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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. Well i dont really know how to respond on this one.But how i usually made friends was just out of no where talking to them in class and i didnt really know how we got to be such good friends.What your doing in class should be alright.I agree with other people when they u should just be yourself and let things flow.Sooner or later someone is bound to notice u.Maybe u should just try to talk and make some conversation with people and maybe if they like the same things u like and u get to know them well overtime u can just maybe ask them if they want to do something sometime.Iono i hope that helps
  2. ya sorry i dont know anything about anything cause im just stupid like that talking about how most guys are.
  3. Iono a couple of times but i dont feel like i can tell anybody i need that type of help.Imma bottled up person that doesnt rally like anyone to know whats going on with me ever but iono .I've never seeked that type of health before but the one time i tried to commit suicide they were thinking about giving me that type of help but then they didnt.
  4. Iono keep tyring to keep ur suicidal temptations down if u have any because they r not good.They keep sprouting back up for me like i feel so worthless an crappy right now that i would love to be gone but iono.I feel so empty and worthless but hey i go through this feeling all the time so i need to be used to it.
  5. Ok i have actually kissed once but i do not consider it a kiss at all since it was some stupid truth or dare game in middle school nothing big at all.I dont consider it one at all until u have a girl u truly like that u do it with.Well what i got in return from the girl when i was a bad kisser is that she went to school and told everyone that i was a horrible kisser and that i was a loser.Hopefully urs doesnt turn out as bad as me but hey how can i do anything good if i suck at life?
  6. Ya iono i dont really do any of those things well that you are asking me.I get about 3-4 hours of sleep every night because im constantly up late at night depressed and thinking about stuff that i just cant get off my mind or stop thinking about.I probably eat about one to sometimes 2 times a day depending on how good my mood is.Like if im really depressed i never get the feel to want to eat and when i feel happy i sually eat a lil bit more.Havent been excersising as much as i used to.I used to be in cross country for awhile but then now up here there is nothing to do so i seclude myself form society when im not with my friends and play these games because im too insecure around new people i always feel like they r judging me or putting me down.And as for do i have anyone to talk to that im confortable with?No not at all i have nobody i truly trust not even my own parents with the problems i have.i feel like i cant talk to any of these people cause they quite dont understand.This is partly why i think i feel so alone and empty.
  7. Iono its just like somedays i feel the need to give up and just want to die.its like somedays u just think what is the point.Like especially on the days i do things to people which are very nice.Especially the great day i gave my friend 100 dollars to pay off his electricity bill.And im out with some girl which i didnt consider a date at all because by the end of the night she was over away from me flirting with some guys and leaving me by myself lonely : !!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean do i really deserve these things?????And then othe days where i help a lot of people out.Then my mom complains at me and tells me so many things i did wrong and puts me down on a day i feel good for helping people!Like whenever i do something so helpful to people i pay and i pay with being depressed and being put down.Some days i just feel like dying like right now since people dont seem to like what i do and dont like being around me sometimes like my mom.Why not end it here and just kill myself? i always ask myself.I just dont get it whats is the point to go on whenever being nice makes u suffer!
  8. Ya i know.Im just talking about the fact that ugly people usually r put down most of their lives for some reason.So they tend to be very low on confidence and self esteem.Ah iono what im talking about probably anyways im too stupid about these subjects...Im just depressed to the point where i feel like total crap and want to die
  9. Dont worry camino there are so many shy guys like u and me been trying to get out of it but its so hard hopefully we both can get out soon mang gl!
  10. Nah iono man i feel the same way as but the only difference.Is that whenever i feel that im getting good at something someone comes by who is way better then me and puts me down calling me a scrub at it and breaks me and i jsut give up feeling so bad.Its like they just shatter what lil sense of confidence i have right there and take any i have away from me gaining more for themseleves and i just can never feel good about one fricken thing.i always have to be put down constantly and i never ever feel good at anything and im always lonely so we r pretty similar.
  11. I can totally relate man i just cant stand being the stupid lonely ugly idiot of the group!They all usually get gf's and some of them have girlfriends fall right on their lap without even trying and it makes me so mad!They sometime ruin the poor girls!i definitely know what u mean cause friends like to put me down for a girlfriend or u can tell they want too when i put down how they treat girls.They always talk to me about women like im some stupid little ignorant child that wants to hear "how to treat a girl' Pfff i feel like telling to shut the hell up.Although i know that is being jealous of them but o well they can go and stuff it when they talk to me like that
  12. ya iono its kind of like seeing a jerk have a girlfriend and im usually a nice guy and i still be nice to him.Although i dont like to be but i always jsut like to be a nice person until they bother me or hurt someone i luv.i kind of know what you are talking about i always check out plenty of people's faults where as i know i got a lot.Because im ugly,ignorant to women,shy,insecure,have no confidence,low self-esteem,hurt very easily,and o man i can go on all day about how stupid i am and how many faults i have cause i suck
  13. Yep it always has been but i have been trying to pick up on it and i have been making more eye contact!Only problem it doesnt seem like it has been helping much for the fact that i have met 0 girls!!!!Im just awesome like that
  14. Dont worry secondchance there are plenty like us only some are more stupid kind of like me
  15. Its like i keep on going with life but yet i feel so empty and i feel whats the point?Its like i try things out and i am never good at anything there is always someone who is a lot better then me at it i just never feel good at it all.Just things like not having a gf like no girl at all to look forward to at all but just lonliness.its like people consider me good at this game i play but really i suck compared to a lot of people.And like all them have a girlfriend or someone special to look forward to while when i get off i have mister bed to look forward to and go to sleep in it feeling lonely and empty.Its like i think and dream about how i dont get treated the way i should when im such a nice person in real life yet people treat me badly like i am a loser.Even with family i never feel all that loved or like i have such a good point to them although i know they love me yet many days i dont feel that important to anyone.I feel like im important to anybody.Even grades in school have been failing although i can get great grades but i am always depressed and thinking about stuff instead of doing homework.it just all comes down to the end where i feel so empty because of people putting me down.Im just wondering if anybody else feels this way just like empty and lonely?
