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Everything posted by Shinobie

  1. With guys that is nothing we talk about especially me.Because if u talk about that around ur friends and u have never had a gf and ur too ugly too get one kind of like me people call u a desperate loser.With guys on subjects like that is a lot harsher because some guys get pleasure out of making fellow males feel pathetic...I stay away from such subjects like that as much as i can because i have nothing to talk about when talkign about girls and stuff.because its like how has ur girl interactions been lately.I could always say "o im getting around to talking to one" which is somethign i have put off for like the last 5 years for one im too ugly and secondly i am shy/nervous too approach one.So for some of us guys that is no go zone.
  2. If i tell people that im just not looking right now they can usually see right through me and start bothering me about how i dont have a gf or neve rhave had 1.They can see that im unattractive and very shy so they see that i probably want a gf but im too ugly to get one thats what they like to tell me.No matter how nice u r girls do not want an ugly bf.Because like say when their friends see who shes dating they will think wow hes ugly why did u date him?All the nice girls that see how good of a guy i am are usually married maybe it is true all the good women r taken...
  3. yep mang looks r the deciding factor for people to come walking up to you and r interested in you.As for u and me we r probably too ugly for any girls to give us a second look and really want us to come up to them or them come to us.they usually just flock around the good ol handsome guy like a bunch of tigers on meat.They do it like there is only one man in the room and they go for that guy.We r the good ol ugly guys nobody would think twice about walking up to us we are useless in this society.O yah but ill change that cause ill go to war in iraq or one of our next problems and die theres my point yay!!!!
  4. Ya gl with ur attempt with this girl and i hope everything goes well.Dont worry for many of us nervousness is our middlename and its hard for us to even instigate a conversation with a girl.Like me i cannot get the initiative to go up to this girl and talk to her at least u have already done something with her so u should have a good chance gl!
  5. he prolly wants to go out with u but he might be a lil too nervous to ask u out maybe just give him a yes if he asks to go out sometime.
  6. ya i dont really know myself but i jsut personally think kissing like that is too far for a first date because its always nice to save things liek hat for later.Although kissing her on the cheek would prolly be quite alright with just a hug and stuff for a first date.
  7. dont worry mang i have tried to kill myself befoe and i already have gotten help and i am now taking lexapro.Its just thoughts like that, that come zooming through my head every once and awhile i just feel so bad sometimes even taking the pills.I think i need some extra counseling like padreamer was telling me.People like that just like to degrade me and it sux because i really do end up feeling bad...
  8. Iono something tells me that i would just giver her a hug on the first date before we left but iono i have neve been on a date so go by what ur mind tells u just giving u somethign to think about just anothe person's opinion.
  9. Just because i have not done one thing with a girl in my whole life maybe just ne kiss in some stupid truth or dare game but i dont consider that anything at all.Why do i get called gay for being 17 and not having done anything with a girl in my life or never having one....That doesnt make me gay im just ugly and too ignorant for girls and getting farther and farther behind too catch up.i admit im more ignorant then 13 year old boys with girls and yes i know its pathetic but im ugly....Its these people that like to drag me back down into a good thing we liek to call suicide although im too high above that right now.But one big thing could probably send me off again and i dont like it.This is why i care about wanting a gf and stuff when girls always ask me.Theres something in my mind that tells me i need a gf and says if i dont get one im pathetic.I mena im even put down my peers and called gay if i dont have one...Just called a stupid sexually ignorent fool by some guys and girls.....It might just be better if id die in my sleep and never woke up or thought again....
  10. No worries man i really feel for ya i couldnt see not having any friends i would be really bad off....Now with girls i can feel ya on that one because i have never had one in my life either i would consider myself about 5 out of 10 on the attractive scale although i might being alil generous because im prolly worse then that but iono.Ya life can suck man and i feel ya dude i mean even if u had friends u woul still be lonely after awhile cause without a gf life feels so pointless and lonely although having friends u would be a lil bit more happy.
  11. I am ugly and im tyring not too really care anymore some people like to try to say im not too feel better for me but i see right through them and accept that i am.The thing that bothers me the most is that when im not able to get a girlfriend because im unattractive and they call me gay i get upset by that because im not
  12. Well a girl got engaged at 16 at my school i dont believe it would be bad for a 15 yea old to.One thing dont get lost thinking ur in love at such a young age with alot of people i know it ended up making their lives crappy or they just have problems together im just saying dont think u r too fast.I mean 15 years old is such a young fricken age to judge marriage u dont know how u will be 10 years from now.
  13. I will be a nice guy as long a si live because i know it is right and i like doing it.There is no reason to be liek all these other jerks because u r just basically repeating the same thing that many of these messed up jerks have done for years now.I dont want to complete the trend i want to be a different guy.I mean the girls who use us type guys as doormats r stupid and ignorant because they r basically gonna ruin us.They have no respect for the better type guy because i believe we r the better guy because all these others jerks just want to have sex with any women they possibly can with who r attractive.And that is very lame and messed up and means nothing.Its a never ending cycle because people keep getting messed up and ruined in the process.As for me ill just stick to going with the shy girls and tryign to talk to them cause most of the time they r the good ones.
  14. Some guys arnt bad at all like me i get told from girls i work with and others that im one of the nicest guys they have met.And said they wish there were more guys like me but the sad thing is that there is not many i try to be as nice as possible but i end up being a doormat but im not gonna go back on being nice.Some girls use nice guys as a doormat so much that they become mean and very pissed that they ruin them like a friend i have.
