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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. Ya thats totally stupid logic there.Im not gay i would LOVE to have a gf but the fact that im too stupid and ugly is the fact that i get no gf's they dont like me thats just how it is.
  2. Man im scared of myself my pills do not work sometimes.Tonight i have been having enraged feelings to kill myself and i feel so worthless i guess i might need to talk to someone.I feel so stupid,so worthless,like nobody likes me right now.I feel like such a loser......
  3. Ive never kissed in my life like many of u know and i was just wondering how it is.Some people say its more intimate then sex and i can see how it could be it seems like it would be.Just seems really meaningful and seems like u can express love to someone so well that way.To some of u does it feel good to kiss and do u like it a lot.Iono its just something i would like to know because it seems really meaningful.
  4. ya dude just let her go man she is not worth it if she tells u something that uplifting then just smashes u into pieces by leaving u directly after she is messed up.Thats the only benefit to never having a gf i have nothing like that too look forward to because i never ever had a relation with a girl....
  5. There r variations of this nice guy doormats also though call myself the invisible doormat such as im the type of nice guy that helps girls at work with like busing,ill help them at school,and help them with things like that.But im invisible they dont notice me they think im nice but they dont like me.I mean ill try to help everybody but when it comes to girls they will not like me and just stop talking to me im like invisible.Im the one that is not used but i am the one that never gets a girlfriend im just overlooked.Us type of nice guys r usually the type that r invisible by the fact that we r ugly which is totally unfair but o well thats life.
  6. Dont worry guys ur still so young and dont even know what luv is about....I mean im only 17 but i never ever have had a gf.At your guys age it is pointless to constantly date and sometimes even at my age with all the stupid ignorant teenagers.For all the youngins that think its bad that they dont have a gf just to keep ur mind off of it if you are cursed with ugliness that i have and other people have it will help u so much.If ur ugly women r no good in your life they will just bring u down and smash u down like a lil mouse under a foot it will just obliterate ur emotions.At that age girls r so obsessed with looks its not even funny they dont think about anything but that.Even 28 year olds dont have gf's and thats sad and depressing.Just some ideas for youngins going down the same path as me and many others.
  7. that would be fun to meet each other might be kind of ackward but fun.
  8. No way oatmeal im not talking about having sex with a girl or going really far mang i was just meaning something meaningful with a girl,such as kissing.Im totally the type of guy that waits for a great girl i truly love to come along before i have sex.Even then id have to be with them a very long time and be very intimate but im prolly even waiting for marriage.I have totally high morals even if i had the chance to have sex right now which most guys would like and take a hold of it and do it.I still wouldnt i know that i wouldnt because i would refrain from any such nonsense because that is retarded when its not for love.
  9. One question to ya'll sorry depression kicking in again its late at night right now so it likes to bother me.U tell me not to feel pathetic but how can i not if i havent even done mere childs crap with girls such as even holding a girls hand just a stupid pathetic thing like that.I cant help but to feel bad when a 12 year old boy has prolly done more with a girl then me how can that be something i can block out of my mind well.I cant even start to believe how 28 men at the same point as i am feel when just a kid half the age of him has gone farther with a girl then him and actually has had a gf.Its just so sad and pathetic to us guys we just dont like to tell anyone we have never had a gf in real life cause then they look at us like we r gay they think we should of already had one.
  10. I just wanted to know guys something that i have but its a lil off topic but o well just something i wanted to ask.Do any of u guys have the natural pleasure of doing kind things for people and just helping people when u have the chance?Whenever i have the chance i do because it makes me feel really good inside a lot of people i know not selfish but they r never nice enough to just help people.I love to set aside time whenever someone is in need.Just like lil things such as busing all the tables for the waitresses at work and i never ask for a tip when im not suppose to do their work.I should expand by donating money to good things and stuff it makes me feel really good and i have started to notice how much i like it and how i should do it more
  11. Nah i took ur advice and it would of worked better if my depression didnt consume my emotions again dont worry we just have some huge problems that r hard to help
