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Everything posted by wickedbusa

  1. Have you done anything to get over him? Have you been focusing on yourself and not revolving your world around what used to be? For some people it takes a few weeks, for others it takes years before they can trust again. I say continue NC and continue your healing process. If you contact him and things don't work out the way you want them to, it will just hurt you even more. You have come this far, don't look back. You will find someone who will have so much more to offer you. I know what it is like to lose someone you love. It feels like the end of the world. You have to be strong. Time does heal wounds, I am proof of that. Love yourself and get out there and do things that you love. Put yourself first and do what is right for you and no one else.
  2. Relationships are weird. There is no telling what is going to happen next. I see it as one of those, "If it's mean to be, it's meant to be" kind of things. I have been broken up with my ex for two weeks now and so much has happened to me that it is unbelievable. Sometimes people just have issues that they never tell you about. My ex broke up with me after close to two years with the excuse of "I still have feelings left for my ex." After 2 years? Go figure. Enjoy life while you can, it is way too short.
  3. I agree with Paradise. Go out and date people. Right after my ex broke up with me I was a wreck, but I soon realized (one day after) that I didn't want to be depressed anymore. I have gone out with three people since my breakup, one of which was a girl I have known for a year now. I go to school with her, have always liked her, but never did anything since I was still with my ex. Well, I finally had the chance to ask her out last Friday and everything has been wonderful. She is down to earth, very beautiful, and just an overall sweetheart. Sleeping with her is not even an issue for me, I just want to get to know her and have fun with her. You should do the same. Just go out, have fun, and don't expect anything. Right when I didn't expect anything, something happened and I am more happy now than I ever was with my ex.
  4. I think you both need to take a step back and look at the relationship. What is the cause of these fights? Perhaps a communication barrier? This sounds like my marriage. Everything was fine and dandy until the whole issue of communication reared its ugly head. I was not telling her how I felt, she was not telling me what she felt, and if someone did speak, either one of us would not listen. You are together but you had a lunch date? There is something wrong there. You say your intentions were bad and that is not a good sign. I can understand going to lunch with say coworkers, but to go on a lunch date when you haven't broken up officially is wrong. If you want out, then get out. Both of you hanging in there is not healthy for either one of you. If you really want to make it work, sit down with her and have a heart to heart talk with her. No arguments, just tell each other how each of you really feel inside. I think then you will be able to tell where you want to go with this relationship.
  5. You need to get out more and do other things to get your mind off of things. It is very easy to think about her by reading a book all by yourself. Go out where there are other people, or go hang out with some friends. It is amazing what a difference caring friends can make in your life during your time of need.
  6. Cruuk, You need to begin NC. It has been one month and you are putting your life on hold for someone who may not come back. You need to realize this. Go out and do things to get your mind off of everything. Join a gym, enjoy your hobbies, but by all means, stop revolving your life around her. It will only hurt you more in the end. Calling her will only push her away even more. Stop calling her and if she cares about you in any way, she will begin to miss you. She might call, she might now, but don't expect anything. Focus on yourself and love yourself. Put yourself first now, this is your time. Stay strong for yourself and everything will fall into place.
  7. Stolenshadow, Thank you for the kind words. If the words I speak here affect just one person, then the words from my heart have done their job. Nothing in this world is impossible, you just have to believe with your heart and soul that one day, you will meet someone who will make your life more that what you ever imagined it to be. I believe it, and everyday that passes, I know that I am one day closer to the day when I will be able to share a life full of happiness with that one person who will love me as much as I love her.
  8. If you look up my username, you will find my post called "NC Worked - But she left me." She decided to not come back to me and went back to her abusive ex. It is hard, but I am doing okay. I have met new people and have been going out with friends. I have been my old self again and although I do get flashbacks here and there, I remain strong. Sometimes I need to be by myself just for some time alone, but all in all, I am doing well.
  9. Something my ex and I used to do when she moved away was play games on MSN Messenger. Along with a webcam, we would be able to see each other and play games like we were in the same room. Not once did I ever feel that there was 380 miles between us. It was a wonderful experience and something that I think you should try.
  10. Yes, she sounds very confused and does not seem to know what she really wants. Move on and go meet other people. If it is meant to be, then everything will work out just fine. I know it is hard, but you have to stay positive. There are a lot of people out there, you just have to get out there and meet them.
  11. Sweetheart, I agree with everyone here. You need to move on. He is not worth YOUR time. You deserve better than that. If you go out with someone else, focus on the person you are with and look for the qualities that your ex DIDN"T have. Everyone is different and if you just take a step back, you will be able to see other qualities in other people that will attract you to them. Go out and just have fun, don't get into anything serious so soon. The hurt you feel now will pass with time, just stick to the NC rule. He doesn't deserve you, you deserve someone who will love you with all their heart and never make you feel the way you feel right now. Take care of yourself and good luck!
  12. I agree with Kate. Go out and do things for yourself. Don't make him the center of your world, YOU are the center of your world now. He will come looking for you, if and when he is ever ready. If he comes back, great. If not, the NC rule will help you move on that much more easier. I used the NC rule and although it was hard to stay true to it, I held out and eventually my ex did call me. It wasn't what I wanted to hear, but it made it that much more easier to move on after the call ended.