  15. Ya like i said i dont know why no guys would like her cause too me she is very cute but i guess a lot of guys r just shallow.
  16. Lol iono why i even look in this section i guess its just because im interested in seeing what people have trouble with when they are older.Sorry i know im 17 but i use the term older because i mean as in ignorance because older people have less ignorance.As for me just like what my signature says is true so im still jsut a young child.I guess i shouldnt look at this part of the forum again till i actully ever get a gf or kiss one which is highly doubtful but gl with your big adult relationship stuff ill just go back with the other ignorant men where i belong in the dating and shy people forum!
  17. i think i would prefer it shaved but hey why should u trust me?I have done nothing with a girl in my life not even have held a girls hand.I mean would u trust a guys judgement who is about as sexually ignorant as a 10 year old boy i know i wouldnt.But if u want to take my opinion then thats fine with me but remember im stupid!
  18. Dont worry john its normal for me too mang even my own friend makes fun of me saying im ugly although iono if hes serious but i think is.And its been so repetitive throughout my life too thta i do believe that im ugly so i guess i just accept that i am ^^.Although i never have had a gf and im about as sexually ignorant as a 10 year old boy like my signature says but i try to not really care.If we r born ugly i guess we r jsut gonna have live our lifes this way being lucky if we actually get gfs or maybe we wont because some people r too unattractive sometimes to get a mate and i feel so bad for that but its true sometimes i personally think.....o well mang we dont need girls if they dont want us.I just look to other things such as the army for if i never find someone who likes me maybe join that and fight for your country then die.I mean imma nice guy and i spend my whole life giving and never get anything in return.So why dont i just join the army and die for my country and all these people with wives,children,and lives with meaning....unlike my life of constant kindness with nothing given back ^^
  19. Lol ash well thats good mang! Id be the same way as u if ever get to a point like that maybe when im 40 lol!Cause im still at that stage of wow i havent even held a girls hand i feel like a 11 year old in a 17 year olds body.Well o well who can help it when ur the man! Who has a mind that is about as sexually ignorant as a 10 year old but o well that makes me a special lil package for some stupid girl that would actually go out with an ignorant fool like me ! !!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Lol all these posts! With 15-20 year olds talking about sex with condoms and how it feels natural and stuff.Like how it is touching a girl/guy down there and whats going on.I feel so left out i havent even gotten too touch a real girls hand.Id prolly be about 1% complete with girls because i managed to talk with them and thats about it could always dream about having a gf and going on dates with her and havign a great time in love.But then i wake up and im like o crap! i want to be back in that dream!Then thats when i feel bad and stuff and lie my head down feeling stupid for being in the real world want my face to be at a when i talk about girls but its at about a so its all good just feel so left out.How about i talk in the sex forum when i actually kiss a girl just to feel special mean kissing for me is a big step like to sex for people hell even just talking with girls is a big step for me cause i suxor!
  21. Im just saying for most girls it does seem like its a lot easier for them to get a relationship then guys because us guys usually always have to instigate.Girls get conversations sprung at them constantly from guys except for some.Although there are some girls that get no attention from guys at all and i dont get it like this girl i like who i think is very cute no guys go for her but i would but im too shy which is the thing im trying to break and go up to her.If i wasnt still so nervous to go up to girls o man id be talking to her right away at school but i need to think of great conversation.Although back to the point it does seem pretty much a lot easier for them to get a relationship.I mean some non attractive girls have a hard time cause guys dont go up to them.I feel like an unattractive guy but i still have to go up to them and make the first move.Cause i hate this whole guys make the first move crap it bothers mei mean i wouldnt mind a girl making the first move.
  22. Its true that she should just leave him but she is feeling like she should do somethign nice by not breaking up with him but WOW she is cheating on him.Its better to dump him then cheat him and mang u should feel bad urself u sound like u have no respect for ur fellow man why would u do that behind ur own fellow males back?Why dont u just tell her to drop the guy or wait for her to dump the guy.Too me its guys like u who get all the good setups but dont deserve them......
  23. Ya i used to have the same thing right before i attempted suicide when i was always constantly depressed.I heard lil voices in my head saying that i was pathetic and whenever i thought that some girls might actually be attracted to me i used to hear something in my mind telling me hat "no your too ugly to get a gf and ur too pathetic for a girl"and then id just get more depressed overtime going to the point of suicide.I would insist on seeing help cause that is usually a very bad sign for the fact that 2 months after i started hearing voices in my head i tried to commit suicide so seek some help mang.
  24. Ya iono im trying to figure out the best way to talk to this girl at my school mang she attracts me plenty.But i just dont know how to apprach her that keeps rushing through my mind cause whenever i hear some responses to these type of questions i always feel a lot oif these tips although they might be good they just feel rather akward to go up and ask a girl that.But o well im just too insecure although this girl looks liek she has gotten no attention from guys as i have not gotten any attention from girls so thats good.I need to get less nervous and talk to her im trying to figure out the best way too approach her i might take long but o well ill try hard.
  25. Ya shes in my german 2 class but she stays outside doing german 4(could of been in 4 but i slacked over the course of high school).Maybe i can ask her to help me with something but there is the teacher and the aid in my class iono it would be kind of akward.Ill just think of a way too approach her well or go by ur advice or others that come and ty for responding to my topic im happy that u replied and helped
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