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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. Sorry i know there has been plenty posts like this before but i just want to know what u guys think i should do to start it since u know how i am some of u already talked with outlaw and ated about it on msn but i would also like to get some tips from u fine great people! on this matter .Since im basiclaly a newbie with girls i would like to know some conversation starters to get to talk to this girl i like.Dont worry i dont waste my time on those really pretty mean girls.The girl im going for is the one like said one of those shy prolly never had a bf in her life girls kind of as too me the never had a gf guy new to this crap we call life but i shouldnt judge she might not be but she doesnt seem way to social.Shes attractive to me like really pretty and all but shes that type of girl that other guys dont think r that attractive although i think she is really pretty.Those types of girls are "gold" as long as they have a good persoanlity because im mostly the only guy going for her maybe since all other guys r too shallow.So i shouldnt have too many other a holes going for her what do u guys think?
  2. Well that feels good that they actually have some proof on that matter because i dont want too feel bad about that because i just dont see why im not all that attracted to them.Some girls that r big boned im attracted too and i think they r very pretty.But even a lot of these big busted girls that r short and really got some meat too them like these guys all like i dont even like i like them semi tall and kind of thin.
  3. I mean i dont have bad acne at all but i have about as much as aregular teenager or maybe a tad bit more but not all that much i consider bad.Does this wreck ur appearance like too women or anything?Like my doctor asked me if i wanted to try some acne medicine when i got these anti depressants although i personally dont think im that bad off.Do u think i should try out this medicine and clear up my face?I mean i feel like im already getting an ok amount of attention from girls lately with my better attitude and stuff.Do u think it would help my appearance alot if i got these and tried it out?
  4. Iono the only thing i would insist trying to say is(although it might cause some sparks) is tell her that u think she is very attractive and u love her a lot.And just like tell her how does she still feel so bad if her own boyfriend one that she cares a lot for thinks she is attractive.Like ask her how she cant accept her own boyfriends judgement when she loves u so dearly and u luv her.Maybe she can suffer from depression or something like that maybe u should ask her to see for some health or something but iono im just tyring too give anything that maybe be able to help although it might not i hope i can help u in any way possible and gl with ur gf i bet things will get better.Maybe ask her if she wants to excersize at all or go on a diet and u will do it along with her.
  5. np mahlina i have a tad bit of acne but not that much at all just ur regular teenage amound.I have my own preference i feel bad about and its that i dont have about any attraction for girls who r pretty fat iono why i just cant go for it.I mean should i feel that bad i mean im 130 pound and 6 ft im kind of attracted to girls who r sort of tall and skinny like me.Should i feel bad for feeling that way?
  6. Ghost i can give him some backup on this one mang trust me some of us guys have such high metabolism its not even funny.Us type of guys could prolly eat fast food all the time and not gain a pound.There have been sometimes where i jsut contantly eat for like 2 weeks straight and i do not gain a single pound.We r blessed with a high metabolism but the onyl fall back is we cant gain weight that well maybe there is some special way we go about it.I know whenever i tell somebody i am about 6 ft,130 pounds they r like "wow ur skinny!".They r amazed by how i weigh so little but o well me its kind of hard iono why but it is.Although there r streaks where i never eat much for like 1 week straight just because im always doing something.
  7. Ya i know im just an up and down moron lol good thing is that for like the last 2 weeks since school started i ahve been feeling great and hopefully it stays that way.Ive been seeming to get plenty of attention from girls lately for some reason this girl at work has been flirting a lot and smiling a lot but o well.And this one girl i wanna try to get to know and tlak to at school i think keeps looking at me.So hopefully things go just fine this school year with girls and stuff and ill give it a go and tell u guys how things r going and maybe hopefully if i get a gf then i can ask for advice but o well iono what will happen.And like many times i have said u guys have been such great help and i ty very much for helping me with myself u guys r awesome!
  8. Shinobie

    Shy girls

    Ya im having the same thing at my school there is some girl that looks like she is really shy and she stares at me all the time sometimes.Im gonna try and talk to her here pretty soon and see how things go and ya same for me i think she is pretty attractive.Shy girls r so attractive i luv shy girls!I think shy girls are way more attractive then these loud girls who always talk.I like the ones u have to know and get deep within them to see their true personality.I will go for her and i think u should do the same thing and try to strike up conversation thats what im gonna do go for it!
