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Everything posted by JonnyG

  1. I don't think its been proven that penis enlargement pills ever work. The penis pump apparently works but I read that it makes the penis look a bit like a boiled sausage i.e. the skin is all loose and the penis soft. That kegel (can't remember if its called that but if u insist) exercise is apparently ment to work but takes time. Your basically ment to pull up on the penis (unerect) to force the blood to the end, then as your first hand gets to the end use the other hand, then the first again etc. to keep the blood pressure high at the end of the penis. This helps to expand the blood vessels, allowing future erections to hold more blood, which in turn makes for a bigger penis.
  2. The Avman wants to hear more stories of women masturbating
  3. "but im not shallow. my real problem is him, why cant he let it go and let us both move....." But u are being shallow by judging people agains't his money 99% of guys probably won't be able to compete against his wealth. And its "you" who can't seem to let him go as "you" seem to believe that no1 can measure upto him, when I bet there are many guys out there who are just as good if not better than a "jerk" but simply don't have the same wealth. I have never think of money when I try to date a woman. Yes, it would be a bonus, but it really doesnt mean much at all. If u think some is good looking and has a great personality, then whats the problem?
  4. Only in america (I feel a warning coming on ) Why does no1 measure upto him? U think he's a jerk but u say no1 measures upto him and im guessing from what u say its because they basically are not as rich as him. Thats very shallow. Would u like it if anyone with u left u because although u were great, u weren't as rich as their last gf?
  5. It is disturbing these days how young some people are who are having sex. And even more disturbing how so many young people think that they have to lose their virginity at such a young age. There really is kiddy (and i really do stress the word "kiddy") sex happening everywhere now sick. Like the above post said, what happened to childhood? I lost my virginity at 17, and I think I waited til the right age.
  6. Dam right, well said. Its a turn on when a woman initiates it because it shows that she really wants you and isn't having sex once again because you initiated it and she doesn't want to let u down.
  7. Occasionally a girl will actually come up to me. Same as occasionally I will get signs from a girl for me to go over. Thank God for these people, because if they don't bother to at least look a few times, Im not going to give them the time of day.
  8. JonnyG


