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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. Ya no worries john im done with girls for the time being too.I havent cared about them foir the last month.But depression is my own enemy right now and it keps bothering me.Its effected my schooling by me missing like 20 days of school already.Cause some days i wake up depressed and dont want to go to school and deal with teenagers because at this age we are all stupid.Cept for many teenagers take stupid to the next level.
  2. Well as far as guys cheating i do know my gender is a bunch of retarded hormonal jerks.A big majority of them just want women for sex and nothing else no commitment at all men are jerks.But the funny thing is how many women go back to them tiume after time because they think they love them.
  3. Well iono i guess men like me overtime just get fed up with not having a girlfriend ever and maybe we are weak.I always go towards girl cause none of them ever like me and i dont know why....I always get the idea that im ugly from this and it makes me angry.Im sorry if im an ugly loser that always says things about girls because im bitter of never having one.Whenever total jerks get girls by the truckload and i have so much to offer to a women as far as kindness and caring.But hey o well i have been forgetting about women and have been playing everquest 2 and half life 2 plenty and im happy how it is.Have not veen caring for the last month and i couldnt feel any better although i still have bitter comments.My love is video games right now they make me happy they are the main thing that makes me happy cause nothing else does.
  4. Man one thing i found out and i dont know why i never thought of it but im really boring around women.Because i dont joke around or flirt or anything.Im usually quiet and just talk normally even when they try to joke around with me because im to overcome by fear.Kind of like the only date i ever been on like how it turned into one of the worst nights of my life.Im just wondering how do u girls like guys to jk or have fun or anything?Because i am a total retard when it comes too interacting with women.Women are immediately displeased by talking to me and become very stand offish and dont want to talk to me.Another one of my friends just got a gf his first and it makes me feel like im getting even farther behind but i havent been caring about women too much cept for this problem.I know how to interact with fellow males and be funny and stuff and have a good time but that is completely different.Women are just usually extremely turned off by how stupid i am with women.
  5. ya i like thinking the way i do.Cause i personally think the "male" way of thinking is kind of degrading and disrespectful.So i try to go for the repressive controllable me
  6. Man i think like u wlf but just not as crazily.I still got my morals held high and strong but im just like you.I have no other person to come to talk to so i just vent on this site to also see how other people feel about the same situation.As for games man i can WAIT!Till 12 o clock tonight i get to play half life 2 lol!I have been waiting for this game for like 5 years now.I want it so bad lol.Halo 2 is a good game too though i got that.
  7. ya i know i have seen men do things to women that is mean.By calling them ugly and stufff and i dont like it either.Nbody deserves that kind of torment or anything from anyone.
  8. My stupid male mind tries to think that way because of my stupid hormones and this stupid burden i have a as a male.I try to repress any of these stupid thoughts and juts maybe think about loving a girl like truly what i want is a great nice woman.yes i do have those thoughts but i dont think i do as much as other men.because i been repressing my thoughts about women for the last month and couldnt really give a damn about them for the time being.Im trying to purify myself as a male and try to be as good as i can although its hard obstacle but i really want to be a truly great male.
  9. Yep i have noticed that for quite sometime now it really is no fair.Even though the ugly guys deserves what he gets for being a pervert its still not fair to him that a hot guy gets nothing bad to him.Girls just keep on going right along with it.Like say if the ugly guy says some sick things leading up to saying wow that moms a milf or something then he will get what he deserves.But if a hot guy does it the girl will be like laughing hahaha even though its a sick comment.My friend always says to girls like hey how bout i do your mom to me in like front of a girl she will laugh.Yet if i was to do the same thing she would call me a pervert.It is one of the biggest fauls i have seen about women.Well thats how things work like 90 percent of human beings are shallow nothing to it.