  9. Im gonna go for it guys i have been feeling so much better lately and i think im gonna actually try to instigate some conversation with a girl.She is pretty shy it seems like and she is actually pretty attractive.She glances over at me when im walkign into my class every morning and seems to give me that look like she might want to talk. Plus she seems like the type of girl that has never had a bf and wh ha focused her time on school instead but shes seems to give me glances.Im gonna use some things Ated has told me to try to use when first talking with girls she has been a lot of help to me and plus with many otehr people like u padreamer and computerguy Dont worry guys ill just monitor for like a couple of days if shes staring over still and stuff and seems interested.Then ill try to go up and talk to her and hopefully all goes great i might be nervous though but o well have to get that out of me.I feeel pretty enthusiatic about it and want to try it and i feel confident bout it.Wish me luck and ill try my hardest to do what u guys have been trying to get me to do.
  10. Iono im usually attracted to the more shy type of girls that seem much nicer for some reason.I am very attracted to the girls that dont boast their feelings and stuff the ones that r not so loud and like to be quiet sometimes like me.Now that i think of it im more attracted to these more shy nice girls then the other girls.
  11. WOW,U give no good reasoning to it or nothing that make sense?U say u dont like control but yet when this guy treats u like crap u come back to say how bad hes treating u!!!i Mean COME ON!Why wouldnt u want a nice guy i mean i would treat my gf so well and never do anythign to hurt them?Should i just treat a women like a piece of meat i mean holy crap.Some of u women make no SENSE at all u r totally off the wall nonsense sometimes.Ur minds r so weird and confusing it doesnt even make sense some women r just so weird.They want someone to respect yet they want an arogant jerk who treats them like crap go figure...TY! All i have to say i see no logic behind some of this i read it makes me
  12. Im not growing up fast so im not part of it lol!Im more sexually ignorant then some 12 year olds it makes me feel very immature and special
  13. Lol its like wow people talking about first kiss!I havent held my first hand of a girl i guess imm a lil far behind.Any of u guys feel akward just like me i feel more ignorant too girls then a 12 year old child makes me feel so stupid .
  14. All i have to say is gj on your assumption and thanks for looking over all the good guys.I know there are a lot of awful guys that u women despise but there are also a lot of guys u overlook and dont pay any attention too! ur fricken blind a lot of us might be ugly we r are actually very and never would want to hurt a girl in any way at all.I have been told by girls that i am very nice and whoever ends up with me is lucky because of the fact that i am so nice and have a such a great mind although im not totally into that and its makes me .U just see right through the great guys and go for the handsome jerks for a lot of women thats all the same argg!!!!!Id treat a girl so well but i havent had one chance with one like i have stated many times before ill just be girlfriend less for awhile ill just have my lonely old self too keep me company
  15. Whats ur reason for being nice some of u peopel that r just like me?For me i just love to be nice too people and i get enjoyment out of people liking how i treat them nicely because its the right thing to do.But im always hurt so much by other people it just does not justify the reason to be nice. Its like i be nice as hell yet im always the one that is hurt out of people and they go around all great and stuff like the jerks and stuff.Do u guys have the same feeling?its like we get treated and put down in a way we dont really truly deserve. Yet i never change my mind and i just keep being nice too people every day that goes by.Everything is just so backwards in life and it does not make sense.Do u guys truly believe that mean people end up getting what they deserve? Cause it doesnt always seem that way. Its like i mean why dont even girls give nice guys a chance i mean they r nice for one good point so why not see how they act and how their personality is?I mean they just look over us like we r not even there and this i never really get but yet when some guys r an arogant (PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR) o they will go for him right away.I mean just some girls i like that like the ones at my high school. I mena u would think that if u were nice girls might like that and they would actually give u a chance but o well it doesnt even matter.Its jsut somethign like u always look back and think when im such a nice person and i get treated the way i do why do i it just does not make sense but o well.Like hback to the one point i liek to ask why do u guys like being nice is it the same reason i have because it makes me feel good and i enjoy it?
  16. O u must be going to a high school thats liek golden out of liek 2000 of them because here like any other schools ive gone too.All girls go for good looking guys and want nothing to with guys like me.
