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Everything posted by Iceman26

  1. The next time they ask, just smile and say "I have many". I agree they are probably just trying to make conversation.
  2. I think your plan is great, and I really think you are doing what is best for you and everyone involved in the situation. Just take things one day at a time. It isn't easy getting over someone you were involved with for that long, so just be patient and keep yourself busy. Good luck.
  3. I think you did the right thing by calling the shrink, but I would definitely hesitate in going to the appointment. That is a tough call. How do you think your second cousin would react?
  4. Well, usually that is because they are protected by an arsenal of friends that look out for them when they are drunk. Besides, you would rather than come up to you when you are sober.
  5. Hahaha. I am a fan of the Bears too though!
  6. Weak excuse. The dumper wants to be free of the guilt from breaking up with you by being your friend. 9 times out of 10 the minute they start dating someone else (your replacement) your friendship is history.
  7. Damn it is always about her isn't it? Cranbers don't you see that she doesn't care about the way you are feeling? Everything is all about her. Everything you do for yourself, or even sticking up for yourself, is meant to spite her. Do yourself a favor, divorce her (f counseling it won't help with someone like that) and find yourself a nice girl that cares about you.
  8. Drop the ex. You know what you have had and it didn't work out. Read your post, and you will have what I think is your best answer. You don't really say very many positive things about your ex. She's unhappy, stagnant in life and indecisive, and when she sees you happy and moving on, she wants you back in her life. She didn't apologize for anything and nothing in your relationship will change. Your buddies don't want to see you with her either and they have your best interests at heart. After 6.5 years, I think it is normal to still think about what your ex. She was a part of your life for a long time and I wouldn't feel guilty about it were I you. I would just take things slow in your new relationship, and that will give you time to heal and appreciate your new girl more.
  9. You are still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship. Don't worry, they will come. GO COLTS!
  10. Most of the guys I know dated one woman at a time, and if they were dating more than one at a time it is because they were players.
  11. It really wouldn't be worth it to do so. It doesn't really accomplish anything. However I would have second thoughts about getting involved with someone that whines to you about their ex.
  12. Mine too. I miss talking with people about football games, the latest in the news, all that stuff. I work with a lot of nerds.....and not the video game playing, book loving, sports loving nerd like me, but the antisocial nerd that stares at me like I have a booger crawling out of my nose and waving at them. That, and I don't like what I am doing. It pays the bills though.
  13. I like this idea. I think it is money.
  14. I've said it before and i'll say it again. Change your number. One of the easiest ways to solve the problem.
  15. Have you tried talking with her about the way you have been feeling, or have you felt it would be in poor taste because of the current medical conditions of her mom?
  16. Hey man. What is you feel you are panicking about? When you think about marriage, what is it that is making you feel this way?
  17. For what it is worth, I think you are doing the right thing here Andy. For yourself, and for everyone else involved in this situation.
  18. In rereading this I think he is playing games. Like he wants you to know he is interested in you without directly telling you he is interested in you. Kind of like baiting you to get talking about your feelings for him without him revealing anything concrete about his feelings. It is so hard to put into words what I think he is doing but I have had friends that act this way.....
  19. Sometimes the best things come in small packages. Every guy, like every girl, is different. Some guys like tiggle bitties and some guys like small breasts.
  20. Hahaha....it sounds like he is trying to make you jealous to see if you have any interest in him like he has for you. Other than brash arrogance, I don't see any other reason he would brag about all these dates he was having.
  21. Hey cranbers, I am sorry to hear that your marriage isn't working, but I am happy that you finally saw that this situation isn't going to improve and are taking the necessary steps to move on to a happier life for yourself. I wish you the best of luck and keep us updated on how things are going.
  22. That could be the bipolar condition she suffers from her.
  23. Probably the fact that they were usually extremely drunk and I had a tendency to wear bright yellow or red t-shirts when I was out. I guess it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull so to speak. That, and I guess I was in the right place at the right time. It was usually the less attractive women hitting on me, but I was always polite to them. Most girls I initiated conversation with talked to told me they never would have come up to me because they found me to be intimidating....maybe the same thing is happening with you.
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