  12. I am nice guy and all but im just ugly! hip hip hooray!!!!.......
  13. Ya np Lonelyshy I know exactly what u r talking about man.Whenever i hear my friends talking about their girlfriends or other peoples parents talking to their son's friends asking about their gf's i try to change the subject as quickly as possible or leave.I just cant listen to that too long like u.I know the feeling of waking up like nobody cares about u just going to work either coming to play computer or just going to my friends house and i can feel so lonely cause there is no one that care for me and might wait for my return on say a plane flight. *Sorry about my ranting too was just relating to his stories*
  14. O yah and thanks for the pm the replies to my stupid comments of my ignorance thatguy.O yah for anyone using anti depressant do not ever miss a day of taking ur pills wow i felt so fricken depressed because things were going so wrong today and i missed my pill.I got so depressed that i was on the verge of killing myself i wanted to so bad but i refrained and held myself back.I get scared of my motives sometimes because without these pills i can become extremely suicidal and it scares me who knows i might actually become dependent on these things...But what ever keeps me from killing myself i guess ill need em.
  15. Maybe the reason i keep on posting is that whenever i post a why? question i always get this reply about dont worry there are so many people like u and it will get better.Why and how will it get better i do not know how it will get better.Do u guys just not reply to my posts answering my question because you will hurt my feelings?I dont mind if u answer my question with the cold harsh truth because i been hurt many times before... so im used to it.Maybe when i ask the question why havent i attracted any girls in my lifetime maybe u should just tell me that im ugly because i probably am and i already think that way of myself so who cares about me.I think im devolping a phobia to girls my age just a lil bit that r attractive.Like today at work there were 2 really pretty girls that sat up at the counter near where i have to put dishes on the waitress line.So i started doing the dishes instead of putting them away and i managed to not go up front the whole time they were there.I cannot stand walking by girls my age because i always feel lije they r judging me harsly thinking im ugly.They always laugh when i walk by sometimes in a mean way i hate it i hate girls my age i cant stand being around them they make me sad and make me hate myself.
  16. Ya dude dont be messed up about or anything cause u sound all really disappointed that she wont let u do that.When u truly love someone i think its alright to get to do some things like that but 5 months pffff come on thats barely even been that long i think aboout 1 year man but it definitely comes down to when the 2 people in the relationship agree on it.Cause if u truly loved her then u would respect the fact that she does not want to that type of thing at this time maybe later when she feels u r incredibly special to her but now.Let it fricken wait i hope ur not the type of guy whos gonna try and try to get in her pants and make things worse.I mean how ignorant can some of u guys be, my goodness.U r the guys that get women u always go out with them and get some in depth close encounter interaction with women yet ur ignorant to the fact of love u do not understand the true meaning of a relationship,love is when u think with ur head not your dick.I mean some of us guys who have never had a gf never had any interactions of love with a women know more about the true meaning of love.How is that?I mean u guys r fricken around women all the time!but u think with your god forsaken dick come on.Make use of your realtionship and get to feel special about ur gf and see if she is someone u can love ur whole life dont throw it away with those stupid hormones that say women r something u only have sex with thats retarded.Some guys can be so ignorant i just hope ur not one of them.....
  17. I Shouldnt even post on this site anymore all i do is take up space with my worthless pathetic crap......All i do is ask for advice and vent a lot of my frustrations which u guys probably get tired of so i should get my worthless mind off this site.I cant even give advice because like 90% of the posts have to do with relationships and women.Such as kissing like "what was ur first kiss like".I mean i cannot provide any information on that subject i havent even touched a girls lips or held their hand out of love or liking them.I think i should stop.
  18. Im sorry u have gotten to feel that way padreamer....I guess im just a stupid lost cause that u should not attempt to help recover from my ignorance to life and women...I guess i should just keep doing as im doing not thinking about women just like i have been doing these last 3 weeks.That one girl that was new to work that i actually started talking too has stopped talking to me.Cause whenever i walk by now i dont say anything so i guess she doesnt say anything to me cause she is starting to dislike me and thats the way things should be if i was actually liked by a girl the world would explode or something boom! Dont try to help an ignortant fool like me or other people like me padreamer it isnt worth ur time we r stupid too women and dont deserve women only the inconsiderate jerks who scam girls and know everything about em should have em i dont deserve a girl i dont even like myself so why should i feel a girl should like me.Im pathetic at many things and just wish i was really good at one thing especially women but i was not given i was only given to sit back and be depressed.I dont really care anymore and i know life sux so ill just except it.
