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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. What do u mean man im just saying i definitely should just break the ice and get to know her better before doing anything just dont know how to start it just seems so akward going up to her out of no where asking her someone just seems very weird to me.Gotta get some good way to talk to her so she can maybe like me somewhere down the line if she is really how i feel inside that she is.
  2. Ya im wondering how to go up to her because i was hoping! to have some classes with her but i dont but o well.Iono how i can go up to her and talk to her out of no where i mean i have to some good reason to actually talk to her.Thats the problem im having im trying to figure out a good way to break the ice and start talking to her to get to know her.
  3. Lol 0o0o0o0 crazy mad crazy mad like me mystery just to see these people that have great bf's or gf's and they waste it by being messed up to them .U might be punished later like she said u beter watch out if u find someone u actually love because they might do the same to you because u deserve it .
  4. There has been this girl i have admired for like the last 3 years and she is so attractive to me its not even funny i mean in good way such as beautiful.She is so beautiful to me it is so great she is very gorgeous to me.Ive talked about going up to her before but i think ill do it definitely thi year with the help of happy pills and the fact that some girls seem to actually be looking at m like they r attracted.Just something in the back of mind different from all other girls i have ever liked telling me to "go for her she is great!"and i dont even know her.It just feels like i need to go for her iono she just captivates me with how she looks.Iono other people dont think she looks that good but something about her says shes great although i dont know her.Sorry its hard to explain i was just wondering if any of u have had that feeling before?I mena ive heard how she acts around her friends and we sound a like and stuff and she just seems so great for some reason very weird and hard to explain.Just like one of those girls that some people think is not so attractive but too u she just feels like the most beautiful person u have ever seen and u dont know why but its true to ur heart.Just one of those at first sight things.I wanna try and get to know her and maybe date her if what my intuition is telling me is true because that would be great.Anybody have the same exact feelings and stuff for someone and u dont know how to describe it?
  5. I would be extremely glad if the girl came up to me because imma lil too nervous too although im getting close to trying to get to know this one girl i have always admired from afar in high school for the last 3 years.Shes just so beautiful but i have never had the gumption to get to know her and mayeb ask her out if shes the right type of person.
  6. Iono what is kind of weird is that once i took these pills and i came back to school for the first time i felt so much better.The weird thing is that some girls actually kept looking at me and staring over my way since i went with my friend to buy clothes.I bought better looking clothes and stuff to make my look much better then the bland crap i used to buy from wal-mart.I guess a better appearance adds a lot.Some pretty attractive girl in the office kept looking back making eye contact and stuff like turning her head all the way back to do so.When girls do that that usually means some interest right?Maybe i give off a better attitude now after these pills or something.
  7. I dont believe in that whole "sex buddies" nonsense it takes all the meaning out of it and degrades it.
  8. Not when ur ugly girls do not ugly guys.
  9. Nah dont listen to that whole thing if your a tall guy then the women r gonna like .Thats not true because i mean u say i have an advantage?but i really dont i have not attracted one girl in my life so how is that an advantage if it doesnt help me one bit.o Wel who cares it doesnt really matter.
  10. ya im in the same sitatuation as u a lot of my friends have gf's and go out with them on nights and im always home alone.Ive never had a gf i can add too so if that makes u happy u can point at me the pathetic skinny ugly kid.I just go to work,hang out with friends when they r not out on a date or something,then i go home to my computer which is what i basically live on.The computer is a stress reliever that likes to keep my mind off the cruel women in this world and why im not attractive at all.I just sit on my butt in my house lock myself up and play my computer i dont need them if they r not attracted to me they only make me very depressed they r cruel to me.
  11. Wow all i can say is that really truly is horrible for u..I feel sorry for u.Ur at the first step to a horrible life of being poor if u guys dont do something...I would tell ur mom first cause if u went months without telling her she would probably be even more mad.Were u guys using protection like r u on the pill or something and i bet u guys used a condom right?Well all i can say is first tell ur mom and figure out the best way of going along with ur life so that it doesnt turn crappy.Wow but one question can any young people KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS.Ive grown a tad bit wise at a young age with never having a gf.Why dont u guys just keep it in your pants till ur married or something?? cause thats way t young of an age although its an "everyones doing it" bullcrap.i dont have to worry about having a kid with some girl because i got my birth control right here my ugly face.All i have to say is good luck with your very young experience of prenancy and i hope u have a beautiful kid that will grow up to be someone great gl ^^.
