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Everything posted by JonnyG

  1. I guess this can be for both sexes, although I don't think i know of a girl who likes big backsides? Weve talked about boob size before but I don't think in the time I've been here that I've seen a thread regarding what people prefer when it comes to the backside. I've always liked a bigger than average behind so a few of my friends mock me for it, but its worth the abuse So what do u prefer? Small, medium or large? I must be bored but I havent made a thread for agesssss.
  2. lol, I have a phone interview in like 5 mins and im bricking it also hhhmmm the dread driving test. Well the main word I can think of is "relax". Yep, we all say this to each other and its easier said than done. The fact is that you are only given this opportunity to do this driving test because your instructor thinks your good enough for it. So take confidence from that. Don't worry about little mistakes (your allowed a fair amount before it is considered a fail). We all make them while driving. Remember its the recovery of the situation that is important. So if u stall or something remember to just correctly adjust to the situation and the examiner will be happy. GL
  3. Sorry to hear about all of that. I guess u could blame nature for it in a way as many male species aren't ment to hang around the female. His job is just to impregnant females and move on from one to another. Luckily we have adapted and learnt to have feelings for one another and thereforeeee can love 1 single person and live with them for life. Sounds like u have come accross more than your fair share of men related problems when it comes to trust. Remember its not just men, I think studies have shown that women aren't too far behind when it comes to cheating. Try not to bundle all of us in to one category though. There are loads of guys out there who are trustworthy in relationships. Just keep on looking for the right 1.
  4. I like volumptious girls. Nice hour glass. With a bigger than average bum
  5. lol I don't think u should bother letting him ejacualte in your mouth quite yet til your more comfortable with the idea. Your only 14 as well (sorry)
  6. lol, i said i expect them to pay for some things. I would only pay for basically everything if i was rich and she was poor.
  7. Well I think I can satisfy the list but: "11. Most of them don't mind paying half of everything, but they do discuss these things with their friends. Realize that if you make your girlfriend pay half all the time, everyone will know about it and your friends will know you're a pu-c --11.5. Do you honestly need all your money that much? Be a man, pay all the time! " Im broke at the mo as im unemployed having just finished uni and struggling to find a job. So "yes" I need all my money . Guess that means I can't have a gf??? O well, I thought it was the thought that counted I counter this argument and say "Do women need all that money?". I mean if the guy buys everything he ends up being poor while the woman already leeching off the man for everything can then reward themselves with a car they have saved up for themselves. Not a bad return even if they don't like their relationship As a man, I don't mind if I pay for the majority of things. With past girls I've paid for like 2/3rds to their 3rd, think thats a fair ratio. Luckily the girls I've been with have insisted to pay for some things. If I was a girl I would feel rude expecting the guy to pay for everything, I would feel embarrassed as well. If a girl expects me to pay for everything...well...tough, thats leeching If shes poor and im rich, I would definitely pay for a higher majority of the stuff, but I would still like the odd offer off her as its the thought that counts. Luckily, I don't think many girls would agree that they expect their man to pay for everything. Im sure the majority would like to treat their man occasionally if they really like him.
  8. hhmmm, often when a woman touches a guy on the leg or arm it means she really likes him. Not so sure on the other way round but I guess it would be the same. If u 2 get on great then I would be surprised if he didn't ask u out on a date sooner or later, but he might be worried your just flirting and not relly interested. I mean the bad situation here for him is that he probably feels if he asks u out and u say "no" that he's going to be really because he has to see u everyday at work. Keep up the hints, make sure they are more than just flirty hints but real "i like u" hints. Lots of eye contact, smiles, laughing (obviously at appropriate times ) touches etc. Try to find out somehow if he has a gf or not. If he doesn't and things carry on well between u maybe u could suggest going out for a drink after work?
  9. Women tend to like confident/assertive men. Unfortunately people who often act like this can end up being real jerks. The idea is to strike a balance. Find that balance and women will love u and guys will want to be your mate A lot of women also like this confident and dominent person in bed. U know when u will have gone too far when u get told off or slapped .
  10. Give it some time mate. It can take a while for people to reply. Especially in this incident where the number of people who are lesbiens/bi-sexual are significantly lower than the norm.
  11. lol for a second I was like "When the hell did I write this thread Thats my avatar u knicked gggrrrr EDIT: I've changed my avatar now. I hope avman doesnt delete it due to its size
  12. I think its called a "snowball" but its where after a guy has cumed in a girls mouth she then snogs him. They then play with the sperm in there mouths. I guess it rolls around like a snowball (well...its whitish) in their mouths, hence the name. But tea thinks its snallball, so it could be that, im not sure.