  17. Nah its never too late to get one like u say.But overtime people start looking at you like ur amore pathetic person since ive never held a girls hand out of liking her or kissing her so nothing for me but o well shouldnt really care much.Only time i will care a whole lot is if my senior prom comes at the end of the year and instead im at my house laying down while all my friends have a great time ill just be here depressed and lonely.Ahh hopefully that doesnt happen but i just feel it will ah good ol pessimistiv bullcrap
  18. I know all these youngins r undertaking sex at this age sheesh! I have had my first real kiss with a girl i like and im 17 but o well i suck
  19. Ya ive had many problems with depression and i am even taking pills for it if u ever wanna talk just PM me i am always here to help my fellow person
  20. Thats not true and a half at this age all girls like is looks and nothing more maybe there are those couple good ones like u but not many....i hear them walking by me saying things liek ewww to make me feel bad.Them saying im ugly and stuff makes me so sad.THis things in my mind that makes me care pisses me off it needs to be gone.
  21. Is there any sign i can get from god just ONE SIGN! saying what i have done wrong i cant TAKE IT!!!!My friends brother has broke this poor young church girl in.Just about 4 months ago she didnt know what an orgasm was and plenty of other sexual things were she was totally sexually ignorant. Overtime he broke her in with some stupid help and taught her everything there was to be a lame girl...Just the first week they dated they made out...And now 2 months later he has had sex with her!!! everything went so fast and they totally obliterated this lil church girl into a sl*t. A guy who cheated on her by having sex with another girl 4 times.A guy who doesnt work at all and just works off mama.A guy that constantly thinks with his small head and guy who is just having an easy ride for the time being. Yet i dont get one girlfriend!!!!!I am very nice too girls and i get that compliment form many although they do not like me ever.I work for myself and i like to give food to friends and help out my parents.I even bought all my school clothes this year for 200 bucks because heck it feels good to buy all ur stuff.I dont think with my small head and i would never think of treating a girl like he does. I do nothing to ever hurt a girl!!!! i WOULD NEVER think of it in my whole life i would treat them so sacredly it would not be funny.I would never push sex on them or anything id let them go as fast as they want.But yet i do not ever get 1 how cna this be why does she like this a hole WHY?????WHat have i done wrong in this life??????I have tried to be as good as possible my whole life yet i get a stupid life and something i cannot cherish i receive nothign i feel good about.I guess im just one those people born to give give give and nothing much in return but o well as long as i can give to charieties and stuff that might make me happy cause id feel special one bright side
  22. [Read trying to give a good weakness on pills that help depression] I have a feeling i found out how these pills dont work sometimes i think its caused by overwhelming stress and things that liek to trigger your depression.Like last night it was just a regular closing night at my restaurant.Like usual i was busting my butt to pick up for the slack of the others. I gave him a perfect setup to do the dishes fast but he didnt....My boss was freaken out that day iono why hes usually really nice but he was treating me super strict and getting mad at me and im probably his best dishwasher.Then that night my friend said he would sleep the front when i did cooks line i did the cooks line really fast he said he was done with it and there was still food on the floor!!!!!!!! It pisses me off seeing slackers.Then the stupid brother of my friend came in with his gf and he just started sitting down and he knocked cups over on the floor and everything was lame that night.He is the one that pushes sex on to his gf's and slacks himself at working and it was just making me so stressed out and mad because he has a gf and i dont and i do so much more then him!!! that is good..... I just started wigging out cause i have had so much stress put on me that day and i have been doing everything.Things such as girls,work,and friends were just racing through my mind putting a lot of stress on myself.So i clocked out later and told them to do the rest their damn selves and then i ran down town for like 20 minutes because that is one of my stress relievers then i called to get a ride home came home really depressed went to sleep immediately and then woke up a lil bit better.
  23. U guys are totally right about that whole if u have confidence and a positive attitude that girls are more attracted.Do u guys like sense it in us by like are body language or soemthing.Theres some girl that always comes into the restaurant where i work with her dad.She always stares at me and stares me down when im walkign around like shes attracted and i can see it out of the corner of my eye.And just today i made eye contact with her and then she turned around really fast like she was nervous and shy.It was one of those signs of body language from girls that u guys have been saying is good like maybe she is attracted to me .So weird getting this type of attention from a girl and she is pretty attractive !!!
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