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  1. I'd definitely say she likes you, or is at lewast interested in you. The others above have a good idea. JOKINGLY ask her if the guy she likes is you, jsut to break through the friends barrier. Don't tell her you like her. Hint at it, but NEVER say it.
  2. That's the thing. She doesn't have marrage plans with him, he wants them, and her family is execting her fall back in love and go off with him.
  3. Hi, everyone. This may end up to be a long post, but please read my story. I've been with my girlfriend since October now, and things have been going pretty well, up till now. A month or two after we got together, she told me that she had talked to her old boyfriend. The thing with her old boyfriend: They went out together a while before I even met her. She says the pretty much fell in love and her family was expecting her to (eventually) marry him and blah, but for one reason or another, he had to move to Honduras. This basically means they were forced to break up. Back to a month or two after we got together. She said that out of nowhere, her boyfriend contacted her and told her that he still loves her. She said she feels sort of bad because she doesn't love him anymore, but it wasn't a big deal at the time. Last month. Turns out he is coming back to California to visit some time near summer. At this time, I really like my girlfriend a lot, but I wouldnt say i was in love with her. She comes to me and tells me that she needs to know that I'm serious about our relationship because she is serious about it, and does not want to end up like she has in her previous relationships, hung out to dry. I tell her that while I may not be in love with her yet I am serious about the relationship and want to keep going. Some time afterwards (maybe a few weeks to a month) she tells me that she thinks she may be in love with me. Yesterday: We go to a park where we spend a little timetogether, and in a quite, standstill moment, she turns to me nd tells me that Old Boyfriend decided to come back to California to go to school. After, he wants to take her back to Honduras where he and my girfriend will basically live together and eventually get married. Obviously, I'm not happy about this. When she asks what I want to do, I tell her that it's not up to me and she needs to make a decision. She told me that he asked her to marry him and that she just said "I don't know", because he doesn't know about me. Now, just a few days before this, I had been thinking. I'll skip all of the intimate details and jut say that I realized I had fallen in love with her over time. Anyway, the coversation carried and and I eventually relunctantly admitted that I had fallen in love her her, but I can't bother if she is just going to end up with another guy when he comes along. There are still a few rough edges around and some details I forgot to mention, but that's the basic scheme of our situation. I already know what I want. I love her, and I want to be with her. It's way too early both in the realtionship and our lives to worry about much more than what's in the present and the near future, but I know that right now I want to be with her. The problem is that I still dont know what she wants. I dont know if she still loves me, and I don't know what she's going to do when Old Boyfriend pays his visit to our town. So what I'm asking of you is your opinion on the situation. I love her, and want to be with her. She still apparently wants to be with me, and acts like it, but I don't know what her true intentions are. She still hasn't yet told me whether she wants to be with me or him. I fear she wants to stay with me to keep me from feaking out, then get back with him when he comes along. The problem with this is that I don't want to be with someone who is eventually going to leve for someone else.--I won't be with someone else's lover. This pains be to think about, so please share what you think. Thanks
  4. How do you currently try to kiss him with your tongue? Are you making sure it's in a sensual way and not sloppy? He might be surpised/turned off by this, but go ahead and give it a shot anyway: When you're kissing, try and get ahold of his tongue. If you succede, take it into your mouth and suck on it, like a little mini-blowjob, going in and out, caressing it with your own tongue. My girlfriend tried it on me once, and while it surprised me, it still doesn't fail at turning me on at an amazing degree.
  5. JRM

    Is this wierd?

    lol, I knew this would happen. Yes, it's REALLY a friend. If I wanted to ask a question for myself I would. And I currently have a girlfriend. Anyway, thanks a lot for the advice, I'm sure my buddy will do fine now.
  6. Hi everyone, this is a question for a friend. There is a girl in our class he really likes, so I told him to go up to her and ask her if she has a screenname (since phonenumbers are a pain and talking on the phone is super hard). He's going to try tomorrow, but thinks its weird to do so, mostly because he doesn't know a smooth way to ask. Have any advice for him/tips on how he should ask her? Follow up plans for if she doesnt't use AIM/any other situation? This will be the first girl he's ever approached, so help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Trust Communication Intimacy Ok, that's kind of serious, but just be yourself and talk to her. Always show her you care with both words and touch.
  8. Compliment her on her beautiful singing voice. Go to her and tell her it's the sweetest voice you've heard in a long time. Then stop the mushy and just get into a nice fun/flirty conversation.
  9. JRM

    No orgasm?

    Thanks everyone, great advice. I'll definitely consider what you've all said and employ a little introspection tonight.
  10. JRM

    No orgasm?

    Hi, I'll try and make this a short story. My girlfrined and I started to kiss, and eventually got into it, until the point in which she pulled out my penis and started to give me an H/J. It felt really amazing, but for some reason I couldn't orgasm. She started doing it for a while and even started trying a little harder but I wouldnt ejactulate or even start feeling any form of elation other than the feeling of her hand on me and stroking. Afterwards she gave me a blowjob. It still felt great, but still nothing. Later, when I went home I felt really distressed by this. I know I can have an orgasm from masterbating, and even made sure by thinking about the time we had together while masterbating again, which gave me an orgasm. What's wrong with me? Is it fear/nervousness? I know I'm straight, so this problem is really bugging me and has gotten me thinking I might have problems in the future. Advice/links to articles would be much appreciated.
  11. Take it from someone with experience, just do it. You won't like it. You WILL screw up. The trick is to learn from mistakes. Make a mistake, learn from it, and dont make it agian. Before you know it you won't be making many mistakes at all. Just sit back and take what life gives you, enjoy what's good and laughing in retrospect of whats bad. When you really think about it, acting like a dork in front of a girl isn't all that horrible. You be over it the next morning. Good luck, have fun.
  12. I don't dont think you should just go and ask him about it. You might put him in a very uncomfortable position, especially if he is an introverted person like you said he is. If you like him or are considering the posssibility of maybe starting something with him, then just steadily start showing interest.
  13. I would just casually bing it up with something like "Hey, I saw you still have your profile up and check it...what's up with that?" You'll probably be able to wiggle a plausable explanation out of her.
  14. Well, if she likes you back, then go and talk to her. You don't really need to ask her out yet, but just get on solid ground about your relationship with her. I know this is easier said than done, I've ruined chances with many girls who I knew like me simply because I didn't have the guts to go up and talk to them. But just keep in mind that she likes you too, so like half of it is already in the bag
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