  13. The pain goes away, I promise. For some, it goes away quickly, and for others, it may take years. There is no saying why people do the irrational things they do. I know how hard it must be for you to comprehend how you can give so much to someone, only to have them let you down and tell you that they do not want you anymore. I know, I have been there and it is a terrible feeling. You must understand one thing, you cannot expect anything from him anymore. Do not live your life expecting to hear from him, it will only hold you back from healing from this emotional wound. There will be someone else who will love you for who you are and will never make you feel the pain you are feeling right now. Someone who will return the love you give them unconditionally. Try to keep busy as much as you can and look to your friends to give you strength when you most need it. Do not call him or attempt to make any kind of contact. It will be great to hear his voice again, but the moment you hang up, you will feel even more terrible than before you called. Focus on making yourself happy, join a gym, or even go out and enjoy your hobbies. Try not to decipher what has happened anymore. There is no explanation for what happened. Unfortunately, we cannot control what other people do, you can only control yourself. Good luck and please PM me if you need a friend. We are all here for you.
  14. Bluetooth, You need to implement the NC rule and stick to it no matter how hard it is. I know how hard it is to not call, but you have to keep yourself busy and do other things. Go hang out with some friends, or go out and meet new friends. Join a gym, or go out and enjoy some of the hobbies you like. Calling her is only going to be destructive to your mental state. You have to focus on yourself and make yourself happy. You have to stray from the fact that your world used to revolve around her, when in fact, it does not revolve around her any longer. Stay strong. During my difficult time, I found it comforting being on this website and talking to people who were there for me, even though in reality, they are complete strangers. We are all here for each other and you are no exception. PM me if you need someone to talk to. Good luck and stay strong!!!
  15. Don't feel bad for what has happened. Your GF broke up with you, remember? So you are not cheating. Your life is moving on and you have to realize that your world no longer revolves around your ex. It's all about you now. I hhad been broken up for only three days when I met someone new and when the kiss came around, I had no regrets. Enjoy yourself and leave your past where it belongs. Just enjoy life, take a step back, and look at your relationship with your ex. Is it something that you think would have benefited you? Do you want to get back with her just to be with someone? Hopefully you will soon realize that you are able to make it without your ex and you will completely move on. You will meet someone new who will not make you feel depressed like your ex is doing to you at this moment. Focus on your happiness and everything will be ok.
  16. I was the one that broke it off with my wife, but when it came to my ex girlfriend, she was the one who broke it off with me. I think it is probably half and half. I don't believe that it is only one sex that does the breaking up more than the other sex.
  17. When you treat someone so well, it is hard to comprehend why someone would leave you for someone else so quickly. Unfortunately, there are just some things in life that do not have logical reasoning. Move on with your life and have NO CONTACT with her. She does not realize what a great person you are and is looking for greener grass. If things do not work out with this new person she is in love with, she might come back to you, but then again, what does that make you? Second best. You deserve so much more than that. You deserse someone who will see you for everything that you are and love you back the same way you love her. Move on with your life and love yourself. She is keeping you there as someone to fall back on should things not work out. Focus on yourself now and do not let your life revolve around her anymore. No one is saying that it will be easy, but you have to be strong. I promise you will feel better as the days go on and soon, you will realize that you are better off without her. Keeping in contact with her will only hurt you more and you do not deserve that. Stay strong a focused and know that we are all here for you.
  18. Despite everything that has happened, I think you should at least call him and break up that way. I think email is not proper for something so serious. i think if you voice your feelings towards him, you will feel so much better after you hang up the phone. Some may not agree with me, but that is how I would go about breaking up. Good luck.
  19. No kidding, where in the heck is that quote from? hahahahahha
  20. Just a few words of advice from my previous experiences. Since she is involved with someone right now, try to do your best to not get emotionally attached to her. She will need time to recover from this relationship should it really fail, and if it does fail and you get with her, there is a good chance you will be the rebound relationship that will never work. Just be there for her and hopefully everything will fall into place. Good luck to you.
  21. Take a good listen to your heart and hear what it is telling you. I agree with Tinkerbell, only YOU will know when the time is right. The time period of when to say I Love You has always been a hot debated topic and I don't think there is really a right or wrong time to say it. As long as it is REALLY what you feel then do it. The right opportunity to do it will come along, just don't let it pass you by . Good luck to you!!!
  22. I'm a guy and it has happened to me. I'm not ashamed of it. In my case, it is a mental thing. Sometimes a girl is so atttractive to me that shortly after beginning, I lose my erection. It hasn't happened a lot, but after getting a second try, I relax and everything is "hard as a rock." Maybe you should ask your boyfriend to just relax a little a enjoy the moment. It just might do the trick.
  23. All I can tell you is go for it. If you don't, you will spend the rest of your life doing the "what if" thing. If it works, it works. If not, then move on to the next. Good luck!!!!
  24. I'm not a dumper, but a dumpee, and all I can tell you is that people do some strange things in life. There is no telling what is going through someone's mind when they dump you, especially when it comes to long term relationships. I think it's kind of one of those mysteries that will never be solved.
  25. Raccoon, Do not apologize for what you did. At the moment, you felt it was the right thing to do. But after that is all said and done, begin NC. You seem to be very strong and that is an admirable trait. You are beginning to focus on yourself and that is a good thing. It will be hard to adjust to not having him around, but as you will see, you will realize that you can be without him and still be ok. Let him come to you. If and when he comes back, you will have to decide whether you want him back. Keep doing what you are doing and make yourself the center of your world.
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