  10. Well what i have noticed being around on this planet for a little bit now i noticed a fault of women not all but a lot.I notice that women have a certain way of calling guys perverts.Say if a guy is ugly and he says some perverted comments he gets called perverted and stupid.Say if the same thing happens and a guy says something really perverted.And he is hot the girl will just laugh and go along with it because hey hes super hot.I mean is that really fair?They should both be called perverts and treated bad and that should not be based on looks.I just notice you girls are A LOT more lenient on guys who are hot when it comes to perversion.I think being perverted is retarded and i never act that way at all.Just a little thing i have noticed
  11. Ok first of all it seems like everything people give me about why i dont have a girlfriend is my confidence.But cant it be because im ugly?And here are the sources saying that im ugly.My best friend thinks im ugly.Been called ugly by many girls and never get any attention from girls much at all like they dont usually stare over to me or anything.All my friends and stuff always make hints about that i am ugly.Like one friend loves to say the only vagina you will ever see is the one u came out of and other jokes revolving around being ugly even from my best friend i get it.Isnt that enough sources to show u that i am ugly?I just want the truth.I am not that shallow of a person but i cant stand girls who are overweight they have always bothered me.Sorry i would not date one probably.But they always seem to be the ones that are attracted to me.I am to shallow i like skinny girls who are like me but none of them ever like me.I just want the truth.U guys always say that i will get a girlfriend it just comes overtime.But what about these 30 year old guys that come to my restaurant they dont have a gf and seem like they never have had one.Will i grow up to be this way if im too ugly for women?Cause i really dont want to grow up this way.I dont get how to know if i will have one.No girls have been attracted to me and seem very distant for even longer.Because i know women.If they look at you and you're ugly they wont be interested in you and give u one chance.I just want the truth.because it seems like a lot of the responses i get back sound like some fairy tale like everyone gets one.I dont think it is entirely truebecause i do believe some guys may even grow pretty old without havign a gf or wife.Im stuck in sort of a bind here to because im so mature.Im already thinkings about how wonderful it would be to have kids and i havent even passed elementary school relationships im pretty far behind. BTW,Im going a month and strong not caring about women,I have it set in my mind that i dont need women cause they make me have bad thoughts and are mean in my life.
  12. Ya it makes me feel bad and makes me really want a gf.But lately ive just been saying forget women they are evil to me and dont respect me.I dont really need thta in my life now do i?A part of the gender that tells me that im ugly,pathetic,will always be a virgin,and just call me a straight up loser i dont truly need that...So ill just stick with myself and keep things like they are now and forget them they are mean.Depression makes no sense at all.Right now i have the urge to cry and i do not WTH the reason is but u just have that urge and just can never be happy.Although im tyring my hardest to be happy.
  13. yes i cut but only when im under severe emotional pain.
  14. Iono its a normal thing that people do although it is bad for people to do it like drachir said.I know you prolly feel very insecure about yourself and hate everything about yourself like i do but we shouldnt cut,The only times i cut is when i have extreme emotional problems all going too much at once and then i cut myself showing others around me makiing me feel like crap how much emotional pain i have on the inside.I dont truly know how to explain it but can u relate cause maybe i can help you better?
  15. All i know is that for a guy like me is that we might talk very fast and shy but thats for guys like me who are shy.Its usually guys that constantly look at you and try to make eye contact showing that they are interested.I dont know too much about the talking bit sinc ei havent talke dto one girl in that way in my life but i know that i would be very nervous and prolly be messing up my lines.Prolly if he flirts a lot he is porlly interested in you.I hope that everything goes well and hopefully this guy likes.Well to listening too music and reading posts gl
  16. Well for like the last 2 weeks i have kept girls off my mind and i have finally told myself that i dont need women.I have been thinking a lot more happily and dont pay attention one bit too any women.Like when attractive girls is in my restaurant or at school i do not glance over or think about women at all anymore.My mind feels like its finally saying i dont need women because they do not make me happy one bit and i shouldnt think of them cause they r mean to me.Cause i shouldnt really like people who put me down and call me ugly.So im just gonna forgot about women all together althought i might be lonely still i dont really care.Been feeling better because i have bene repressing those hormones too.
  17. I come to this site to express my thoughts and stuff about myself.I am not looking for a pity party or anything i am just looking for answers.i come to this site cause there is no one else i can go to.I dont want to go to my friends,parents,or anybody because they dont understand link removed going to a psychiatrist.I am really bottled up in real life i try to tell nobody anything about my link removed real life unlike this site i am a very very shy person around new people especially girls o well i dont really need to care about them.I dont feel good u calling me a creep maybe im seeing things wrong....In real life i am a nice,shy,and very kind person.I try to be as a great of a person to everybody as i can.I did not know i would be labeled a creep i thought creeps r mean..But maybe im just even more stupid then i thought...Maybe i should just go to that same sit ei have been going to called link removed where us losers link removed just gonna try and forget about women all together as i hard as i can i wil try i dont need women......Ill just grow up and try to get a job.Then work my whole life and give all my money to charity as an old lonely man.I need to get it through my gosh darn head and say WOMEN I DONT NEED U.Thats all i need right now i dont really care im all at that same time i dont need it.And ill try to leave this site behind my hardsest so i think im not wanted here bye Byes.
