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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. Nah dont feel stupid because i didnt even notice that i had depression in the first place even when i saw those commercials.Its just sort of came on to me and to think of bi-polar that struck me hard.
  2. U need to do us a favor to wlfpack by hanging in there also man trying to hang in there with my new bi-polar medication that seems to be working great so far.Still no big deal with girls but some of them do look at me and seem interested but im too stupid to know how to approach them lol.Maybe there are girls that like u man maybe where do u work?Always look people in the eyes ive realised that make sa big difference too.So gl man and try new things out!
  3. Ya iono ive been taking this new medication for being bi-polar so i have been feeling a lot better.Ive had girls looking at me before but im just really too nervous to talk to them.But hopefully this new medication gives me that extra boost because its made me a lil stable.But im still .And lol at that commen dbl
  4. Ya definitely a good thing dreamer because that definitely shows that u think about him a lot more and gives more fun for u guys.Cause ik definitely think its good for both of u guys to enjoy it because it seems very intimate for both of u.
  5. Man u girls have such a power over guys like me lol.A girl today in class like looked over at me and sort of smiled and my stomach like sunk in cause she was pretty attractive.She like sort of laughed im pretty sure because i looked down right away.But then she looked at me like 2 more times in class and i always become so nervous.Sorry for all the babbling but this is sort of a more happier vent about my situations and how girls are so powerful over some guys kind of hard to explain .Its just funny how u can make me go so easy lol.
  6. Ya i like when a girl is cute that is my especially favorite type of girl.Especially those cute shy girls i luv that in a girl so if u dress cute that is a definitely a one up for guys thta think like me.But dont usually worry what u wear cause guys should like u whether or not cept for wearing gothic clothes or outcast stuff might change the way people look at you.
  7. I havent held a girls hand and i am 17 dont worry u'll get over it.Theres guys worse then me so who really cares its just a lil thing.
  8. Ya i believe that nice guys finish last because i am one.I am extremely nice to people.Although my friends are mean sometimes i barely have any,girls tease me for how unattractive i am,no girlfriend,and people are just plain mean to me.My best friend has been avoiding me and being a jerk.He hasnt paid me back my 60 bucks i loaned him like 9 months ago.I feel exactly the same as you man.We do not get what we deserve.I am bi-polar and have family problems.So many problems come with being nice and it makes no sense at all.
  9. Holy crap tea.You are definitely the meanest person that has ever posted to me on this site.I come here because there is no where else to FRICKEN go.I am clammed up in real life because i never complain to friends because it bothers them.I complain and vent on this site because that is part of what it is meant for cause i cant do it anywhere else.Your a mean person to say thats its not your problem if i kill myself because i care about others too.Its just that this bi-polar stuff doesnt make any sense all the time and makes me extremely depressed.I just vent because i truly dont deserve what i get.I am one of the nicest people u can meet and i just help anybody that i can and be as nice as possible.
  10. People commit suicide because they are usually extremely depressed and dont feel like anythings good.LIke people who have barely any friends,have never had a gf/bf,have family problems and so on.Ive thought about it before because i think why are the guys hot and im not?What did they do better then me to get these looks?I dont see anything better they did?Jerks get looks and a nice guy like me gets nothing?These are jsut some of the thoughts i think of.Why do my friends borrow like 100 dollars form me and never pay it back?Does that mean they are not my friend?So makes me feel like they dont care.Friends are so self centered and always think about themselves which leads me to thinking they dont care about me.Girls tease me.Family is screwed up.Maybe other can relate to what im saying but iono am i suffering from being bi-polar?Its just things that dont add up.Its liek why does a nice guy like me get so many problems and jerks get less problems it just does NOT make sense at all.
  11. I think that is disgusting and i woudl never do it.Im not gonna be able to do either ever so thats great .
  12. Ive noticed that maybe im gonna have to wait because im gonna have to wait for all these shallow human beings to catch up to my mature thoughts in life.Like 25 and below like 90 percent of people are shallow guys and women.I never wanted to accept it because i wish i could get a gf.But i figure hey human being s r just shallow minded at young ages.At my age there are not many like me as it seems.Cept for i to have become apart of this shallow nature since i have a problem with fat women and i feel bad for that.But i want a healthy women thats skinny like me.Im gonna prolly have to wait a long time for people to become less shallow.The only problem is by then i will still not have experienced childs play such as kissing when those adults have already experience sex and stuff.I mean all these kids are so self centered its liek rare to find an extremely nice person like me who does everything for others, makes me mad.So im gonna try and wait to see if it gets better but if it doesnt well thats great.
  13. Bi-polar is something that the normal person just does not understand.....They tease us people who have it and dont know how they are hurting them.Our moods change just as fast as we blink(over exagerated but gets the point accross).I wanna know who else here is bi-polar and how do u deal with it and think about the subject?People just love to tease bi-polar people cause we just take everything so seriously.Thats what i have found out is that im bi-polar so thats why i take everything so seriously.Just a single lil jk that outs us down or makes us feel bad will send our mood straight to sadness or anger and another one after it maybe a compliment or something good will make us happy right away.Our moods change so fast in situations or mine does that i cant keep my mood one way that long.Most of u general people who havent had it dont understand it.But if u have a friend that changes his mood maybe u can try to keep things good.Like in just this one night my mood has changed so much.I went from sad to angry to happy and to not caring all in like 2 hours back and forth.I usually have 4 general moods that i bounce around a lot.
