. Enjoy.
  11. Be spontaneous. NEVER plan conversations. Ask open ended questions.
  12. Not using protection is a really bad idea. As for STD's, that is why you get the girl tested before you decide to have sex/go down on them.
  13. This girl's got some major emotional retardedness. Stay away from her. Have nothing to do with her. At all. As for the rumors... just ignore them.
  14. Don't worry. Number one tip. Make sure your breath smells good. Don't slobber all over her face; swallow your spit before you kiss Play with her tongue with yours, but dont jam it in her throat Tease her; kiss her on the lips and pull back, let her go after your tongue ect. Just stay cool and have fun.
  15. Are you sure about that? at 13, you hit puberty, hormones get released and you think about sex ALOT.
  16. If a person isn't ready to be responsible for their action, they shouldnt do it.
  17. I think girls are a bit more likely to take back a guy for cheating. I, as a guy, am completely intolerable of it.
  18. I am in no way saying all women are liars, cheaters and bad. I am also in no way degrading women. However, I DO stand by my words. ALL women will test you. To see if you are good enough for them. You still doubt me? Just take a look around you. You test the women too. To see if they are good enough for you. It's just taht women do it much more subconsciously than us. All men play games too. It may not even be on purpose or with any bad intention, most of the time we dont even realize it, but we all do. You doubt me because you don't see it yourself.
  19. I see alot of talk about how to GET women. Knowing when to finally drop them is just as important. This post will be straight to the point. First, some concepts you must understand: 1. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORD This is true especially with women, because they tend to say one thing and do something totally different. ALWAYS look at their action before their words. If a girl tells you she loves you yet she goes and sleeps with another dude, she does not love you. If a girl keeps teasing you, yet always looks at you and always somehow ends u psitting next to you/rubbing up on you "accidentally", she wants you but is too insecure to show it verbally. You need to see what another person is DOING. Read between the lines. 2. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR EMOTION IN LOGICAL DECISION MAKING Women are for the most part very illogical. That is because they act alot on emotion. Men, on the other hand, must do the opposite. Emotions range from fear to joy to despair. None of those must get in your way when logic is in play. Why am I mentioning this? Because alot of the time when you NEED to drop a woman, you dont because you have feelings for them. You need to look at things logically. If a woman loved you, she would not be cheating on you or abusing you and trying to hurt you. thereforeeee no matter HOW much you like her, she needs to be dropped for your own good. 1) If a woman cheats on you No exeption, exept if her life was at stake. NEVER put up with a woman who is a cheater. Drop em immideatly, and try not to associate with them. 2) If you are no longer interested in a woman If you are no longer interested, she must be dropped. This is where the emotion factor comes in play; the chick still likes you alot and you don't want to hurt her, so you stay in a boring relationship for her sake. Wrong. If you arent getting what you want out of a relationship, it must end. 3) Once you break up, you break up. Unless it was beause of a misunderstanding, all break ups are ment to stay that way. Once you break up, do not go back together. No matter what you or the girl feels, it will NOT work out. If you go through with it it will end even sooner than the first time, and you will both be hurt. Once a relationship is done, it is done. 4) If a woman keeps playing with your emotions All women play games. All women will test you. Dont question this. It's a fact of life, learn to accept it and live with it. However, there is a fine line between testing you and purposely toying you your emotions. If a woman purposely causes drama (which they always do) in EXESSIVE amounts and you feel like you can't deal with it any longer, don't. 5) If a woman loses respect for you You are the man. That means the woman MUST have respect for you or there can be no attraction. If a woman loses respect for you, that is it. She will most likely get rid of you first. Those are the crucial times when a woman needs to be dropped. Know, however, that there is no shortcut answers for life. Enjoy.
  20. link removed That will help. I have gotten a friends attracted to me a few times already. If you need any advice, please PM.
  21. The water is not really that good, because it kind of washes off natural juices of the girl, which might make it a bit uncomfortable for her. But sex in a tub feels alot better.
  22. If you want people to reply, take the time to put together a comprehendable post. Suggestion: Use paragraphs.
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