  12. My key to happiness is happy pils because thats the only thing i have to lean on.Whenever u have nothing that makes u happy in ur life kind of like me then theres no way to be content with urself.When ive never had a gf,friends talk behind my back,people put me down,feel good at nothing,family sucks,my fellow adolescents put me down saying im ugly.and the fact that i just suck at life and i have nothing too look forward to except for working does not make me happy.Theres no way i can be happy.I mean how can i truly become possibly happy and confident so girls will liek me but there is nothing in my life at all that actually makes me truly happy?
  13. I agree with pa,computer,and all of them i think sex is a big thing too i think casual sex is stupid.I think its just degrading the one true thing it is used for and that is for true love.I would not have sex until im truly in love with someone but prolly only after marriage.i think casual sex is something stupid.If ur able to have casual sex why not refrain from that and have it with someone u truly love then wasting it in front of people who r not attractive enough to the opposite gender.
  14. Well ill give myself awhile before i ever try it again though.But if i grow up to be like 38 or something and i have never had a gf or anythig by then i cant go on anymore there is no reason for me to be here if i have no girl or children to support its so fricken pointless.Why should i stay here if im gonna be taking up space on this planet working for myself just to do the things i like i would love to have a wife when im older and kids.But if i go like past 32 or something without one girl that has been attracted to me i could not go on anymore...whats the point? i have no put any kids on this planet or done anything to help my world except live and die.Just have to wait for the army.....If i get old enough without a gf like i said befor eim joining th army and going over to iraq or places where fighting is going on and im gonna put my life to the test.If i died then god didnt mean for me to do anythign special....if i live then maybe i hjave a point and maybe ill actually get a gf wow that would be a great life but my hope for that seems to get smaller and smaller everyday it stretching thin.I say screw life like 90 percent of the time there is nothign but mean people who dont treat u the way u should be treated i dont wnana live for that but im holding on just by my anti depressants and my string is lookign prertty thin.
  15. That kissing comes naturaly is bullcrap for some of people sorry to say that lofic is totally long.For some of us who r totally stupid and retarded to women like me.Like when i actually kissed in some stupid truth or dare bullcrap which i dont truly consider a kiss until i kiss my first gf although ill never have a first gf to experience that.I french kissed her and she said to everybody at school that im horrible at kissing and i felt so bad and so stupid.I felt liek a stupid pathetic little moron that should just die.Kind of like when i have a dream about actually having a girlfriend then i fricken wake upi feel so bad.I think why couldnt that dream be true or why couldnt have i died in my sleep after that dream so i couldnt see the hell of tomorrow and go on with this dreadful we like to call life.
  16. yep right alone with you john nobody believes in me not even myself or my own friends whor suppose to be there for me.Even my friends think im not ever gonna get a girlfriend my friend said they were saying that behind my back....Made me feel so bad what confidence am i suppose to have if nobody believes in me not even myself.....My friend richard is the only one that thinks im gonna get a gf someday but thats only 1.I have so many people against me,myself,my friends,mean guys saying i suck with girls.and even plenty of girls like to call me ugly theres no use i dont feel like i have one chance with all this weighing me down.Not one girl in my whole entire life has ever called me cute they have never gave me the inclination that i am even some what attractive im the invisible guy.I feel that ill be alone even thinking about it at this young age nothign feels good either john.I just sometimes tomorrow would never come either.I guess we r 2 very big losers who couldnt even get a girlfriend if our lives depended it, we suck.
  17. For all u guys who saying kissing is something natural that comes to u i think ur wrong.Actually i have kissed before but it was over truth and dar ein 7th grade but i dont consider it a kiss because the fact that it wasnt for a gf or anything it was just some stupid game.Well i did it just closed my eyes and french kissed her and she said i was a horrible kisser to everybody so i guess it does not come to u naturally.....i felt so stupid and stuff so i bet if i ever actually get a gf im gonna be really scared to ever kiss u for the first time so ya im a lousy kisser as along with the fact that im horrible at anythign with girls.Just some simple math for this. Me+girl=horrible mix
  18. Wow dude if u r up to sex 95 percent of the time u really think with ur small head a lot.Control ur gosh damn hormones and learn to respect girls not everythign is sex.Id love to be in ur position with having women who like me because i would use it in such a better way that ur using it it sounds like.Using it to pleasure ur small head and ur hormones which is totally retarded it is so much more mang.I mean some of u people who have gf's all the time and get way more girl interaction then us.Are actually arogant to the true meaning of love and women then u when ur around them all the time come on!It sounds like ur pushing sex on this chick in the way ur talking and that is just not respectful u gotta learn how to respect women.
