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Everything posted by Empathy

  1. I think someone as belligerent and incendiary as you should not be giving advice to anyone. Nor are you at all qualified to deem anyone as being immature. I feel it is best that you not reply to any of my topics in the future. Especially since I find your ideas to be inchoate and ultimately FECKLESS. I'm not sure whether it has occurred to you or not but this site is not a place to engage in adding insult to injury. In short, your precipitateness and your infantile remarks are not appreciated by me or anyone else here. How about I give you some advice. Work on being less autocratic.
  2. I've heard the same thing too. My mom used to always use that as an excuse whenever I would complain about not ever getting a date to dances in high school ( I was never into that kind of thing but I ATLEAST wanted someone to ask me! lol) Anyways, she would always say that maybe I didn't get asked by guys because they were intimidated by my beauty. That most of the reeeeally gorgeous girls hardly ever got asked out on dates when she was in high school. She was telling the truth about the part about her being in highschool but she was probably just trying to make me feel better. So, yes. It's very possible that what this guy said is true for a lot of other guys.
  3. Alright dude. Calm down. Everything is going to be aaaaalright. You seem more irritated about this than ME. lol Sheesh!
  4. Be careful if you decide to get back together. I was told that getting back together rarely works but I didn't listen and found myself in A LOT of pain 3 months later. Good luck.
  5. Are you sure it's your clitoris and not the clitoral hood? The clitoral hood is much more sensitive than the clitoris but in that bad way. That's what I've heard and it's also something I've experienced myself. Also, I've noticed that touching the clitoris without proper lubrication can be uncomfortable and not at all pleasant. lol. Maybe I just have an ultra sensitive clitoris/clitoral hood...? I don't know. lol
  6. Ok, what I've learned is that the key to feeling like a better woman is realizing you don't NEED a man in your life to be happy. You WANT a man in your life. When it all comes down to it only YOU can make yourself more complete. Having someone in your life is just a bonus. Except for at this point in your life. Love and relationships have their pros but they definitely have their cons as well. Starting a serious relationship at this age could be a bad idea. I wish I'd never gotten into ANY serious relationships before I was completely done with school. I apparently don't handle break ups too well. The first time my ex and I broke up I activated my alcoholism, ended up in treatment, failed my classes, and my parents stopped paying for my education. All because I let myself fall in love when there were other more important things I should have been focusing on at that point in my life. I believe that love should be allowed when you have reached a point of comfort and stability. But if you truly feel that what you need is a boyfriend then go out and get one. After all, if anyone had told me what I'm telling you now I probably wouldn't have listened to them either. It's like when your mother tells you not to touch the stove because it's hot but you do it anyway. The true teacher is experience. Good luck!
  7. Well, he broke up with me and started dating someone else a week later. He's been with this girl for about 2 months now. That's why I'm curious as to why he unblocked me. He NEVER had any hurt feelings about breaking up with me. He blocked me because he just didn't want to talk to me.
  8. Go to a dermatologist. But if the acne isn't bad enough he may not prescribe it to you. He may suggest something like Retin-A first. That's a topical ointment that you put on your skin.
  9. I need help STAT! I just noticed that my ex unblocked me today. I've already taken some good advice from someone that told me I should block him ASAP so that I can regain the control. But I'm still left with wondering why he decided to unblock me. What if he needed to talk to me about something that's important to me? Should I find out or should I just keep him blocked?
  10. I had acne so bad when I was about 15 that I still have some mild scarring from it. I still have moderate acne but it's NOTHING compared to what it used to be. I swear by accutane. That was the only thing that calmed it down. Its a pill that you take once daily. The side effects can suck but it's definitely worth it. At least to me it is.
  11. lol. Don't freak out. It's ok. I'm sure there is something that can be done for us "battered wives." I have an appointment with my psychiatrist soon. I'll ask him about it and I'll let ya'll know what he says. In the mean time, if either of ya'll need someone to relate to just PM me and I'll be glad to give you my screen name. Us girls with a self-defeating personality have to stick together! Maybe we can work together to figure out something to defeat this self-defeating personality.
  12. Ok, guys. Seriously. I think penis wrinkle is right on this one. I know that if I'd been in the same situation as this girl I wouldn't want to run to the doctor right away unless I was totally sure there was something wrong. I would want to do anything in my power to keep from having to explain this one to my obgyn. I mean, if I were her I'd wait just a little while longer. But that's just me. It is very possible that you may need to get to the doctor ASAP. If I didn't care what people thought of me then I would definitely get to the doctor ASAP. It just depends on what you're willing to deal with.
  13. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely try that.
  14. First, tell me something. What makes you happy? What makes you smile? What were some of the happiest times in your life and why?
