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Everything posted by Iceman26

  1. Well you have left a message with the appropriate person. She could be out sick or on vacation today, so I would wait and call again tomorrow. If she doesn't answer then I would go ahead and call Mike and let him know that you tried calling Cindy, and that she was unavailable, but that you wanted to let him know that you wanted to accept the job and are eager to start working and what do you need to do from here.
  2. She refuses to seek any kind help for this, you can't talk to her without her getting upset about it, and I am sure you are tired of feeling bad for wanting to have sex with someone you love. She won't work with you so you need to decide what is in your best interests here. Were I in your shoes I'd just be friends with her.
  3. Your gut was right on this one! Keep at it though Orlander! # 2, 3, & 4 would have done it for me. #2 - I can't blame you for asking this one. I probably would have too. From my point of view I wouldn't want to waste my time and money on someone that may just be hanging out until their ex wants to get back together with them. #3 - Red flag. She could have asked you to go to the concert as a date. #4 - Yeah its called Tivo. Get it. On top of that if she is more interested in TV shows I don't know about you but that would indicate a low interest level to me.
  4. I agree she sounds confused. There really isn't anything to do but give her time to sort through whatever she has going on. If you talk to her now it is simply going to be more of the same behavior. Hang in there.
  5. Not at all my friend, I am just advising that you take the safer road, as I said before.
  6. Well alright. I hope you guys have smooth sailing from here and just make sure you talk out all these issues before you get married....good luck!
  7. She wouldn't have the chance to be horrible if he stopped talking to her. I wouldn't be blaming her at all.
  8. Dude, go fix choppers. It is what your career is aimed towards anyways. I know that military service in Israel is mandatory, but take the safer road.
  9. Because he is about to get married and should be thinking of his life with his future wife, not asking his ex girlfriend for pictures of them together. If he already had the pics that would be one thing, but asking for them after the relationship is over indicates that he is still hung up on her. Why would he ask for pictures that he supposedly "never looks at?" If you decide to marry this fellow, make sure you get this issue straightened out BEFORE you get married.
  10. If you don't approve of his friendship with the ex I would suggest moving on. It sounds like he is still hung up on her.
  11. Yeah that is an option, but lawyers are mostly extroverts. What about some form of research? You aren't dealing with the public yet you could work with a team.
  12. I am in the same boat you are. I am really at a crossroads right now and I can't seem to figure out what I want to do, because I don't like what I am currently doing.
  13. From what you are saying it sounds like he is flirting with you. It really is hard to say unless you are there to see it in person unless it is really overt flirting.
  14. You gave her a second chance and she blew it. You don't have any trust left for her and she keeps cheating, but you get along alright so why not get an amicable divorce? Staying with her for the sake of the child will not do the child any favors and her behavior is putting your physical and mental health at risk.
  15. I would hesitate on bringing this up when you are away from home, because you aren't sure how he is going to react to you finding out this information. You already have enough proof and I wouldn't really expect resolution. Whatever his reasons they were selfish ones and I am sure you deserve better.
  16. I don't buy it either. That is why I think he didn't interfere, so he could later use this situation against you, which he has, by saying that he should now have the right to "get even" by making out with another girl.
  17. Do you think he would have acted the same way if it had been a guy, and not a girl hitting on you and kissing you?
  18. Be very careful when dealing with someone that acts this unpredictable. There could be more than meets the eye here. If I were you I wouldn't contact her again. If she contacts you then cool, and no I seriously doubt that her period made her act that drastically.
  19. Where was your boyfriend while this bisexual woman was hitting on you? I get the feeling he may have been setting you up for this.
  20. I'm with Orlander. What a selfish person that would ask you to do such a thing, and then get upset when you were too tired to do it the day she wanted it done, and doesn't offer to pick up the tab for your meal after you helped her pick out tile. I'd seriously consider ending this relationship.
  21. Lansing, on a side note, one thing I always did was keep the first date under $40. That way if the date is a bust or you don't get along with each other you aren't out too much money.
  22. Well, the first date I wouldn't expect her to offer to pay for anything, but if you didn't get a thank you I'd probably be a little miffed were I you. If you had a good time on the date, go out with her again and see what happens. If you end up going out with her frequently and she doesn't offer to pay then I would either bring it up with her or date someone else.
  23. I think she is interested. She made a point to initiate contact by telling you that she has noticed you at the gym.
  24. Are you serious? She's not a good girl. She cheated on you man, plain and simple. This girl has some serious, serious issues. Your first problem is worshipping her. Treat a girl you care for well and chivalrously but don't worship her or else you will keep ending up with these princess types. Be yourself with women, don't try to be their ideal. In the long run that won't make you happy.
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