  19. Iono maybe i should feel bad but i feel so immature since i havent done asingle thing with a girl in a loving way its disappoints me.I feel like a little kid whenever my friends talk to me about girls because they talk to me like i know nothing because i dont know anything.People say theres no wrong way to kissing but i would prolly kiss wrong right off the bat or do something stupid like i always do.My friends just treat me like a lil kid that knows nothing about girls but the sad thing is tha it is actually true and it makes me feel so immature.That is why i feel bad because each and every single friend of mine has been seeming o get gf's or girls that really like em.My friend whos 19 has just got gf and he has never had a gf in his life and it just feels like im going no where with girls while all of my friends seem to be going somewhere with girls.The only thing i can face to this subject.Is that too girls i none of them like me so im a loser.
  20. Dont worry who ever is like me ur not alone i have not kissed yet either but ahh who cares.Lets just keep going on with our lives and not care about women fellow males who never had a gf and who always seem to have women be cruel to you.Women r cruel to us men at this young age well some of us.Schools gettin closer to back to the stupid jocks and preppy girls who put me down yay one more year of bullcrap....
  21. Wow if looks dont mean everything to girls then why r they never attracted to me?bingo.Because im ugly and girls do not want an ugly guy so u cant say girls dont go for looks cause i never seem to get that same glance from a women as my friend who girls think is attracted.They usually just look away from me and dont give me one chance cause im ugly.
  22. Ok im just wondering if some of u women like tall and lanky guys but i dont see why u would but i was just wondering.Im 6 ft 130 pounds which most people consider very skinny but its all in my heritage i can eat,eat,eat and not gain a single pound.Most women always go for the damn stereotype those big muscular men or they at least have to be big for the woman to actually be attracted to him.Most women dont like us scrawny guys although we have the metabolism of a hamster so we dont gain weight.I was just wondering if any women on here r attracted to tall and lanky guys or do actually prefer tall lanky guys?
  23. I just cant get out of this bad frame of mind i mean even some of my friends r agaisnt me.Friends that i have had for awhile and they r being jerks about the subject although they do not know the pain i feel inside besides the anti depressants i take.My friend told me that my other friends said that i will never get a girlfriend...and thats not exactly the self confidence booster i was looking too from friends.....That just makes me feel worse when i actually am starting to feel better once again my friend started bringing up that subject and he was saying that they r cold and he believes i will i tried to stray away from it i cannot stand to get on the subject of girls around friends ill try to change the subject or tell them i have to go do something and my friend has prolly noticed i constantly notice i get nervous about that subject.I dont want them to notice im so insecure about that subject because i cant express anything about girls around a guy who has a gf and has had about 9 more in his life with me still at 0.I still feel bad but i should care what they say because one of them is a stupid pervert that has never had a gf.I know that i would be so much better for a women then the friends that said crap behind my back but i still just dont feel good about what they said.
  24. Well i dont get the confidence part of myself since the fact how am i suppose to get confident to have girls like me if i never have attracted one girl in my life to make me feel alright?Im starting to feel quite positive that im ugly cause EVERY girl that comes in the restaurant never smiles at me or gives those looks.My friend richard always says how when they leave they always smile at him and wink at him and stuff.Girls r just always complimenting him on how he looks.I have never gotten that in my life.They usually just look over at me they see ugly then they look away i guess and never look back or smile because they dont want no ugly male for a bf when they could get something better like my friend.Although my intentions r a lot better then my friend and i would treat that girl so good and never do anything bad to her and not hurt her in any mental way in all outcomes that its possible.But that doesnt matter because young girls judge u by your looks they dont give u a second chance for personality and the good of ur heart i guess thats just the way it is
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