  15. Well, if the answer to my question is yes then I might be able to give you an idea. When I went to treatment for alcoholism they gave me this REEEEALLY long diagnostic test. When I got the results back they told me I had a disorder called self-defeating personality. I was like, "huh?" The doctor proceeded to tell me that I have all of the characteristics of a woman who is likely to be a battered wife. I was thinking "No way! Any guy tries to hit me I'll pick up a chair and throw it at him." lol. Then he started spouting off some of the characteristics of someone with a self defeating personality. One of them is that I am more likely to find myself in hurtful relationships. It all became clear to me then. I used to get disgusted by my first boyfriend when he was lovey dovey. Whenever he treated me right I pushed myself away, if he did something wrong it would upset me but ultimately I would end up more drawn to him. I also say that I want a nice sensitive guy who can treat me the way I deserve to be treated, but when one comes along I'm not attracted to them. I always wondered why then I found out. Read this site at the bottom and see if you fit the description. I definitely do. I remember crying after I found that site because it almost describes me perfectly. But I know I'm not the only one. I see a lot of people at these forums that could fit the description too. link removed
  16. Are you saying that you're with a guy who can offer you the relationship you've always wanted but you feel disgusted by him sometimes?
  17. My dad has never had to deal with heart break. The only woman he's ever been in love with is my mom. They got married when my dad was 21, mom was 20. They're still married. That's the only reason why I try not to get mad at his insensitivity. I'm certainly not mad at him for what he said about my ex being attractive. That was just a flat out mistake. But my dad has been EXTREMELY insensitive in the past. He's been flat out MEAN. Telling me to grow up whenever I cried over it, or just telling me I need to get over it or that I'm being ridiculous. (I'm putting it very nicely, just so you know.) He's even gone so far as to insult my intelligence and insinuate that I was mentally ill because I was in pain over losing someone that I loved. But that was a while ago. I think my mom has talked some sense into him recently. He hasn't said anything like that in a few weeks. But, yes, it CRUSHED me when he said that about my ex being attractive. Incase you didn't already notice, I thought he was the embodiment of beauty. That was one of the absolute last things I needed to hear.
  18. Yes. WHY!? lol. Oh, well. I can understand what you were probably thinking when you broke NC. "I'll just tell him I have his DVDs and no matter what he says, it won't hurt me..." Or at least something to that affect. I made the same mistake too. And boy did I LEARN from it! Just take this mistake as a learning experience and DON'T DO IT AGAIN! lol.
  19. Hee hee. I'm assuming you know I was joking.
  20. I'm not mad at my dad at all. I just wish the powers that be could have used better timing...
  21. I was just starting to feel so much better then my dad said one of the worst things you can possibly say to a person dealing with the pain of a break up. His words were, "I don't ever remember you bringing home one single decent looking guy.....except for 'Bob'! Now, HE was attractive." ("Bob"=the ex) AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! It crushed me. I've always been aware of how beautiful he was. Fair skin, dark (almost black) hair that showed red when the light hit it, Grey-blue eyes that looked like the sea in the midst of a storm, six feet tall, rosy cheeks and lips that looked like rose petals. He wasn't what you'd call hot, he was absolutely beautiful. And I know that looks don't matter, but I know that everyone of you has had the fear of never finding someone as attractive as the ex who dumped you. I'm sure it's crossed every dumpee's mind at least once. He was the epitome of what I find attractive. He had delicate features. He had features that were slightly feminine yet he was masculine at the same time. He was like...a beautiful Magnolia tree in bloom. Like the Magnolia tree, his beauty was just as visible as his strength. And I know that it's because I love him that his beauty became so ostensible to me. But it was always there, even before I loved him. Why did my dad have to SAY that...?
  22. I can understand feeling weird or bad about masturbating. But I usually just get uncomfortable because I sometimes wonder if all of my dead relatives are watching me...hee hee
  23. Yeah, I frequently roll my eyes at some of the posts here. But then I remind myself of what I've always believed and I'll quote myself here "No problem is really small. What may seem like a big problem to you may seem like nothing to others. But what others think does not matter. What only matters is how the obstacles in your life affect YOU. Whether they're big or small is of no consequence." Not only is this forum a place where people seek advice and support it's also a place for people to just be social. To meet people who are going through the same thing. I'm thankful for this site. I've already met a couple of people here who are making this difficult time for me a lot easier to deal with. I've met one person in particular (Yes, that's you Bittersweetly healed ) that I see as a godsend sometimes because she has helped me more than even my best friend has. I love this site. Sorry to decrease my intelligence here, but I'd feel like absolute PISS right now if it wasn't for this site.
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