  16. Ya thats what i have noticed about my male breatheren i mean these ones seem to get girlfriends....Yet they dont seem to love their girlfriends enough to have safe sex.Its like they let these stupid raging hormones consume them the ones that i try my hardest to repress because they suck.its like they HAVE to have sex even without a condom since "it feels better" but o well if it does u need to love ur women enough because she might not want to have gf.Man it seems like all the wrong people get the girlfriends and goodness of life .Seems like the nice ones were just meant to suffer and never have all that much which is something i havent gotten to this day.Maybe its because we have just been without for longer then a lot of people.So we look at these things in life and try to break them down and think about the failings of human nature and why everything is the way it is since we do not enjoy these things.Where as these people who get it like just go with it and dont think about all these things because they already have them so like whats the point?But iono life makes no sense whatsoever people dont get what they deserve thats what i have noticed
  17. Ya depression takes time because i was told i was diagnosed with depression like 3 months ago.I have been taking those pills ever since then and if i forget a day then i usually seem to become depressed like i used too.And even sometimes when i become very stressed out and too much is going on my pills start to not work and i feel very depressed out of no where.Just one question?Is that a picture of you?Cause i thought that most of the time people who r depressed r usually ugly like me and look like they have problems thats how i always see it.Cause ur pretty if thats ur pic and most people that i know who r depressed such as myself r usually ugly but hey its a disorder so iono.
  18. Well is she taking birth control?????Well if she isnt i think i have heard about pre-cum a lot which happens even before u really get there and that can even become a threat.So why dont u just use a condom???????
  19. ya at that age that is definitely going into the pedofilic age for me.YA cause when u get older that barried becomes a lot larger cause i think it is alright for an 18 year old to out with a 22 year old.But not a 13 year old to 17 year old since there is such a difference between stages of puberty.Because like you are basically starting it when hes gonna be ending it.Cause i mean liek a senior walking around with like say an 8th grader or freshman saying you are is just kind of weird .Cause like it looks liek a lil girl compared to an almost grown guy sometimes so its a lil weird to me.Where as 18 to 22 they r both basically about as mature as one another.
  20. Lol u live in oregon padreamer? I live there too lol thats weird
  21. Iono i cant really say what love is at all!! I believe that almost everybody below the age of say 26 has no idea what they are talking about whne it comes ot love maybe even 30 when u become pretty mature.
  22. Ya im with u rosalind i think sex before 18 is too young myself.Cause what if they have a kid?I mean they are not old enough to even support themselves let alone a kid so whats the point???????I mean i know the hormones come in but i try to respress that crap so bad because i hate that crap its so weak for men to give into that we have to learn to control it!o yah and as for ur post schat some girl had a friend that had a 1 year old kid when she was 12 and i was like !
  23. Come on people keep posting!I wanna see if anybody else is 3 for 3 with 0's like me! that would be awesome i can have a new ignorant friend just like me i wanna see if anybody is like me
  24. Ya like girls always claim to like nice and sensitive guys BUT THEY DO NOT but there are good ones i know.They r just like ya!Let me become friends with you so i have you to console me when the big bad boyfriend strikes!O that is NICE!You guys make my world a greater place ty ty! make me o so happy.Do u want me to be a red doormat?Blue?green?What type of doormats r your favortie quiet?Rowdy?Just tell me i will be the best doormat you ever have had plus im ugly! So thats always a given.Like some waitress at my work who is 30 said that girls dont notice how many guys they let go by that were so great until they r going on into their 30's.Like she said she never did notice how many good guys she let go by.Now she is living with her mom with 2 kids that her ex doesnt pay a cent for NICE!!!!!!! Sorry there is nothing im trying to offend women with by this next statement cause both genders have a lot of problems.Like so many of my male breatheren CANNOT get sex off their mind it pisses me off and pplus a lot of them are mean.But my comment is come on ladies(not all) PLZ keep the traidition by going out with the mean guys and passing by the ugly guys u use as doormats because that is o so wonderful! !
  25. Well iono mine is usually very smooth and ive always had great hair that always seems to stay pretty clean and nice.Ive always liked having long hair because it feels like i blocking myself from the world.Like i dont like people making eye contact too much so i just hide myself behind my hair by looking down a bit.Or too hide my ugliness whichever comes first .
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