  14. I would prefer the lady because they are usually more genuine and know true love.The freaks r usually women who know sex and love to do it all the time not my type of thing.
  15. I wouldn't keep a tally because i would prolly be rejected all times .
  16. Ya usually a girl that wants u fpor your car and thinks u have lots of money because of it.U dont want that girl.....
  17. I got to agree with skyfire on one thing though.Like in high school like 90 percent of girls are mixed up in this soap opera crap and go by mostly looks.As too like 90 percent of guys are into this drama crap and go by looks too.ONly like 10 percent of people at high schools are not that shallow.Well it seems like in life if your ugly like me u cant get a girlfriend becase women wouldnt want to date some stupid ugly fool.As too if your an ugly girl and u have to be pretty bad because most girls get bf's a lot easier then guys.If your ugly you lose.And by what?The bad luck of being created ugly.I hate how hot people think they are so special whenever they did nothing for their looks NOTHING AT All.LIke i have said before but o they feel special because they are hot 0o0o0o0o.Well im ugly and i lose as to with my fellow ugly breatheren Have a nice day!
  18. Well iono i would still go out with a girl that constantly puts down herself and try to help her out and maybe myself.Most people that put down themseleves are people that are ugly like me.How can i gain confidence if i get put down by women who call me ugly.How can i gain confidence if i know that no girls are attracted to me.I never do get any double takes or anything they usually just look once and see ugly and look away.
  19. Iono people always say it gets better.But can u tell me when???It never or has gotten better for the last 5 years its been the same.still never had gf,failing school,bi-polar,noit good at anything.I bet these other people are the same as me and they know it does not get better such as i see.
  20. Well as for the whole holloween thing yep i stayed home and played comuter games.My computer is my own best friend in some situations.Sometimes i dont like to be around girls cause they hurt me so much and put me down in their own ways.I tried it out a couple times like 3 months ago.Actually going on a date but i came home completely depressed and ended up having a horrible night.She instead got interest in some other guys and sat away from me by the time we got to the theatre.I walked around the theatre waiting to go back home for like 3 hours depressed as hell.Had to wait because we were 30 miles away from my house and they were the ones with the cars.Those chances never come anymore because im too ignorant and stupid to women.They only come to stuck up arogant jerks who use women.They dont like us shy,innocent,and nice guys becauce most of the time we are too unatractive.
  21. The computer is the only thing that brings me enjoyment almost nothing else cept for hanging out with my friends.Being bi-polar sucks i change my moods as much as i blink its fricken retarded.As for how i vent here.I am extrmely bottled up in real life and dont show anything of my depression except for when i dont talk and stay clammed up thats the only indication.Just little things make me sad.LIke my best friend is taking his girlfriend out too dinner.I come home to half life 2 and everquest 2 and some tacos where i sit in my room and go play with some of my other friends around my town in these games.See my mind just thinks like why do other people have it so much better?Why arnt i getting what these people are getting?O well im stupid
  22. Why does everyone want me to keep living whenever so much hate for myself and life.I have no life whatsoever.I havent been seeing my friends much lately,Ive never had a gf or any girl relations,im failing out of school because of depression and the fact that i hate going to school to see stupid teenagers day after day again.I find no point in my life.What is there to live for?I have tried to commit suicide before because i sa no point then either.My family is screwed up and i always get yelkled at by my mom for strange reasons.Mostly what i do is stay hours on end playing video games all day long whenever im not doing things with my friends.Girls ahve called me ugly and i have had no girlfriends which makes me think that i am ugly.My friends constantly put me down and make fun of me teasing me too.I have no life i am a loser.I constantly suffer from depression and im bi-polar which makes it worse.I am not good at anything.Not even these games i play hours on end.People constantly beat me on games and i have never been good at anything.I always have some friend who is a lot better then me.Can someone give me one good point to me living that is good about me??Cause i cant seem to find something good out of my life.
  23. Ok i found that not only am i depressed but im also partly bipolar i think.It kidn of sucks cause my mood constantly changes.Its like sometimes im all happy and want to go to school and have a great day.Then sometimes ill feel horrible like i want to die and nothing is alright around me or anything.Sometimes i feel like maybe i look alright and maybe ill get a gf.Then sometimes i feel like an ugly pathetic loser who would never get a gf in his life.IS anybody else bipolar and how do u cope with it?Im going to be seeing a psychiatrist in 13 days and hopefully ill get something out of that.
  24. Well iono i cant wait till that older time comes and i hope it gets better.....Because i really want a gf but no girls like me and never have in my teen years.I wonder if things will be easier when im older because i dont feel like staying too far behind.I mean i havent even kissed or know how to do anything around girls.Even 12 year olds know how to flirt i just clam up and be really shy and act like stupid retarded fool.
  25. Dude man dont worry at all u will do fine.Your only 13 and thats the time all you kids r experimenting and stuff.it only gets bad once u get higher then 16 and u never have kissed like me.Because by this time your way far behind like me and everyone is already passed those childhood stages.Just do it when the time comes and dont let fear overwhelm you will be glad u dont end up like guys like us.
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