  18. man im having another down time again which always comes up like 4 times a week.Like whenever u guys say it gets better....No it doesnt!!!!It keeps on going down constantly and i never feel good.Im having trouble with my family again and my mom is being insane like always.it seems as though now that i have a job my mom doesnt want to give me even a dollar if i am broke.And now with my sister they constantly give her money more then i ever got when i didnt have a job.So like things havent been going right at all.Im still having lots of family probs,friend problems,work problems,still ugly like usual not confident and no self esteem whatsoever.It does not get better it just gets worse.....Now that im feeling so much emotional pain because i have no one else to go to im having some strange urge to cut myself.Can someone explain to me why i am having the urge to cut....
  19. Does god dislike me?I mean i believe in religion but sometimes i think "Is god even there?".I mean nothing seems right and nothing ever works for the good and the nice.I mean why did god make me ugly if i have such good morals?Why does he make one of my friends a pretty boy who just uses women who start to love him for sex?I mean is god there it does not make sense at all.My friend doesnt want commitment at all.he just wanst a gf too have sex with until he gets tired of them.Some women are just so naive and these are many of the girls that put me down and call me ugly.I get all this depression problems and mental problems.Whenever i am trying to become and be as pure of a person as i can be.Just like hold good morals and stuff but no it never happens want a girlfriend so bad and just someone to be with but god gives me all these obstacles i have to somehow get over to actually maybe get one.I hate life and never will ever get it i do not think.But iono i still thnk there is a god there and that he likes me but it just makes me so confused.
  20. Iono padreamer u should proly give up on people like me because we are the lost causes on this earth that need to be tossed aside maybe.But then my mind says "No,no it cannot be true" Because of the fact that so many women say that any women who gets me is lucky.I mean will that women ever come?And will there ever be that many women attracted me.Because like i have said many girls call me ugly and say mean comments.Maybe i should just keep going to link removed because there are many pathetic people that i can relate too.Because i dont really feel like i should bother u guys with my petty lil life.
  21. Iono for me im just really shy and i really am embarrassed of getting rejected and im afraid of any upset that will make me depressed.its not a matter fact that i am afraid of the objections its the fact that the thing that might cause the rejection.1. me being unattractive2.not knowing what to talk about and 3.i dont understand girls one bit and i dont know how to make them happy.Im extremely embarrassed when i try to talk to someone and they dont talk back to u at all it makes me very .
  22. Gotta remember though girls dont like stupid ugly losers my area there has been practically no girls that have had interest in me and they usually just shove me off like im some stupid idiot.I try not to care.This is why i play video games.When im playing these video games i do not think of women or think about how much better my friends have it and get jealous.This is why i dont watch tv because i can think about the bad while watching it.Video games help me cope and this is why i play them all the time.I had another dream about having a gf but then i woke up to reality
  23. ya i kind of agree with xbox.Sex shouldnt be something that u constantly want.We are all born with these basic hormones and its our job to learn how to control them but some people dont and they just have sex like bunnies.remember im always rdy for "imma stupid virgin comments"
  24. ok well tomorrow my friends are going out with girls and stuff on holloween to mess around and have fun.Im definitely not going to go because its no fun being by yourself when your friends attention are on the girls.And no girls have no attention on you because ur ugly i suffer from common jealousy.I am jeaslous of the fact that they will be out on holloween having a great time.When me and my other loser friends who couldnt get a gf are gonna be hanging around.doing are same old thing playing halo system links and crap at their houses.It makes me jealous i personally wish i ws in their shoes but no im gonna be with my other fellow girless ugly pathetic male friends playing our video games like usual to keep our mind off bullcrap.Do any of you suffer from the same jealousy.I Hate being jealous i feel stupid because i wish i was them
  25. iono i personally think that hair pulling and stuff is just like disrespectful.Maybe if the women likes it but too me i think and feel if i ever did is disrectful.Maybe just like fast if they like that but none of that tossing around stuff.O yah and give me the "u dont know what your talking about because your a virgin" comment im rdy.....
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