    Sorry to hear about it. Many of us have been in your position, just leave her and find some1 better. She will more than likely end up regreting it in the future.
  9. "When Katherine (my housemate again) said she couldn't get men she meant that earlier that day two men had thrown themselves at her but neither of them had been, well...you know, quite right. Then she'll sigh and look so hard-done-by. When I say I can't get a girl I mean that I can't get someone with two X chromosomes to have coffee with me" haha So true. There are still a lot of attractive girls out there who think that. They have all these men trying to chat to them and they blow them all out and then say "Why can't I find a man?" and like u said, feel that they are being hard done by. They should try standing in a mans shoes. Being an attractive women means an endless amount of men will come upto in life trying to chat to u (omg, it must be heaven). Being an attractive man means.....well..... your still left being the one having to do basically all the work, the only benefit is that it will probably be a shorter line of women u have to chat to to find success than the average or not so good looking guy.
  10. If u both felt the same way I would say fine, but its obvious that u really like him and he doesnt feel as strongly as u. Maybe all these "benefits" would change his mind, but i doubt that. I think he will just use u for sex when he feels like it, u will get more interested in him and he will just end up dropping u at a higher height. Friends with benefits work if u both agree to it. This summer I was lucky enough to find a great girl and had a "friends with benefits" relationship. We had a great time together because we knew how each other felt and the circumstances suited us.
  11. It will diffa depending on the guy. But a girl who does a little teasing at first is good. Use a fair amount of saliva because this will make it more comfortable for both parties involved. Vary the licking and sucking a bit, even deep throat if u can sometimes. As April 922 mentioned, massage his balls with your fingers and tongue, it feels great but many women don't mess with them while playing down there, probably cause they dont know how good it feels. And swallowing is great for many guys if u don't mind (don't be forced into it). And if he's really wanting u to, then tell him u will if he snowballs Keep teeth off unless your very gentle.
  12. The chances are small, but they still exist, and people get pregnant from the stupid "pull out" method. Its disturbing how many people actually do it And like Avman said *playgirl*, I highly doubt u will be pregnant if 1)Had a condom 2) didnt properly ejaculate while in you 3) recent period. Its just a delayed period.
  13. Your not ment to go to the bathroom when its erect. Otherwise u will make quite a bit of mess. Like the post above said, we all wake with our morning glories and we have to stand by the toilet for ages for it to go down while we are dieing to pee I can relate with the erection problem. We all have the problem. I get them throughout the day, and u get them in the most inconvienent places. Its times like those that im glad im not hung like a donkey
  14. I have to agree a lot with corvidae. I don't think in this day and age it should still be the man doing almost ALL the work when it comes to taking the initiative. I don't even expect 50/50 efforts, but perhaps 20/80. The man is expected to make the first move, to make the first phone call after the intial meeting, to set up the first date, to pay for the first dates. Its not sounding too fair. As i mentioned on a previous thread, and corvidae has mentioned, how many pretty much perfect men walk out of women's lives because they can barely gain the confidence to look at him a few times and smile. U know this is true because take any night out and u watch the guys and girls and almost every guy will give a few glances to girls he likes, but its rare to see a girl give a few glances to something she likes. More like she sits patiently hoping he will come over and chat to them. Its stupid. I might sound like a bit of a tard saying this and I don't want to sound vain, but I consider myself to be quite a good looking fella. I also have a nice body from years of sport and the gym. I dress well, groom well, and use aftershaves that reviews from women give like top stars for and say makes them have "orgasms" basically from smelling them. And yet no matter what, whether I act Mr cool and collective, or smiley and happy, I find the lack of girls stares disturbing. Whats wrong with me? I think i look good, my friends say I look good, girls who I have been out with or pulled say I look great (ok, bit biased as they obviously liked us anyways but u get the point). Although im no perfect hunk, I still consider myself well above the average joe. So why the lack of attention? Ok, now reverse this role and have the female version of me with looks which arent supermodel quality, but still very attractive, and almost every guy who is single will give her a couple of stares, preying for a return glance. Doesn't matter if she is cool and collective or happy and smiley, she WILL get those looks. Why? Interestingly enough, the place I probably get the most looks from women is the gym. Perhaps its because they like the fact that I take care of myself. Or maybe because they go to the gym they have higher confidence levels and are thereforeeee able to give me more glances? Maybe its just me? (anyone else find this phenomenom?), but im pretty sure that girls just don't seem so bothered to look at things they find attractive and if they won't make the effort to chat to guys, the least they can do is manage a few more hints. Anyway, there are some women who do make more effort, do go upto guys, do give the signals. Thank God for them, they have made my life easier at times, because I'll tell u this, if a girl doesn't look at me at least a few times, the chances of me going upto her are virtually nil. All it takes are a few looks and a smile (the key in my opinion) and i'll happily go over to them. Luckily I have met women in the past thanks to them giving me the hints. I just wished more of them showed that confidence. EDIT: Forgot to mention. Once again the stupid myth abut the chase was mentioned. Fair enough, some chasing is fun (but it gets tiring after a while). If u are often successful then I can imagine it would be enjoyable. So if u look like Brad Pitt and your smart and loaded, im sure the chase must be fun as u often succeed. But many of us fail for 1 reason or another, and it doesn't take a scientist to realise that rejection isn't fun. NONE of us like it, so why would we want to continously put ourselfs on the path to it? Surely it would be better to sit back and relax and get a Q of girls lining up to chat to us? I don't think I know any man who would turn down hot girls coming upto them
  15. Being good at kissing usually comes with a bit of practice. Don't be too soft, don't be too rough, don't be too dry, don't be too wet. Of course this doesnt always apply, sometimes we can enjoy really soft kissing, and sometimes mad rough passionate kissing. When u kiss the guy see how he uses his tongue and do the same back to him. Try just stroking his tongue with yours in a nice rythem. It really should come naturally with time.
  16. woow. I thought u ment u were iin love with 5 year olds then *phew* Could of been a big problem. 5 years is nothing. I prefer older girls than myself. My ex was nearly 9 years older than me. And a recent sex-only fling I had with a girl, was 4 years older than me. In your situation u seem right together. Yes in the future looks start to go, but thats why you meet some1 u connect with on more than just a physical basis. For my situation above though, I would probably think it was a bad idea for me to go out with my ex again (the 1 who is nearly 9 years older), because I don't honestly know how i would feel when im 30 and shes nearly 40 and theres all these hot younger girls taking an interest. The fact is in your situation, it is my opinion that 5 years isn't much of a gap, and u sound like u get on great. I don't think u should worry, but enjoy your life with her.
  17. I don't like it totally shaved. Just neatly trimed triangle or a brazilian is fine.
  18. Im still trying to understand why your still with this loser ......nah.....I don't think i'll understand why.
  19. JonnyG


    Erm....? Its more and more common for girls to wear thongs/G-strings these days. It just turns us guys on. Well, its a major turn on for me if a girl wears thongs, it would be a disappointment if they wore just normal panties. I don't like G-strings much tho, thongs r much more sexy. They expose the right amount of skin in my opinion.
  20. I agree with the above posts, some sound advice there. GL.
  21. Well some woman get hairy enough that they also get it in that area as well. It just makes shaving/waxing more difficult for them And as for men , does any man not have hair down there?
  22. I don't know about some places but in Manchester (UK) theres many student nights were they serve vodka/redbull cheaply. People drink it like water. I've had tons on nights out, and it doesn't keep me up all night. The fight between alcohol v caffeine always ends up with the alcohol winning and me falling asleep like a rock So with the amount of stuff getting drunk on student nights, I can't imagine it can be THAT bad for people. If it was too dangerous im sure the drink would have to be toned down if its sold in nightclubs. EDIT: To the poster above, I doubt 3 of your friends died from drinking it
  23. Think im about 3-5 times (depends on how long since i last ejaculated). People will vary. U don't have to worry.
  24. How old are you? Have far are u talking about going when u say "making out"? Are u talking about just snogging? as we are under the "kissing" board. It doesn't take much to arouse us guys.
  25. lol, I feel like going to the States cause they dig English guys . Maybe in a year or 2.
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