  13. Different guys, different opinions. You said he often comes round later on in the day after an argument. Maybe u should wait til then then apologise.
  14. I was going to say that if you are unhappy about your weight then do something about, but luckily your already making the effort. Congrats on losing 30lbs. Keep the good work up. U don't have to make fun of people to build your self esteem. U don't like people making fun of u so thereforeeee rise above that immaturity. By losing weight and getting that figure u want will more than likely build your self esteem anyway. For the record I prefer a girl who has something more to hold onto. Especially in the butt area (has to be firm though )
  15. "I have had a number guys like me, but I have always said no when they asked me out" lol just like some guy was talking about the other day when he couldnt get a gf. He was talking about his flatmate (and its so true ive seen it before as well and u prove it as well) "When my flatmate Karen said she couldn't get a bf, she means that 2 guys flung themselves at her that day but she didnt fancy either. Then she looks at the ceiling and sighs like shes been hard done by" U girls don't know just how lucky u are. Try 3 years with no1 asking u out, because those guys u turned away have probably never been ask out. Your 18 and have been asked out quite a few times by the sounds of it. Many lads here on this forum are over 20 some pushing 30 and have NEVER been asked out or even had a girl allow them a chance of a date Next time a guy asks u out, say "YES!"
  16. As the above says. Upto u whether your comfortable swallowing or would rather spit. Most guys prefer a girl to swallow as it just shows how comfortable/erotic a girl is with them. Don't think that u have to do it. Its up to U. A lot of girls wouldn't allow a guy to cum in their mouth at all let alone spit or swallow. Just because u don't allow a guy to cum in your mouth doesnt mean u love them any less. If your game for it but expect him to join in, snowball him
  17. I can imagine in the heat of the moment with people thrusting and stuff it can happen. Its never happened to me....yet. In terms of that "queef" (if that is thr right term) thing, my friend once showed me a porn blooper of a guy going down on the girl in a scene from behind and she farted. God she must of been embarrassed. If I was with a girl and she farted while in the moment I would try to ignore it, unless it was really obvious and I would probably laugh while she was like . I would just prey it doesnt smell or i will also be like
  18. Get the gym 5 times a week. Train body parts like this: Monday: Chest/back/shoulders Tuesday: Arms- Biceps/triceps Wednesday: Legs Thursday: Chest/back/shoulders Friday: Arms- Biceps/triceps. Exercises for chest Bench press/ dumbfell flies Exercises for back Reverse fly (traps)/ wide grip pull ups touching bar with back of neck (lats)/ deadlift Exercises for shoulders: See website below Exercises for biceps Barbell curls / dumbell curls / hammer curls Exercises for triceps Tricep kickbacks / Cable pull downs Great exercise for the whole upper body is press ups. Close grip press ups (hands touching each other elbows facing back) really works triceps and back. Wide grip (shoulder width apart or more) works the chest harder instead of the triceps. Exercises for legs U sound like u have some tone already and u just need some more explosion power in them. Leg presses which are great for the Quads. U can also use just your toes to firm up your calf muscles. (good to start with as seat helps keep back straight) / Squats U could try a different muscle each day instead of a couple, but u really havent much time. Having said that, try to do 2-3 exercises for each muscle and try not to spend more than an hour there. Heres a useful website: link removed Up your protein intake (preferably get a powder supplement), try to get more good calories in you from carbs to boost your energy levels. Get more sleep. Drink more water. Word of warning , putting on muscle also tends to put on some fat as u need the extra calories to build muscle and of course the extra calories also tend to add some fat.
  19. When did u start masturbating? I know when I first started I couldn't cum. Im not sure if I just wasen't develop enough or I just wasent doing it in a way that satisfied me enough. I started at 13 I think and took about a half a year before I finally could cum. Just give it some time. GL.
  20. lol, how u think us guys feel. Some of us feel bad enough about our size, let alone getting it out in front of other people who can see u. Its very common for guys to struggle to pee when others are next to them. I use to have real difficulty being able to go. I mean, your literally right next to people, people on either side of you. Its awful. Im not so bad now, I just stare at the wall in front and try to forget others are there. Its been proven nearly every guy takes longer to release his urine in a public toilet than in private. It would be swell to be able to pee in a cubicle, u girls should try going for pees while every1 can see u like us guys do
  21. Tell her if she wants u to live for more than 1 year to only do it once a night
  22. And we question why there are so many under age pregnancies? Use a condom! If he won't, then he doesn't care enough about u.
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