  19. Iono mang women r have so much strength in their hands they dont even know it.They can bring some men to depression by rejection and some of their games.I think a lot of why some men r so depressed is because of women.U women know that a lot of mens self worth is a women right by his side and without ever having one or breaking up in a horrible way with ur first girl can bring a man to a horrible bout of depression and utter hopelessness.Too me a women makes up a lot of how a man feels but ive never have had experienced that feeling since ive never had a gf.The girl definitely is feeling bad but she should she just thought it was time too stop the relationship and she saw it going no where.Thats a totally sad story was that the guys first gf mang?Because it really sounds like it.Girls r so depressing too men and they bring them too the point of suicide sometimes i guess by it not being their fault at all or not even what they were trying to do.Thats horrible mang and it makes me depressed and i bet u feel horrible.Sometimes when i was in really depressed moods i always thought of something like if i never had a gf or was just gonna stay at home by myself playing computer on prom night....Id just go to it and right in the middle of everybody blow my head off its totally insane to think about but thats how depressed i felt some days i dont know why its totally idiotic i would not do that.
  20. Thats how horrible john joe really killed himself?........
  21. Im sorry u feel that way padreamer sorry my emotions r just on constant ups and downs...Trust me,plz believe me i think this is a lot of stuff to do with the depression because sometimes i just feel so hopeless and pathetic then sometimes i can feel great.I was doing ok with girls there for awhile then i dug back down into a hole of low self esteem and crappy confidence i dont know where it came from.I just dont understand it why does it seem like women dislike me then why do they seem so digusted of me or make a disgusted face isnt that sign of being ugly when people look at u that way?Why havent i ever attracted one girl in my whole life time it seems like just why?doesnt that seem kind of pathetic to think about =/.I just cant change my frame of mind padreamer and im sorry and im too insecure to put a photo over here cause i just have such a strong force in my mind saying "im ugly".I cannot take a compliment either..Everytime someone says im great at something ill tell no im just ok im not all that good.I cannot take a compliment i cannot take the fact that someone is actually giving me a good compliment instead of putting me down like so used too in my life.
  22. Dont worry man but why do u people talk like im gonna geta girl im pathetic NO GIRLS LIKE ME they hate me......When ever i hear these commercials about aids and hiv and stuff they always say use protection.Well i got my protection right here and its my ugly face and body which doesnt attract any women.Trust me caldus i attract NO WOMEN at all.Women r my hell and they r one of the things that make hate myself and this plante i need em but i really dont need em at all.....they can just get away from me im disliking them now,because they r always so harsh and mean.Have no respect for me or my feelings like when i got called ugly back in middle school and some high school years.Women r evil they dont make me happy or anything i thought they were suppose to be nice sweet but now they r mostly made up of hot male predators who gain their self esteem by tearing at us ugly people.Trust me caldus i will never get a chance to do what u do no girls will mess around with me or anything because im like the human birth control i get nothign at all from women.Im doomed with bad looks and no women and to be lonely for a long time this i know........
  23. Ive been going on about a good 2 weeks of not thinking about girls but there have been a couple of times where i did think about it.I still feel empty and stuff i been feeling so good lately just forgetting about girls not even caring what the hell they r thinking about me bescause hey dislike me.Thats the only problem i just feel so empty without one and i dont wanna admit to myself that its women because i dotn want to be constantly depressed.Women r no good...they r no good in my life so i was just wondering have any of u guys tried not caring about em because i feel better not caring bout them.They feel so weird like they r from another planet and us men cannot understand their weird ways.They r just like bears except for they attack ur emotions like crazy and rip them apart they dont care how they treat u because ur ugly an dont care about ur feelings.ITs like im not even there when they walk by they never look at me or give me double take because the sense ugly and they dont give it a second chance they shred my feelings to pieces.I feel so alone....Im just forgetting about them for as long as i can.....
  24. Ya i can second outlaws judgement john that is exactly how i feel too mang but i just was never able to put into words as well as u just did.I feel so lost and so empty without someone and it feels like no one cares and never see how i truly feel.I feel like such a loser myself sometimes too mang im with ya on this one.
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